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Скачать Windows 10

Перед обновлением ознакомьтесь с описанием известных проблем на странице информации о выпуске Windows и убедитесь, что это не повлияет на ваше устройство.

обновление Windows 10 за октябрь 2020 г.

Средство Update Assistant может помочь вам выполнить обновление до последней версии Windows 10. Чтобы начать, щелкните Обновить сейчас.

Хотите установить Windows 10 на своем компьютере?

Чтобы приступить к работе, вам потребуется лицензия на установку Windows 10. Затем можно будет установить и запустить средство создания носителя. Подробнее о том, как работать с этим средством, см. в инструкциях, приведенных ниже.

Эти инструкции можно использовать в следующих случаях:

  • У вас есть лицензия на установку Windows 10 и вы обновляете операционную систему компьютера с Windows 7 до Windows 8.1.
  • Вам нужно переустановить Windows 10 на компьютере, где уже была успешно активирована эта ОС.

Если вы устанавливаете Windows 10 на компьютере с Windows XP или Windows Vista или вам нужно создать установочный носитель с Windows 10 на другом компьютере, ознакомьтесь с разделом Использование средства для создания установочного носителя (USB-устройства флэш-памяти, DVD-диска или ISO-файла) для установки Windows 10 на другом компьютере ниже.

Примечание. Прежде чем устанавливать Windows 10, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует требованиям к системе для Windows 10. Кроме того, рекомендуем посетить веб-сайт производителя компьютера, чтобы получить дополнительные сведения об обновленных драйверах и совместимости оборудования.

  1. Нажмите Скачать средство, а затем — Запустить. Для запуска этого средства необходимы права администратора.
  2. Если вы согласны с условиями лицензионного соглашения на странице Условия лицензии, нажмите Принять.
  3. На странице Что вы хотите сделать? выберите Обновить этот компьютер сейчас, а затем нажмите Далее.

После загрузки и установки программное обеспечение предоставит инструкции по настройке Windows 10 на вашем ПК. По ссылке Windows 10 доступны все версии Windows 10, кроме Корпоративная. Дополнительную информацию о версии Корпоративная см. на веб-сайте Volume Licensing Service Center.

  • Если у вас нет лицензии для установки Windows 10 и вы еще не выполнили обновление до этой версии, можете приобрести экземпляр здесь:
  • Если вы уже обновили операционную систему на этом компьютере до Windows 10 и сейчас переустанавливаете ее, вам не нужно вводить ключ продукта. Ваш экземпляр Windows 10 будет активирован автоматически позже с помощью цифровой лицензии.
  • Когда Windows 10 будет готова к установке, вы увидите сведения о выбранных параметрах и о том, какие компоненты будут сохранены при обновлении. Нажмите Изменить выбранные для сохранения компоненты и выберите нужный вариант: Сохранить личные файлы и приложения, Сохранить только мои личные файлы или Ничего.
  • Сохраните и закройте все открытые приложения и файлы, а когда вы будете готовы, нажмите кнопку Установить.
  • Установка Windows 10 может занять некоторое время, в течение которого компьютер несколько раз перезагрузится. Не отключайте компьютер.
  • Следуйте этим указаниям, чтобы создать установочный носитель (USB-устройство флэш-памяти или DVD-диск), с помощью которого можно установить новую копию Windows 10, выполнить чистую установку или переустановить Windows 10.

    Прежде чем устанавливать средство, убедитесь, что у вас есть:

    • Подключение к Интернету (интернет-провайдер может взимать плату за услуги).
    • Достаточно свободного места на диске компьютера, USB-устройстве или внешнем носителе.
    • Пустое устройство флэш-памяти USB объемом не менее 8 ГБ или чистый DVD-диск (а также устройство для записи DVD-дисков), если требуется создать носитель. Рекомендуем использовать чистый носитель USB или чистый DVD-диск, поскольку все его содержимое будет удалено.
    • Если при записи ISO-файла на DVD-диск появится сообщение, что файл образа диска имеет слишком большой размер, необходимо использовать двухслойный DVD-диск (DL).

