Bcm4360 linux driver manjaro

Broadcom wireless

This article details how to install and setup a Broadcom wireless network device.



Broadcom has a noted history with its support for Wi-Fi devices regarding GNU/Linux. For a good portion of its initial history, Broadcom devices were either entirely unsupported or required the user to tinker with the firmware. The limited set of wireless devices that were supported were done so by a reverse-engineered driver. The reverse-engineered b43 driver was introduced in the 2.6.24 kernel.

In August 2008, Broadcom released the 802.11 Linux STA driver officially supporting Broadcom wireless devices on GNU/Linux. This is a restrictively licensed driver and it does not work with hidden ESSIDs, but Broadcom promised to work towards a more open approach in the future.

In September 2010, Broadcom released a fully open source driver. The brcm80211 driver was introduced in the 2.6.37 kernel and in the 2.6.39 kernel it was sub-divided into the brcmsmac and brcmfmac drivers.

The types of available drivers are:

Driver Description
brcm80211 Kernel driver mainline version (recommended)
b43 Kernel driver reverse-engineered version
broadcom-wl Broadcom driver with restricted license

Driver selection

To know what driver(s) are operable on the computer’s Broadcom wireless network device, the device ID and chipset name will need to be detected. Cross-reference them with the driver list of supported brcm80211 and b43 devices.



The kernel contains two built-in open-source drivers: brcmfmac for native FullMAC and brcmsmac for mac80211-based SoftMAC. They should be automatically loaded when booting.

Two reverse-engineered open-source drivers are built-in to the kernel: b43 and b43legacy. b43 supports most newer Broadcom chipsets, while the b43legacy driver only supports the early BCM4301 and BCM4306 rev.2 chipsets. To avoid erroneous detection of your WiFi cards chipset, blacklist the unused driver.

Both of these drivers require non-free firmware to function. Install b43-firmware AUR , b43-firmware-classic AUR , or b43legacy-firmware AUR depending on the chipset.

If the b43 module does not load on boot, you need to force it by creating the following file:


The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

There are two variants of the restrictively licensed driver:

Offline installation

An Internet connection is the ideal way to install the broadcom-wl driver; many newer laptops with Broadcom cards forgo Ethernet ports, so a USB Ethernet adapter or Android tethering may be helpful. If you have neither, you will need to first install the base-devel group during installation. Then, use another Internet-connected computer to download linux-headers and the driver tarball from the AUR, and install them in that order.

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Install the appropriate driver for your system architecture from the Broadcom website. After this, to avoid driver/module collisions with similar modules and make the driver available, do:

The wl module should automatically load lib80211 or lib80211_crypt_tkip otherwise they will have to be manually loaded.

If the driver does not work at this point, you may need to update dependencies:

To make the module load at boot, refer to Kernel modules. It is recommending that you blacklist conflicting modules.

Known issues

Ethernet card is not detected

Broadcom wireless module has a history of conflicting with Broadcom Ethernet module (see #Interfaces swapped with broadcom-wl).

Due to conflicts between wl (wireless module) and tg3 (Ethernet module), tg3 is now blacklisted as of broadcom-wl-dkms[1]. See also FS#70476.

This also affects broadcom-wl as it is built based on broadcom-wl-dkms .


Setting broadcom-wl in monitor mode

Monitor mode is used to capture 802.11 frames over the air. This can be useful for diagnosing issues on a network or testing the security of your wireless network. Often, monitor mode is required to capture certain frames for wireless penetration testing, but it may be unethical or even illegal to capture frames on any network you do not own, manage or have permission to perform penetration testing against.

To set broadcom-wl in monitor mode you have to set 1 to /proc/brcm_monitor0 :

It will create a new network interface called prism0 .

To work in monitor mode, use this newly created network interface.

Device inaccessible after kernel upgrade

Since the 3.3.1 kernel the bcma module was introduced. If using a brcm80211 driver be sure it has not been blacklisted. It should be blackisted if using a b43 driver.

If you are using broadcom-wl , uninstall and reinstall it after upgrading your kernel or switch to broadcom-wl-dkms package.

