Create slideshow mac os

Создание слайд-шоу в приложении «Фото» на Mac

В приложении «Фото» есть два способа создания слайд-шоу. Можно быстро воспроизвести слайд-шоу из фотографий за день — с готовой темой и добавленной музыкой.

Чтобы точнее управлять параметрами слайд-шоу, можно создать и сохранить проект слайд-шоу. Выберите группу фотографий, затем добавьте текст, выберите тему, добавьте музыку и настройте длительность отображения каждого слайда. Также можно включить в слайд-шоу видеоклипы и экспортировать слайд-шоу для просмотра на Mac, iPhone, iPad или Apple TV.

Создание быстрого слайд-шоу

Можно быстро воспроизвести слайд-шоу из фотографий за день. Для слайд-шоу можно выбрать тему и музыку, однако изменить другие параметры слайд-шоу невозможно.

В приложении «Фото» на Mac нажмите «Медиатека» в боковом меню, затем нажмите «Дни» в панели инструментов.

Выберите несколько фотографий за день, затем выберите «Файл» > «Воспроизвести слайд‑шоу».

Нажмите «Темы», затем выберите тему.

На панели отображается предварительное изображение темы.

Нажмите «Музыка» и выберите нужную песню.

Чтобы выключить музыку, нажмите песню еще раз для отмены выделения.

Нажмите кнопку «Воспроизвести слайд-шоу».

Чтобы остановить воспроизведение, нажмите клавишу Escape. Можно также нажать клавиши со стрелками, чтобы перейти к следующему или предыдущему слайду, а также нажать клавишу пробела для приостановки слайд-шоу.

Создание проекта слайд-шоу

В приложении «Фото» на Mac выберите фотографии, которые Вы хотите добавить в слайд-шоу.

Можно добавлять и удалять фотографии позже (см. раздел «Добавление и удаление фотографий и текста в слайд-шоу» ниже).

Выберите меню «Файл» > «Создать» > «Слайд-шоу» > «Фото».

Нажмите всплывающее меню «Слайд-шоу» и выберите «Новое слайд-шоу».

Введите имя слайд-шоу в поле «Название слайд-шоу», затем нажмите «OK».

Чтобы изменить порядок фотографий, перетяните фотографии в нужном порядке внизу окна.

Чтобы выбрать тему, нажмите кнопку «Темы» , затем нажмите тему.

Тему можно изменить в любой момент. От выбранной темы зависят шрифты, положение текста и переходы между слайдами. Эффект панорамирования и масштабирования, известный как эффект Кена Бернса, доступен только в теме «Кен Бернс».

Чтобы выбрать музыку для слайд-шоу, нажмите кнопку «Музыка» , нажмите стрелку вниз рядом с музыкальной библиотекой, затем выберите одну или несколько песен.

Выберите «Песни для темы» во всплывающем меню, чтобы просмотреть музыку из приложения «Фото». Либо выберите «Музыка», чтобы просмотреть музыку из медиатеки приложения «Музыка». Перетяните выбранные темы для изменения порядка их воспроизведения. Чтобы удалить песню, выберите ее и нажмите клавишу Delete.

Примечание. Если в списке нет Вашей музыки из приложения «Музыка», закройте Фото, затем откройте приложение «Музыка» и выполните вход, если Вы этого еще не сделали. Не закрывая приложения «Музыка», снова откройте Фото и выберите слайд-шоу. Нажмите кнопку «Музыка» и выберите «Музыка» во всплывающем меню, чтобы отобразить список своей музыки.

Чтобы изменить длительность отображения каждого слайда, нажмите кнопку «Длительность» , затем выполните одно из следующих действий (некоторые команды доступны не для всех тем).

Настройка длительности слайд-шоу в соответствии с длительностью выбранной музыки. Выберите «В соответствии с музыкой».

Настройка конкретного времени отображения слайд-шоу. Выберите «Произвольный», затем перетяните бегунок для настройки длительности воспроизведения слайд-шоу.

Настройка перехода для всего слайд-шоу. Установите флажок «Переход», затем выберите тип перехода во всплывающем меню.

Масштабирование слайдов по размеру экрана. Установите флажок «Масштабировать фотографии под размер экрана».

Для предварительного просмотра слайд-шоу нажмите кнопку «Просмотр».

Чтобы остановить просмотр, еще раз нажмите кнопку «Просмотр». Можно также запустить непрерывное циклическое воспроизведение слайд-шоу, нажав кнопку зацикливания .

