Asus pce ac58bt mac os


  • Next-Gen Wi-Fi Standard — WiFi 6 (802.11ax) standard for better efficiency and throughput.
  • Ultrafast Wi-Fi Speed — 3000 Mbps WiFi speed to handle even the busiest network with ease.
  • WiFi 6 Technology — With OFDMA and MU-MIMO, WiFi 6 enables more efficient, stable, and faster transmission even when multiple devices are transmitting data at the same time.
  • Bluetooth 5.0 for Faster, Further Coverage — Transfer data up to twice as fast as before, and with 4X the range.
  • Reducing Dead Zones with External Antenna — Freestanding transceiver and connecting cable allows easy positioning for the best reception.

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2.7X Faster Wi-Fi, Even in Crowded Networks

With Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology and wide 160 MHz bandwidth, ASUS PCE-AX58BT delivers wireless speeds that are up to 2.7X faster than Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) devices. A revolutionary combination of OFDMA and MU-MIMO technologies ensures the most efficient Wi-Fi connection for your PC.
PCE-AX58BT only supports PCI-Express x1 standard, please install the adapter in PCI-e x1 slot.

Still Fast, Even In
Crowded Network

PCE-AX58BT instantly upgrades your PC with OFDMA and MU-MIMO functionality, enabling it to achieve top WiFi speeds, even when many other devices are connected to WiFi simultaneously. Instead of taking turns transferring data to the router, MU-MIMO lets multiple devices transfer data at the same time without waiting. With PCE-AX58BT, your PC can be grouped with other MU-MIMO devices on the network, letting you enjoy full WiFi speed for each device in the group.
*Disclaimer: MU-MIMO supported router and client required

Instant Bluetooth Upgrade –
2X Faster and 4X Wider

Slot ASUS PCE-AX58BT into your PC for an instant upgrade to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology and enjoy up to 2X-faster transmit speeds and 4X-greater range. Enabling Bluetooth on your PC lets you enjoy the convenience and freedom of wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices, including speakers, headphones and game controllers.

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Better WiFi with Optimal
Antenna Placement

ASUS PCE-AX58BT comes with an external transceiver that allows you to position the antennas outside of your PC chassis and adjust their angle for less interference and optimal signal reception.

The Latest WPA3
Network Security

ASUS PCE-AX58BT comes with the latest WPA3 Wi-Fi security standard, providing your PC with an extra layer of protection against external attacks to give you added peace of mind.



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Высокоскоростной адаптер Wi-Fi

Выполненный в форм-факторе платы расширения PCIe, адаптер PCE-AX58BT предлагает сразу два современных беспроводных интерфейса: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) и Bluetooth 5.0. Скорость передачи данных по беспроводным сетям Wi-Fi 6 в 2,7 раза превосходит возможности сетей Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac).
Адаптер PCE-AX58BT поддерживает лишь стандарт PCIe x1, поэтому его следует устанавливать в слот PCIe x1.

Эффективная работа в загруженных сетях

Адаптер PCE-AX58BT поддерживает технологии OFDMA и MU-MIMO, которые обеспечивают повышенную скорость передачи данных, когда беспроводному маршрутизатору приходится обслуживать множество клиентских устройств одновременно.
*Примечание: технология MU-MIMO должна поддерживаться маршрутизатором и клиентским устройством.

Высокоскоростной интерфейс Bluetooth

Помимо Wi-Fi, данный адаптер позволяет наделить компьютер интерфейсом Bluetooth, предназначенным для беспроводного подключения периферийных устройств, таких как динамики, наушники и игровые контроллеры. Интерфейс представлен новейшей версией 5.0, которая отличается в два раза большей скоростью передачи данных и в четыре раза большим диапазоном действия по сравнению с предыдущей.

Внешние антенны

Внешний приемопередатчик, включенный в комплект поставки адаптера PCE-AX58BT, позволяет разместить антенны снаружи компьютерного корпуса и настроить их угол наклона таким образом, чтобы минимизировать помехи и усилить беспроводной сигнал.

Протокол сетевой безопасности WPA3

Адаптер PCE-AX58BT поддерживает новый стандарт безопасности WPA3, который обеспечивает еще более удобные в использовании и надежные средства шифрования данных, передаваемых по сетям Wi-Fi.



  • Dual Band 802.11ac allows control over both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands to provide the best flexibility and speeds.
  • 160 MHz support offers double the speeds over the legacy 802.11ac and maximum bandwidth for lower latency and stream quality.
  • Downlink MU-MIMO allows an Access Point to simultaneously transmit data to multiple clients, improving overall downlink capacity by over 3x.
  • Bluetooth 5 technology doubles the transmit speed, and provides 4x the range over the previous generation of Bluetooth.
  • External antenna base provides increased coverage and range for the best connectivity.
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2X-Faster Wi-Fi, Even on Crowded Networks

PCE-AC58BT uses wide 160MHz channels to drive WiFi speeds up to twice the rate of WiFi 5 (802.11ac) devices, and up to 5X faster than WiFi 4 (802.11n) equipment. It’s also engineered with MU-MIMO technology to ensure that every connected device benefits from top speeds, even in busy homes or offices.

