Abyss web server php linux

Abyss web server php linux

The latest version is Abyss Web Server X1 (version

Download Abyss Web Server X1 for Windows (3167 KB)
The setup package contains both 64 and 32-bit editions.
Download Abyss Web Server X1 for macOS (5897 KB)
Universal 2 Binary with native support for 64-bit Intel and ARM-based Macs.
Download Abyss Web Server X1 for Linux (3670 KB)
The setup package contains both 64 and 32-bit editions.

Installation Instructions

If you are upgrading from a previous version, please read the following section.

For Windows Double-click on the downloaded package to start the installation. For macOS Double-click on the downloaded file to open the package, and read the Installation Instructions file. For Linux When the download is over, read «Installation instructions (Linux version)» to learn how to setup the software.

Upgrading Instructions

Upgrading the Windows version To upgrade from a previous version, double-click on the downloaded package, and follow the on-screen instructions. Upgrading the macOS version To upgrade from a previous version, double-click on the downloaded file to open the package, shutdown the previous version of Abyss Web Server if it is running, open the Abyss Web Server folder, do not change or delete any file inside that folder except the old Abyss Web Server application bundle (the blue swirl icon) which you should replace with the new one you’ll find in the downloaded package. After the copy is over, restart Abyss Web Server. Upgrading the Linux version After downloading the new package, read «Upgrading instructions (Linux version)» to learn how to upgrade the software.


Abyss Web Server is packaged with its full documentation in HTML format. Aprelium makes it also available in several other formats (PDF, Online HTML, and packaged HTML). For more information, please check our documentation section.

Technical Support

Aprelium provides free and unlimited technical support for Abyss Web Server. Browse Help & Support for more information.

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Abyss web server php linux

Abyss Web Server supports all PHP releases including all the PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 versions.

On Windows

Important note

If you plan to install PHP 7 or 8 on Windows, we highly recommend using our preconfigured PHP 7 or PHP 8 packages instead of following the generic PHP setup instructions below. It is easier, faster, and less error prone.

Download and install PHP

  • Download PHP for Windows from https://windows.php.net/download/ and install or copy its files on your hard drive.
  • If you are using an old version of PHP and asked during the installation process about the type of your web server, choose None (or other web server), I will configure the web server manually and proceed.

Declare the interpreter

  • Open Abyss Web Server’s console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support.

If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version.

  • Select Scripting Parameters.
  • Check Enable Scripts Execution.
  • Press Add in the Interpreters table.
  • Set Interface to FastCGI (Local - Pipes).
  • In the Interpreter field, press Browse. , go to the directory where you have installed PHP and click on php-cgi.exe.
  • Set Type to Standard.
  • Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths.
  • Press Add in the Associated Extensions table.
  • Enter php in the Extension field and press OK.
  • Press OK
  • Press OK in the Scripting Parameters dialog.
  • Declare new index files

    • Select Index Files.
    • Press Add in the Index Files table.
    • Enter index.php in the File Name field and press OK.

    Apply the modifications

    • Press Restart to restart the server.

    On macOS

    Download and install PHP

    49 MB). It is a notarized package containing the FastCGI/CGI Interpreter version of PHP 8.0.10 with the following built-in extensions: bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, dom, filter, hash, intl, json, libxml, odbc, pcre, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, SPL, SQLite, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, and zlib. Support for ftp, iconv, mbstring, GD, PDO, SQLite, MySQL, and MySQLi is also turned on by default.
    The package targets both 64-bit Intel and ARM-based Macintosh computers powered by macOS 10.9 and later (including Catalina 10.15 and Big Sur 11.) It will also run natively on recently released Apple M1-powered computers.
    The package was built for your convenience by Aprelium and uses by default /Applications/PHP8/lib/php.ini as its configuration file. Custom extra configuration files could also be placed inside the sub-folder /Applications/PHP8/etc/php.d/.

