Apple support downloads windows

Download and install Windows support software on your Mac

After using Boot Camp Assistant to install or upgrade Microsoft Windows on your Mac, you may also need to install the latest Windows support software (drivers) from Apple.

When you install Microsoft Windows on your Mac, Boot Camp Assistant automatically opens the Boot Camp installer, which installs the latest Windows support software (drivers). If that doesn’t happen or you experience any of the following issues while using Windows on your Mac, follow the steps in this article.

  • Your Apple mouse, trackpad or keyboard isn’t working in Windows.
    Force Touch isn’t designed to work in Windows.
  • You can’t hear audio from the built-in speakers of your Mac in Windows.
  • The built-in microphone or camera of your Mac isn’t recognised in Windows.
  • One or more screen resolutions are unavailable for your display in Windows.
  • You can’t adjust the brightness of your built-in display in Windows.
  • You’re having issues with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi in Windows.
  • You’ve received an alert stating that Apple Software Update has stopped working.
  • You’ve received a message stating that your PC has a driver or service that isn’t ready for this version of Windows.
  • Your Mac starts up to a black or blue screen after you’ve installed Windows.

If your Mac has an AMD video card and is having graphics issues in Windows, you may need to update your AMD graphics drivers instead.

Install the latest macOS updates

Before proceeding, install the latest macOS updates, which can include updates to Boot Camp.

Format a USB flash drive

To install the latest Windows support software, you need a 16 GB or larger USB flash drive formatted as MS-DOS (FAT).

  1. Start your Mac from macOS.
  2. Plug the USB flash drive into your Mac.
  3. Open Disc Utility, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  4. Choose View > Show All Devices from the menu bar.
  5. From the sidebar in Disc Utility, select your USB flash drive. (Select the drive name, not the volume name beneath it.)
  6. Click the Erase button or tab.
  7. Choose MS-DOS (FAT) as the format and Master Boot Record as the scheme.
  8. Click Erase to format the drive. When it’s finished, quit Disk Utility.

Download the Windows support software

  1. Make sure your Mac is connected to the Internet.
  2. Open Boot Camp Assistant, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
  3. From the menu bar at the top of your screen, choose Action > Download Windows Support Software, then choose your USB flash drive as the destination to save to. When the download has been completed, quit Boot Camp Assistant.
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Install the Windows support software

After downloading the Windows support software to your flash drive, follow these steps to install the software. (If you’re attempting to resolve issues with a Bluetooth mouse or keyboard, it may be easier to use a USB mouse or keyboard until these steps have been completed.)

  1. Make sure the USB flash drive is plugged into your Mac.
  2. Start up your Mac in Windows.
  3. From File Explorer, open the USB flash drive, then open Setup or setup.exe, which is in the WindowsSupport folder or BootCamp folder. When you’re asked to allow Boot Camp to make changes to your device, click Yes.
  4. Click Repair to begin installation. If you receive an alert stating that the software hasn’t passed Windows Logo testing, click Continue Anyway.
  5. After the installation has been completed, click Finish, then click Yes when you’re asked to restart your Mac.

Learn more

If you can’t download or save the Windows support software:

  • If the assistant states that the Windows support software could not be saved to the selected drive or that the USB flash drive can’t be used, make sure your USB flash drive has a storage capacity of at least 16 GB and has been formatted correctly.
  • If the assistant can’t see your USB flash drive, click Go Back and make sure the drive has been connected directly to the USB port on your Mac – not to a display, hub or keyboard. Disconnect and reconnect the drive, then click Continue.
  • If the assistant states that it can’t download the software because of a network problem, make sure your Mac is connected to the Internet.
  • Make sure your Mac meets the system requirements to install Windows using Boot Camp.

If a Mac feature still doesn’t work after updating the Windows support software, search for your symptom on the Apple support website or Microsoft support website. Some features of your Mac aren’t designed to work in Windows.

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.

Загрузка приложения iCloud для Windows

С iCloud для Windows у вас будет доступ к своим фотографиям, видео, данным почты и календаря, файлам и важной информации на любом устройстве и компьютере с Windows.

Вот что вам нужно

  • Убедитесь, что на компьютере с Windows или устройстве Microsoft Surface установлена последняя версия Windows 10*.
  • Вспомните свой идентификатор Apple ID и пароль. Если у вас нет идентификатора Apple ID, создайте его.

* Если вы используете Windows 7 или Windows 8, загрузите iCloud для Windows с веб-сайта Apple.

Используйте iCloud для Windows максимально эффективно

После загрузки и настройки iCloud на компьютере с ОС Windows фотографии, видео, данные почты, файлы и закладки станут доступны на всех ваших устройствах.

Если вам требуется помощь, ознакомьтесь с готовыми решениями распространенных проблем или с дополнительными сведениями об iCloud для Windows.

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Хотите получить доступ к новейшим функциям iCloud? См. системные требования для iCloud. Можно также узнать о проблемах системы безопасности, устраняемых этим обновлением. Если используется управляемая учетная запись Apple ID, iCloud для Windows не поддерживается.