    Проверьте характеристики компьютера, на котором требуется установить Windows 10:

    • 64-разрядный или 32-разрядный процессор (ЦП). Вы создадите 64-разрядную или 32-разрядную версию Windows 10. Чтобы проверить эту характеристику компьютера, откройте раздел Сведения о компьютере в параметрах компьютера или Система в панели управления и найдите Тип системы.
    • Системные требования. Убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует требованиям к системе для Windows 10. Кроме того, рекомендуем посетить веб-сайт производителя компьютера, чтобы получить дополнительные сведения об обновленных драйверах и совместимости оборудования.
    • Язык Windows. При установке Windows 10 потребуется выбрать тот же язык. Чтобы узнать, какой язык используется в настоящее время, откройте раздел Время и язык в параметрах компьютера или Регион в панели управления.
    • Выпуск Windows. Вам также потребуется выбрать тот же выпуск Windows. Чтобы узнать, какой выпуск используется, откройте раздел Сведения о компьютере в параметрах компьютера или Система в панели управления и найдите выпуск Windows. Windows 10 Корпоративная недоступна в средстве для создания носителя. Больше об этом можно узнать на веб-сайте Volume Licensing Service Center.
    • Продукты Microsoft Office. Если вы только что приобрели новое устройство, на котором установлен Office 365, рекомендуем активировать (установить) Office перед обновлением до Windows 10. Сведения об активации копии Office читайте в статье Скачивание и установка Office 365 для дома, Office 365 персональный или Office 365 для студентов. Дополнительные сведения читайте в статье Обновление до Windows 10 на новых устройствах, включающих Office 365.

    Если у вас установлен Office 2010 или более ранней версии и вы хотите выполнить чистую установку Windows 10, необходимо найти ключ продукта Office. Советы по поиску ключа продукта читайте в статье Поиск ключа продукта для Office 2010 или Ввод ключа продукта для программы Office 2007.

    Создание установочного носителя с помощью средства:

    1. Нажмите Скачать средство сейчас, а затем — Запустить. Для запуска этого средства необходимы права администратора.
    2. Если вы согласны с условиями лицензионного соглашения, нажмите Принять.
    3. На странице Что вы хотите сделать? выберите Создать установочный носитель для другого компьютера, а затем нажмите Далее.

    Выберите для Windows 10 язык, выпуск и архитектуру (32- или 64-разрядная версия). Приведенная ниже таблица поможет вам решить, какой выпуск Windows 10 нужно установить.

    Текущий выпуск Windows Выпуск Windows 10
    Windows 7 Starter
    Windows 7 Home Basic
    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Windows 7 Professional
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Windows 8/8.1
    Windows 8.1 with Bing
    Windows 8 Pro
    Windows 8.1 Pro
    Windows 8/8.1 Professional with Media Center
    Windows 8/8.1 Single Language
    Windows 8 Single Language with Bing
    Windows 10 Home
    Windows 10 Pro
    Windows 10
    Windows 8/8.1 Chinese Language Edition
    Windows 8 Chinese Language Edition with Bing
    Windows 10 Home China​
  • Выберите нужный носитель:
    • USB-устройство флэш-памяти. Подключите пустое USB-устройство флэш-памяти емкостью не менее 8 ГБ. Все содержимое устройства будет удалено.
    • ISO-файл. Сохраните ISO-файл на компьютере, чтобы создать DVD-диск. Скачав файл, вы можете открыть папку, в которой он сохранен, или выбрать команду Открыть устройство записи DVD-дисков и следовать указаниям по записи файла на DVD-диск. Дополнительные сведения об использовании ISO-файла читайте в разделе Дополнительные методы использования ISO-файла для установки Windows 10 ниже.
  • Создав установочный носитель, следуйте приведенным ниже указаниям по его использованию.

    После выполнения установки Windows 10, пожалуйста, убедитесь в том, что у вас установлены все необходимые драйверы устройств. Чтобы проверить наличие обновлений, нажмите кнопку «Пуск», щелкните Настройки > Обновление и безопасность > Центр обновления Windows и выберите команду «Проверить наличие обновлений». Вы также можете посетить веб-сайт технической поддержки изготовителя своего устройства, чтобы загрузить какие-либо дополнительные драйверы, которые могут быть необходимы.

    Примечание. Драйверы для устройств Surface доступны на странице загрузки драйверов и встроенного ПО для устройств Surface.

    Прежде чем устанавливать Windows 10, рекомендуется сохранить все необходимые данные и создать резервную копию компьютера. Если вы скачали ISO-файл для Windows 10 с помощью средства для создания носителя, необходимо записать его на DVD-диск, прежде чем следовать приведенным ниже указаниям.

    1. Подключите USB-устройство флэш-памяти или вставьте DVD-диск в компьютер, на котором требуется установить Windows 10.
    2. Перезапустите ПК.