  • Double-click on the downloaded package file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your hard drive. This will setup or upgrade PHP inside the folder PHP8 located in your Applications folder.
  • If you have an old version of Mac OS X, or need an old version of PHP for compatibilty reasons, you can still use the legacy versions from our Downloads section. Installation and configuraton instructions are similar to those of the latest PHP version.
  • Declare the interpreter

    • Open Abyss Web Server’s console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support.

    If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version.

  • Select Scripting Parameters.
  • Check Enable Scripts Execution.
  • Press Add in the Interpreters table.
  • Set Interface to FastCGI (Local - Pipes).
  • Enter /Applications/PHP8/bin/php-cgi in the Interpreter field. If you are using a version of PHP 7, enter /Applications/PHP7/bin/php-cgi instead. For legacy versions of PHP 5, you may need to enter /Applications/PHP5/bin/php as the interpreter.
  • Set Type to Standard.
  • Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths.
  • Press Add in the Associated Extensions table.
  • Enter php in the Extension field and press OK.
  • Press OK
  • Press OK in the Scripting Parameters dialog.
  • Declare a new index file

    • Select Index Files.
    • Press Add in the Index Files table.
    • Enter index.php in the File Name field and press OK.

    Apply the modifications

    • Press Restart to restart the server.

    On Linux

    Download and install PHP

    • Most Linux distributions come with PHP. To check if it is installed, execute which php-cgi or which php. If not installed, set it up as follows:
      • On Ubuntu/Debian, execute on the command line sudo apt-get install php8.0-cgi or sudo apt-get install php7.4-cgi.
      • On Red Hat/RHEL/Fedora/CentOS, execute on the command line sudo yum install php-cli.
      • On other distributions, use the package manager of your system to install a package named php8-cgi, php7-cgi, php-cgi, php-cli or similar.
    • To determine which PHP version is installed, execute php-cgi -v or php -v.

    Declare the interpreter

    • Open Abyss Web Server’s console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support.

    If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version.

  • Select Scripting Parameters.
  • Check Enable Scripts Execution.
  • Press Add in the Interpreters table.
  • Set Interface to FastCGI (Local - Pipes).
  • In the Interpreter field, press Browse. , go to /usr/bin or to the directory where you have installed PHP and click on the file called php-cgi. If no such file exists, click on the file which name is php.
  • Set Type to Standard.
  • Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths.
  • Press Add in the Associated Extensions table.
  • Enter php in the Extension field and press OK.
  • Press OK
  • Declare a new index file

    • Select Index Files.
    • Press Add in the Index Files table.
    • Enter index.php in the File Name field and press OK.

    Apply the modifications

    • Press Restart to restart the server.

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    Abyss web server php linux

    Abyss Web Server is a compact web server available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

    Despite its small footprint, it supports HTTP/2, secure SSL/TLS connections (HTTPS), automated provisioning and renewal of free certificates from Let’s Encrypt В® (ACME v2), IPv6, on-the-fly HTTP compression, dynamic content generation through CGI/FastCGI scripts, ISAPI extensions, native ASP.NET, HTTP/HTTPS/WebSocket reverse proxying, eXtended Side Includes (XSSI), custom error pages, password protection, IP address control, anti-leeching, bandwidth throttling, and log rotation.

    It also features an automatic antihacking system as well as a multilingual remote web management interface that makes its configuration as easy as browsing a web site.

    Major features All the Features

    Supported operating systems

    All editions (64 and 32-bit) of Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, and XP
    All editions (64 and 32-bit) of Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008, Home Server, and 2003
    macOS 11 (Big Sur), macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 10.14 (Mojave), macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.12 (Sierra), Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.10 (Yosemite), and 10.9 (Mavericks) on all 64-bit Intel-based and all ARM-based Apple Silicon Macintosh computers.
    Linux for Intel x64 (64-bit) and x86 (32-bit)
    Any Linux distribution released after 2006 — requires GLIBC 2.4 or later and Linux kernel 2.4 or later

    Available in two editions

    Depending on your use and your needs, you may choose one of the two available editions (what’s the difference?): Abyss Web Server X1В Free Download Free personal edition. It isn’t a trial version or a demo. It is a fully usable personal web server with no limitations, no nag screens, no spyware, and no advertisements. Abyss Web Server X2В Buy Now Professional edition priced at USВ $59.95. It is a professional web server which comes with 1 year of update protection (includes free access to new versions and priority technical support).

