- 10 Best Arch Linux Based User Friendly Distributions of 2021
- 1. Manjaro
- 2. ArcoLinux
- 3. Chakra
- 4. Anarchy Linux
- 5. ArchBang
- 6. Bluestar Linux
- 7. Garuda Linux
- 8. EndeavourOS
- 9. Artix Linux
- 10. Archman Linux
- If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider:
- Arch linux based distros
- Top Arch-based User Friendly Linux Distributions That are Easier to Install and Use Than Arch Linux Itself
- Arch-based Linux distributions that are easier to set up and use
- 1. Manjaro Linux
- 2. ArcoLinux
- 3. Archlabs Linux
- 4. Archman Linux
- 5. EndeavourOS
- 6. RebornOS
- 7. Chakra Linux
- 8. Artix Linux
- 9. BlackArch Linux
- Want real Arch Linux? Simplify the installation with graphical Arch installer
- Anarchy Installer
- Zen Installer
- Conclusion
10 Best Arch Linux Based User Friendly Distributions of 2021
If you’re an avid Linux user you probably know by now that it is no Operating System for the weak at heart (well sometimes). The chances of you getting crushed when trying to install a Linux-based Operating System or learning the usual curves in your first week are pretty high.
On the other hand, if you’re starting your trip into the world of Linux you will probably be using one of the mainstream distros out there – Ubuntu and Linux Mint, for example.
Yes, these are excellent distro choices as is suggested by the Google results of the typical keyword search, but if you are explorative enough, you would have already started craving for something that is radically different from what the mainstream has to offer and this is when Arch Linux comes to the rescue.
Arch Linux is a lightweight rolling release Linux distribution for x86-64 architecture-based computers. It is open-source and contains both libre and proprietary software because of its flexibility-based philosophy. As much loved as Arch Linux is, word on the blog streets is that it has a steep learning curve and new users end up searching for derivatives that are less developer-centric or switch to trying out a different Linux distro line completely.
If you want to give Arch Linux a try or are in the mood of enjoying the Arch Linux experience from a different angle here is a list of the 6 best Arch-based distros of 2021 to check out.
1. Manjaro
Manjaro today stands out as one of the main Arch-based distributions essentially because it has an active development team with a large user base and community with the added advantage of being one of the very first distros to go with an Arch – which of course means it has been around longer than the rest.
Manjaro is yet another user-friendly Arch-Linux-based distro that completely revamps the whole idea of Arch – but most importantly lends an easier and more intuitive approach to Arch Linux for newcomers.
Manjaro Linux Distribution
Manjaro is available in the listed flavors below with the Xfce and KDE variants been the officially supported bases.
- E17
- Cinnamon/Gnome
- Fluxbox
- KDE/Razor-qt (a Manjaro Turkey project)
- Enlightenment
- Netbook
- PekWM
Choose your preferred Manjaro edition from the official website here: Download Manjaro Linux OS and do a fresh Manjaro installation on your system.
2. ArcoLinux
ArcoLinux (formerly ArchMerge) is an Arch Linux-based distro that enables users to run Linux in several ways using any of its 3 release branches:
ArcoLinux Distribution
- ArcoLinux: a full-featured OS with Xfce as its desktop manager.
- ArcoLinuxD: a minimal OS that allows users to install any desktop environment and application with a built-in script.
- ArcoLinuxB: a project that allows users to build and customize unique versions of the OS using pre-configured desktop environments, etc. This is what has birthed several community-driven derivatives.
- ArcoLinuxB Xtended: a project that further extends the flexibility of ArcoLinuxB to enable users to experiment more with Tiling Window Managers and other software.
ArcoLinux is free, open-source, and available to download from here: Download ArcoLinux.
3. Chakra
Chakra is a user-friendly Arch Linux-based distribution with a focus on KDE and Qt software to encourage the use of KDE/Qt as a replacement for other widget toolkits.