Чтобы воспроизвести слайд-шоу, нажмите кнопку воспроизведения .

Чтобы остановить воспроизведение, нажмите клавишу Escape. Можно также нажать клавиши со стрелками, чтобы перейти к следующему или предыдущему слайду, а также нажать клавишу пробела для приостановки слайд-шоу.

О том, как поделиться слайд-шоу, см. в разделе Экспорт фотографий, видео и слайд-шоу.

Добавление и удаление фотографий и текста в слайд-шоу

После создания слайд-шоу можно в любой момент добавить или удалить фотографии. Можно также добавить текст к выбранным слайдам. Положение текста и шрифт зависят от выбранной темы. При добавлении Live Photo в слайд-шоу, она отображается как неподвижное изображение.

В приложении «Фото» на Mac нажмите слайд-шоу в разделе «Проекты» в боковом меню.

Выполните одно из следующих действий.

Добавление фотографий в слайд-шоу. Выберите фотографию в строке миниатюр внизу, нажмите , затем нажмите «Добавить фото». Выберите фотографии, которые нужно добавить, затем нажмите «Добавить».

Добавление текста на слайд. Выберите фотографию, нажмите , затем нажмите «Добавить текст». Выделите текст в текстовом блоке и введите требуемый текст.

Удаление текста с фотографии. Выделите текст на фотографии или выберите рамку «T» перед фотографией в строке миниатюр, затем нажмите клавишу Delete.

Удаление фотографии из слайд-шоу. Выберите фотографию для удаления, затем нажмите клавишу Delete.


Top 5 Slideshow Software for Mac

Creating photo slideshows is one of the best ways to have a vivid presentation with still images integrated into it. We know that many online applications and desktop programs available to make a slideshow on Windows. However, when it comes to presentation on the Mac OS X system, it is totally a different situation. We also know the Mac OS X is much more closed than the Windows platform. The choices of slideshow software for Mac are very limited. But never worry, as based on our careful testing and functional evaluation, we selected the top 5 slideshow programs you can use on Mac. Let’s check them.

5 Best Slideshow Software for Mac


LightMV is a cloud-based slideshow maker which is compatible with Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. There are many web applications provide slideshow making services but we consider this one as the best free slideshow maker for Mac among others based on three factors – No signup and installation, ads free with a clean interface, completely free export without watermark. Currently, its easy mode offers 11 styles of templates. I guess it has an advanced mode which might be released in the near future. Under the easy mode, we can output a HD-quality slideshow in three steps.


  • A super easy user interface
  • No limit on the use
  • HD export of the video
  • Works with different systems


  • More templates should be offered


iMovie should be one of your considerations when it comes to creating a stunning slideshow. As the default video editing software developed by Apple Inc., iMovie can be found preinstalled on Mac and iOS devices. This tool can create a slideshow presentation with pictures, aside from editing their video footages. There are a lot of themes, transitions and effects which can be used to make the slideshow good looking. If you need a free slideshow maker for Mac, go ahead with iMovie.


  • Free of charge
  • Lots of integrated effects, transitions and themes
  • Official technical support from Apple


  • Not easy-to-use interface for beginners


JPEGDeux is another program that can be used effectively to make a desired slideshow on Mac. With the wide range of useful options for customization it provides, people are able to have more freedom to export the slideshow they prefer. Besides, as one of the best slideshow makers for Mac, it also has a very intuitive interface which first-time users can get hold of all its functions instantly.

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  • Recursive directories help make slideshows very easily
  • Outstanding customization options for slideshow making
  • Stable and reliable to use


  • Limited editing functions
  • No option for slideshow sharing

4K Slideshow Maker

4K Slideshow Maker provides users the highest 4K resolution when it comes to creating slideshows. The slideshow maker software for Mac allows uploading of images not only from Mac, but also directly from Instagram, which is a quite great feature for Instagram users that can come very handy. It has cool effects, filters, effects and transitions and even the face recognition tech. All these features will definitely give you a good experience.


  • Supports the loading of images from local folder or even from the Instagram platform
  • Allows users to export slideshow in 4K quality
  • Provides various format options for exporting a slideshow


  • Limited editing options are available in the tool
  • Limited themes and styles available

FotoMagico 5

FotoMagico 5 is an additional tool among the best free slideshow makers for Mac which allows its users to create a slideshow with photos, videos, music and text integrated all at once. Like 4K Slideshow Maker, this software also provides ultra 4K resolution for creating a slideshow.