    Screenshots More

    Learn more

    Abyss Web Server X1 vs. Abyss Web Server X2 View the features summary and learn about the differences between the personal and the professional edition. Overview of Abyss Web Server capabilities Find out about the major features of Abyss Web Server. Abyss Web Server users & customers Abyss Web Server X1 is used worldwide and X2 customers are from more than 75 countries. Abyss Web Server in the media Some of the books, reviews, and publications featuring Abyss Web Server. Getting Started 5 minutes is all you need to read this tutorial and start using Abyss Web Server. Press Information Official information about the software for journalists and editors. Support Abyss Web Server! Useful recommendations for Abyss Web Server fans.

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    Abyss web server php linux

    macOS specific issues

    Linux specific issues

    General Questions

    1.В I have lost my console access login and password. How can I recover them?

    You cannot recover them but you can reset them as explained below:

    • Stop Abyss Web Server if it is running.
    • Open in a text editor (for example Windows Notepad, macOS Textpad, vi, GEdit or KEdit) the configuration file abyss.conf usually located in the Abyss Web Server installation directory.
    • In the lines between and , locate the line enclosed between

    and delete it. This line should be made of a combination of letters and digits as in a5a3a15d71c3d07b94ef96a25c480737.

  • Save abyss.conf and close the text editor.
  • Start Abyss Web Server.
  • Open the console. You will be asked to choose new access credentials.
  • 2.В People cannot connect to my web server. What can I do?

    The problem is that something between your computer and other people computers is blocking TCP/IP traffic. Following is a non-exhaustive list of possible causes:

    • If you are using Windows XP or later, configure the integrated firewall to allow incoming traffic on the web port:
      • Open the Windows Control Panel,
      • Select the Networking section and open the properties of your network interface,
      • Select the Advanced tab and press the Parameters button in the bottom of the panel.

      A dialog where you can allow incoming connection to some ports is displayed. If Abyss Web Server uses port 80, check the Web Server (HTTP) line. If it uses another port, press Add. and enter this port number. Select TCP, fill the other parameters according to the displayed descriptions, and validate.

    • If you have a firewall or an anti-hacking software, configure them to allow incoming connections on the web port;
    • If you have a router, configure it in order to allow incoming traffic on the web port. Refer to the documentation that comes with your hardware to know how to do so. Please do not ask our technical support about how to do that with your router as this is hardware-dependant and we cannot give you support for what we have not designed (ask the router vendor instead or read the manuals.)
    • Some ISPs are known to block incoming traffic on some ports such as port 80 (default web port). Please ask your ISP about that restriction. If it is the case, configure your web server to use another web port (for example 8000 or 8080.)

    To configure the web port, open the console. Next, in the Hosts table, press the Configure button associated with your host, select General and change the Port and/or Secure Port settings. We also strongly suggest that you read the article Making your site accessible from the Internet for more information.

    3.В My web site is now up and running. But how can I have an address such as www.my-web-site.com?

    Please refer to the article Making your site accessible from the Internet if you are using the personal edition Abyss Web Server X1.

    If you are using the professional edition Abyss Web Server X2, please refer to the article Using virtual hosting on Abyss Web Server X2.

    4.В Does Abyss Web Server support FrontPage Server Extensions?

    Abyss Web Server doesn’t support FrontPage Server Extensions. You should use a regular scripting language (such as PHP, Perl or ASP) if you want to have the features these extensions provide (simple forms, counters, etc. )

    FrontPage Server Extensions are a proprietary set of extensions designed by Microsoft and are only supported in its products. It is hard to support them in Abyss Web Server for both technical and legal reasons.

    5.В How can I use FrontPage to create a web site for Abyss Web Server?