    Если ПК не загрузится автоматически с загрузочного USB-накопителя или DVD-диска, может потребоваться открыть меню загрузки или изменить порядок загрузки в настройках BIOS или UEFI. Чтобы открыть меню загрузки или изменить порядок загрузки, обычно необходимо нажать клавишу (например, F2, F12, Delete или Esc) сразу после включения питания ПК. Инструкции о доступе к меню загрузки или изменении порядка загрузки ПК см. в документации, входящей в комплект ПК, или на веб-сайте производителя. Если в списке вариантов загрузки отсутствует USB-накопитель или DVD-диск, вам может потребоваться обратиться к производителю ПК за инструкциями для временного отключения режима безопасной загрузки в настройках BIOS.

    Если изменение меню загрузки или порядка загрузки не работает, а ПК сразу загружает операционную систему, которую вы хотите заменить, возможно, что ПК не был полностью выключен. Чтобы обеспечить полное выключение ПК, нажмите кнопку питания на экране входа или в меню «Пуск» и выберите «Завершение работы».

  • На странице Установка Windows выберите параметры языка, времени и клавиатуры, а затем нажмите кнопку Далее.
  • Выберите Установить Windows.
  • Если вы скачали ISO-файл для Windows 10, он сохранен в указанной вами папке на локальном компьютере. Если на компьютере установлена сторонняя программа для записи DVD-дисков, которую вы хотите использовать для создания установочного DVD-диска, откройте папку, в которой сохранен файл и дважды щелкните ISO-файл или щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши, выберите команду Открыть с помощью, а затем выберите предпочитаемую программу.

    Чтобы создать установочный DVD-диск с помощью средства записи образов Windows, откройте папку, в которой сохранен ISO-файл. Щелкните ISO-файл правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Свойства. На вкладке «Общие» нажмите Изменить и выберите проводник Windows в качестве программы для открытия ISO-файлов, а затем нажмите кнопку Применить. Затем щелкните ISO-файл правой кнопкой мыши и выберите команду Записать образ диска.

    Чтобы установить Windows 10 непосредственно из ISO-файла, не используя DVD-диск или устройство флэш-памяти, вы можете подключить ISO-файл. При этом текущая операционная система будет обновлена до Windows 10.

    Best Free Software Downloads for Windows 10 PC

    From time to time, we have been covering good freeware and free software in our Downloads section. We have also been posting about ‘Best 5’ or ‘Top 10’ software in various categories. I am, in this post, listing links to such types of useful posts, which will help you get the best and most useful freeware for your Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 or Windows 7 computers. If you don’t want to scroll down the entire list, use CTRL+F to find what you want on this page.

    Free Software Downloads For Windows 10

    Here is a list of some of the best free software for your Windows 10/8/7 PC. They have been categorized as follows:

    1. AntiVirus software
    2. Firewall
    3. Internet Security Suites
    4. Change Folder colors
    5. File Splitter and Joiner software
    6. Media Players
    7. Windows Error Code & Message Lookup Tools
    8. VPN software
    9. Wi-Fi Hotspot software
    10. Intrusion Detection Software
    11. Anti-Ransomware Tools
    12. Ransomware Decryptor Tools
    13. Botnet Removal Tools
    14. USB security software
    15. Anti-hacker software
    16. Free Sandboxing software
    17. Brightness Control software
    18. Sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar
    19. Free Parental Control Software
    20. Free File Manager software
    21. Photo Editing Software
    22. Batch Photo Editor software
    23. Time-lapse software
    24. Free Uninstaller software
    25. Driver Update Software
    26. Disk Space Analyzer software
    27. CHKDSK alternatives
    28. Imaging, Backup and Recovery Software
    29. Backup software for VMware & Hyper-V
    30. File Deleter Software
    31. Free File Compression Software
    32. Zip file repair software
    33. Time synchronization software
    34. Terminate a full-screen application
    35. Free FTP Clients
    36. Free Registry Cleaners, Junk Cleaners, and Windows Optimizers
    37. Game Booster Software
    38. Battery Limiter software
    39. DRM removal software for eBooks
    40. Audio Format Converter software
    41. Task Manager alternatives
    42. Broken Shortcut Removers
    43. Context Menu Editors
    44. To-Do list apps
    45. Free Password Managers
    46. Free Download Managers
    47. Shutdown Scheduler Tools
    48. Free Partition Manager Software
    49. Web Browsers
    50. File and Folder Synchronization Freeware
    51. Empty folders deleter
    52. Bulk Rename files
    53. Free File Encryption Software
    54. Delete your files permanently
    55. Data Recovery Software
    56. Free Notepad Replacements
    57. Windows Search Alternative Tools
    58. Automation software
    59. Video Communication Freeware
    60. Free Crapware Removal Software
    61. Free Video Editing Software
    62. Free GoPro editing software
    63. Desktop Recorder and Screen Recording Freeware
    64. Free Screen Sharing and Remote Desktop software
    65. Free CD DVD Data Recovery Software
    66. Image Deblurring Tools
    67. Color Picker free software
    68. Hard disk Monitor
    69. Free ISO Burners
    70. Translator freeware
    71. Free PlayStation Game Emulators
    72. Graphic Design Tools
    73. Instant Chat Messengers
    74. Free Twitter Clients
    75. File Integrity Checkers
    76. System Performance monitor
    77. LAN Messengers
    78. Packet Sniffing Tools
    79. 3D Printing Software
    80. Clipboard alternatives or replacements
    81. PDF Readers
    82. PDF Unlockers
    83. PDF Lockers
    84. Defragmentation Software
    85. Time Tracking tools
    86. Tools to Speed Up Firefox
    87. Barcode scanner applications
    88. RSS Readers
    89. Kundli making software
    90. E-mail clients
    91. Media Converters
    92. Word Processors
    93. Duplicate Files Finder
    94. Measure Startup Time
    95. Microsoft Visio Alternatives
    96. Windows Media Player Alternatives
    97. Bandwidth Monitoring Tools
    98. Screen Capture software
    99. Watermark Remover software
    100. Voice changer software
    101. Registry Defragmenter
    102. Software Update Checkers
    103. Event Log Managers
    104. Coding software
    105. Explorer replacements and alternatives
    106. Rootkit Remover software
    107. Remote Access software
    108. Software Key Finders
    109. Anti-theft Laptop Recovery software
    110. Games for Windows
    111. Animation Software
    112. Finance & Accounting Software
    113. Mail Servers
    114. Mind Mapping software
    115. Software to list installed Drivers
    116. Ear Test software
    117. Secure Delete software
    118. Free Keyboard & Mouse Locker software
    119. Laptop Battery Test software & Diagnostic tools
    120. Tools to forcefully terminate a full-screen apps
    121. Benchmark CPU and GPU
    122. Automatic Wallpaper Changer apps
    123. WiFi Network Scanner Tools
    124. Driver Backup and Restore software
    125. Free multiplayer games
    126. Image and Photo Viewers
    127. Vector Graphics Design software
    128. Keylogger Detector
    129. Keylogger Software
    130. Network Monitoring Tools
    131. Network & Internet Traffic Monitor Tools
    132. Computer Forensics software
    133. Free Windows Update Blocker tools
    134. CPU Temperature Monitor and Checker software
    135. Remote Desktop software
    136. Software to set video as desktop background
    137. ISO Mounter software
    138. Xbox emulators
    139. 4K Video Players
    140. Bug Tracking Tools
    141. PuTTy alternatives for SSH Clients
    142. Xampp Server alternatives
    143. Photo to Sketch software
    144. DJ mixing software
    145. Calligraphy software
    146. Video Repair software
    147. PCB Design Software
    148. Audiobook Players
    149. Molecular Modeling software
    150. Text-only Browsers
    151. Hospital Management software
    152. Project Management
    153. Audio Recorder software
    154. Circuit Simulation software
    155. PDF Stamp Creator software
    156. Fashion Design software
    157. Logistics software
    158. Ping Monitor Tools
    159. WebM to MP4 converter.

    Recommended free AntiVirus software

    Here are some very nice free AntiVirus software available for Windows you might want to check out.

    Free Firewall software

    If you are looking for a third-party firewall for your computer, there are several free Firewall software available.

    Free Internet Security Suites

    If you are looking for an integrated, multi-layered protection software you are looking out for, you might want to consider having a look at some of these free Internet Security Suites available for your Windows PC.

    Change Folder colors

    This post has a list of some good freeware available on the internet for your Windows PC that helps you to change folder color thereby helping you to find them easily and quickly.

    File Splitter and Joiner software

    Do large file sizes also trouble you? In this post, we’ve covered some of the best file splitter & joiner software available for Windows 10/8/7.

    Media Players

    While Windows comes with an inbuilt media player, but it comes with restrictions. Here is a list of some of the popular media players for Windows 10 which are free.

    Windows Error Code & Message Lookup Tools

    These Windows Error Code Lookup Tools help you identify the Error Code and Message which Windows may throw up.

    Free VPN software

    These free VPN software give you protected internet access by adding security to your public as well as private networks, may it be your internet connection or a Wi-Fi Hotspot connection.

    Wi-Fi Hotspot software

    Here is a list of some of the best free WiFi Hotspot creator software.