Chakra Linux Distribution
Although it is based on Arch Linux, it classifies as a half-rolling release because it allows users to install their favorite applications and updates from its Arch-based system core while enjoying the latest version of the Plasma desktop environment.
The latest version of Chaka GNU/Linux images are available on its official website here: Download Chakra Linux.
4. Anarchy Linux
Anarchy Linux is a free and open-source project that exists to enable interested Arch Linux users to enjoy all the best of the distro without the hassle that typically comes with it – especially during the installation phase. It does this by shipping with several automated scripts that facilitate its easy setup using Arch’s package base while featuring a custom repository with additional packages.
Anarchy Linux Desktop
Anarchy Linux is distributed as an ISO that can run off a pen drive, uses Xfce 4 as its default desktop environment, and its users benefit from all the goodies of the AUR. If you’re interested you can learn more about Anarchy Linux here.
The latest version of Anarchy Linux ISO images are available on its official website here: Download Anarchy Linux.
5. ArchBang
ArchBang is a minimalized, general-purpose live Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It is a rolling release under the GNU General Public License, ships with Pacman as the default package manager, and OpenBox as the window manager.
Archbang Linux Distribution
ArchBang has been around for a while now and is still in active development where it is built to run Standard Systemd with speed and stability especially even on low-end hardware.
You can grab the latest ArchBang Linux iso images here: Download ArchBang Linux.
6. Bluestar Linux
Bluestar Linux is an independent Arch Linux-based distribution that focused on creating a tightly integrated rolling and transparent distro for modern desktops. It follows innovations and ships the latest updates for the Plasma Desktop.
Bluestar is a fully configurable distribution that can be permanently installed on a laptop or desktop system, or you can run it effectively using a live installer and supports the inclusion of persistent storage for those who are not installing it permanently.
A Bluestar Linux software repository is in continuous development and offers additional tools and applications when required or requested.
Bluestar Linux
7. Garuda Linux
Garuda Linux is a rolling release distro based on Arch Linux. It features a beautiful UI and memory-friendliness thanks to its focus on performance. Garuda Linux uses Calamares installer so setting your workstation will be a breeze.
Garuda Linux
8. EndeavourOS
EndeavourOS is a terminal-centric Arch Linux-based distro powered by a vibrant and friendly community at its core. Its purpose is to reveal the flexibility inherent in the Arch-based core to users as they go on their Linux journey.
9. Artix Linux
Artix Linux is an Arch Linux-based rolling distro. It uses runit, s6 or OpenRC as init because PID1 has to be simple, secure, and stable.
Artix Linux offers different installation options. One of them uses the Calamares GUI installer which will enable you to get up and running in no time.
Artix Linux
10. Archman Linux
Archman Linux is an Arch Linux-based rolling distribution built with a focus on power, speed, stability, and aesthetics. It exists to always provide users with up-to-date packages as well as provide unlimited access to all the customization features Linux has to provide starting from the several desktop environment options to testing the latest releases and packages before committing to installing them.
Archman Linux
There are several common factors in all the above-mentioned distros. User-friendliness, customizability, beautiful aesthetic design, benefits of the Arch User Repository and the Arch Wiki, a welcoming community, documentation, tutorials, etc. One thing that will make one distro significantly stand out over the others is your list of requirements and I hope this list is helpful.
What distribution are you rocking right now? Have you come to a conclusion on your Arch-based distro of choice? Or perhaps there other top-notch Arch Linux-based distributions we should know about. Share your experience with us in the comments section below.