    Although Abyss Web Server does not support FrontPage Extensions, you can still design your web site with FrontPage and host it on the web server without any problem. All you have to do is to configure FrontPage to generate standard HTML code and to disable the specific widgets that require these extensions (these widgets are those you can add from the Web Components option in the Insert menu.)

    To design your web site using FrontPage (and to avoid any problem with these extensions), open FrontPage, select Page Options inside the Tools menu. Then select the Compatibility tab. Select Custom in the Servers list and uncheck Enabled with MS FrontPage Server Extensions. Press OK to validate.

    6.В How can I control whether Abyss Web Server should start when a Windows session starts or not?

    Click on the Abyss Web Server icon (the blue swirl icon) in the system tray and choose Restore from the displayed pop-up menu. Then in the restored main window select Startup Configuration in the Server menu and change the startup mode in the displayed dialog.

    7.В When I replace some pages or images hosted by the server, I still get the old ones when I browse my web site.

    This is usually caused by the browser which continues to display pages and images taken from its cache instead of getting a fresh copy from the server. Try Refreshing the page, if this does not help, force a full refresh of the page by pressing F5 or CTRL+R or ⌘+R depending on your browser and operating system.

    Alternatively change the caching policy of your browser or flush its cache.

    8.В I have correctly configured a custom error page. But when I test it, I still get the original error page.

    If the error page you see does not have the Powered by Abyss Web Server signature, chances are that your browser is displaying a friendly error page instead of the one sent by the server.

    So configure your browser to not show these friendly error pages. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, select Internet Options in the Tools menu, go to the Advanced tab, and uncheck Show friendly HTTP error messages in Browsing. In Opera, open the Preferences dialog and check Always show the server errors.

    9.В Is there a way to disable listings for some directories and to enable it for the rest?

    Starting from Abyss Web Server version 2.0.6, you can configure the scope of the directory listing feature by allowing and denying listing for specific virtual paths. Refer to the Directory Listing section in the user’s manual for more information.

    Scripting Questions

    1.В Abyss Web Server displays the source code of my script instead of executing it. What’s wrong?

    Before running a script, you must install the support for its interpreter (the language it is written with which could be PHP, Perl, ASP, etc.) according to the instructions provided in the main support page.

    If the interpreter support is correctly set, open Abyss Web Server’s console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the corresponding host, and select Scripting Parameters. In the displayed screen, Enable Scripts Execution must be checked and the script must be in one of the Scripting Paths (or their sub-paths).

    2.В I am installing a script and I read in its setup guide that I must chmod some files. How can I do that?

    Chmod-ing is not related to the web server. It is rather related to your operating system.

    On Windows, there is no support for chmod. You can only set a file to be read-only or writable. So in the general case, do not worry about chmod-ing files on Windows, ignore these instructions and your scripts will run with no problems.

    On Linux and macOS, you should use the chmod system command. For more information, open a terminal window or a shell, type man chmod, and press the Return key to learn how to use this command.

    3.В What’s the difference between the CGI and the ISAPI interfaces?

    Starting from version 2.0, Abyss Web Server supports dynamic documents generation through ISAPI extensions. ISAPI extensions are loaded on-demand and become resident in the server process space. This enhances significantly the performance as an extension is only loaded once and does not require any communication overhead with the server.

    At the contrary, CGI applications are loaded every time they are needed, are executed in another process, and communicate with the server using interprocess communication mechanisms to input and output data. CGI applications and interpreters are also usually easier to setup and more widely available.

    Since ISAPI extensions are loaded in the server process space, they can crash the whole server if they cause a critical error. This is not a problem with Abyss Web Server as it features an anticrash system which automatically restarts it if such a situation happens. But as a general rule, avoid using ISAPI extensions on a production server if they have not been well tested or if they do not come from a trusted source.

    4.В What’s the difference between the CGI and the FastCGI interfaces?

    Starting from version 2.3, Abyss Web Server features support for applications and interpreters conforming to the FastCGI specification.

    A FastCGI application or interpreter is loaded when needed by the web server, it executes a script, and sends its output back to the server. But instead of having its process automatically unloaded from the system as with CGI, it remains in sleeping state waiting for another request from the web server.

