All about windows task manager

Обзор приложения Task Manager

При первых признаках снижения производительности компьютера пользователи запускают «Диспетчер задач», дабы выяснить виновника подвисаний и предпринять соответствующие меры. Ирония заключается в том, что проблемным процессом может оказаться именно «Диспетчер задач». Давайте узнаем ответ на два самых главных вопроса: Task Manager Windows 10 что это и как остановить?

Task Manager — что это

Task Manager – это стандартное приложение в Windows, отвечающее за мониторинг и контроль запущенных процессов и служб. С его помощью можно определить степень нагрузки на аппаратную составляющую каждого модуля системы и запущенного приложения. К основным функциям можно отнести:

  • запуск и завершение процессов;
  • приостановка работы служб и изменение их параметров автозапуска;
  • редактирование модуля автозагрузки;
  • отладка запущенных приложений;
  • смена активных пользователей.

Почему грузит процессор

С помощью этой утилиты можно завершить процесс зависшей программы, не прибегая к перезагрузке компьютера. Поэтому существует две основные версии возникновения проблем с Task Manager:

  1. Заражение вредоносными программами. Если у вас стоит лицензионная версия Windows, единственной причиной остается проникновение в систему вируса, повреждающего Task Manager или маскирующегося под него.
  2. Пиратская версия Windows. Все сборки нелицензионных версий ОС делаются вручную. Поэтому вероятность повреждения какого-либо компонента системы довольно велика.

Как отключить Task Manager

Исходя из первой проблемы, очевидное решение — глубокое сканирование памяти компьютера с последующим лечением или удалением зараженных файлов. Для этого:

  1. Скачайте антивирус Dr.Web CureIt! с официального сайта и выполните глубокое сканирование памяти жесткого диска и ОЗУ.
  2. После окончания процедуры следуйте подсказкам утилиты по дальнейшему лечению или удалению объектов.
  3. Загрузите и установите CCleaner.
  4. Очистите ПК от временных файлов и старых логов.
  5. Удалите пустые и устаревшие ключи реестра.
  6. Перезагрузите компьютер.

Если ничего не помогло и версия ОС у вас не оригинальная – единственным выходом является переустановка системы на лицензионную.

Теперь вы знаете, что это за процесс Task Manager и как его оптимизировать. Для предотвращения подобных ситуаций в будущем настоятельно рекомендуется пользоваться оригинальным программным обеспечением последней версии. Со всеми вопросами жду в комментариях!

6 Ways to Open the Task Manager in Windows

No matter what version of Windows you are using, Task Manager is one of the important and most used tools. Using the Task Manager you can quickly end unresponsive programs, start new tasks, monitor the performance and activity of your system, get details of running processes, etc. Being an important tool, there are multiple ways you can open the Task Manager. This is particularly helpful for accessibility reasons and knowing different ways to help you in different situations. Here are a few ways you can open Task Manager in Windows.

1. From the Taskbar

Opening the Windows Task Manager from the taskbar is probably one of the most well-known methods. In case you don’t know, just right-click on the taskbar, and then select “Task Manager” from the list of options.

This action will instantly open the Windows Task Manager.

2. Using Keyboard Shortcut

The second easiest way to open the Task Manager in Windows is to use a simple keyboard shortcut. Just press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + Esc,” and you will have your Task Manager displayed on the screen.

Of course, you can use the Ctrl and Shift buttons on both sides of the keyboard. I personally prefer to use the Ctrl and Shift buttons that are right under the Enter button so that I don’t have to awkwardly place my fingers on the left side of the keyboard.

3. Using Command Prompt

You can also open the Windows Task Manager using the command prompt. To start, press “Win + X,” and then select the Command Prompt option. If you are using Windows 7, you can also search for it in the Start menu.

Once the command prompt has been opened, type the below command and press the Enter button to open the Task Manager.

Sometimes you might want to open the Task Manager as an administrator. Especially if you are using a standard user account, the normal Task Manager is limited. In those special cases, open the Command Prompt as an admin and then use the above command.

