- Count Number of Files in a Directory in Linux
- Count number of files in directory in Linux
- Count number of files and directories (without hidden files)
- Count number of files and directories including hidden files
- Count number of files and directories including the subdirectories
- Count only the files, not directories
- Count only the files, not directories and only in current directory, not subdirectories
- Counting Files and Directories in Linux
- How to count Files and Directories in Linux
- 1) Counting files and directories in Directory with tree command
- 2) How to count files and directories in a Directory with ls command
- 2.a) Counting only files in a Directory
- 2.b) Counting all files (including hidden) in a Directory
- 2.c) How to count only Directory
- 2.d) How to count files recursively in Directory
- 2.e) How to count files recursively except hidden files in a Directory
- 2.f) How to count only Folders recursively in a Directory
- 3) How to count files recursively in Directory with find command
- 3.a) How to count only Folders recursively in Directory
- 3.b) How to count a specific file extension in Directory
- 3.c) Counting files owned by a specific user
- 3.d) Counting only directories owned by a specific user
- 3.f) Counting files owned by a specific group
- 3.g) Counting only directories owned by a specific group
- 3.h) Counting files and directories owned by a specific user
- 4) How to count files and directories in Directory using echo command
- 5) Counting Files, Directories, & Link Files in a Directory
- 6) Counts entire Linux system files
- 6a) Counts entire Linux system directories
- 7) Counting Files, Directories, Link Files in Linux
- Closing Notes
- How To Count The Files By Extension In Linux?
- What Is ls Command?
- 1) How To Count The Files By Specific Extension In Linux Using ls Command?
- 2) How To Count The Files Recursively By Specific Extension In Linux Using ls Command?
- 3) How To Count The Files Recursively By Specific Extension In Linux Using find Command?
- 4) How To Count All The Files Extension Recursively In Linux?
Count Number of Files in a Directory in Linux
I presume you are aware of the wc command for counting number of lines. We can use the same wc command with ls command to count the number of files in a directory.
This task seems simple but could soon turn slightly complex based on your need and definition of counting files. Before I confuse you further, let’s see about various use cases of counting the number of files in Linux.
Count number of files in directory in Linux
Let me first show you the content of the test directory I am going to use in this tutorial:
You can see that it has 9 files (including one hidden file) and 2 sub-directories in that directory. But you don’t have to do it manually. Let’s count the number of files using Linux commands.
Count number of files and directories (without hidden files)
You can simply run the combination of the ls and wc command and it will display the number of files:
This is the output:
There is a problem with this command. It counts all the files and directories in the current directories. But it doesn’t see the hidden files (the files that have name starting with a dot).
This is the reason why the above command showed me a count of 10 files instead of 11 (9 files and 2 directories).
Count number of files and directories including hidden files
You probably already know that -a option of ls command shows the hidden files. But if you use the ls -a command, it also displays the . (present directory) and .. (parent directory). This is why you need to use -A option that displays the hidden files excluding . and .. directories.
This will give you the correct count of files and directories in the current directory. Have a look at the output that shows a count of 11 (9 files and 2 directories):
You can also use this command to achieve the same result:
Note that it the option used is 1 (one) not l (L). Using the l (L) option displays an additional line at the beginning of the output (see ‘total 64’ in the directory output at the beginning of the article). Using 1 (one) lists one content per line excluding the additional line. This gives a more accurate result.
Count number of files and directories including the subdirectories
What you have see so far is the count of files and directories in the current directory only. It doesn’t take into account the files in the subdirectories.
If you want to count the number of files and directories in all the subdirectories, you can use the tree command.
This command shows the directory structure and then displays the summary at the bottom of the output.
As you can see in the output, it shows that there are 7 directories and 20 files in total. The good thing about this result is that it doesn’t count directories in the count of files.
Count only the files, not directories
So far, all the solutions we have seen for counting the number of files, also take directories into account. Directories are essentially files but what if you want to count only the number of files, not directories? You can use the wonderful find command.
You can run this command:
The above command searched for all the files (type f) in current directory and its subdirectories.
Count only the files, not directories and only in current directory, not subdirectories
That’s cool! But what if you want to count the number of files in the current directory only excluding the files in the subdirectories? You can use the same command as above but with a slight difference.