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Arch linux based distros
Сообщение отредактировал Djeclol — 16.12.20, 01:11
внесу свои пять копеек >-) я не то что бы фанат арха на внутреннем диске, но пра паппи рус линукс на ядре арх запускаю с флешки,
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Сообщение отредактировал Tailis🦊🎮 — 20.06.16, 20:16
set default=0
set timeout=3
#search —no-floppy —set=root -l ‘ISOIMAGE’
if loadfont /boot/grub/font.pf2 ; then
set gfxmode=auto
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod gfxterm
terminal_output gfxterm
insmod png
if background_image /boot/grub/boot.png; then
set color_normal=light-gray/black
set color_highlight=white/black
set menu_color_normal=cyan/blue
set menu_color_highlight=white/blue
menuentry «PRA рус.» <
set gfxpayload=text
linux /pra/vmlinuz quiet dir=pra
initrd /pra/initrd.xz
menuentry ‘Grub4DOS’ <
linux /boot/grub4dos/grub.exe —config-file=»find —set-root —ignore-floppies /menu.lst;configfile /menu.lst»
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соответственно на флешке будут только 3 папки
грузить указав в БИОС флешку как загрузочный диск.
программы устанавливаются копированием модулей в папку /pra/modules
репозитарий программ http://mirror.yandex.r…/puppyrus-a/pra03/pfs/
Готовый загрузчик для Puppy Arch Linux под uefi x32 для планшетов и трансформеров. Разархивировать содержимое архива, от дистрибутива нужна только папка /pra
Top Arch-based User Friendly Linux Distributions That are Easier to Install and Use Than Arch Linux Itself
Last updated July 20, 2020 By Dimitrios 52 Comments
In the Linux community, Arch Linux has a cult following. This lightweight distribution provides the bleeding edge updates with a DIY (do it yourself) attitude.
However, Arch Linux is also aimed at more experienced users. As such, it is generally considered to be beyond the reach of those who lack the technical expertise (or persistence) required to use it.
In fact, the very first steps, installing Arch Linux itself is enough to scare many people off. Unlike most other distributions, Arch Linux doesn’t have an easy to use graphical installer. You have to do disk partitions, connect to internet, mount drives and create file system etc using command line tools only.
For those who want to experience Arch without the hassle of the complicated installation and set up, there exists a number of user-friendly Arch-based distributions.
In this article, I’ll show you some of these Arch alternative distributions. These distributions come with graphical installer, graphical package manager and other tools that are easier to use than their command line alternatives.
Arch-based Linux distributions that are easier to set up and use
Please note that this is not a ranking list. The numbers are just for counting purpose. Distribution at number two should not be considered better than distribution at number seven.
1. Manjaro Linux
Manjaro doesn’t need any introduction. It is one of the most popular Linux distributions for several years and it deserves it.
Manjaro provides all the benefits of the Arch Linux combined with a focus on user-friendliness and accessibility. Manjaro is suitable for both newcomers and experienced Linux users alike.
For newcomers, a user-friendly installer is provided, and the system itself is designed to work fully ‘straight out of the box’ with your favourite desktop environment (DE) or window manager.
For more experienced users, Manjaro also offers versatility to suit every personal taste and preference. Manjaro Architect is giving the option to install any Manjaro flavour and offers unflavoured DE installation, filesystem (recently introduced ZFS) and bootloader choice for those who wants complete freedom to shape their system.
Manjaro is also a rolling release cutting-edge distribution. However, unlike Arch, Manjaro tests the updates first and then provides it to its users. Stability also gets importance here.
2. ArcoLinux
ArcoLinux (previously known as ArchMerge) is a distribution based on Arch Linux. The development team offers three variations. ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB.
ArcoLinux is a full-featured distribution that ships with the Xfce desktop, Openbox and i3 window managers.
ArcoLinuxD is a minimal distribution that includes scripts that enable power users to install any desktop and application.
ArcoLinuxB is a project that gives users the power to build custom distributions, while also developing several community editions with pre-configured desktops, such as Awesome, bspwm, Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, GNOME, MATE and KDE Plasma.
ArcoLinux also provides various video tutorials as it places strong focus on learning and acquiring Linux skills.
3. Archlabs Linux
ArchLabs Linux is a lightweight rolling release Linux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux base with the Openbox window manager. ArchLabs is influenced and inspired by the look and feel of BunsenLabs with the intermediate to advanced user in mind.