  • Very easy to handle user interface
  • Supports the creation of slideshows with videos aside from photos
  • Offers 4K resolution


  • The latest version is only available on Mac OS X 10.6.6 and later


Those are the best slideshow maker for Mac on the market, which you can use to make the most stunning slideshow on Mac. If you have better programs that we do not review in this post, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below.


Best Slideshow Software for Mac

There have never been more choices for you to choose from when selecting slideshow software than there are today. While most of us remember making PowerPoint presentations during school, PowerPoint is now just one of the dozens of slideshow maker options for savvy internet users in 2021.

Slideshow software has come a long way since PowerPoint’s initial run on the Mac in 1987. The ability to add not just images and text but also videos, music, transitions, and more is now standard on most of the best slideshow programs. It’s hard to go wrong with most selections you’ll find doing a cursory Google search.

If you’re looking to set yourself up with slideshow software that specifically meets your needs, we’re here to help. We cover 19 of the best photo slideshow programs in this piece, outline the best slideshow maker for Mac and PC users, explain their pros and cons, and provide recommendations for which ones you should try based on what you want to actually do with the software.

Best Programs to Make a Slideshow on Mac: 19 Top Programs

The best slideshow software for Mac ranges from the free, minimal versions used by students and amateurs to the comprehensive, robust programs popular among businesses and marketing firms.

Generally, making a slideshow is a straightforward process and is in many ways similar to telling a story. For most users, beginning that story entails choosing a theme or template to use across the entire slideshow. Most slideshow software available on Macintosh provides a limited number of these templates for free because they make it easier for a user to boot up the software and move toward a finished product.

Once you’ve given your project (or “story”) a title, you’re then able to add slides of images, videos, text, graphics, and more in quick succession, and you can even tweak the way slides transition between each other so as to best engage your audience.

The best slideshow makers for Mac act as powerful tools in which users can create narratives, pitch dreams, showcase hobbies, market products, and so much more. And it all begins by starting up a slideshow maker and getting to work.

We’ve reviewed the best slideshow makers for Mac to make the process of choosing that software easier for you. But first, here’s our top recommendation.

1. Best Recommendation: Movavi Slideshow Maker

While you have many options when it comes time to choose a slideshow app for Mac, Movavi Slideshow Maker stands apart from competing software for several reasons.

First, the program’s Slideshow Wizard makes it a simple task for beginners to create their own professional slideshow. All they need to do is upload the media files they want, then choose transitions to use across the presentation. It’s also easy to add music, and there’s a user guide in case anyone needs some extra assistance.

Additionally, creating projects in manual mode gives users access to advanced settings like native recording, extra tools for photo editing, and a powerful video editor directly in the app – most of which can simply be used by clicking and dragging stuff around. And when the presentation is finalized, the slideshow is saveable in a range of file formats and file sizes based on the user’s needs.

The ease of use and customizability of Movavi Slideshow Maker makes it one of the best slideshow programs for Mac and Microsoft Office currently on the market.

  • Turn your favorite media (music, videos, image) into a slideshow
  • Supports all major file formats
  • Intuitive, but with in-app tutorials if needed
  • Timeline makes editing seamless
  • Easy to use
  • Effective tool for amateurs and professionals
  • Many personalization features
  • Free 7-day trial version available
  • Equal emphasis on photo slideshow and slideshow video tools
  • Transitions can’t be randomized
  • Trial version slideshows are watermarked

OS: Windows 7/8/10, macOS X (legacy versions for Mac and Microsoft Windows also available)

Licensing: Free 7-day trial, subscription, or lifetime license

File size: 107.2 MB

Price: personal 1-year license ( 1 390 руб. ), lifetime personal license ( 1 590 руб. ), 1-year business license ( 2 590 руб. ), lifetime business license ( 3 725 руб. )

Our rating: 10/10

Movavi Slideshow Maker

An easy-to-use, yet efficient slideshow making program

List of Slideshow Programs for Macintosh

2. Keynote

Keynote is a tool most Mac users are familiar with. Now usable on iPhones and via iCloud, Apple’s slideshow maker Keynote is versatile and free to use for anyone on a Mac purchased in 2013 or later.

Keynote’s current iteration allows you to collaborate on projects, quickly adjust presentations on the fly with a sleek mobile app, and even turn handwriting into computer text. If you’re all-in on Apple products, Keynote is an effective tool for creating slideshows and presenting information to friends, family, colleagues, and clients.