All you have to do is to add the ‘depth’ of your find. If you set it at 1, it won’t enter the subdirectories.
Here’s the output now:
In the end…
In Linux, you can have multiple ways to achieve the same goal. I am pretty sure there can be several other methods to count the number of files in Linux. If you use some other command, why not share it with us?
I hope this Linux tutorial helped you learn a few things. Stay in touch for more Linux tips.
Counting Files and Directories in Linux
How do you count the number of files or directories in Linux? In his blog we show you how to count files in a directory or the number of subdirectories. So when you are ready we shall begin! Although at first counting files and directories in Linux may not seem the most exciting topic you will be surprised just how much you can learn from these tasks. They are also well suited to those starting out in Linux with one or two elements that may be new even to seasoned Linux users. This all started from a question on my Facebook page. Even the answer can be quite simple there is more to investigate than you would at first think.
Firstly, if we want to be counting files and directories in Linux then the Linux command ls may be a great option Used in conjunction with the command wc we can count the number of items returned. The command ls is used to list directory content and wc is used for word count, used with -l it can count lines. Pipelining commands in fundamentals to UNIX and Linux
Whilst this is good we will not show hidden files or directories. Hidden files start with a dot. To list these we can use the option -a or -A with ls. To show all files we use -a and almost all files with -A. Yes almost all, we exclude the . and .. directories which are system links.
If we want to count the output we are better not count the . and .. directory.
From the output we can see that we have a total of 7 items in the current directory.
If we want to count directories and files separately then we can use the GNU command find. To list files we can use the option -type f. Of course we could count the output as before.
Listing directories is similar but we will see that we will include the current directory which we may not want.
To exclude the current directory from the count we can use the option -mindepth 1 to ensure that we start with the directories content and not the directory.[tux@packstack
So we can see that counting files and directories in Linux is not difficult but it can be even easier. Well at least counting directories. The hard link count for a directory can be used to show how many subdirectories there are in the directory. Each subdirectory has a link back to the parent. A directory start with a hard link count of 2 so just remove 2 from the current hard link count to see how many subdirectories.
The etc directory has 110 subdirectories on my system, 112 – 2 = 110
How to count Files and Directories in Linux
Hey folks, here we have a set of tricky commands that will help you to count the number of files and directories in a directory on Linux.
If you run out of disk space on your Linux system, you will need to find which directory contains thousands of files.
Once you find some old or unused files or directories on your system, you can delete them using the rm command.
Files and Directories can be counted using several commands such as ‘ls’, ‘egrep’, ‘echo’, ‘wc’, ‘tree’ and ‘find’. But to get this, we need to combine at least two commands.
It counts files or directories or symbolic links or specific user-created files and directories.
To demonstrate this, we have created a total of 16 files and 2 directories. Also, included 21 examples for better understanding.
1) Counting files and directories in Directory with tree command
The tree command with the -a option will count all together (files and directories) recursively. The below example shows everything in detail.
The above output could be awkward if there are thousands of files and folders in a directory. To make it precise, use the tree and tail command together:
Remove the ‘-a’ option to exclude hidden files in the tree command output. The Hidden files come with a dot (.) prefix.
2) How to count files and directories in a Directory with ls command
The ls command is the most basic command used by everyone in the Linux system.
The below ls command will count the number of files and directories in the current directory.
2.a) Counting only files in a Directory
The below ls command counts the number of files in the given directory with combination of the grep & wc commands:
Alternatively, this can be done using the ‘egrep’ command without the wc command as shown below:
Details :
- ls : list directory contents
- -l : Use a long listing format
- /home/daygeek/test : Directory path
- | : control operator that send the output of one program to another program for further processing.
- egrep : print lines matching a pattern
- -c : General Output Control
- ‘^-‘ : This respectively match the empty string at the beginning and end of a line.