Device with broadcom-wl driver not working/showing

Be sure the correct modules are blacklisted and occasionally it may be necessary to blacklist the brcm80211 drivers if accidentally detected before the wl driver is loaded. Furthermore, update the modules dependencies depmod -a , verify the wireless interface with ip addr , kernel upgrades will require an upgrade of the non-DKMS package.

Interfaces swapped with broadcom-wl

Users of the broadcom-wl driver may find their Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces have been swapped. See Network configuration#Network interfaces for an answer.

Interface is showing but not allowing connections

Suppressing console messages

You may continuously get some verbose and annoying messages during the boot, similar to

To disable those messages, increase the loglevel of printk messages that get through to the console — see Silent boot#sysctl.

Device BCM43241 not detected

This device will not display with either lspci nor lsusb ; there is no known solution yet.

Device BCM43241 EFI Vars

As per the driver page it may be necessary to copy the efi vars before the driver will operate correctly. However the expected path depends on your system.

Write the efi vars into the referenced location, e.g. on a thinkpad tablet:

Connection is unstable with some routers

If no other approaches help, install linux-lts , or use a previous driver version.

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No 5GHz for BCM4360 (14e4:43a0) / BCM43602 (14e4:43ba) devices

Issue appears to be linked to a channel issue. Changing the wireless channel to a lower channel number (like 40 or, if your router show MHz instead of channel numbers, like 5200 MHz or 5280 MHz) seems to allow connection to 5GHz bands. If your router has the same SSID for the 2.4GHZ and 5GHZ, this can fix problems with your wireless connection being unstable or very slow.

Device works intermittently

In some cases (e.g. using BCM4331 and b43-firmware AUR ), wifi connection works intermittently. One way to fix this is to check if the card is hard-blocked or soft-blocked by kernel, and if it is, unblock it with rfkill.

SSH freeze for BCM4331 with b43

The b43-firmware AUR driver has been observed hanging in ssh sessions with BCM4331. Installing broadcom-wl and removing b43 solves it.



I always feel that any problem in Linux is a few lines of code. How can I get the thief ** trouble?

Due to the development needs, I put it on the computer of MANJARO.
However, after the installation: My NIC (BCM94360CD, I did not drive for the black apple)?
Emmmm . This is much troublesome.

Finally, under my unremitting efforts, put this driver.
Let’s share the installation tutorial for you:

Check if the network card is driven support

BCM4360 series network card has two types:
One is 14E4: 43A0, and the other is 14E4: 4360.
The former can be driven, and the latter is not available, you need to consider replacing the NIC.
If you are worried about the replacement of the NIC, 14E4: 4360 can not be driven, you can open the link below to purchase BCM94360CD (use)
Purchase link

Open the terminal and enter:

Got the following results:

Looking at the end, the NIC model is 43A0, which can be driven.

install driver

If there are two lines of error information at the end (3/3):

Then, Linux Kernel Headers does not match the current Linux version.

Then select the installation corresponding to the current Linux version, re-execute the command.
Reinstall the driver after completion.

Load Broadcom-WL kernel module

The first two reports are normal, generally can be ignored (because the module that is not enabled)
If you are performing a third instruction error:

Restart your computer, and then execute the third command is successful.


At this time, restart the computer will find that the wireless network card has been driven.

This tutorial is written according to the memories of myself, and there is a small probability that it cannot be successfully driven.
If you can’t do it, you will perform a few times in order, or you can explore yourself.


Как заставить заработать wifi на чипе broadcom 43xx под Linux

Когда где-то год назад я поставил на свой Dell Latitude D520 с чипом broadcom 4311 Ubuntu 8.10, то столкнулся с тем, что wi-fi работать напрочь отказывался. Я погуглил, пару дней поизучал посты на различных форумах, сделал какие-то шаманские действия и благополучно забыл и про проблему и про те действия, которые делал.

Все бы хорошо, но черт меня дернул поставить Karmic Koala с нуля… Про проблему я вспомнил сразу. А вот решение было забыто напрочь.

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Решение быстрое

ERROR: Firmware file «b43/ucode5.fw» not found or load failed

Пройдясь по гуглу я нашел блог, в котором было решение проблемы вида «распакуй архив туда-то и все заработает». Скачал оттуда архив, в котором было недостающее firmware, распаковал в /lib/firmware/ и все действительно заработало.