    Intrusion Detection Software

    An Intrusion Detection Software checks for changes that are made by unwanted programs that could be injected into your systems by cybercriminals.

    Anti-Ransomware Tools

    Anti-Ransomware tools will prevent or more it more difficult for ransomware to get into your computer system.

    Ransomware Decryptor Tools

    If you are looking for Ransomware Decryptor Tools to unlock files locked by ransomware on your Windows computer, then this list is what you are looking for.

    Botnet Removal Tools

    Botnet Removal Tools will detect if your computer is a part of some Botnet, and clean the infected machine.

    USB security software

    These USB security & antivirus software will help protect your PC from all kinds of viruses that can enter through the USB drive.

    Anti-hacker software

    The use of these free software can help protect your computer from hackers, and so can be loosely called anti-hacker software.

    Free Sandboxing software

    Sandboxing is a technique of running applications in a virtually isolated environment. Take a look at these free Sandboxing software for Windows 10/8/7.

    Brightness Control software

    Eye strain is a common problem for those who are constantly hooked to desktop screens, smartphones, and other digital devices. These brightness control software can help you!

    Sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar

    Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar are the most predominant calenders used today as a daily reminder. These free software to sync Outlook Calendar with Google Calendar may interest you.

    Free Parental Control Software

    You need parental control software to protect your kids online. See the list of Free Parental Control Software here.

    Free File Manager software

    Here is a list of some of the best free File Manager software for Windows 10.

    Photo Editing Software

    These free Photo Editor software let you manage, edit, share and view your pictures.

    Batch Photo Editor software

    These free Batch Photo Editor software support batch processing which allows you to apply basic edits to multiple photos at the same time.

    Time-lapse software

    This post takes a look at some of the best free time-lapse software to make amazing videos on Windows 10.

    Free Uninstaller software

    If you are looking for a better software uninstaller for your Windows computer, you might want to check out these Free Uninstaller software.

    Driver Update Software

    Here is a list of best free Driver Update Software to update your drivers and keep your Windows PC running smooth.

    Disk Space Analyzer software

    Here is a list of free Disk Space Analyzer software to find out, check and analyze the disk space on your Windows computer.

    CHKDSK alternatives

    You can use these free CHKDSK alternative software to repair and fix the bad sectors on your Hard Drive, USB, SD Cards, etc.

    Imaging, Backup and Recovery Software

    Many prefer to use one or the other free Imaging, Backup, and Recovery Software available on the Internet.

    Backup software for VMware & Hyper-V

    File Deleter Software

    These free file deleter software will help you delete undeletable locked files and folders from your system

    Free File Compression Software

    File compression is a process that converts a file or a set of files to a specific format, after reducing its size/s. Take a look at the best three free File Compression software.

    Zip file repair software

    If you receive The compressed (zipped) folder is invalid message, then I’d like to recommend these good free zip file repair software.

    Time synchronization software

    Make use of some free Time synchronization software if your Windows PC is not synchronizing system time correctly.

    Tools to forcefully terminate a full-screen application

    Free FTP Clients

    Here are some popular and feature-rich Free FTP Clients for Windows; you may want to check out.

    Free Registry Cleaners, Junk Cleaners, and Windows Optimizers

    Game Booster Software

    Use one of these free software to boost gaming performance on your Windows PC.

    Battery Limiter software

    These free Battery Limiter software will remind you not to charge your batteries to a full 100%.

    DRM removal software for eBooks

    These DRM removal software for eBooks help you remove DRM protection from an ebook that you have purchased.

    Audio Format Converter software

    Many media players cannot play every type of format. Use these free Audio Format Converter software.

    Task Manager alternatives

    Here are some Task Manager alternative software that will help you manage the processes. Moreover, these software are free and hold various features

    Broken Shortcut Removers

    Having too many broken shortcuts on your Windows can be messy, and it’s a good idea to scan for and remove broken shortcuts every once in a while with these Broken Shortcut Removers.

    Context Menu Editors

    Context Menu Editors can help you manage your right-click context menu items and keep it tidy.

    To-Do list apps

    A to-do list is an easy way of getting all your tasks done. In this article, we have rounded up some of the best to-do list apps for Windows 10.

    Free Password Managers

    Check out our list of some of the best Free Password Manager software for Windows 10/8/7.

    Free Download Managers

    If you are looking for a free download manager with some advanced features, you might want to check out this list of Free Download Managers– what we think are the five best freeware in this category.