2.b) Counting all files (including hidden) in a Directory
The below ls command counts all files, including files hidden in the given directory:
Alternatively this can be done using the egrep command without the wc command, as shown below:
2.c) How to count only Directory
The below ls command will only count the number of folders/directories in a given directory:
Also, you can use the wildcard (*) option to count directories in the current directory:
2.d) How to count files recursively in Directory
The below ls command counts all files, including files hidden in the current directory recursively:
2.e) How to count files recursively except hidden files in a Directory
The below ls command counts all files, Excluding hidden files in the current directory recursively:
2.f) How to count only Folders recursively in a Directory
The below ls command counts only folders in the current directory recursively:
3) How to count files recursively in Directory with find command
The below find command recursively counts all the files, including hidden files in the current directory:
Details :
- find : search for files in a directory hierarchy
- -type : File is of type
- f : regular file
- wc : It’s a command to print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
- -l : print the newline counts
3.a) How to count only Folders recursively in Directory
The below find command recursively counts only the folders in the current directory:
3.b) How to count a specific file extension in Directory
The below find command recursively counts all files based on the extension in the current directory. For instance, let’s count the list of files with the extension ‘.sh’ .
3.c) Counting files owned by a specific user
The below find command recursively counts all files owned by a specific user, including files hidden in the given directory:
3.d) Counting only directories owned by a specific user
The below find command recursively counts all folders owned by a specific user in the given directory:
3.f) Counting files owned by a specific group
The below find command recursively counts all the files owned by a particular group, including files hidden in the given directory:
3.g) Counting only directories owned by a specific group
The below find command recursively counts all folders owned by a specific group in the given directory:
3.h) Counting files and directories owned by a specific user
The below find command recursively counts all files and directories owned by a specific user, including files hidden in the given directory:
4) How to count files and directories in Directory using echo command
The below echo command will count the number of files and directories in the current directory, including symbolic files. In the below output, the center value 7 represents the number of files and directories in the current directory.
5) Counting Files, Directories, & Link Files in a Directory
The below find command recursively counts all files and directories in the given directory, including normal files, folders, symbolic links and Hard links files.
6) Counts entire Linux system files
The below find command counts all files (including hidden files) in the entire Linux system:
6a) Counts entire Linux system directories
The below find command counts all folders on the entire Linux system:
7) Counting Files, Directories, Link Files in Linux
The below find command recursively counts all files and directories on the entire Linux system, including normal files, folders, symbolic links and Hard links files:
References :
Closing Notes
In this guide, we have shown you several examples to count files, directories and link files in a directory on Linux.
If you have any questions, please feel free to add your comments below, and we will address them at the earliest. Happy Learning!
How To Count The Files By Extension In Linux?
Did you ever think, how to count the files based on the extension or pattern or group in the current directory?
Did you get a such a requirements?
If so, don’t worry, we are here to help you out on this.
ls command is heart for Linux user. ls command is one of the very basic and most frequently used command in Linux.
I know that we use ls command whenever we logged into the system. We can’t do anything in the Linux system without using ls command.
There are many options are available in ls command which will help to sort the directory contents in the variety of the way.
You may have interested in the following articles which is related to file manipulation.
What Is ls Command?
ls command is used to list information about directory contents (the current directory by default), which included files and folders. There are many file types and few folder types are available in Linux.
If you want to know these details, navigate to the following url to understand and identify file types in Linux.
To test this, i have placed variety of file formats in the /home/daygeek/Downloads folder so, we will show you how to do.
Let’s list out the directory contents. I have listed only part of the files because the directory has lots of the files.
If you want to know how many files and folders are there in the current directory, use the following tree command. It’s showing the results recursively.
If you would like to check the list of files in the current directory, use the following command.
If you would like to check the list of files recursively, use one of the following command.
1) How To Count The Files By Specific Extension In Linux Using ls Command?
The below command is counting only specific extension files within a directory and not recursively, like if i mention .png its count only .png file on current directory. You need to mention your file extension which you want to count. Here i have checked two type of extension and pasted the output.
2) How To Count The Files Recursively By Specific Extension In Linux Using ls Command?
In this example, we are going to count the files recursively using ls command.
3) How To Count The Files Recursively By Specific Extension In Linux Using find Command?
In this example, we are going to count the files recursively using find commmand.
4) How To Count All The Files Extension Recursively In Linux?
The below command is counting all file extensions separately and recursively. All the files are different extension but we can able to see all together in the single output. See the below output