Change icon in linux

How to Change An Application Icon in Ubuntu Unity [Tips]

This quick tutorial is going to show beginners how to changes an application icon in Ubuntu Unity. It’ll work on Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and future Ubuntu releases if Unity still to be the default desktop environment.

In Unity Desktop, application launchers are actually files stored in your computer, with a ‘.desktop’ extension. So besides changing the icon theme, you can edit the ‘.desktop’ to change the launcher icon for an specific application.

Below are the steps to change the application icon, Firefox Web browser as example, in Ubuntu 13.10 Unity:

1. Edit the ‘firefox.desktop’

The ‘.desktop’ files are usually stored in “/usr/share/applications/”. For some applications that are installed in user’s directory, you may find the .desktop files in “

To edit the firefox.desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run:

It will navigate to /usr/share/applications/ directory and open the firefox.desktop file via gedit editor. You can run ls |more to list all available files in that directory.

2. Change the value of Icon

In gedit window, scroll down to find out the line that starts with “Icon=” and change its value to the exact path to your NEW icon file. The image is usually .png file in 64×64 or 128×128.

3. After saved the changes, open the unity dash and search the launcher and see the result:


Thread: how to change icons?

Thread Tools

how to change icons?

i have no idea how to change icons for anything.. lol
i want to change the folder icons and on AWN change the trash icon and change my firefox launch icon.
i downloaded icons from gnome-look.

Re: how to change icons?

Open your home directory and set it to show hidden files. You can do this by selecting it from the view menu, or just by pressing Ctrl+H. Then you want to look for a folder called .icons if you open that folder you will see all the themes you have installed. Then you just go into the folder for the icon theme you are using at the moment, and replace the icons to the ones you want to use. the firefox icon is probably in the scalable/apps folder.

If you haven’t installed a new icon theme and are just using one of the icon themes that came with ubuntu then this way wont work because the default theme icons are somewhere else (i dont know where as Ive never bothered looking). if you want to install a new icon theme like the kind you get from gnome look then its really easy to do. Go to system > preferences > appearance. when the appearance preferences window appears click install and point it to the tar.gz file you downloaded and it will install it. you dont even need to unpack it.

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Re: how to change icons?

However, to change the icon of a single application , just rightclick on its actual icon, select properties click on its actual icon (inside the properties panel) and just navigate to the new icon.

Re: how to change icons?

I’ve tried copying the extract from the tar.gz files into home/username/.icons and it still doesn’t show up in system>preference>appearance in the customization window. I also tried installing it and it still doesn’t work. Any ideas?

Re: how to change icons?

thanks for the help guys! it worked.
to nlee1201 im not getting that problem but i hope you can solve it.
but heres my input:
did you put the icons themselves, or the whole folder?
all you need to do is take the extracted folder and put it there.

Re: how to change icons?

you can put the whole ectracted folder in /usr/share/icons and change the owner and permission, make it same as all the other folder in there.


How To Install Custom Themes And Icons In Linux

May 12, 2017

Unlike other operating systems, Linux allows users to customize everything from the code that makes it work, down to how it looks. For those who are sick of looking at the same bland UI, you can install custom themes and icons in Linux to make the interface look better. So, where are the best places to find custom themes?

Finding Custom Themes And Icons

There are many different places that give users the options to download custom icon themes, as well as custom desktop environment themes. Just opening up a Google search on the subject will give the user many different results, and download links. Though it is not discouraged to download icons or themes from any website you find on a whim, users might have better luck finding what they want by going to these community-trusted theming websites.

  • The official KDE store. Here KDE users can download skins, desktop themes, and even custom widgets.
  • A website dedicated to hosting high-quality Gnome-based desktop themes, as well as high-quality icon themes.
  • An artwork sharing community very well known for having creators that share Linux custom desktop themes, and custom, high-quality icon themes.
  • Github: the home for almost all open source projects online (including custom icons and desktop themes for Linux). A great place Linux users can look for themes.

How To Install Icons For One User

First, find an icon theme from one of the websites listed above and download it. Once downloaded, extract the archive that it comes in. Not sure how to extract the icon theme? Right click on it, then click “extract here”. The file manager should automatically create a folder and place everything from the archive inside of it.

To install the icon theme, open up a terminal window and start entering these commands.

/.icons creates a hidden icon folder in the current user’s home directory.

Next, go to the directory where the downloaded icon theme is. In this example, we’ll assume that the icon theme was extracted in

/Downloads (the current user’s download folder). Use the CD command to go here.

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Now, install the icon theme by moving it to the hidden

/.icons directory created earlier.

Keep in mind that your icon theme folder will be named something different. Change the command so that it fits your needs.