    When the server needs it to process another script, it will simply send a request to the already loaded FastCGI process. This boosts significantly the performance as a FastCGI interpreter or application once loaded can process an unlimited number requests which saves the overhead of process loading/unloading incurred with CGI.

    5.В What’s the difference between the FastCGI and the ISAPI interfaces?

    FastCGI interpreters and applications deliver performances comparable to (if not better than) their ISAPI extensions counterparts. Because they run in another process, they cannot affect the server and crash it if they have problems. This makes their use not prone to stability problems ISAPI extensions may cause.

    Databases Support

    1.В How can I install MySQL support in Abyss Web Server?

    Web servers and database servers are generally independent and do not connect directly. It is the scripts responsibility to do such a connection and to use or store data. Of course, these scripts are invoked by the server and run by the suitable interpreter (PHP or Perl for example.)

    As a consequence, install MySQL as explained in http://www.mysql.com, then write or install scripts that can use it.

    Below are two tutorials contributed by Abyss Web Server users that are worth reading:

    • Installing MySQL
    • Installing PhpMyAdmin to administer MySQL from the web

    2.В Does Abyss Web Server support database X (MySQL, Access, Oracle, etc.)?

    Database support is independent from the web server. Actually the web server invokes scripts and they are these scripts that connect to the database and use it.

    In other words, it is up to your script and to the script interpreter (PHP, Perl, or ASP for example) to connect to the database (MySQL, Access, Oracle, or whatever database you use.)

    Since Abyss Web Server is able to run PHP, Perl, ASP, and many other languages, database scripting is possible. For more information about how connect to a database, refer to the documentation of the scripting language you use.

    File Uploading

    1.В How can I FTP files to the web server?

    Abyss Web Server is only a web server and does not include an FTP server. For more information about uploading files to the web server, please read the answer to the following question.

    2.В How can I upload my web site files to the web server?

    You do not need to upload files if you have direct access to the computer on which the server runs. Actually you can simply use Explorer (on Windows), Finder (macOS), your usual shell, or any file management utility to copy files to your Documents Path directory (which is by default the htdocs/ sub-directory in the Abyss Web Server installation directory.)

    If you want to upload files remotely, there are many scripts that can help you doing so (without requiring an FTP server.) Most of them are called File manager scripts or Upload scripts. We recommend using Web File Browser which is very simple to install and only requires that you add PHP support to Abyss Web Server. You can also find many other alternatives in script repositories sites.

    If you want to upload files remotely using an FTP client, you must install an FTP server and make the Documents Path directory accessible for writing. You can find many FTP servers on CNet Download.com by searching for FTP server.

    SSL certificates issues

    1.В I am trying to generate a certificate/CSR and the UK is not availble in the country codes list. Have you forgot it?

    It is not an omission. The 2-letter country code of the United Kingdom is GB. Please check the official ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes listing for more details.

    Windows specific issues

    1.В Can I run Abyss Web Server as a service on Windows?

    Yes. You can configure Abyss Web Server to start at your computer boot up and to run in the background even if no user is logged on.

    To do so, click on the Abyss Web Server icon (the blue swirl icon) in the system tray and choose Restore from the displayed pop-up menu. Then in the restored main window select Startup Configuration in the Server menu and change the startup mode to Install as a Windows Service and check Start automatically on computer startup.

    macOS specific issues

    1.В Can I run Abyss Web Server at startup time on macOS?

    Yes. You can configure Abyss Web Server to start when your computer boots up and to run in the background even if no user is logged on.

    To do so, select Startup Configuration in the Server menu of Abyss Web Server and change the startup mode to Automatic startup on computer startup (Install as a Launch Daemon).

    Linux specific issues

    1.В Can I run Abyss Web Server as a daemon?

    Yes. Simply execute the autostart-setup script located inside Abyss Web Server’s installation directory.

    When installed as a daemon, Abyss Web Server will start when your computer boots up and will run in the background without requiring a user to be logged on.

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