Still Fast, Even In
Crowded Network

: PCE-AC58BT instantly upgrades your PC with MU-MIMO functionality, enabling it to achieve top WiFi speeds, even when many other devices are connected to WiFi simultaneously. Instead of taking turns transferring data to the router, MU-MIMO lets multiple devices transfer data at the same time without waiting. With PCE-AC58BT, your PC can be grouped with other MU-MIMO devices on the network, letting you enjoy full WiFi speed for each device in the group.
*Disclaimer: MU-MIMO supported router and client required

Instant Bluetooth Upgrade –
2X Faster and 4X Wider

Slot ASUS PCE-AC58BT into your PC for an instant upgrade to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology and enjoy up to 2X-faster transmit speeds and 4X-greater range. Enabling Bluetooth on your PC lets you enjoy the convenience and freedom of wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices, including speakers, headphones and game controllers.

Better WiFi with Optimal
Antenna Placement

PCE-AC58BT’s external antenna eliminates concerns about WiFi dead zones. Use the included cables and position the transceiver for optimal signal reception.



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Высокоскоростной адаптер Wi-Fi

Благодаря использованию широких каналов связи (160 МГц), адаптер PCE-AC58BT в 5 раз превосходит по скорости сетевое оборудование стандарта Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), причем технология MU-MIMO гарантирует быстрый обмен данными при одновременном подключении к беспроводной сети множества устройств.

Эффективная работа в загруженных сетях

: Адаптер PCE-AC58BT поддерживает технологию MU-MIMO, которая обеспечивают повышенную скорость передачи данных в ситуациях, когда беспроводному маршрутизатору приходится обслуживать множество клиентских устройств одновременно.
* Примечание: технология MU-MIMO должна поддерживаться маршрутизатором и клиентским устройством.

Instant Bluetooth Upgrade –
2X Faster and 4X Wider

Slot ASUS PCE-AC58BT into your PC for an instant upgrade to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology and enjoy up to 2X-faster transmit speeds and 4X-greater range. Enabling Bluetooth on your PC lets you enjoy the convenience and freedom of wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices, including speakers, headphones and game controllers.

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Внешняя антенна

Внешний приемопередатчик адаптера PCE-AC58BT можно разместить таким образом, чтобы минимизировать помехи и усилить беспроводной сигнал.

Адаптер PCE-AC58BT поддерживает лишь стандарт PCIe x1, поэтому его следует устанавливать в слот PCIe x1. Совместимые материнские платы ASUS указаны в списке рекомендованных моделей.



  • Dual Band 802.11ac allows control over both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands to provide the best flexibility and speeds.
  • 160 MHz support offers double the speeds over the legacy 802.11ac and maximum bandwidth for lower latency and stream quality.
  • Downlink MU-MIMO allows an Access Point to simultaneously transmit data to multiple clients, improving overall downlink capacity by over 3x.
  • Bluetooth 5 technology doubles the transmit speed, and provides 4x the range over the previous generation of Bluetooth.
  • External antenna base provides increased coverage and range for the best connectivity.

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2X-Faster Wi-Fi, Even on Crowded Networks

PCE-AC58BT uses wide 160MHz channels to drive WiFi speeds up to twice the rate of WiFi 5 (802.11ac) devices, and up to 5X faster than WiFi 4 (802.11n) equipment. It’s also engineered with MU-MIMO technology to ensure that every connected device benefits from top speeds, even in busy homes or offices.

Still Fast, Even In
Crowded Network

: PCE-AC58BT instantly upgrades your PC with MU-MIMO functionality, enabling it to achieve top WiFi speeds, even when many other devices are connected to WiFi simultaneously. Instead of taking turns transferring data to the router, MU-MIMO lets multiple devices transfer data at the same time without waiting. With PCE-AC58BT, your PC can be grouped with other MU-MIMO devices on the network, letting you enjoy full WiFi speed for each device in the group.
*Disclaimer: MU-MIMO supported router and client required

Instant Bluetooth Upgrade –
2X Faster and 4X Wider

Slot ASUS PCE-AC58BT into your PC for an instant upgrade to the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology and enjoy up to 2X-faster transmit speeds and 4X-greater range. Enabling Bluetooth on your PC lets you enjoy the convenience and freedom of wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices, including speakers, headphones and game controllers.

Better WiFi with Optimal
Antenna Placement

PCE-AC58BT’s external antenna eliminates concerns about WiFi dead zones. Use the included cables and position the transceiver for optimal signal reception.


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