    Shutdown Scheduler Tools

    These free Shutdown Scheduler software will allow you to shut down, reboot, log off, hibernate or sleep your Windows 10/8/7 at particular times.

    Free Partition Manager Software

    While many may prefer to use the inbuilt Disk Management Tool, there are some who may want to use a third-party Free Partition Manager Software offering more features.

    Web Browsers

    Apart from Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox browser, there are several other alternative web browsers available for Windows OS, some with a specifically targeted feature set.

    File and Folder Synchronization Freeware

    If you need to keep an identical set of files and folders on two different computers, File and Folder Synchronization Freeware utilities will help you do so easily.

    Free software to delete empty folders

    While you would make no real space savings as they occupy 0 bytes, if it is just good house-keeping you are looking for, it may be a good idea. Check out the free software to delete empty folders here.

    Bulk Rename files

    Renaming files individually, one at a time can consume both, time and effort. As such, bulk file renaming software can make your life a lot easier.

    Free File Encryption Software

    If you need to password protect your files and folders take a look at these Free File Encryption Software.

    Delete your files permanently

    A list of some free software that lets you permanently delete files and folders in Windows. Delete your files permanently using these free tools.

    Data Recovery Software

    Do you want to recover files and data which you may have deleted even from the Recycle Bin? Then what you need is a good Data Recovery Software.

    Free Notepad Replacements

    If you are looking for a more jazzed up or a feature-rich Notepad replacement, you may want to check out some of these Free Notepad Replacements.

    Windows Search Alternative Tools

    A fine selection of alternative some desktop search utilities which you can use instead of Windows Search. All these Windows Search Alternative Tools are free to use.

    Automation software

    This article guides you through some of the best Automation software that will help automate tasks on Windows 10.

    Video Communication Freeware

    There are many video communication software in the market. If you wish to look beyond Skype, for personal or business reasons, here are the top three Video Communication Freeware applications.

    Free Crapware Removal Software

    Crapware refers to applications that come pre-installed on a new computer when you purchase a branded one. Go here to check out the Free Crapware Removal Software.

    Free Video Editing Software

    Check out these Free Video Editing Software for the Windows operating system.

    Free GoPro editing software

    GoPro videos or any video for that matter needs editing before being presented to anyone. Here is a list of free GoPro editing tools that can help you edit GoPro videos.

    Desktop Recorder and Screen Recording Freeware

    This post talks about five good Screen Recording Freeware for Windows 10.

    Free Screen Sharing and Remote Desktop software

    Remote desktop applications are useful for those, who are working on a project in a team, and who want online repair support for their PC. We have chosen the best Free Screen Sharing and Remote Desktop software for you.

    Free CD DVD Data Recovery Software

    The top Free CD DVD Data Recovery Software, in our opinion, have been listed here.

    Image Deblurring Tools

    Blurry photos? These free tools will help you deblur & fix blurry Photos & Images.

    Color Picker free software

    This list of Color Picker free software tools and free online web services will help you identify HTML color HEX, RGD, etc codes from images, websites, etc.

    Monitor hard disk

    Free ISO Burners

    If you are looking for freeware to burn ISO images in Windows, create bootable CDs and have a few more features, you can check out these three Free ISO Burners for Windows.

    Translator freeware

    This article lists some of the best offline free Translator apps that you can use on Windows 10.

    Free PlayStation Game Emulators

    With these Free PlayStation Game Emulators you can also play the old games.

    Graphic Design Tools

    Here is a round-up some of the free easy to use graphic design tools that would help users create some stunning visual designs in a go and utilize them for your growing business.

    Instant Chat Messengers

    Here is our list of Top 5 Instant Chat Messengers available for Windows, which work with multiple accounts and networks.

    Free Twitter Clients

    Some good Free Twitter Clients for Windows are being listed and discussed here.

    File Integrity Checkers

    List of some free File Integrity Checkers & File Checksum Integrity Verifier tools to check file integrity of downloaded files.

    Software to monitor System Performance

    These free software will help you monitor System Performance & Resources and a lot more.

    Free LAN Messengers

    There may be many Free LAN Messengers available for Windows, but these three are among the best ones in our opinion.

    Packet Sniffing Tools

    Packet Sniffing Tools intercept and log network traffic. Take a look at these three free tools.

    3D Printing Software

    The spike in demand and accessibility of free 3D printing software has made it popular among the designer community.

    Free Clipboard alternatives or replacements

    Check these Free Clipboard alternatives or replacements clipboard managers for Windows.

    Free PDF Readers

    There are other freeware alternatives to Adobe Reader too, that you may like to consider, for your Windows operating system. Check out these Free PDF Readers.