  • On-the-go collaboration (mobile app, Apple integration)
  • Import PowerPoint, other files into KeyNote
  • Equal emphasis on video, photo, and audio editing
  • Handy phone app makes it possible to edit presentations anywhere
  • Can easily embed videos into your presentation
  • Possibly already on your computer if you have a Mac
  • Takes time to master
  • Can only be used on Mac
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Licensing: Free (for new Mac laptops and desktops) or one-time purchase

File size: 345.2 MB

3. Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is the grandfather of slideshow maker software and is so well known that it’s synonymous with slideshows (many people say “I need to make a PowerPoint” rather than “I need to make a slideshow”).

PowerPoint is easy to use and provides helpful less-known features like self-running presentations and audio modification (such as bookmarking, trimming, and fading). To create a slideshow, simply choose a premade theme, fill out the title page, and add media as necessary. Presenting images, text, video, and audio via PowerPoint is a piece of cake.

  • Classic slideshow software, open and begin making your presentation
  • Embed videos and links into slides
  • Still receiving updates today
  • Lots of helpful resources online if you encounter issues
  • Most people have used it at some point, so likely a lesser learning curve
  • Operating system agnostic (usable on whatever you’re running)
  • Linear, prevents the user from portraying the full picture about a topic without verbal support

OS: macOS, Windows

Licensing: 1-month free trial, subscription

File size: 700 MB

Price: personal 1-year license ($69.95)

4. LibreOffice Impress

LibreOffice Impress is the slideshow maker tool for LibreOffice’s open-source suite of productivity software. It offers users five different view modes for each step of the presentation-making process and even has interesting built-in tools like The Fontworks which allows you to put together 2D and 3D images from text.

To make a slideshow, you can start with the outline mode and take it from there. And if you’re looking for help in the creativity department, you can easily download free LibreOffice Impress templates online.

  • Multiview options
  • Create 2D and 3D vectors out of text
  • Free templates
  • Multiple viewing modes for easy step-by-step presentation making
  • Completely free to use
  • Not an online app, making collaboration less efficient
  • Navigating all the features can take time to figure out

OS: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS

Licensing: Open source software

File size: 252 MB (for LibreOffice productivity suite)

Our rating: 7.5/10

5. Prezi

Prezi is a novel response to linear presentation software like PowerPoint. Originally a web application, Prezi Next allows you to create dynamic presentations offline.

Although creating a slideshow with Prezi involves a lot of the same types of selections (template, adding text and video, etc.), the way information moves from section to section on Prezi is where it really stands out.

Each presentation is displayed on a canvas, and rather than going from slide to slide, your presentation zooms in and out like the zoom on a camera when you’re ready to proceed to the next section. You can even easily add video and audio with Prezi’s recording software, allowing the creation of dynamic presentations that stand out from the norm.

  • Unique slide progression
  • Incorporates talking head video
  • Different feel from standard slideshows, focuses on “the path” (transitions)
  • Easy to incorporate your own audio and video into a presentation, including talking-head videos
  • Range of modes to begin your canvas, providing ample customizability
  • Limited collaboration within the app
  • Pricing is multi-tiered and it’s difficult to understand which features you may or may not need

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, macOS X or higher

Licensing: Monthly subscription

File size: 650 MB

Price: $5, $15, or $59/month based on subscription level

Our rating: 8.5/10

6. Slidebean

Slidebean was built for those of us who lack the graphic designer mindset. Once you add the content for your slideshow, Slidebean uses AI to rearrange that content in an aesthetic way.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to spice up your presentations and don’t care as much about customizability, Slidebean is an intriguing option.

  • AI automatically modifies your presentation for you
  • Range of templates
  • Aesthetic interface
  • Easy to use
  • Attractive designs
  • Excels at creating pitch decks
  • AI rearrangements might require adjustments
  • Some users have reported encountering minor bugs

OS: Web application

Price: free basic plan, $8/month starter, $19/month premium, $149/month Founder’s edition

7. CustomShow

CustomShow is enterprise presentation SaaS created with the intent of helping companies unite under a single aesthetic vision. After creating a presentation and uploading the desired media, users can make customized slides that employ shading effects on images, video backgrounds, and more.

This slideshow creator for Mac also allows users to simultaneously cast their presentations to multiple locations, making it particularly useful for large remote teams. And with web and mobile apps paired with a strong analytics foundation, there’s a lot of value to be drawn from this product by those serious about getting the most out of business presentation software.