4. Using Run Command

Just like with the command prompt, you can also open the Task Manager using the Run command window. To start, press “Win + R,” type taskmgr and press the Enter button to open Windows Task Manager.

5. From File Explorer

In Windows, Task Manager is shipped as a separate application that integrates with Windows. So, if you know where to find it, you can open the Task Manager from Windows file explorer. To start, open the file explorer using the keyboard shortcut “Win + E.”

Once the file explorer has been opened, navigate to the following location:

Find the “Taskmgr.exe” application, and double-click on it to open the Task Manager.

Obviously, if you want to open the Task Manager as an administrator, right-click on the application and select the option “Run as administrator.”

6. From “Ctrl + Alt + Del” Screen

Besides all the above methods, you can also open the Task Manager from the Windows security screen. Do this by pressing the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” shortcut key on your keyboard.

Once the security screen has been opened, select the “Task Manager” option. This action will open the Task Manager. This method is pretty helpful if your system is unresponsive for whatever reason.

Do comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences about using the above stated different methods to open Task Manager in Windows.

Vamsi is a tech and WordPress geek who enjoys writing how-to guides and messing with his computer and software in general. When not writing for MTE, he writes for he shares tips, tricks, and lifehacks on his own blog Stugon.

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I believe you may also hover over the system bar and right mouse click and select Task Manager

Common misunderstanding bud but I admire anyone’s legitimate attempt to add suggestion(s). Refer back to #1 because the entire width of the bar is the “taskbar.” A good example is when we do right-click on the… (bottom) BAR, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, at the bottom of the shortcut popup menu, the following option is displayed “Taskbar Properties.” No worries for even Einstein at one time was not even aware of what it meant to “square” a number (or variable(s) for that matter)

On Windows 10, you can also do Win+X then hit ‘t’.
Win+X opens a whole menu of things for easy access, and in Windows 10, I’ve grown accustomed to using it and liking it for fast access to many things.

I also have a third-party equivalent “DTask Manager”, which is a tad more comprehensive and can be found at:
along with some other useful goodies.

DTaskManager hasn’t been updated for a long time and support only up to XP. Don’t know if this is a good tool for W8 and W10. Much has changed since then.

I would certainly agree that things have moved on although I will admit to still have one machine running XP (!) but I left DTask Manager to fend for itself on a win 7 to 10 upgrade on one of my other machines and it seems to run OK and do its stuff as before with no issues so far.

I’ve always just used the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys, you lost me on hitting the “Win + E, there is nothing on my keyboard under Win unless you are referring to the windows key, which I never have used nor the other key next to it on the lower right.

I’m taking all the free help I can get from various articles like this one to help me get around the internet and with using Windows anything so I can improve my knowledge on using the computer. I’m old school and most of this is really new to me, I feel very intimidated by all I’m learning or trying to learn on and about using the whole computer system. Give me a typewriter and carbon paper any day.

Win-X means the windows key plus the x key. Try it, you might like it. There is much to learn in these and all of the other forums that you can find, this is how I taught myself to use the computer! Now, I teach others.
Thank you for the tips on opening task manager; I myself wasnt familiar with control-alt-escape!

It’s a great way of getting into a system falsely blocked by a virus/adware/etc., when after trying to take it out all you are faced on booting up is a blank screen.
You do Ctrl-Alt-Del and get Task Manager
Start Control Panel
Start Progs and Features, or whatever it’s called on the system you’re using
And you get a chance at getting the culprit ! (Grrrrr!)
Sometimes you get a chance to use Task Manager to explorer to a USB pen with a programme to remove the offending malware.
All Hail Control Alt Delete !

Also, can anyone tell me where (Windows 7 Enterprise) I can put a shortcut for TaskManager (or any other program) to open automatically when the computer starts up and/or when I log on?

I don’t see whats so awkward about using your left thumb to press the Ctrl Shift keys and your left midul finger to press the Esc key.