    PDF Unlockers

    Remove PDF password with Free PDF Unlocker Software or Online Tools.

    PDF Lockers

    Free Defragmentation Software

    If you feel that you need to have a 3rd party defrag tools you might want to check out these 5 Free Defragmentation Software.

    Time Tracking tools

    This post aggregates some useful time tracking software for Windows PC. Some of them are cloud-based tools that can be connected to various payment options as well.

    Tools to Speed Up Firefox

    These four tools to Speed Up Firefox may help you optimize Firefox and its memory and make it load and run faster.

    Barcode scanner applications

    what if you want to scan your barcodes or QR codes on your Windows PC? You can do so using some of the Barcode scanner applications that enable you to do so.

    Free RSS Readers

    Here are what I think are some of the finest Free RSS Readers for Windows 10/8/7.

    Free Kundli making software

    Kundli, is a birth chart or natal chart used to forecast the upcoming events in contrast to the study of the celestial bodies. Here is a list of some good free Kundli making software.

    Free e-mail clients

    This article will tell you about some of the best free e-mail clients for Windows 10/8/7.

    Free Media Converters

    Here is a list of some fine Free Media Converters for Windows.

    Best Free Word Processors

    We have compared the features of some Best Free Word Processors.

    Duplicate Files Finder

    This article talks about three such free Duplicate Files Finders which will help you find and delete duplicate files.

    Measure Startup Time

    These free software will help you measure the Startup Time in Windows. By reducing Boot time, you can also improve performance.

    Microsoft Visio Alternatives

    Let us take a look at some free Visio alternatives that may not be highly performant, but still, beat the program when it comes to price.

    Windows Media Player Alternatives

    Check out some of the best alternatives to Windows Media Player, which can be downloaded for free and at absolutely no cost.

    Free Bandwidth Monitoring Tools for Windows

    These tools not only monitor bandwidth and Internet usage or check the speed but also detect any suspicious network activity.

    Screen Capture software for Windows

    If you are looking for a feature-rich yet free screen capture software, then you may want to check out these free screen capture software.

    Watermark Remover software

    There are several free options to remove the watermark from images without ever having to hire a professional. This post talks about some free Watermark Remover software.

    Voice changer software

    Voice changer software lets you change your voice easily. By using these fun software or tools, users can conveniently change their voices during chatting over calling apps or while playing online games.

    Free Registry Defragmenter

    Registry Defragmenters help in removing such bloated registry hive & empty spaces and compacting the registry.

    Software Update Checkers

    A Software Update Checker like Secunia, FileHippo, etc. will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to their respective websites and see if there are any newer releases.

    Event Log Managers

    Event Log Managers will view, manage and analyze your Windows Event Logs.

    Coding software

    This post includes a list of free Code Editors for Windows OS. Take a look!

    Explorer replacements and alternatives

    Check out some of these freeware applications and add-ins. Like the tabbed browsing feature in Internet Explorer, you can also add Tabs to your Windows Explorer, using these tools.

    Free Rootkit Remover software

    Sometimes a rootkit may even fool your antivirus software and avoid being detected. It is at such times; you may need to take the help of special Rootkit Remover or Removal Tools.

    Free Remote Access software

    A list of some 5 Free Remote Access software for Windows, you may want to check out.

    Software Key Finders

    Software Key Finder will retrieve the CD-Key and Serial for installed software on your computer, including Windows and Microsoft Office. Check out these tools.

    Anti-theft Laptop Recovery software

    Anti-theft Laptop recovery software are programs designed with the sole purpose of tracing your laptop’s location and retrieving it.

    Games for Windows

    If you are looking for some cool addictive games to download free for your Windows computer, here is our pick of some cool freeware classic Games for Windows.

    Animation Software

    These free animation software for Windows, Victorian Giotto, Blender, Anim8tor for 3D animation are easy to use for beginners.

    Finance & Accounting Software

    Go take a look at some of the free finance software for personal & home use, as well as accounting software for small, medium business – along with one for enterprises.

    Mail Servers

    Here are some of the best free mail servers for sending and receiving emails. You can download these mail servers, and set up IMAP/POP3 & SMTP supported email accounts.

    Mind Mapping software

    Here is a list of some of the best free Mind Mapping software for Windows.

    Software to list installed Drivers

    Ear Test software

    Here are a couple of free Hearing test apps for Windows PC to test your hearing.

    Secure Delete software

    These free Secure Delete software will help you securely delete your data irrevocably.

    Keyboard & Mouse Locker software

    These free Keyboard & Mouse Locker software offer the user the freedom to lock their Keyboard or Mouse individually.

