Acer get windows key

Как узнать лицензионный ключ Microsoft Windows?

После замены винчестера на NVMe SSD вам так или иначе потребуется перенести на твердотельный накопитель операционную систему, в противном случае производительность компьютера не вырастет ни на йоту. Вот только в процессе клонирования диска или чистовой установки ОС может потребоваться лицензионный ключ. И если у обладателей retail-версии с этим не возникнет ровным счетом никаких проблем (код активации всегда можно найти внутри коробки с установочным DVD), то владельцев ПК или лэптопа с предустановленной Windows будет ожидать крайне неприятный сюрприз.

Лет 10 назад при покупке ноутбука или готового компьютера вы получали в свое распоряжение два диска: на одном из них находились необходимые драйверы, а на другом — дистрибутив операционной системы. Благодаря этому вы могли без труда переустановить Windows при возникновении каких-либо проблем программного характера или при замене системного накопителя, благо лицензионный ключ для активации ОС всегда можно было посмотреть на фирменной наклейке: обычно лейбл располагался на боковой или задней стенке корпуса ПК либо был приклеен к днищу лэптопа.

Времена изменились. Большинство современных машин вообще не оборудованы оптическими приводами, и в коробке с ноутбуком вы не найдете ни DVD, ни даже флешки с установочным образом операционной системы. А при осмотре корпуса максимум, что вы увидите, — логотип Windows без каких-либо дополнительных сведений о лицензии.

Сегодня производители готовых ПК и ноутбуков чаще всего поступают следующим образом:

  • лицензионный ключ «зашивается» непосредственно в UEFI, от глаз рядового пользователя он скрыт;
  • на системном накопителе создается раздел, содержащий бэкап операционной системы, — с его помощью компьютер или лэптоп можно вернуть к заводскому состоянию.

Это действительно удобно: вам больше не надо вбивать 25-значный код при переустановке операционной системы, да и о флешках с DVD можно навсегда забыть. Вот только у каждой медали есть и оборотная сторона. Стоит вам заменить жесткий диск на высокоскоростной SSD WD Black SN750 — и вы лишитесь дистрибутива Windows, а вместе с обновлением прошивки материнской платы может благополучно исчезнуть и ключ. Не говоря уже о том, что активация способна слететь даже после установки очередного апдейта из-за какого-нибудь бага.

Покупка новой лицензии взамен утраченной — перспектива не самая радужная (официальная цена Windows 10 Home составляет 199 долларов США, а Pro — и вовсе 289 долларов), поэтому мы настоятельно рекомендуем тщательно подготовиться к переходу на твердотельный накопитель, предварительно узнав заветную последовательность букв и цифр. Разберемся, как это сделать.

Извлекаем лицензионный ключ Windows из реестра с помощью скрипта

Данный способ является универсальным и подходит для Windows 7, 8.1 и 10. С помощью простого VBS-скрипта мы извлечем лицензионный ключ непосредственно из реестра операционной системы, куда он записывается в процессе активации.

1. Создайте в блокноте текстовый файл и скопируйте в него следующее:

Set WshShell = CreateObject(«WScript.Shell»)

regKey = «HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\»

DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & «DigitalProductId»)

WinProductName = «Windows Product Name: » & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & «ProductName») & vbNewLine

WinProductID = «Windows Product ID: » & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & «ProductID») & vbNewLine

strProductKey =»Windows Key: » & WinProductKey

WinProductID = WinProductName & WinProductID & strProductKey

regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin And 2) * 4)

Windows Product Key

I know the product key is embedded in the motherboard and I supposedly do not neet one. My Windows 8 became corrupted and after unsuccessfully trying to restore from the hidden partition I spent $20 to get the recovery media. Now when I start Windows it says I need a valid product key. I can’t get one because Acer doesn’t send out product keys since they are embedded in the system. So my question is how do I get Windows to recognize that I don’t need a product key?

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FAQ & Answers

The OEM version of windows does not prompt for a product key, you may try using the following steps to activate your copy of Windows 8:

If you have a unit from US or Canada, you may also live chat with an Acer technician at : Acer live chat

If you have purchased the computer in any other country, you may contact Acer support here : Acer Global Support

First, you’re correct the Windows key is injecting into the motherboard (this only applies to systems that shipped with Windows 8+).

