- Как открыть и использовать Windows 10 Action Center
- Центр действий Windows 10
- How to open and use Windows 10 Action Center
- Windows 10 Action Center
- Quick Actions
- Dismiss Notifications
- Windows 10 is getting a restyled Action Center from Windows 10X
- About Sergey Tkachenko
- 1 thought on “ Windows 10 is getting a restyled Action Center from Windows 10X ”
- Set Default Action for Shutdown Dialog in Windows 10
- About Sergey Tkachenko
- 13 thoughts on “ Set Default Action for Shutdown Dialog in Windows 10 ”
Как открыть и использовать Windows 10 Action Center
В этом посте мы увидим, где находится Центр действий в Windows 10 и как открыть и использовать Центр действий Windows 10. В этом посте также предлагается несколько шагов по устранению неполадок, которые вы можете попробовать, если обнаружите, что Центр действий Windows 10 не открывается или не работает.
Новый Центр уведомлений и действий в Windows 10 Anniversary Update выглядит великолепно. Центр поддержки состоит из двух основных разделов – Уведомления и Быстрые действия , и позволяет вам просматривать все уведомления из разных приложений, и даже система.
Центр действий Windows 10
Если вы используете последнюю версию Windows 10, вы найдете ее в крайнем правом углу панели задач. Нажмите на значок, чтобы открыть панель Центра поддержки.
Здесь, в верхнем конце, вы видите уведомления, но именно в нижнем конце вы можете видеть ярлыки, в которых находится Центр действий. Большинство из них на самом деле являются ярлыками для часто используемых настроек. Выбрав любой из них, вы открываете соответствующий раздел настроек.
Хотя Центр поддержки выглядит как простой инструмент, он очень полезен. Он хранит и сохраняет важные уведомления для просмотра в более позднее время. Поскольку уведомления являются важной функцией, определяющей Центр поддержки, важно, чтобы эта функция была включена постоянно.
Тем не менее, все может стать раздражающим, когда вы получаете множество уведомлений. При необходимости вы можете установить приоритет уведомлений или отключить уведомления. Для этого щелкните значок Центра поддержки, расположенный в правой части панели задач Windows.
Затем нажмите кнопку «Все настройки», выберите «Система», а затем Уведомления и действия.
Тумблеры переключаются на «Вкл» или «Выкл» для различных настроек приложения.
В дополнение к уведомлениям Windows 10 помещает «Быстрые действия» в Центр поддержки. Он позволяет быстро переключать «Режим планшета» и получать доступ к другим настройкам, таким как «Дисплей». Чтобы выбрать, какие быстрые действия будут отображаться в нижней части экрана вашего компьютера, нажмите значок Центра поддержки и выберите «Все настройки».
После этого выберите Система> Уведомления и действия и, наконец, ссылку «Добавить или удалить быстрые действия».
Здесь вы можете выбрать, какое быстрое действие должно появиться в Центре поддержки, и когда закончите, закройте окно, чтобы применить изменения.
Уведомления об увольнении
Беспорядок в Центре действий из-за отображения многих уведомлений можно в значительной степени свести к минимуму, отклонив их. Чтобы отклонить отдельные уведомления, нажмите значок «Центр действий» на панели задач и наведите курсор мыши на уведомление, которое вы хотите отклонить. Затем нажмите кнопку «Х», чтобы закрыть уведомление.
Надеюсь, это познакомит вас с Центром действий Windows 10.
Смотрите этот пост, если ваш Центр поддержки не открывается. Если вы не используете эту функцию, то в этом посте будет показано, как отключить Центр уведомлений и Action Center в Windows 10.
Эти ссылки могут также заинтересовать некоторых из вас:
- Как открыть панель управления в Windows 10
- Как открыть Internet Explorer в Windows 10.
How to open and use Windows 10 Action Center
In this post, we will see where is the Action Center in Windows 10, and how to open and use the Windows 10 Action Center. The post also suggests a few troubleshooting steps you may try if you find that the Windows 10 Action Center won’t open or is not working.
The new Notification & Action Center in Windows 10 looks great. The Action Center is split into two major sections – Notifications and Quick Actions and lets you take a look at all the notifications from all different apps, and even the system.
Windows 10 Action Center
If you are on the latest version of Windows 10, you will find in the extreme right corner of your taskbar. Click on the icon to open the Action Center panel.
Here in the top end, you see the notifications, but it is at the bottom end that you can see the shortcuts, which the Action Center houses. Most of these are actually shortcuts to frequently used settings. By choosing any of them, you open the relevant Settings section.
Although the Action Center comes across as a simple tool, it is very useful. It stores and retains important notification for viewing at a later time. Since Notifications are an important feature that defines the Action Center, it is essential to have this feature enabled all the time.
However, things can get irritating when you receive a barrage of notifications. If required, you can set the priority of Notifications or disable notifications. To do so, click the Action Center icon located on the right-hand side of the Windows taskbar.
Next, click the All Settings button, chose System and then, Notifications & Actions.
Toggle switches to ‘On’ or ‘Off’ for different app settings.
Quick Actions
In addition to notifications, Windows 10 puts the’ Quick Actions‘ in the Action Center. It enables you to switch ‘Tablet Mode‘ quickly and access other settings such as ‘Display’. To choose which Quick Actions appear at the bottom of your computer screen, hit the Action Center icon and select ‘All Settings’.
After that, select System > Notifications & actions and finally, ‘Add or Remove Quick Actions’ link.
Here, you can select which quick action should appear under Action Center and when done, close the window to apply the changes.