    Laptop Battery Test software

    Tools to forcefully terminate a full-screen apps

    Benchmark CPU and GPU

    These tools to benchmark CPU and GPU can assess the performance of your computer to see if it’s running at the optimal, or if it’s performing poorly.

    Automatic Wallpaper Changer apps

    These free Automatic Wallpaper Changer apps change wallpapers automatically every day by fetching wallpapers from various sources including Bing, NASA, Earth Science, and Windows Spotlight.

    WiFi Network Scanner Tools

    WiFi Network Scanner Tools do the job of scanning entire wireless networks within the range of WiFi router.

    Driver Backup and Restore software

    Here is a list of free Driver Restore & Backup software that will help you backup & restore device drivers on your Windows 10/8/7 computer.

    Free multiplayer games

    Here’s the list of free multiplayer games available in the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 to play with friends from home.

    Image and Photo Viewers

    In this post, we take a look at some of the best photo viewer apps for Windows 10.

    Vector Graphics Design software

    In this article, we round up some of the best free Vector Graphics Design software for creating and manipulating vector images in Windows 10.

    Keylogger Detectors

    Here are some free Keylogger Detectors for Windows 10.

    Keylogger Software

    Here are two good free Keylogger Software for Windows 10.

    Network Monitoring Tools

    This post lists the top free network monitoring tools for Windows systems, based on their popularity.

    Network & Internet Traffic Monitor Tools

    Computer Forensics software

    This article talks of some of the best free computer forensics tools and software for Windows.

    Free Windows Update Blocker tools

    Here is a list of some free Windows Update Blocker tools to Stop Automatic Windows 10 Updates.

    CPU Temperature Monitor and Checker software

    Here are some of the best free CPU Temperature Monitor and Checker software for Windows 10 PC.

    Remote Desktop software

    Check out some of the best free Remote Desktop software for Windows 10 computers.

    Free software to set video as desktop background

    Set video as desktop background in Windows 10. We have created a list of 5 free software to add video wallpaper to your desktop.

    ISO Mounter software

    ISO Mounter software is pretty useful to access the content of an ISO image (or optical disk image) file without having any need to burn ISO to some CD or DVD.

    Xbox emulators

    Xbox emulators are designed to play Xbox 360 and Xbox One games on a Windows PC. Take a look at some of them.

    4K Video Players

    There are some good free media players already available to use, but not all of those support standard 4K UHD (3840*2160) or higher resolution videos. Take a look at these free 4K Video Players.

    Bug Tracking Tools

    Here are some of the best free Bug Tracking Tools for Windows 10.

    PuTTy alternatives for SSH Clients

    These are the best PuTTy alternatives for SSH Clients for Windows 10 systems.

    Xampp Server alternatives

    Xampp it is not the only software capable of doing that, there are many other free Xampp Server alternatives.

    Photo to Sketch software

    If you want to convert your photos to beautiful sketches use these Photo to Sketch software.

    DJ mixing software

    Here are some good DJ Mixing Software for Windows PC.

    Calligraphy software

    Here is a list of some free software for calligraphy writing on Windows 10.

    Video Repair software

    Take a look at these free Video repair software for Windows 10.

    PCB Design Software

    PCB Design Software allows you to design circuits using devices such as resistors, transistors, diodes, etc.

    Audiobook Players

    To play and listen to an audiobook on your Windows PC, we have jotted down some of the best free Audiobook Players.

    Molecular Modeling software

    Here are the best free Molecular Modeling software for Windows 10 PC.

    Text-only Browsers

    Here are some free Text-only Browsers for slow internet.

    Hospital Management software

    We have compiled a list of five of the best free patient and hospital management software for your Windows computer.

    Project Management

    Here are some free Trello alternative Project Management software for PC.

    Audio Recorder software

    In this post, we have added free audio recorder software for Windows 10.

    Circuit Simulation software

    With the help of these Circuit Simulation Software, you can design and analyze circuits without actually building one.

    PDF Stamp Creator software

    This article lists down the best free software that lets you add stamps to your PDFs.

    Fashion Design software

    Logistics software

    We have listed some free Logistics software here.

    Ping Monitor Tools

    Ping Monitoring Tools are used for calculating the time a host takes to connect to the internet.

    WebM to MP4 converter

    Here are some good free WebM to MP4 converter software for PC.

    And yes … you might also want to check out the complete range of our TheWindowsClub freeware, eBook, etc. releases.

    Date: January 28, 2021 Tags: Freeware, Open Source

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