4. Archman Linux
Archman is an independent project. Arch Linux distros in general are not ideal operating systems for users with little Linux experience. Considerable background reading is necessary for things to make sense with minimal frustration. Developers of Archman Linux are trying to change that reputation.
Archman’s development is based on an understanding of development that includes user feedback and experience components. With the past experience of our team, the feedbacks and requests from the users are blended together and the road maps are determined and the build works are done.
5. EndeavourOS
When the popular Arch-based distribution Antergos was discontinued in 2019, it left a friendly and extremely helpful community behind. The Antergos project ended because the system was too hard to maintain for the developers.
Within a matter of days after the announcement, a few experienced users palnned on maintaining the former community by creating a new distribution to fill the void left by Antergos. That’s how EndeavourOS was born.
EndeavourOS is lightweight and ships with a minimum amount of preinstalled apps. An almost blank canvas ready to personalise.
6. RebornOS
RebornOS developers’ goal is to bring the true power of Linux to everyone, with one ISO for 15 desktop environments and full of unlimited opportunities for customization.
RebornOS also claims to have support for Anbox for running Android applications on desktop Linux. It also offers a simple kernel manager GUI tool.
Coupled with Pacman, the AUR, and a customized version of Cnchi graphical installer, Arch Linux is finally available for even the least inexperienced users.
7. Chakra Linux
A community-developed GNU/Linux distribution with an emphasis on KDE and Qt technologies. Chakra Linux does not schedule releases for specific dates but uses a “Half-Rolling release” system.
This means that the core packages of Chakra Linux are frozen and only updated to fix any security problems. These packages are updated after the latest versions have been thoroughly tested before being moved to permanent repository (about every six months).
In addition to the official repositories, users can install packages from the Chakra Community Repository (CCR), which provides user made PKGINFOs and PKGBUILD scripts for software which is not included in the official repositories and is inspired by the Arch User Repository.
8. Artix Linux
Artix Linux is a rolling-release distribution based on Arch Linux that uses OpenRC, runit or s6 init instead of systemd.
Artix Linux has its own package repositories but as a pacman-based distribution, it can use packages from Arch Linux repositories or any other derivative distribution, even packages explicitly depending on systemd. The Arch User Repository (AUR) can also be used.
9. BlackArch Linux
BlackArch is a penetration testing distribution based on Arch Linux that provides a large amount of cyber security tools. It is specially created for penetration testers and security researchers. The repository contains more than 2400 hacking and pen-testing tools that can be installed individually or in groups. BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing Arch Linux packages.
Want real Arch Linux? Simplify the installation with graphical Arch installer
If you want to use the actual Arch Linux but you are not comfortable with the difficult installation, fortunately you can download an Arch Linux iso baked with a graphical installer.
An Arch installer is basically Arch Linux ISO with a relatively easy to use text-based installer. It is much easier than bare-bone Arch installation.
Anarchy Installer
The Anarchy installer intends to provide both novice and experienced Linux users a simple and pain free way to install Arch Linux. Install when you want it, where you want it, and however you want it. That is the Anarchy philosophy.
Once you boot up the installer, you’ll be shown a simple TUI menu, listing all the available installer options.
Zen Installer
The Zen Installer provides a full graphical (point and click) environment for installing Arch Linux. It provides support for installing multiple desktop environments, AUR, and all of the power and flexiblity of Arch Linux with the ease of a graphical installer.
The ISO will boot the live environment, and then download the most current stable version of the installer after you connect to the internet. So, you will always get the newest installer with updated features.
An Arch-based distribution is always an excellent hassle-free choice for the many users, but a graphical installer like Anarchy is at least a step closer to how Arch Linux truly tastes.
In my opinion the real beauty of Arch Linux is its installation process and for a Linux enthusiast is an opportunity to learn rather than a hassle. Arch Linux and its derivatives has a lot for you mess up with, but It’s FOSS will unravel the mystery behind the scenes. See you at my next tutorial!
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