Надо сказать, что в 8.10 проблема так легко не решалась, потому что там были другие драйвера. В 8.10 были bcm43xx, сейчас же грузятся b43.
Попутно с поиском решения я набрел на сайт с этими самыми драйверами b43, где есть много информации по поддержке этими драйверами различных чипсетов broadcom 43xx.

Также я в нескольких местах встречал мнение, что b43 работают хуже и нестабильнее нативных драйверов.

Мне тоже показалось, что раньше я видел в списке сетей гораздо больше, поэтому я решил пойти по немного более сложному пути, который был еще в 8.10, а именно:

Запуск драйверов производителя — решение посложнее

Родные драйвера я скачал с сайта поддержки Dell. Были они в виде self-extracting архива, но без проблем распаковались file-roller’ом

Далее делаем следующее:

  • Устанавливаем ndiswrapper — утилиту, которая позволяет драйверам Windows для беспроводных карт работать в Linux.
  • Удаляем модуль b43 из автозагрузки помещая его в blacklist:
    sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    добавляем туда строчку: blacklist b43
  • Загружаем виндовые драйвера:
    sudo ndiswrapper -i /path_to_drivers/bcmwl5.inf
  • Чтобы ndiswrapper запускался при загрузке системы, дописываем его в /etc/modules (sudo vim /etc/modules и добавляем туда строчку ndiswrapper)
  • Далее после перезагрузки все должно бы заработать, но не тут то было.
    Перезагрузился, а wi-fi по прежнему не работает.

Причиной тому яляется модуль ssb, который загружается перед ndiswrapper и не дает ему взять на себя управление wi-fi картой.

Если этот модуль загружен (смотрим с помощью lsmod | grep ssd ), то опять открываем /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf и добавляем туда ssd и b44 — который вызывает загрузку ssd.

  • Далее запускаем sudo update-initramfs -u и обновляем список подгружаемых модулей, чтобы ssb не грузился
  • Теперь можно перезагрузиться или же вручную выгрузить ненужные модули и загрузить нужный ndiswrapper и wi-fi заработает
  • По субъективным ощущениям на виндовых драйверах все работает действительно лучше и стабильнее.


    Wi-fi Broadcom

    • нотубук
    • Wi-fi broadcom BCM43*
    • Вылеты Wi-fi соединения

    Вы можете у себя проверить командой:


    Какие модели карт? [ править ]

    Модель ALT DEB b43 PCI-ID
    жирным = b43; простым = ALT/DEB; курсив = оба.
    BCM4306/3 + 14e4:4307
    BCM4311 + + + 14e4:4311
    BCM4312 + + + 14e4:4315
    BCM4313 + 14e4:4313
    BCM4318 + 14e4:4318
    BCM4321 + + 14e4:4328
    BCM4322 + + + 14e4:432b
    BCM43142 + 14e4:4365
    BCM43224 + + 14e4:4353
    BCM43225 + + 14e4:4357
    BCM43227 + + 14e4:4358
    BCM43228 + + 14e4:4359
    BCM4331 + + 14e4:4331
    BCM4360 + 14e4:43a0
    BCM4352 + 14e4:43a0

    Доступные драйвера [ править ]

    ALT-драйвера [ править ]

    Установка закрытых Deb-драйверов [ править ]

    В Debian есть пакет с несвободными драйверами для wifi карт broadcom для фрамеворка DKMS, который поддерживает большее количество Wi-fi карт.

    Ставим debian-овский пакет с dkms-модулями BCM через epm:

    Пакет содержит модули для dkms.

    [Содержимое пакета]

    О NDIS-wrapper [ править ]

    NDISwrapper — программная прослойка, позволяющая использовать драйверы WiFi, предназначенные для Windows в Linux.

    1. NDISwrapper реализует NDISv5 и драйвера структуры WDM (XP), в то время как современные драйвера имеют структуру WDF (NT6+) и NDISv6.
    2. Видимо по этой причине модуль ядра в ALT Linux больше не собирается (но исходники есть и можно собирать вручную)

    B43 [ править ]

    B43 — проект по написанию методом реверс-инжинеринга драйверов для wi-fi устройств Broadcom.[i]

    Для использования B43 нужно установить сам драйвер и прошивку.


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