1password windows and mac

  1. How to move your 1Password data to a new computer or device
  2. Move your data with your 1Password account
  3. Move your data with iCloud or Dropbox
  4. Important
  5. Move data between two Apple devices: iCloud
  6. Move data between devices on different platforms: Dropbox
  7. Move your data with a USB flash drive
  8. Important
  9. Old computer: Sync a vault to a USB flash drive
  10. New computer: Load a vault from a USB flash drive
  11. Old computer: Sync a vault to a USB flash drive
  12. New computer: Load a vault from a USB flash drive
  13. 1password windows and mac
  14. Подробнее о 1Password для Mac ›
  15. Установите 1Password в своем браузере
  16. Хотите испытать что-то новое?
  17. Используете более старую модель компьютера?
  18. Get started with 1Password
  19. Learn how to create a 1Password account or join a family account, set up the apps, save and fill passwords, and more.
  20. Set up 1Password
  21. Sign up
  22. Get the apps
  23. Save, fill, and change your passwords
  24. Learn more
  25. Get to know the apps
  26. Share with others
  27. Create additional vaults
  28. Find the 1Password that’s right for your team
  29. Personal & Family
  30. Team & Business
  31. Teams
  32. Business
  33. Enterprise
  34. Secrets Automation
  35. Starts at $29/mo
  36. Trusted by 80,000 businesses
  37. Contact us today to set up a demo or get a custom quote.
  38. Teams
  39. Business
  40. Enterprise
  41. Get to know 1Password in your browser
  42. Save a login
  43. Fill logins and other items
  44. Use a suggested password
  45. Create a custom password
  46. Search 1Password
  47. View and edit items
  48. Use drag and drop to fill in apps
  49. Fill two-factor authentication codes
  50. Switch accounts and vaults
  51. Use Watchtower
  52. Lock 1Password
  53. Manage your settings
  54. Get help
  55. If you don’t see the 1Password icon in your browser’s toolbar
  56. If your browser’s built-in password manager is interfering with 1Password
  57. If you use different passwords for additional 1Password accounts

How to move your 1Password data to a new computer or device

Move your data with your 1Password account

If you have a 1Password account, sign in on your new device and all your items will be there.

To sign in on a new device, you’ll need your Secret Key. You can find it in your Emergency Kit, or in 1Password on your authorized devices.

Don’t have a 1Password membership? Try one free. After you have your new account, move your existing 1Password data to it.

Move your data with iCloud or Dropbox


Before you get started, make a backup of your 1Password data. Afterward, make sure your data is on your new device before you delete it from an old one.

If you don’t have a 1Password account, the easiest way to migrate your data is to sync 1Password with iCloud or Dropbox. Set up sync on your old device before you set it up on your new device.

Move data between two Apple devices: iCloud

Migrate your data by syncing with iCloud in 1Password 6 or later on any Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

Only your Primary vault syncs with iCloud. If you have multiple vaults, use Dropbox or a USB flash drive to move your 1Password data to your new device.

Move data between devices on different platforms: Dropbox

Migrate your data by syncing with Dropbox. This is perfect for folks with a Windows PC, Android device, multiple vaults, or 1Password 5 or earlier.

Move your data with a USB flash drive


Before you get started, make a backup of your 1Password data. Afterward, make sure your data is on your new device before you delete it from an old one.

To move your data from one computer to another without the Internet, use a USB flash drive. If you have multiple vaults, repeat these steps for each vault.

Old computer: Sync a vault to a USB flash drive

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into a USB port on your Mac.
  2. Open and unlock 1Password, then choose Preferences > Sync.
  3. Select the vault you want to migrate, then choose Folder from the drop-down menu on the right.
  4. In the file browser, navigate to the USB flash drive, then click Open.
  5. Click Create New to save your data to the USB flash drive.

New computer: Load a vault from a USB flash drive

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into a USB port on your Mac.
  2. Open 1Password on your Mac.
  3. Click More Options below “Used 1Password before?” on the Welcome screen, then click “Search my Mac”.
  4. Click “Pick a different location” on the next screen, then click “Choose a file on my Mac”.
  5. Click Choose File and navigate to the USB flash drive.
  6. Select the OPVault file (ending in .opvault), then click Open.
  7. Enter your Master Password on the lock screen.
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The new vault on your Mac will be kept in sync with the file on your USB flash drive. If you prefer not to sync, choose Preferences > Sync, select the vault, and choose None from the Sync menu.

These instructions require Windows 7 or later and 1Password 4 for Windows.

Old computer: Sync a vault to a USB flash drive

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into a USB port on your PC.
  2. Locate your existing Agile Keychain or OPVault in Windows Explorer.
  3. Copy the .agilekeychain or .opvault folder to the USB flash drive.