Comments are closed.

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Windows Task Manager

Template:Infobox Windows component Windows Task Manager is a task manager application included with the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that provides detailed information about computer performance and running applications, processes and CPU usage, commit charge and memory information, network activity and statistics, logged-in users, and system services. The Task Manager can also be used to set process priorities, processor affinity, forcibly terminate processes, and shut down, restart, hibernate or log off from Windows. Windows Task Manager was introduced with Windows NT 4.0. Previous versions of Windows NT included the Task List application, which had far fewer features. The task list was capable of listing currently running processes and killing them, or creating a new process. In Windows XP only, a Shutdown menu is also present that allows access to Standby, Hibernate, Turn off, Restart, Log Off and Switch User.

Earlier versions of Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98) had a program known as tasks to display the programs currently running. This file was executed by running the taskman.exe file from the C:\Windows directory. [1]


Launching Task Manager [ edit | edit source ]

Task Manager on Windows XP, showing the System Idle Process.

The Task Manager can be launched using any of the following four methods:

  1. Using the context menu on the taskbar and selecting «Task Manager» (for Win2000/WinXP/Vista) or «Start Task Manager» (for Windows 7).
  2. Using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
  3. In Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP (only with the Welcome Screen disabled), the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del opens the Windows Security dialog, upon which the user can then click on «Task Manager» to start Task Manager. In Windows Vista and Windows 7, Ctrl+Alt+Del opens a list of options, one of which, Task Manager, opens Task Manager. In Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc directly launches Task Manager, as does Ctrl+Alt+Delete if the Welcome Screen is enabled (Windows XP only).
  4. Starting «Taskmgr.exe» from a command line, GUI (located in C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe) or a shortcut.

Property sheets [ edit | edit source ]

Applications [ edit | edit source ]

The Applications tab in Task Manager shows a list of programs currently running. A set of rules [ specify ] determines whether a process appears on this tab or not. Most applications that have a taskbar entry will appear on this tab, but this is not always the case. [ citation needed ]

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Right-clicking any of the applications in the list allows (among other things) switching to that application, ending the application, and showing the process on the Processes tab that is associated with the application.

Choosing to End Task from the Applications tab causes a request to be sent to the application for it to terminate. This is different from what happens when End Process is chosen from the Processes tab.

Processes [ edit | edit source ]

The Processes tab shows a list of all running processes on the system. This list includes services and processes from other accounts. Prior to Windows XP, process names longer than 15 characters in length are truncated. [2] Beginning with Windows XP, the Delete key can also be used to terminate processes on the Processes tab.

Right-clicking a process in the list allows changing the priority the process has, setting processor affinity (setting which CPU(s) the process can execute on), and allows the process to be ended. Choosing to End Process causes Windows to immediately kill the process. Choosing to «end Process Tree» causes Windows to immediately kill the process, as well as all processes directly or indirectly started by that process. Unlike choosing End Task from the Applications tab, when choosing to End Process the program is not given warning nor a chance to clean up before ending. However, when a process that is running under a security context different than the one of the process which issued the call to TerminateProcess, the use of the KILL command line utility is required. [3]

By default the processes tab shows the user account the process is running under, the amount of CPU, and the amount of memory the process is currently consuming. There are many more columns that can be shown by choosing Select columns. from the View menu.

Performance [ edit | edit source ]

The performance tab shows overall statistics about the system’s performance, most notably the overall amount of CPU usage and how much memory is being used. A chart of recent usage for both of these values is shown. Details about specific areas of memory are also shown.

There is an option to break the CPU usage graph into two sections; kernel mode time and user mode time. Many device drivers, and core parts of the operating system run in kernel mode, whereas user applications run in user mode. This option can be turned on by choosing Show kernel times from the View menu. When this option is turned on the CPU usage graph will show a green and a red area. The red area is the amount of time spent in kernel mode, and the green area shows the amount of time spent in user mode.

