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- Look through the windows while in playerhouse — EN
- File information
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- Virus scan
- Tags for this mod
- About this mod
- Off-site requirements
- Mods requiring this file
- Credits and distribution permission
- Author notes
- File credits
- Donation Points system
- Version 1.0.9
- Version 1.0.8
- Version 1.0.7
- Version 1.0.6
- Version 1.0.5 beta
- Version 1.0.4
- Version 1.0.3
- Version 1.0.2
- Version 1.0.1
- Version 1.0.0
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- All games
- Enderal
- Mods
- Locations — Homes
- Look through the windows while in playerhouse — EN
Look through the windows while in playerhouse — EN
File information
Last updated
Original upload
Created by
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Virus scan
Tags for this mod
About this mod
(Workers Apartment on Market Square in Ark)
Player house with transparent windows, through these you can
watching the hustle and bustle in the market square in Ark.
Through a mini quest, the house can be extended in 3 stages (Last level: cellar).
Off-site requirements
Mods requiring this file
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user’s assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This mod is released under the Creative Commons License — CC BY-NC-SA
File credits
Bethesda :
Thanks for the Skyrim Creation Kit.
daJbot Pyros Software :
Thanks for Guidelines ReadMe and Description Page generator.
InsanitySorrow :
Used Towelrack from Insanity’s Bath Towels 1.0
plymster :
Used Meshes and scripts (adapted by me) from Single Object Bookshelves
The SKSE team :
Thanks for tireless work.
The SkyUI team :
Thanks for awesome improvements.
The Skyrim Nexus :
Thanks for hosting.
The SureAI Team :
Thanks for your awesome TC-Mod.
The Tes5Edit team :
Thanks for their tools.
Donation Points system
This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points
Version 1.0.9
- (-) Bugfix : The daylight control on the windows did not work properly.
- (-) Bugfix : The torch behavior (put away torch / light) of the NPCs was incorrect.
- (
) Changed: Light sources in the outside area of the player house slightly improved.
Version 1.0.8
- (beta on Steam-Workshop): (+) Added : In bad weather you can now see the rain through the windows.
- (beta on Steam-Workshop): (
) Changed: Daylight on the windows is dimmed in bad weather.
Version 1.0.7
- (+) Added : Made compatible with the mod «EnableWaitNoHeal».
Version 1.0.6
- (-) Bugfix : After uninstalling the mod, all safe chests were no longer there.
- (-) Bugfix : Sugar mint had no model in the inventory.
- (-) Bugfix : Player can sometimes be very difficult to get out of the bath tub. Collision marker installed.
- (-) Bugfix : Sometimes the workers would lie down in the players bed in the evening.
- (
) Changed: Install / uninstall routine has been improved.
Version 1.0.5 beta
- (-) Bugfix : After enderal patch to, the game crashed upon completion of level 3 (build basement).
- (-) Bugfix : Failsafe for female game characters: Despite fix (v1.0.4) some could not start the quest level 3 (build basement).
- (-) Bugfix : Fixed several dirty edits. Uninstall routine revised.
- (
) Changed: The armor dolls no longer move to the basement.Instead, 2 new armor dolls are installed in the basement.
) Changed: The door to the Phasmalisttable in basement room now opens in a different direction.
Version 1.0.4
- (-) Bugfix : Female characters can now start the quest Level 3 (Build basement). Male players do not need this hotfix.
- Male characters do not need this hotfix.
Version 1.0.3
- (-) Bugfix: Missed files in .bsa archive.
Version 1.0.2
- (-) Bugfix : Fixed bug in the female mannequin’s mesh.
- (+) Added : Added secure and linked «blueprints stack».
Version 1.0.1
- (-) Bugfix : Location Xmarker: The current position of the player in the player house is now displayed correctly on the paper map.
- (-) Bugfix : Random Conversion NobleWomens: Empty script property filled.
- (-) Bugfix : In the magic menu the effect «Blessings of cleanliness» is now displayed correctly.
Version 1.0.0
- 2019/01/07 — Initial Release EN Version
Für die deutsche Version klicke bitte hier
For people who play Enderal FS in another language
For the Spanish / Italian / French / Russian version
please download the corresponding INI file here under Files -> Optional files :
Download this zip in addition to the main file, unzip it into the DATA directory and
overwrite the INI file (JCDEnderalWorkersApartment.ini).
The texts, dialogues and voice lines are still in English.
Player house with transparent windows, through these you can
watching the hustle and bustle in the market square in Ark.
Through a mini quest, the house can be extended in 3 stages (Last level: cellar).
However, this will cost you 5530 pennies without rhetoric (at 100% Rhetork maximum half)
This mod is only executable under «Enderal: Forgotten story»!
Version : 1.0.9
Date : 2020/04/04
Category : Player Homes
Forumpage : https://forum.sureai.net/viewforum.php?f=110
- New linked secure chests/containers (including ingredients bag /food crate / SoulGem Box) in the house and in the outside world on all secure chests (They also have the loot info «Empty»)..
- There are two new windows in the bedroom.
- Depending on the quest decisions, appropriate paintings hang on the walls.
- 4 armor dolls, including two female.
- The bath in the basement gives you a buff once a day. (8 ingame hours increase in health + stamina by 10 points)
- The outside weather (incl. rain) is displayed in the cell and its sound can be heard.
- Day/Night control of the lights and exterior sound of the marketplace.
In the book menu on the table next to the front door you can control the upgrade of the home furnishings of your house.
1st stage: Simple
- Living room: Round table with 2 chairs, wardrobe, Cooking area with Hearth and secure ingredients/food containers, shelf with display case for daggers, Tanning rack.