New computer: Load a vault from a USB flash drive

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into a USB port on your PC.
  2. Navigate in Windows Explorer to the Agile Keychain or OPVault on the USB flash drive and move it to your preferred location on your hard drive.
  3. Open 1Password and click “I have used 1Password before” on the Welcome screen.
  4. Navigate to the location of the Agile Keychain or OPVault on your hard drive and double-click it. You’ll see the lock screen.
  5. Enter your Master Password.

After you set up 1Password on your new computer, get 1Password in your browser to save passwords and sign in to websites.

1password windows and mac

Требуется macOS High Sierra 10.13 или новее. Включает расширение Safari.
Примечания к версии

Подробнее о 1Password для Mac ›

Если вы не знакомы с 1Password, узнайте, как использовать Mac приложение для управления паролями, кредитными картами, защищенными заметками и не только.

Установите 1Password в своем браузере

1Password работает на любых устройствах, на которых работаете вы, включая Linux и Chrome OS. Вы сможете легко входить в аккаунты на сайтах, использовать предложенные пароли и находить необходимую информацию. Все данные в вашем распоряжении.

  • Установить
  • Установить
  • Установить
  • Установить

Включено с 1Password 7

Хотите испытать что-то новое?

Если вы всегда хотите получать самые новые, самые лучшие версии — скачайте последнюю бета-версию 1Password.

Бета-версии все еще находятся в разработке, поэтому при работе с ними возможно возникновение ошибок и багов. Но не волнуйтесь, ваши данные все равно будут оставаться под надежной защитой, как и всегда.

Требуется macOS High Sierra 10.13 или новее.

Требуется последняя версия Chrome, Edge или Brave.

Требуется последняя версия Firefox.

Используете более старую модель компьютера?

Если вы используете более старую версию Windows или macOS, вы также можете скачать более ранние, автономные версии 1Password.

Помните, что эти версии уже не поддерживаются и для них доступны только важные обновления, касающиеся безопасности.

OS X El Capitan 10.11, OS X Yosemite 10.10

OS X Mavericks 10.9, OS X Mountain Lion 10.8

Get started with 1Password

Learn how to create a 1Password account or join a family account, set up the apps, save and fill passwords, and more.

Set up 1Password

1Password keeps you safe online and automatically saves and fills your passwords for you.

Sign up

To get started, decide whether you want to use 1Password with your family or individually.

  • Family: Ask the person who created your family account to invite you. If you’ll be creating the account, get started with 1Password Families.
  • Individual: Sign up on 1Password.com.

You’ll get an email to confirm your account. Then you can choose a strong Master Password, which you’ll use to unlock 1Password.

Get the apps

1Password is available on all your devices, so you’ll always have all your information with you. Any changes you make on one device are immediately available everywhere else.

There’s also a lot more you can do with the apps, like filling passwords automatically, so you should set up the apps right after you sign up.

Save, fill, and change your passwords

After you install the 1Password apps, you can start using 1Password in your browser to automatically save and fill passwords on all the sites you visit on the web.

But the most important thing to do is to use 1Password to change your passwords and make them stronger. Now that you have everything set up, you can get started on that now!

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Learn more

After you’ve mastered the basics, there’s a lot more you can do with 1Password.

Get to know the apps

If you’re new to 1Password, learn how to use the apps to manage your passwords, credit cards, secure notes, and more.

Share with others

Vaults are containers for items like your passwords and documents. Your Private vault is where you’ll keep personal items you don’t want to share, like your email password.

If you invite people to your family account, you’ll see a Shared vault for items everyone in your family needs access to, like your Wi-Fi and Netflix passwords.

To share something with everyone in your family, create an item in your Shared vault or move an item to it.

Create additional vaults

You can create additional vaults to organize your information. You can also use vaults you create to share some items with only certain people, like your spouse but not your kids.

And not everyone who can view a vault needs to be able to edit it. You get to decide who can make changes.

Find the 1Password that’s right for your team

Personal & Family

Team & Business


All the apps and everything you need to secure your team.

per user monthly


Flexibility and control for your advanced business needs

per user monthly

Includes free family accounts and access to Advanced Protection


All the Business features plus services for your large enterprise.

Plans are $USD per user per month when billed annually.

  • Included in 1Password Teams
  • Apps for Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Linux, and Chrome OS
  • Unlimited shared vaults and item storage
  • Admin controls to view and manage permissions
  • Two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection
  • Duo integration for business-wide multi-factor authentication
  • Friendly 24/7 email support
  • 1 GB document storage per person
  • 5 guest accounts for limited sharing
  • Included in 1Password Business
  • Apps for Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, Linux, and Chrome OS
  • Unlimited shared vaults and item storage
  • Admin controls to view and manage permissions
  • Two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection
  • Duo integration for business-wide multi-factor authentication
  • VIP Support
  • 5 GB document storage per person
  • 20 guest accounts for limited sharing
  • Custom security controls with Advanced Protection
  • Fine-grained access control for each vault
  • Free family accounts for all team members
    $60 value per person
  • Activity Log for tracking changes to vaults and items
  • Custom roles to design and delegate responsibility
  • Usage reports for creating an audit trail
  • Custom groups to organize teams
  • Provisioning with Active Directory, Okta, and OneLogin

Secrets Automation

Secure, orchestrate, and manage your company’s infrastructure secrets with 1Password Secrets Automation.