  • Enterprise SaaS
  • Analytics integrations
  • Ideal for brand standardization
  • Collaboration features make it particularly effective for larger companies
  • High level of customizability
  • Not built with individual users in mind
  • Less user friendly than many other presentation software

OS: Cloud-based application

Price: $29/$49/$69 per month based on the desired subscription level

8. FlowVella

FlowVella was built for interactive presentations – allowing presenters (or users, depending on the context) to seamlessly move amongst the images, videos, PDFs, and any other uploaded media content.

After you’ve entered the application, you can “create a flow” to begin the creation process.

This slideshow software for Mac has several interesting features, including “kiosk mode” for iPads, which lets other people interact with your presentation without being able to alter its content. Such a function allows you to leave an iPad out at your tradeshow booth or museum exhibit and let others interact with it safely.

  • «Kiosk» mode for tradeshows, museums, and more
  • Create «flows» of media
  • Built with many types of users in mind
  • Intuitive interface
  • Minor bugs in the app

OS: OS X and iOS

Price: $10/month, $20/month, enterprise option

Our rating: 8.5/10

9. Focusky

Focusky is a robust piece of slideshow software with an interface that will feel familiar for all veteran PowerPoint users. However, where it differentiates itself is its various customization features. For instance, it facilitates zooming in and out and other transition effects similar to Prezi (even though the creation flow is similar to PowerPoint).

  • Zoom transitions on slides
  • Collection of free media to use
  • Large range of customization tools (5,000+ open-source vector icons and diagrams, object animation, wide array of templates)
  • Can publish presentations online on their cloud hosting service
  • Some minor bugs involving effects on embedded videos

OS: For Windows10/8/7Vista/XP, macOS

Licensing: Free trial, subscription, lifetime purchase

File size: 372 MB

Price: $0, $9.9/month, $99/month, $399/lifetime

10. Preview in Finder

If you’re a Mac user, you’ve probably used Preview without even realizing it. When you want to look at a screenshot or image you downloaded on your Mac, Preview opens the file for you. But did you know you can use Preview as a free slideshow app for Mac?

To get started, open each file you’d like to include in your presentation in the Preview application. Such files include JPEG, PNG, and even PDF. Once the files you want are opened, go to View and click on Slideshow.

  • Image viewer
  • Can view JPEG, PNG, PDF, and more
  • Simple, on-the-fly concept
  • Make a presentation fast
  • Lacks customization options, the media you provide is what you get
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OS: macOS (Big Sur)

Licensing: Free for Mac users

Our rating: 6.5/10

11. iMovie

Similar to Preview, iMovie is another Macintosh exclusive that wasn’t designed specifically for making an Apple slideshow but can still be used for such a purpose. Built with iOS and macOS integration in mind, it’s easy to see why some people have turned to this software to create more dynamic, video-based presentations and slideshow videos.

To get things moving, pick out the media you want, then add text, music, and anything else you need to round out your presentation. With video filters, green screen functions, and other cool video-related features, iMovie is great if you’re looking to present information in a dynamic, fun way.

  • Easy to move media between Apple products
  • Video-centric software
  • Robust video editor
  • Cross-device integration for Apple products
  • Less suitable for traditional slideshows

Licensing: Free for Mac users

File size: 2.2 GB

12. Apple Photos

Apple’s Photos app, just like Preview, comes pre-installed on Mac computers, and it’s also the base photo application on iPhones and iPads. Taking photos and videos are set to upload on the cloud automatically, and then you can conveniently access them across any of your synced Apple devices.

Apple Photos provides two options for making a slideshow. First, you can make a slideshow solely comprising your photos, a theme, and music. Or if you want to go beyond that, it’s possible to create a slideshow project, which lets you include text and set the time between slides. Both are easy if your needs focus primarily on the visual aspect of presenting information.

  • Great for personal/family projects
  • Simple photo editing tools
  • Lets you create custom calendars, cards, and photo books
  • Easy photo editing and slideshow creation
  • Customization options are limited

OS: iOS, iPadOS, macOS

Licensing: Free for Mac users

13. FotoMagico5

FotoMagico5 is a powerful presentation builder that lets users really dive into the finer details of a presentation. From adjusting audio to align it precisely with image and video transitions to high-resolution functionality, this software is particularly great for savvy computer users or professional photographers.

Each slide is visible on the bottom panel of the screen, making it easy to move from frame to frame and adjusting everything to your exact specifications.