How To Install Themes For One User

Much like custom icons, desktop themes can be installed for one user at a time. First, download a desktop theme from one of the websites listed above and extract the compressed file. Then, enter these commands to install your theme.

Then, go to the download folder by using the CD command.

Finally, install the icon theme to the new theme folder.

How To Install Icons System Wide

Installing icon themes system wide has it’s benefits. For starters, if you use a Linux PC that has multiple users set up on it, this makes it easier to customize the look of the desktop and make it so that each and every user sees the same thing. Another reason is that sometimes icon themes don’t work as well if they aren’t installed system-wide. This is because each desktop environment on Linux handles files (including icon files) a little different.

First extract the downloaded theme to the download directory. Then, enter the download directory with the CD command.

Inside the download directory, move the icon theme folder to the icons directory.

How To Install Themes System Wide

Having desktop environment themes installed system-wide is a good option if you’re looking to give multiple users access to the same theme. First, go to the download directory where the theme was extracted, by using the CD command.

Then, use the move command to place the theme in the theme folder.

How To Set Your New Themes

Each desktop has different appearance settings, so it’d be a little tedious to go over each and every single way on how you can change icon themes. If you’re using Gnome, install the Gnome Tweak Tool. Find the “Appearance” section, and use it to select your newly installed desktop theme (or) icon theme. If you’re using KDE, open the application menu and search for “icons”. Select the icon theme from the list and follow suit for desktop themes.

For all other desktop environments, it is best to search the settings for “appearance”. All desktops on Linux have these settings.

Alternatively, use one of these terminal commands to change icon and desktop themes on GTK based desktop environments. Not sure what GTK means? For those that don’t know: GTK covers all mainstream Linux desktops — minus KDE. If you’re having a hard time finding a way to set newly installed themes, this may be the best option.

Change desktop themes with these two commands:

Change icon themes with this command:


New users often find customizing Linux to be a difficult process. They’re unsure where to download themes from, and how to install them in the first place. Some Linux desktops try to fix this by building in an option to directly download and install customizations. For the most part, this helps, but it ultimately doesn’t teach users how the process works.

The reality is that downloading and installing things like custom icons can be an easy process, if you know where everything goes. By following this guide, you will be able to install custom themes and icons on Linux without using the built-in options.


How to change launcher icon

Is there a way to customize a Lucid Lynx Launcher icon for various programs? There does not seem to be a way to do this using Create Launcher or Launcher properties. The application is not actually «installed» on the PC, the executable has just been copied. All I’ve been able to do so far is to add the command /home/t32/bin/pc_linux/t32marm -c /home/t32/config_usb.t32 to a generic Launcher icon using Create Launcher .

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2 Answers 2

Launcher icons are stored in /usr/share/applications . Go to your terminal and type: sudo nautilus /usr/share/applications , then right click the application you want, select Properties and click the icon on the properties window. Now you can set it to any icon you want.

*here is an example .desktop file.

*use one of the following as category: Accessibility, Customization, Education, Games, Internet, Office, System, Accessories, Developer, Graphics, Media, Other . Exec is the command to run, Icon is an absolute path to where the icon lives. Usually you wouldn’t need to alter anything else. You may keep this as a scratch and reuse.

*copy this to a whatever-you-name.desktop file, edit as needed and put the file in the /usr/share/applications directory. If paths are true, it will pop up in the gnome menu. I don’t know if lucid had Unity or gnome3 , but if it has, when you search it by the name you gave it, it will be visible in the unity lens , gnome activities thing. If you have gnome2 , it would be grouped under the corresponding category in the applications menu.

*And this kind of launcher are so cute that they are valid in GNOME, KDE and (probably) all others.


Change icons of application in Linux Mint

I installed a new icon set (numix), however not all icons were changed (e.g. the software manager). How can I manually change icons?

5 Answers 5

One way of finding the location of the icon for an application is to add it to the panel (right click > add to panel) and then right click on the newly added icon to edit it. By clicking on the icon in «Launcher Properties» you’ll get its location. For instance mintInstall is found in /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintInstall/icon.svg

Having this you can then replace the icon with you own file and you can remove the application from the panel again.

On newer versions of Linux Mint (tested on 19.1) the accepted solution doesn’t work. You have to go to /usr/share/applications with elevated privileges (command: sudo nemo ) and then modify the icon from there (Right click on icon you want to change -> properties -> click on the icon in upper left of dialog).

Click on the rocket icon in the Application Launcher and you can upload an icon.

In the file right click and choose properties Then, in the top left side you should see the actual icon, left click and in the new window choose the image.

Right click any item in Linux and under properties change emblem this works for most files.

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