Starts at $29/mo

Trusted by 80,000 businesses

Contact us today to set up a demo or get a custom quote.


All the apps and everything you need to secure your team.

per user monthly


Flexibility and control for your advanced business needs

per user monthly

Includes free family accounts and access to Advanced Protection


All the Business features plus services for your large enterprise.

Plans are $USD per user per month when billed annually.

Get to know 1Password in your browser

1Password works everywhere you do. Easily sign in to sites, use suggested passwords, and find what you need. Everything is available at your fingertips.

Get 1Password for:

If you’re using Safari, get to know 1Password for Safari.

Save a login

To save a login, enter your username and password. Then choose Save in 1Password.

To update an incorrect or incomplete login, make your changes, then choose Save in 1Password and click Update.

Fill logins and other items

To fill an item, click and choose it.

If 1Password suggests more than one item, you can use the arrow keys to select the one you want.

Or start typing to find it.

Use a suggested password

1Password suggests strong passwords when you’re changing a password or signing up for a new account.

To use a suggested password, click in a password field and choose UseВ SuggestedВ Password.

Create a custom password

You can use the 1Password pop-up to create custom passwords. To open the pop-up, click in your browser’s toolbar.

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To create a custom password, click and choose Password Generator.

Adjust the settings for your new password, then copy it to the clipboard or fill it on the page.

To see all the passwords you’ve created, click Generator History below the password generator.

Search 1Password

Searching is the fastest way to find what you need in 1Password.

To search in 1Password, open the pop-up and start typing.

To cancel the current search, click or press Esc.

View and edit items

To view an item’s details, click it. Or use the arrow keys to select it.

To mark an item as a favorite, click .

To copy any field, click it.

To open the pop-up in a new window, click .

To show a field in large type, click to the right of it, then click Large.

To reveal a password, click to the right of it, then click Reveal. Or press Control-Option (or CtrlВ +В Alt) to reveal all passwords in the item details.

To edit an item, click Edit. The item will open in a new tab, where you can add tags or custom fields, move it, or delete it.

Use drag and drop to fill in apps

To fill in an app, drag your login details from 1Password to it. For example, drag your password to the password field in the app.

You can also use drag and drop in your browser. Fill answers to security questions, membership numbers, and more.

Fill two-factor authentication codes

You can use 1Password as an authenticator for a site that supports two-factor authentication. First, find the site on 2fa.directory and follow the instructions to turn on two-factor authentication for the site.

When you see a QR code for 1Password to scan, click to scan it.

Switch accounts and vaults

To see a list of your accounts and vaults, click > Vaults.

To see everything, click All Vaults. To see only the items for a specific account or vault, click it.

To set which vaults are included when you view All Vaults, click next to All Vaults, then adjust the vaults under Accounts and Vaults.

Use Watchtower

Watchtower tells you about password breaches and other security problems on the websites you have saved in 1Password.

If any of your items require action, you’ll see an alert banner with more information at the top of the item in 1Password.

To get alerted when a website you have an account for is added to Watchtower, click > Settings. Then turn on “Watchtower alerts”.

Lock 1Password

When you’re done using 1Password in your browser, you can lock it. To lock 1Password, click > LockВ 1Password.

1Password will automatically lock when:

  • you quit the browser
  • you don’t use your computer for a certain amount of time
  • your computer sleeps

Manage your settings

To manage your settings, click > Settings. You’ll be able to:

  • Change your auto-lock settings
  • Check for vulnerable passwords
  • Change the language
  • Adjust the toolbar button appearance
  • Change which item list 1Password opens with
  • Allow notifications
  • Set a keyboard shortcut to open the pop-up
  • Adjust how 1Password behaves on web pages
  • Add and remove accounts; adjust All Vaults
  • Make 1Password the default password manager

Get help

If you don’t see the 1Password icon in your browser’s toolbar

If the 1Password icon is missing from your browser toolbar, you can customize the toolbar to make it visible.

If your browser’s built-in password manager is interfering with 1Password

If your browser’s built-in password manager is interfering with 1Password, you can turn it off. Click in your browser’s toolbar, then click > Settings, and turn on “Make 1Password the default password manager”.

If you use different passwords for additional 1Password accounts

When you unlock 1Password in your browser, only accounts using the same password are unlocked. To unlock an account that has a different password, lock 1Password, then unlock it using the password for that account.

To make sure you always have access to your 1Password accounts, use the same password for all of them. If you signed up for accounts with different passwords, you can change them.

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