- All door and windows sensor
- Датчик открытия дверей, окон системы умный дом Doors and Windows sensor
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- Информация
- Best Door and Window Sensors of 2021
- Here are the best door and window sensors of 2021
- Best window and door sensors comparison
- Reviews: Door and window alarms
- Wyze Sense: Best overall
- Samsung SmartThings: Most versatile
- iSmartAlarm: Fewer false alarms
- Geeni: Best mobile app
- SABRE Elite: Best standalone
- Top door and window sensors with security systems
- Vivint: Best battery life
All door and windows sensor
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Датчик открытия дверей, окон системы умный дом Doors and Windows sensor
Характеристики товара
- Размеры геркона: 21×41×11 мм
- Размеры магнита: 10×26×9 мм.
- Расстояние срабатывания: 22мм
- Управление: приложение Smart Home
- Совместимость: Android 4.0 IOS 7.0
Датчик открытия окна Xiaomi Mi способен проконтролировать положение окна и двери. Он моментально активизирует подсветку или сигнализацию, при их открытии. Этот прибор включает несколько частей, одна из которых содержит геркон, а другая – магнит. Устройство по своим габаритам небольшое, что позволяет его повесить максимально незаметно, при помощи клейкой двухсторонней полоски.
Использовать устройство достаточно удобно, поскольку все делается официальное приложение Smart Home, подходящее для любого смартфона.
Механизм срабатывания датчика
Прибор предназначен для включения или выключения света в помещении, как только хозяин заходит или выходит. Более того, Xiaomi датчики сигнализации открытия двери способны включать видео, а также подавать звуковой сигнал. В случае проникновения «нежданных гостей», во время отсутствия хозяев может включить сирену.
На корпусе устройства можно заметить два отверстия — за расположенным на верхней крышке скрывается индикаторный светодиод, а на торце — кнопка для сопряжения датчика со шлюзом Mi Smart Home Multifunction Gateway. У данной модели расстояние срабатывания cоставляет 22 миллиметра.
Умный датчик будет включать и выключать свет в комнате, как только Вы в нее заходите или выходите. Кроме этого, если Вы находитесь вдалеке от дома, датчик может включить запись видео и подать звуковой сигнал.
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Best Door and Window Sensors of 2021
The door and window alarms fromWyze Sense are a «wyze» choice. They come in a pack of four for under $20 from Wyze’s website. Other companies charge that much or more for one sensor alone. And we’d guess you have more than one door or window to protect.
If Wyze doesn’t hit the mark for you, we’ve got sensors that work with smart home systems, standalone sensors, and more in our list below. Take your pick from the best door window sensors.
Here are the best door and window sensors of 2021
Best window and door sensors comparison
Google Assistant
*Amazon.com list price as of 10/09/2020 at 1:23 p.m. (MT). Read full disclaimer.
See also:
Reviews: Door and window alarms
Wyze Sense: Best overall
The Wyze contact sensors stick to door frames and windows, but they also fit unconventional spots like a keep safe box or a liquor cabinet. Your imagination is your only limit. And with the handy Wyze Cam, you can check in if a sensor alerts you that someone is where they shouldn’t be.
The sensors send a notification when their magnetic field breaks by opening the door or window. The Wyze app lets you name each device in your home so you’ll know which entrance opened instantly.
Nobody should leave their home unguarded because of their budget. The Wyze Sense Starter Kit lands around $20 on its own, but we recommend the Wyze Sense Starter Kit and Camera for $50 to create a complete home system at an affordable price point.
Read our full review of the Wyze Sense starter kit to take a deeper dive.
Samsung SmartThings: Most versatile
The SmartThings sensors connect through your home’s wireless network to the SmartThings Hub. Folks with larger homes may need a range extender to boost the signal between devices. These window and door sensors need to be within 30 to 50 feet to communicate with the hub, so choose the most vulnerable areas in your home and cover those first.
The final cost of contact sensors comes down to how many sensors you want in one purchase and what you want them to detect. If you want a sensor that detects more than just an open door or window, the SmartThings is the smart choice for an affordable price. But opting for super smart sensors will mean you end up paying more for each piece of equipment than for our top pick Wyze.
The Samsung SmartThings Multi-Purpose Sensor knows when your doors open or close like any other contact sensor. But this versatile device can also tell you when it senses vibrations, falls at an odd angle, or senses temperature out of the ordinary.
All of this means it’s more than a simple contact sensor or motion sensor. If someone tampers with it or it’s exposed to extreme temperatures (like those in a house fire), the SmartThings app would let you know immediately.
Read our review for more details: SmartThings Hub review
iSmartAlarm: Fewer false alarms
Each iSmartAlarm door and window sensor uses wireless communication to “speak” to other smart devices in your house so you’ll get fewer false alarms. It can reach other devices up to 320 feet away and sends a text when it detects unauthorized use.
This sensor is easy to install and move around the house too. Use double-sided tape to stick this alarm to your windows, door frames, cabinets, and other entryways. So as the baby gains mobility or an area goes off-limits, you’ll know when someone’s entering an area they shouldn’t.
The iSmartAlarm contact sensor is compatible with a suite of other motion sensors, indoor security cameras, and the whole iSmartAlarm system. This standalone system doesn’t require contracts or monthly monitoring, making it easy to self monitor your home from anywhere.
And while the price may throw you off initially, it comes in packs of two, making it around the same price as the SmartThings sensor.
Read our review for more details: iSmart Alarm review
Geeni: Best mobile app
The Geeni contact sensor is smart, but not smart enough to connect with Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit. So when you install one in your home with the included adhesives or screws, it truly does stand alone, so it’s better for solving specific problems than boosting home security or automation.
They don’t require a hub to activate, making them a good option for standalone security. If you have a teen who sneaks out at night or kids who come home early from school, these sensors can tell you when the front doors open and close.
Like Wyze, SmartThings, and iSmartAlarm, the Geeni Smart Door and Window Sensors connect to your Wi-Fi and send you alerts through an app.
SABRE Elite: Best standalone
We recommend using it for off-limits or private areas like sheds and storage units, or in areas that could be dangerous or you want to keep private. So while you’ll miss out on app notifications, it won’t be hard to hear if the alarm sounds.
This SABRE contact sensor has a programmable four-digit panel that prevents intruders from disabling or turning them off. The blaring alarm reaches 120 dB, which is about as loud as a police siren. But if you want something easier on the ears, you can change the alarm to silent mode or chirps.
The SABRE Elite door and window sensors trade smart features for budget-friendly practicality. These contact sensors don’t come with an app or wireless abilities like the others in our lineup, but they do have some unique features.
Read our comparison review for more details: Sabre vs iSmart Alarm.
Top door and window sensors with security systems
The following sensors are accessories to larger home security systems and require you to purchase monthly monitoring. Comprehensive security offers more protection, but it does come with a steeper price tag.
Best battery life | Best for large homes | Most choices |
Vivint | Frontpoint | Link Interactive |
Pros |