- Dormitory: Bed Cupboard with bookcase.
- Upper floor: Alchemy Workbench + Arcane Enchanter, Workbench + book shelf.
2nd stage: Expand
- Living room: Hidden vault, 2 armor dolls and Anvil (under stairs).
- Dormitory: Book shelf on wall, other containers and Showcase daggers.
- Upper floor: Grindstone, another book shelf and 2 Showcases weapons.
3rd stage: After 3 days the cellar is finished with
- Phasmalist Workbench.
- More Arcane Enchanter + Alchemy Workbench.
- Bathing Area (You get a buff).
- Forge (replacement for anvil in the living area) and smelting furnace.
- Tanning rack (moved from living room) , Workbench and Grindstone (moved from the upper floor).
- 2 more armor dolls
- Wood choppingblock.
- 2 Showcases great weapons, 2 Showcases shields, Weapon rack and Container for magic wands.
Important NOTE!:
Before you activate this mod, you should definitely create a MANUAL gamesave!
If you have already set up the house (mid-game), then the following steps are necessary:
- Take all items from the chests/containers and put them in the secure chest (at the entrance).
- Remove all placeable items and put them in your inventory.
- In the vanilla expansion board, dissolve the apartment furnishings, go out of the house, create a new gamesave and exit the game.
Then install:
Installing Nexus version:
Extract the files to a temporary location and
place the following files in the DATA folder:
The folder and its contents » seq «
Installing Workshop version:
In your Enderal Launcher, select the Steam Workshop and click on the link to search for new mods.
Select «Look through the windows while in playerhouse — EN» and subscribe.
Back to enderal steam workshop tool and install.
Activate in the Launcher (Nexus / Workshop version):
Start the Enderal launcher, choose «Games Files» and set the checkmark on JCDEnderalWorkersApartment.esp .
Possibly note loading order (see below), then save all changes and have fun!
An installscript of the mod does everything else,
among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:
If you use my mod ‘Enable Wait No Heal’, then
this mod must be behind or below.
Just overwrite everything.
An update script of the mod does everything else,
among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:
Please select the book-menu «Uninstall mod«.
You will be guided through the necessary steps,
among other things, a new gamesave is created before and after the installation:
Then Remove the following files in the DATA folder:
And in the folder «seq» remove the file JCDEnderalWorkersApartment.seq .
De-Subscribe this mod in the workshop.
The following files in the DATA folder SHOULD BE NO LONGER:
And in the folder «seq» the file JCDEnderalWorkersApartment.seq .
(Maybe the seq folder is not there after the uninstall, that’s okay.)
Then you load the game save «JCDWAuninstallSave02«
(There comes a warning message that you can ignore) and
make directly a save («Clean Save»).
) Changed: Light sources in the outside area of the player house slightly improved.
[ 1.0.8 ] 2020/04/01 — beta version on steam-workshop
(+) Added : In bad weather you can now see the rain through the windows.
) Changed: Daylight on the windows is dimmed in bad weather.
(-) Bugfix : Armor dolls lost their content after 7-10 days.
[ v1.0.7 ] 2020/02/20
(+) Added : Made compatible with the mod «EnableWaitNoHeal».
[ v1.0.6 ] 2020/02/20
(-) Bugfix : After uninstalling the mod, all safe chests were no longer there.
(-) Bugfix : Sugar mint had no model in the inventory.
(-) Bugfix : Player can sometimes be very difficult to get out of the bath tub. Collision marker installed.
(-) Bugfix : Sometimes the workers would lie down in the players bed in the evening.
) Changed: Install / uninstall routine has been improved.
[ v1.0.5 beta] 2020/02/18
(-) Bugfix : After enderal patch to, the game crashed upon completion of level 3 (build basement).
(-) Bugfix : Failsafe for female game characters: Despite fix (v1.0.4) some could not start the quest level 3 (build basement).
(-) Bugfix : Fixed several dirty edits. Uninstall routine revised.
) Changed: The armor dolls no longer move to the basement.
Instead, 2 new armor dolls are installed in the basement.
) Changed: The basement door to the Phasmalisttable in basement room now opens in a different direction.
[ v1.0.4 ] 2019/08/22
(-) Bugfix : Female characters can now start the quest Level 3 (Build basement).
Male characters do not need this hotfix.
[ v1.0.3 ] 2019/07/21
(-) Bugfix : Missed files in .bsa archive.
[ v1.0.2 ] 2019/07/19
(-) Bugfix : Fixed bug in the female mannequin’s mesh.
(+) Added : Added secure and linked «blueprints stack».
[ v1.0.1 ] 2019/07/04
(-) Bugfix : Location Xmarker: The current position of the player in the player house
is now displayed correctly on the paper map.
(-) Bugfix : Random Conversion NobleWomens: Empty script property filled.
(-) Bugfix : In the magic menu the effect «Blessings of cleanliness» is now displayed correctly.
[ v1.0.0 ] 2019/07/01
— Initial Release EN version
Bethesda :
Thanks for the Skyrim Creation Kit.
daJbot Pyros Software :
Thanks for Guidelines ReadMe and Description Page generator.
InsanitySorrow :
Used Towelrack from Insanity’s Bath Towels 1.0
plymster :
Used Meshes and scripts (adapted by me) from Single Object Bookshelves
The SKSE team :
Thanks for tireless work.
The SkyUI team :
Thanks for awesome improvements.
The Skyrim Nexus :
Thanks for hosting.
The SureAI Team :
Thanks for your awesome TC-Mod.
The Tes5Edit team :
Thanks for their tools.