The recovery media should not be asking for a product key, it’s just going to install the OS. What would happen then is that if the key is not available in the MB the system will not activate Windows causing you an issue. At what point in the installation is it asking for a key?

Acer-Cory — I get all the way through installation and then it reboots and starts Windows. After going through all of the Windows configuration that happens the first time you run Windows 8 it says that my version of Windows needs activated. When I click on activate it takes me to the activation screen and says my product key isn’t valid and I have to enter a valid product key. If I ignore this and try to run windows everything seems fine until I try to update Windows. It gets to the end of the update cycle and then says I don’t have a valid version of Windows and it undoes all of the changes. There is an option on the activation screen to purchase a key from Microsoft. That is $99 for something I already own but can’t properly activate.

Alright, good, so the install process is not asking for a key to continue and that is what I would expect.

Generally, this happens when the product key is being flagged by Microsoft, usually it will giving you a code at the bottom like Ox00000000FC (I just made that up). You should also have the option to register by phone. This is an automated process and not the same as calling Microsoft for support.

Acer-Cory I tried what you said and on the page where you are able to activate Windows there is no option to contact Microsoft or register by phone or anything like that. The only option is to purchase a new key. I didn’t see any code on the screen either. All I get is the product activation key is not valid and it shows XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-YYYYY where YYYYY is the last 5 digits of what it thinks my activation key is.

Someone out there has to know how to get to the product activation key that is stored in the BIOS. Anyone know how to get it? If I at least had a key maybe Microsoft could tell me why it can’t be activated.

Sorry WestMichigan, I didn’t see your last response.

Can you go to your system screen and provide us with a screenshot? Something’s not right, and trying to activate through the modern UI might be different.

Here’s what I see my Windows 8 tablet, obviously at the bottom where it says that mines is activated, it should say that yours isn’t.

How to install new hard drive and get windows key ?

I got an aspire v5-121-c72g32nkk.
I just updated to Windows 10, no sweat, but I would like to upgrade my HD drive to a SSD drive.

Can you pinpoint the steps to do that ?
Windows has been preinstalled, how do I reinstall it again on another drive ?
I don’t have any serial key or anything.
I’m a bit lost, do you have any idea ?

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Best Answer

there are many ways to do it, no one involve product keys, since

if you want to do a clean install:

windows 7-8-8.1 keys are embeeded on your BIOS

windows 10 uses a generic key when upgrading, so, you only need to skip steps asking about a product key and the first time you will connect to the web, it will authenticate.

you need to decide:

1) do a clean install of your factory OS

2) do a disk image — system image and reload it

3) do a clean install of windows 10

option 2 is the quickest at the end, since you will create a copy of your HDD and reload it to your PC.

you need a windows 10 bootable media (USB or DVD) and some space on external HDD.

FAQ & Answers

there are many ways to do it, no one involve product keys, since

if you want to do a clean install:

windows 7-8-8.1 keys are embeeded on your BIOS

windows 10 uses a generic key when upgrading, so, you only need to skip steps asking about a product key and the first time you will connect to the web, it will authenticate.

you need to decide:

1) do a clean install of your factory OS

2) do a disk image — system image and reload it

3) do a clean install of windows 10

option 2 is the quickest at the end, since you will create a copy of your HDD and reload it to your PC.

you need a windows 10 bootable media (USB or DVD) and some space on external HDD.

Windows 8.1 Product Key

Hi, I have Aspire V5-561G. I recover my windows with recovery partition. now windows is not activated and needs product key for activation. what can i do now? please help me. Thanks

Best Answer

please check your BIOS version and try to update, link to version 2.17:

re-apply the recovery, boot pressing ALT+F10 and reinstall the OS.

if you still have this issue, please contact your Acer support service.

FAQ & Answers

normally you don’t need any key to re-activate your deafult OS, try to click on activate and check if it connects to the internet and activate automatically.