Networking [ edit | edit source ]

The Networking tab, introduced in Windows XP, shows statistics relating to each of the network adapters present in the computer. By default the adapter name, percentage of network utilization, link speed and state of the network adapter are shown, along with a chart of recent activity. More options can be shown by choosing Select columns. from the View menu.

Users [ edit | edit source ]

The Users tab, also introduced in Windows XP, shows all users that currently have a session on the computer. On server computers there may be several users connected to the computer using Terminal Services. As of Windows XP, there may also be multiple users logged onto the computer at one time using the Fast User Switching feature. Users can be disconnected or logged off from this tab.

Update Interval [ edit | edit source ]

The update interval can be set to High (0.5 s), Normal (2 s), Low (4 s), or Paused. Once changed in Windows XP, the default update rate of 1 s can only be reset by editing the Registry binary data in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\TaskManager\Preferences. The interval is stored in Milliseconds at offset 04, «e8 03» sets it to 1000 ms.

Terminology [ edit | edit source ]

Applications tab [ edit | edit source ]

  • Task manager defines Application or Task as a window owned by a specific thread. Not all windows are shown in this view. For example, modal dialogs (windows for which there is not a separate thread) do not appear. This is why many dialogs and error messages are not shown. The term Task used in the first column can be confusing, as there is no inherent concept of Tasks on Windows Operating System, except those configured in the Task Scheduler to run periodically.
  • The Status column shows the status of the thread that owns a window, in terms of windows message processing. When the status of an application appears as Running this indicates that the thread is responsive to windows messages. When the status appears as Not Responding it means that the thread is not, at the moment, responsive to windowing messages. It could be waiting (sometimes referred to as «blocked») for other events such as I/O requests, or executing compute-bound code.

Processes tab [ edit | edit source ]

  • The Mem Usage column on the Processes shows the processes’ working set. [4]
  • The VM Size column (not shown by default) is not the amount of virtual memory used by the process; it is actually the process’s private bytes.
  • The CPU column is calculated by trimming the CPU consumption to fit in a two-digit fashion, which can be inaccurate. A process consuming 0.9% of CPU will be reported as 00 in Task Manager.
  • The System Idle Process is the first process that is created when Windows is loaded, and it always has a process ID of 0. There is one thread in the System Idle Process for each CPU in the system. When the CPU has no other work to do, the Windows scheduler selects the CPU’s corresponding idle thread for execution. The accumulated CPU time of this process therefore shows the total CPU time that has not been used. In early versions of Windows NT the idle threads were short idle loops consisting primarily of a «halt» instruction; in later Windows versions, the idle threads invoke more sophisticated methods of CPU power management.

The layout can be configured by the user by selecting «View» then «Select Columns. » from the menu. Up to thirty different columns (depending on the version of Windows) can be selected for display including various memory and I/O options and the number of handles and threads in use.

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Performance tab [ edit | edit source ]

  • Interrupts and DPC time are shown on the CPU graph, which may lead to the confusing situation where the Performance tab shows significant CPU usage, while the Processes tab shows the system is completely idle.
  • Prior to Windows Vista, the second graph was named PF Usage and Page File Usage History, when in fact it represented Commit Charge and Commit Charge History.
  • Windows Memory Manager optimizes physical memory to achieve best performance by implementing a shared memory mechanism. Mapped files such as DLLs used by multiple processes are instantiated one single time in physical memory, and then shared across all referring processes. As memory consumption is accounted individually for each process, the total of all process working sets will commonly be larger than the actual total memory being used.

Tiny footprint mode [ edit | edit source ]

Task Manager has an alternate interface without any menu options or tabs. This is called the Tiny Footprint mode. Double-clicking on any empty space besides the data and/or menus changes Task Manager into this mode; double-clicking in the border switches it back. [5]

Tiny Footprint mode shows the data of the tab selected when Tiny Footprint mode is entered. In some versions of Windows, the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown may be used to cycle through the Tiny Footprint view for each tab normally visible outside of this mode. Tiny Footprint mode does not show the memory usage graph if the tab selected is Performance.