Информация о продуктах, произведенных не компанией Apple, или о независимых веб-сайтах, неподконтрольных и не тестируемых компанией Apple, не носит рекомендательного или одобрительного характера. Компания Apple не несет никакой ответственности за выбор, функциональность и использование веб-сайтов или продукции сторонних производителей. Компания Apple также не несет ответственности за точность или достоверность данных, размещенных на веб-сайтах сторонних производителей. Обратитесь к поставщику за дополнительной информацией.

Download and use iTunes for Windows

With iTunes for Windows, you can manage your entire media collection in one place. Subscribe to Apple Music to access millions of songs. Buy music and movies from the iTunes Store. And sync content from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

If you can’t access the Microsoft Store

Explore iTunes for Windows

To navigate iTunes, use the buttons in the navigation bar at the top of the iTunes window. To switch to a media type, like Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, or Audiobooks, click the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner.

Listen to music

Subscribe to Apple Music to access millions of songs, buy music from the iTunes Store, listen to Radio, or listen to music imported into iTunes.

Listen to Apple Podcasts

Discover and subscribe to podcasts that entertain, inform, and inspire. Browse free episodes and shows about a variety of topics.

Watch movies and TV shows

Browse categories to find movies and TV shows that you can buy, or find movies you can rent.

Listen to audiobooks

Browse categories to find audiobooks that you can buy.

Store availability and features might vary by country or region. See what you can buy in your country or region.

Manually manage and sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

You can use iTunes for Windows to back up and update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and to sync content from your computer to your device.

You can also use iCloud for Windows to access your photos, contacts, calendars, files, and more across all of your devices.

Change settings and manage your account

  • Choose Account > View My Account to view information about your purchase history, manage your subscriptions, change your payment information, and more.
  • Choose Account > Sign Out to sign out of iTunes with your Apple ID and remove access to your content from iTunes.
  • Choose Edit > Preferences to change things like your language, set restrictions, and more.

If you change your language in iTunes, you might have to quit iTunes and reopen it.

Использование программы Apple Software Update для Windows

Программа Apple Software Update помогает гарантировать, что в Windows используется актуальное программное обеспечение Apple.

При установке iTunes или iCloud для Windows на компьютер PC — или при использовании Ассистента Boot Camp для установки Windows на компьютер Mac — устанавливается также программа Apple Software Update для Windows.

Программа Apple Software Update следит за актуальностью программного обеспечения Apple на компьютере с ОС Windows. Также она загружает последние обновления безопасности и ПО Apple в ОС Windows, установленной на компьютере Mac.

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Запуск программы Apple Software Update

  1. Щелкните значок Windows в левом нижнем углу экрана Windows.
  2. Введите Apple Software Update в поле поиска.
  3. Щелкните пункт Apple Software Update при его появлении в диалоговом окне результатов поиска.

Программа Apple Software Update проверяет наличие доступных обновлений. Установите флажки рядом с обновлениями, которые требуется установить, нажмите кнопку «Установить», а затем следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Программа Apple Software Update для Windows запускается один раз в неделю для проверки наличия обновлений. В настройках программы можно изменить частоту запуска на «Ежедневно», «Еженедельно», «Ежемесячно» или «Никогда».

Дополнительная информация

Дополнительные сведения об использовании Boot Camp для установки Windows на компьютер Mac см. на странице поддержки Boot Camp.

Информация о продуктах, произведенных не компанией Apple, или о независимых веб-сайтах, неподконтрольных и не тестируемых компанией Apple, не носит рекомендательного или одобрительного характера. Компания Apple не несет никакой ответственности за выбор, функциональность и использование веб-сайтов или продукции сторонних производителей. Компания Apple также не несет ответственности за точность или достоверность данных, размещенных на веб-сайтах сторонних производителей. Обратитесь к поставщику за дополнительной информацией.

Download and use iTunes for Windows

With iTunes for Windows, you can manage your entire media collection in one place. Subscribe to Apple Music to access millions of songs. Buy music and movies from the iTunes Store. And sync content from your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

If you can’t access the Microsoft Store

Explore iTunes for Windows

To navigate iTunes, use the buttons in the navigation bar at the top of the iTunes window. To switch to a media type, like Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, or Audiobooks, click the pop-up menu in the upper-left corner.

Listen to music

Subscribe to Apple Music to access millions of songs, buy music from the iTunes Store, listen to Radio, or listen to music imported into iTunes.

Listen to Apple Podcasts

Discover and subscribe to podcasts that entertain, inform, and inspire. Browse free episodes and shows about a variety of topics.

Watch movies and TV shows

Browse categories to find movies and TV shows that you can buy, or find movies you can rent.

Listen to audiobooks

Browse categories to find audiobooks that you can buy.

Store availability and features might vary by country or region. See what you can buy in your country or region.

Manually manage and sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

You can use iTunes for Windows to back up and update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and to sync content from your computer to your device.

You can also use iCloud for Windows to access your photos, contacts, calendars, files, and more across all of your devices.

Change settings and manage your account

  • Choose Account > View My Account to view information about your purchase history, manage your subscriptions, change your payment information, and more.
  • Choose Account > Sign Out to sign out of iTunes with your Apple ID and remove access to your content from iTunes.
  • Choose Edit > Preferences to change things like your language, set restrictions, and more.

If you change your language in iTunes, you might have to quit iTunes and reopen it.

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