Thanks for your attention, I try this but this error: This Product Key doesnt work. You need to get in touch with the store or company you bought windows from.

please check your BIOS version and try to update, link to version 2.17:

re-apply the recovery, boot pressing ALT+F10 and reinstall the OS.

if you still have this issue, please contact your Acer support service.

I would recommend you, to try to activate windows by phone:

You welcome.

I have the laptop Acer Aspire V17 nitro black edition — VN7-791G-76MH, it came with win 8.1 single language, i recently upgraded to win 10, and im having problems with windows 10, i want go back, to 8.1. but i cant reset the laptop, and i cant refresh, i downloade the media creation tool from microsoft. but i dont have the key to reinstall the 8.1. can you help me please.

My Windows 8 Product key

I’m Xarvaine Martina,
I bought a acer aspire e1-571 laptop for school,with windows 8 already on it.
3 Months later i bought the Operating System Crashed.
I’m sitting here with a pc here asking me for the product key.
I need help i kinda figured tht maybe if i send the pc details i might get the product key? Cause its no where on the box or the laptop

Thank you.

FAQ & Answers

Microsoft do not provide Windows 8 keys for preinstalled OEM versions (it is not necessary as the key is embedded). Consequently, a COA label is not issued. You simply need to execute ‘Acer Recovery Management’ at boot up with Alt + F10. (Note, any data will be lost as your machine will revert to its original shipped state.) A key will not be required.

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Yes, this recovery method is available on your machine too (assuming the recovery partition is present and valid).

I regret I am unable to respond other than through the forums.

iwant send me windows 8 product key for ace Aspire E1-531

If your E1-531 is an original pre-loaded Windows 8 laptop, then there is no product key for it. It is embedded in the UEFI/BIOS. When you reinstall Windows from your recovery partition or USB media it will automatically activate.

If you’re upgrading your E1-531 from Windows 7 to Windows 8, your product key will be with the disk you bought, or if it was a digital download, it will have been emailed to you.

Hope this helps!

We have a customer who’s dropped her laptop & now the hard drive is inaccessable (dead & unrecoverable) needing to be replaced (voiding the warranty obviously).

It’s an E1-531-B9604G50Mnks with a manufacture date of 2013/04/03

I’m sure the below problem will apply to quite a number of people, so to ask it here & to recieve an answer on this forum would be very helpful to all who follow behind I’d imagine.

  • If we install Windows 8 on her machine we are asked for a product key during the installation process.
  • How do we bypass this, will the BIOS automatically input it or do we need an OEM disk to perform this process.

Thanks in advance.

The embedded Windows 8 product key is an Acer OEM one. It will work if you have the recovery media. If you install a different copy of Windows 8, it should automatically ask for the product key, and you will need the product key that the different copy comes with.

As far as I’m aware, you cannot use the embedded one on a non Acer disk/media.

I have a Acer V3-551g I bought it last May from

I formatted the driver to install windows 7 because I wasn’t familiar with Win 8 and it was driving me nuts..

Well after a Year riddled with driver issues and compatibility issues. I’ve decided I want to go back to Windows 8

The laptop did not come with a CD nor a Serial # on the bottom of the laptop like Most OEM providers give..

What can I do to get a ISO of WIn 8 or installer? and my Serial # please? I need to format this laptop is running fairly poor at the moment.

I don’t see where it would be «embedded into the bios either» it’s a fairly basic stock BIOS.

You need to contact Acer and purchase recovery media. The embedded key will only work with Win8 supplied by Acer.

I don’t have the recovery partition. Is there other way to do it? I want restore my Acer W510 to factory state.

Assuming you can run windows still you can obtain you Windows licence key through running software like Belarc adivisor,

To put it as Acer did to me, if you didnt create recovery disks at some point, you are hooped unless you purchase them from Acer.

Note: The recovery partition becomes useless once you update from Win8 to Win8.1, so create a recovery set before updating.

Also Acer hasnt been very good about updating drivers to 8.1, and for the most part just ported the Win8 driver to their 8.1 listings. Unfortunately this doesnt always work completely. Noteably, the atheros SD card reader needs a proper update as functions like Readyboost will not function correctly , among others.

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