Security issues [ edit | edit source ]

Task Manager is a common target of computer viruses and other forms of malware; typically malware will close the Task Manager as soon as it is started, so as to hide itself from users. Variants of the Zotob and Spybot worms have used this technique, for example. [6] Using Group Policy, it is possible to disable the Task Manager. Many types of malware also enable this policy setting in the registry. Rootkits can prevent themselves from getting listed in the Task Manager, thereby preventing their detection and termination using it.

Tasks under Windows 9x [ edit | edit source ]

50x40px This section does not cite any references or sources. (May 2011)

A Close Program dialog box comes up when Ctrl+Alt+Del is pressed in Windows 9x. Also, in Windows 9x, there is a program called Tasks (TASKMAN.EXE) located in the Windows directory. TASKMAN.EXE is rudimentary and has fewer features. The System Monitor utility in Windows 9x contains process and network monitoring functionality similar to that of the Windows Task Manager. (Also, Tasks program is called by clicking twice on desktop if Explorer process is down.)

Windows Vista changes [ edit | edit source ]

Windows Task Manager has been updated in Windows Vista with new features, including:

  • A «Services» tab to view and/or modify currently running services and start and stop any service as well as enable/disable the UAC file and registry virtualization of a process.
  • New «Image Path Name» and «Command Line», and «Description» columns in the Processes tab. These show the full name and path of the executable image running in a process, any command line parameters that were provided, and the image file’s «Description» property.
  • New columns showing DEP status and virtualization status. Virtualization status refers to UAC virtualization, under which file and registry references to certain system locations will be silently redirected to user-specific areas.
  • By right-clicking on any process, it is possible to directly open the Properties of the process’s executable image file or of the directory (folder) containing the process.
  • The Task Manager has also been made less vulnerable to attack from remote sources or viruses as it must be operating under administrative rights to carry out certain tasks, such as logging off other connected users or sending messages. The user must go into the «Processes» tab and click «Show processes from other users» in order to verify administrative rights and unlock these privileges. Showing processes from all users requires all users including administrators to accept a UAC prompt, unless UAC is disabled. If the user is not an administrator, they must enter a password for an administrator account when prompted to proceed, unless UAC is disabled, in which case the elevation does not occur.
  • By right-clicking on any running process, it is possible to create a dump. This feature can be useful if an application or a process is not responding, so that the dump file can be opened in a debugger to get more information.
  • The Shutdown menu containing Standby, Hibernate, Turn off, Restart, Log Off and Switch User has been removed.
  • The Performance tab shows the system uptime.

Windows 8 changes [ edit | edit source ]

A compilation of images of different parts of taskmgr.exe included in Windows 8 (TOC in the bottom-right)

In Windows 8, Windows Task Manager has been overhauled where the following changes were made:

  • The tabs are hidden by default. This view only shows applications and their associated processes.
  • Resource utilization in the Processes tab is shown with various shades of yellow, with darker color representing heavier use.
  • The Performance tab is split into CPU, memory, disk, ethernet, and wireless network (if applicable) sections. There are overall graphs for each, and clicking on one reaches details for that particular resource.
    • The CPU tab no longer displays individual graphs for every logical processor on the system by default. It now can show data for each NUMA node.
    • The CPU tab now displays simple percentages on heat-mapping tiles to display utilization for systems with many (64 or more, up to 640) logical processors. [7] The color used for these heat maps is blue, with darker color again indicating heavier utilization.
    • Hovering the cursor over any logical processor’s data now shows the NUMA node of that processor and its ID.
  • A new Startup tab has been added that lists running startup applications. [8]
  • The Processes tab now lists application names, application status, and overall usage data for CPU, memory, hard disk, and network resources for each process.
    • The application status can be changed to suspended.
    • The normal process information found in the older Task Manager can be found in the new Details tab.
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