  • Audio-transition alignment
  • High-resolution video and photo
  • Customization options galore
  • 4K resolution video slides
  • Occasional bugs reported by users

OS: macOS, iPadOS

Licensing: One-time purchase

File size: 371.5 MB

Price: $50/basic, $100/pro

14. HyperEngine AV

HyperEngine AV is video and slideshow-making software, perfect for making short introductory videos about a product, a YouTube clip, or dynamic slideshows. It features a «trackless» workspace which lets the user adjust an unlimited quantity of videos, audio files, images, and tracks of text.

Transitions between slides and video clips are created instantly after you drop one on top of another.

  • Drag-and-drop images and video
  • Trackless workspace
  • Drag and drop function makes transitions simple
  • Video editor with lots of text customization features
  • Hasn’t received an update from its developer in almost a decade

OS: macOS X or higher

Licensing: Open-source software

File size: 11 MB

15. iDVD

iDVD is one of Apple’s older video-creation apps, popular among the home movie-making crowd. Facilitates the creation of widescreen DVDs with menus and ambient audio. To make your video, simply add a title, pick out a theme, and drag your uploaded video clips into the labeled boxes.

  • Fun for homemade videos (weddings, family reunions, etc.)
  • Rip DVDs of your creations
  • Great video editor for homemade wedding videos
  • Widescreen video support
  • Not supported on Apple’s newest operating systems

OS: macOS (pre-Catalina)

Licensing: Free for Mac owners

File size: 36.12 MB

Our rating: 7.5/10

16. JPEGDeux

JPEGDeux is software used to create image slideshows. Most users like it as an alternative to iPhotos, because it provides a more interesting way of displaying slides – whether you prefer them in window mode, a full-screen display, or in Dock mode.

There are some transition and customization options, but they are minor. Simply upload and organize your photos to create your slideshows.

  • Organize thousands of phone photos
  • Simple presentations
  • Simple photo slideshows
  • Interesting option for dumping and organizing phone photos
  • Lacks customization features
  • Not compatible with newer versions of macOS

Licensing: Open-source software

File size: 350 KB

17. Muvee Reveal Express for Mac

Muvee Reveal Express for Mac is a straightforward app that lets you quickly make a stunning picture slideshow paired to music. All you need to do is select the images you want (up to 50 per slideshow), pick a song you like on iTunes, and the app does the rest — matching transitions to the beat of the music and adding fun color filters and camera zooming.

  • Dual view of the media panel plus preview screen simplifies adjustments
  • Automatically analyzes media, adds default music and styling
  • Pacing button to adjust speed of slideshow
  • Simple to use
  • Fun way to highlight iPhone photos

OS: macOS X 10.6.6 or later

Licensing: One-time purchase

File size: 33.8 MB

18. 4K Slideshow Maker

4K Slideshow Maker is what it says it is: a photo slideshow maker for Mac that lets you output slideshows in resolutions as high as Ultra 4K HD. Creating a slideshow is easy with this software, and you can quickly manipulate photos, add music, and even upload images directly from Instagram into your presentation.

  • Employs the Ken Burns video effect
  • Turn your presentations into YouTube videos
  • Good video editor tool for beginners
  • Uses the Ken Burns effect
  • Slideshow can be easily turned into a YouTube video
  • Customization is lacking

OS: macOS 10.13 and later, Linux, Windows

Licensing: Open-source software

File size: 29.7 MB

Our rating: 8.5/10

19. LightMV

LightMV is an app that lets users customize a wide range of media, but primarily leans toward video rather than still images. Video templates make it easy to get started, and then you just need to upload the media you want and add text.

  • Templates for most occasions
  • Save on iPhone, share on social media
  • Provides template themes designed specifically for weddings and businesses
  • Perfect for a photo or video slideshow (or a combination)
  • Free to download, but not to access your presentation

OS: Android, Windows, iOS, macOS

File size: 5.8 MB

Price: $29/month, $39/3 months, $299/year

Our rating: 7.5/10


Whether you’re a businessperson looking to assemble impactful presentations, a parent hoping to create a nice slideshow for your upcoming family reunion, or an aspiring YouTuber in need of an effective video editor, there’s software on this list most suited to you. But for the most comprehensive, easy-to-use slideshow creation tool that meets the needs of all these demographics and is usable across all devices, we recommend Movavi Slideshow Maker.

Here’s a list of some of the top free slideshow makers for Mac and Windows, as well as the best software on the market overall:


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