Dismiss Notifications
Cluttering in the Action Center due to the display of many notifications can be minimized to a great extent by dismissing them. To dismiss individual notifications, hit the Action Center icon on the taskbar and hover your mouse cursor over the notification you’d like to dismiss. Then, click the “X” button to dismiss the notification.
I hope this familiarizes you with the Windows 10 Action Center.
See these posts if your Action Center does not open or is missing. If you do not use this feature, then this post will show you how to disable Notification and Action Center in Windows 10.
Windows 10 is getting a restyled Action Center from Windows 10X
Microsoft is planning a major UI overhaul in the second half of 2021 known as the Sun Valley Project. For insiders, Windows 10 already shows the new appearance of controls and built-in apps on the desktop. Another change has affected pre-builds — the new design of the Action Center.
Here is how the updated Action Center looks.
The above screenshot features the following changes:
- A new header
- A different background
- A new collapse button
- Glyphs in the context menu
For comparison, this is what the current version looks like.
Windows 10X already has the new design for its internal builds. The most recent build of Windows 10X, which is Build 20280 as of this writing, is also notable for not having Mail and Calendar preinstalled.
Windows 10X was expected get its production-ready build in December 2020, and Microsoft is about to start shipping the first devices in North Amrerican Spring 2021. As you may remember, the initial release of the OS won’t include classic Win32 Desktop app support, so Microsoft may probably launch the Cloud PC app streaming service around that time to bring more apps to the OS.
The change of the visual look of the OS will affect all editions and versions of Windows 10.
That Microsoft is working to improve the look and feel of Windows 10 is no longer a secret. The project is known as Sun Valley. It’s already partially launched, and some Windows 10 apps have already started getting an updated user interface.
The company first enables these changes in Windows 10X, and then will bring them to «regular» Windows 10.
‘Sun Valley’ is expected to reach consumers in the Windows 10 «Cobalt» release scheduled for the holiday 2021 season, and expected to be Windows 10 version 21H2 , which will most likely be a major update.
Microsoft is already working on Windows 10 21H2
While Microsoft will issue two feature updates in 2021 as per the biannual update scheme, the significance of the updates will be reversed. The Spring update, version 21H1, will be a smaller service pack-like update, similar to what we have already seen in Windows 10 20H2 and 1909. The bigger one with more notable changes, 21H2, will come in the second half of 2021.
Check out What’s coming to Windows 10 in 2021
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About Sergey Tkachenko
Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer from Russia who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.
1 thought on “ Windows 10 is getting a restyled Action Center from Windows 10X ”
The new action center looks almost identical and just as bad. Very disappointing. So much for a major redesign. Also where are the new fluent icons? Those are light years better.
Set Default Action for Shutdown Dialog in Windows 10
Recently, we covered how you can create a shortcut to open the classic Shutdown dialog in Windows 10. While the mentioned trick works as expected, Windows 10 does not provide any way to change the default Shutdown command in the classic Shutdown dialog. In this article, we will see how to set that.
To set the default action for the Shutdown Dialog in Windows 10, do the following.
2 = set «Shut down» as the default action
4 = set «Restart» as the default action
256 = set «Switch user» as the default action
1 = set «Sign out» as the default action
16 = set «Sleep» as the default action
64 = set «Hibernate» as the default action. Note that Sleep and Hibernate action can be unavailable in the Shut Down Windows dialog, if you have disabled them in the Power Options Control Panel or if your system does not support sleep mode.
To save you time, you can use Winaero Tweaker. The option is located under Behavior\Default Action for Shut Down dialog.
You can download the app from here:
That’s it. Now you can set the desired action as the default for the Shut Down Windows dialog in Windows 10.
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About Sergey Tkachenko
Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer from Russia who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.
13 thoughts on “ Set Default Action for Shutdown Dialog in Windows 10 ”
Thank you very much for this; been looking all over!
Should maybe specify what type of DWORD (32 or 64-bit) and whether the value should be entered as hexadecimal or decimal. Took a little trial and error but it looks like DWORD 32 with decimal value.
Great article, thank you!
On my system, the 64-bit key is “QWORD,” there is only one “DWORD” and it is 32-bit.
The Shut Down Windows dialog box hasn’t changed much from Windows 2000.
Thanks a lot.
It worked….
I did this as instructed and it did not work. I entered “2” for Shut Down as the default, and it’s still showing Switch User. I am using the key you identified. I copied this from Regedit to demonstrate:
I did that as well, and it did not work, but I found that the problem was that I did not change the base from Hexidecimal to Decimal. Once I changed it to Decimal, I tried bringing up the shutdown menu, and it defaulted to Shutdown! I hope you get it figured out!
I can confirm, that it’s not working anymore. Tried both the RegEdit manually and Winaero.
It works here. 20H1.
This doesn’t work anymore – seems to have been screwed up by a recent Win update – mine worked for some time, but now says “Sleep” have the settings changed?
I made the registry changes and at first nothing happened and I still had ‘switch user’ after an ALT+F4. After 3 days of hitting the power button instead I accidentally hit Alt+F4 and found it defaulted to ‘shut down’ as requested. Many thanks.
I got same result as vknowles above – didn’t work. Default Alt+F4 always was “Shut down”, then it arbitrarily for no reason changed to “Switch User” – VERY ANNOYING!! I’ll try and see if I get the same result as Bob Owen.
Might there be an existing reg key that could be altered?
Thanks anyway, Sergey. I’m totally out of my depth and utterly gobsmacked that anyone can have any kind of handle on all this stuff!
Thank you! It is so frustrating to have it want to put the computer to sleep or in hibernate mode automatically when I just want to turn it off. Thank you for your help.