Crusader kings 3 для mac os

Crusader Kings III 1.0.3 for macOS — Download Torrent


Crusader Kings III 1.0.3

Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: Pre-K’ed

OS version: 10.13+
Processor type(s) & speed: Core i7-7820HQ
RAM minimum: 12 GB
Video RAM: 4 GB

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2) Move to Applications
3) Play!

Languages: English (audio), French, German, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
Version: Steam v1.0.3 (03.09.2020)
Cure: ACTiVATEDParadox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made. Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.


  • Choose a royal or noble house from a number of realms on a map that stretches from Iceland to India, from the Arctic Circle to Central Africa.
  • Guide a dynasty through the centuries, ensuring the security and power of each new generation. Gather new lands and titles to cement your legacy.
  • Be a pious king to bring the religious powers to your side, or strike out on your own, designing your own splinter religion and earning everlasting fame or eternal damnation.
  • Knights, peasant revolts, pilgrimages, Viking raiders… experience the drama and pageantry of the Middle Ages.
  • Adopt one of five different lifestyles, perfecting your skills in military strategy or kingdom management.
  • Acquire character traits that will guide your actions, but beware if you act against your nature! The stress from denying your truest self could bring a new host of troubles!
  • Choose appropriate guardians for your heirs, or train them yourself. But what do you do if the legal heir is not quite up to the job?
  • Violent characters may develop a fearsome reputation, cowering your timid subjects into obedience with the dread you inspire.
  • Recruit men-at-arms units and powerful knights to supplement your royal levies.
  • Research new technologies to increase the wealth and military might of your realm.
  • Hire mercenaries and Holy Orders for your major wars.
  • Supplement your income with ransomed prisoners or raiding parties on neighboring realms.
  • Use your spymaster to discover plots against your dynasty and your rule.
  • Recruit agents to assist your schemes to undermine or murder anyone who stands between you and power.
  • Seduce other characters for love or political power.
  • Gather information for blackmailing purposes or call in favors whenever your plans need an extra bit of influence.
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Crusader Kings III Windows, Mac, Linux game

Crusader Kings III

Paradox Development Studio | Paradox Interactive | Released Sep 1, 2020

Crusader Kings III is the newest generation of Paradox Development Studio’s beloved medieval role-playing grand strategy game. Expand and improve your realm, whether a mighty kingdom or modest county. Use marriage, diplomacy and war to increase your power and prestige in a meticulously detailed map that stretches from Spain to India, Scandinavia to Central Africa.

But uneasy lies the head that wears a crown! Your cunning is your greatest weapon, and intelligence is the key to all successful strategy. Guard your life and the future of your dynasty, because enemies foreign and domestic envy your status. Engage in espionage, join political factions, punish heretics or use assassins to make sure your throne passes safely to the next generation.

Crusader Kings III is the medieval strategy role-playing experience that you have been waiting for.

  • Shape Your Dynasty: Guide unique characters through history, choosing lifestyles best suited to their personalities and your ambitions.
  • Rewrite Medieval History: Dynasties will change and adapt to changes in family and politics, swimming in a rich world of religious faith and royal pageantry.
  • Build a Mighty Kingdom: Use cold steel or warm words to expand your realm; war backed by cunning, and diplomacy that unites bloodlines.
  • Experience High Drama: Stranger than fiction stories leap off the screen, as characters plot against you and events push you to extremes.
  • Learn as You Go: Guided advice helps newcomers and veterans navigate a rich medieval world. In-game suggestions tip you off to paths you might not have considered.
  • The Usual Crusader Kings Fun: Keep a stubborn council in line, scheme against your overbearing uncle or marry rich duchesses for their land and legacy.

Prepare yourself to secure the throne in Crusader Kings III!


Дополнительный контент

Для запуска требуется Steam-версия игры Crusader Kings III.

Запланированная дата выхода: To Be Announced

Предзаказ Crusader Kings III: Royal Court

Комплекты, содержащие эту игру

Купить Crusader Kings III Royal Edition

Включенные товары (5): Crusader Kings III, Crusader Kings III: Fashion of the Abbasid Court, Crusader Kings III: Royal Court, Crusader Kings III: Northern Lords, Crusader Kings III: Flavor Pack 2

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Предзаказ Crusader Kings III: Expansion Pass НАБОР (?)

Информация о дополнении

Что вы сделаете, если ваши подданные придут к вам с жалобами? Создание самого грандиозного двора в мире понравится вашим вассалам и привлечет интересных людей, но при этом позволит недовольным вас найти. Принимайте решения, которые прекратят волнения в вашем королевстве, и впечатляйте гостей своей коллекцией шедевров и реликвий.

Дополнение Royal Court для Crusader Kings III добавляет новые способы взаимодействия с жителями вашего королевства или империи и меняет всю систему культурного развития: теперь оно станет динамичнее и плавнее.

Особенности Crusader Kings III: Royal Court:

  • Тронный зал: визуальное воплощение вашего королевского величия и престижа династии.
  • Возможность вершить суд: взаимодействуйте с вассалами и придворными, решайте их тяжбы и судите по справедливости.
  • Великолепие: жизнь при дворе должна быть роскошной. Изысканные украшение и еда произведут впечатление на соперников и привлекут высоких гостей.
  • Таланты: художники, ремесленники и мыслители смогут работать при вашем дворе и создавать для вас новые шедевры.
  • Сочетание культур: создайте многонациональное государство, воспользовавшись всеми преимуществами его географии и демографического состава.
  • Культурное разнообразие: преобразите традиционную культуру, чтобы она лучше соответствовала вашим целям.


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Crusader Kings III

Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made.

Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.


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Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made.

Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.

  • Main Game
  • Expansion Pass:
  • — Fashion of the Abbasid Court
  • — Northern Lords Flavor Pack
  • — First Major Expansion
  • — Second Flavor Pack
  • Main Game
  • Expansion Pass:
  • — Fashion of the Abbasid Court
  • — Northern Lords Flavor Pack
  • — First Major Expansion
  • — Second Flavor Pack
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Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made.

Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.

Choose a royal or noble house from a number of realms on a map that stretches from Iceland to India, from the Arctic Circle to Central Africa.

Guide a dynasty through the centuries, ensuring the security and power of each new generation. Gather new lands and titles to cement your legacy.

Be a pious king to bring the religious powers to your side, or strike out on your own, designing your own splinter religion and earning everlasting fame or eternal damnation.

Knights, peasant revolts, pilgrimages, Viking raiders. Experience the drama and pageantry of the Middle Ages.

Adopt one of five different lifestyles, perfecting your skills in military strategy or kingdom management.

Acquire character traits that will guide your actions, but beware if you act against your nature! The stress from denying your truest self could bring a new host of troubles!

Choose appropriate guardians for your heirs, or train them yourself. But what do you do if the legal heir is not quite up to the job?

Violent characters may develop a fearsome reputation, cowering your timid subjects into obedience with the dread you inspire.

Recruit men-at-arms units and powerful knights to supplement your royal levies.

Research new technologies to increase the wealth and military might of your realm.

Hire mercenaries and Holy Orders for your major wars.

Supplement your income with ransomed prisoners or raiding parties on neighboring realms.

Use your spymaster to discover plots against your dynasty and your rule.

Recruit agents to assist your schemes to undermine or murder anyone who stands between you and power.

Seduce other characters for love or political power.

Gather information for blackmailing purposes or call in favors whenever your plans need an extra bit of influence.

Paradox Development Studio brings you the sequel to one of the most popular strategy games ever made.

Crusader Kings III is the heir to a long legacy of historical grand strategy experiences and arrives with a host of new ways to ensure the success of your royal house.


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