- How to Make a Gantt Chart on Mac
- How to Make a Gantt Chart on Mac
- 1. Import Your Task List or Spreadsheet
- 2. View & Edit the Gantt Chart on Your Mac
- 3. Add Task Durations to Create Project Timelines
- 4. Add Milestones to the Gantt Chart
- 5. Identify Task Dependencies
- 6. Assign Tasks to Your Team: They Can Be Both Mac & PC Users!
- ProjectManager.com Is More than a Gantt Chart Software for Mac
- Collaborate with Kanban and Lists
- Project Office
- Информация
- Описание
- Бесплатные аналоги Microsoft Project для Mac OS X
- Сохранить ссылку
- Смотрите также
- Бесплатные аналоги Microsoft Project для Mac OS X
- SCIM.ru
- OpenProj
- ProjectLibre
- GanttProject
- Trello
- FreeMind
- The 10 Best, Free & Paid Gantt Chart Software For Mac (2021)
- What is Gantt Chart Software?
- Planning tool for productive teams
- What are the Benefits of Gantt Chart Software?
- Standardization
- Collaborative Planning
- Tracking
- Collaboration & Communication
- Distributed Work
- Desktop vs. Online Gantt Chart Software
- Features
- Collaboration
- Cost
- Data Security
- Compliance
- Best Online Gantt Chart Software for Mac
- Toggl Plan
- nTask
- Asana
- TeamGantt
- Paymo
- Monday.com
- Instagantt
- SmartSheet
- ProWorkflow
- Best Desktop Gantt Chart Software for Mac
- Microsoft Project for Mac
- Omniplan
- QuickPlan
- How to Find a Perfect Gantt Chart Software for your needs?
- Step #1: Choose between desktop & online
- Step #2: Shortlist tools based on budget & needs
- Step #3: Choose from the shortlisted software tools
- Planning tool for productive teams
How to Make a Gantt Chart on Mac
Make a Gantt chart on Mac in minutes. Try ProjectManager.com and get award-winning planning tools that can help you plan and manage projects online with your team.
Gantt charts are essential project management tools, and the migration to digital platforms has only increased their ease-of-use and dynamism. A lot of project management tools and platforms offer Gantt charts within their feature sets.
Unfortunately, a common project management software on Windows PCs—Microsoft Project—just doesn’t work on Mac operating systems (Mac OS X, OS X and macOS). If you’re transitioning to a Mac from a Windows PC, or have stakeholders who work on different operating systems, this can leave you needing a Gantt chart for Mac.
Of course, a Google search will also pull up also pull up Apple Numbers and Google Sheets templates. Mac users are welcome to try them out, as they can serve as a nice introduction to the tool, but the scope of these templates is limited. They’ll only allow you to make a basic Gantt chart on your Mac. Project managers will have to go beyond these templates for a powerful Gantt chart tool for Mac.
Fortunately, ProjectManager.com is a project management software that works on whatever operating system you prefer. If you have creatives on Mac and admins on PCs, no problem. ProjectManager.com serves both audiences with equally robust features. Follow this guide to learn how to make a Gantt chart on a Mac in just a few easy steps with our online Gantt chart software for Mac and PC.
How to Make a Gantt Chart on Mac
The first thing to do is sign up for a free 30-day trial of ProjectManager.com. Once you sign up for the free trial, you have access to the Gantt chart maker and the full suite of project management features that work hand-in-glove with one another.
You’ll have to visit the ProjectManager.com pricing page. There you’ll have various options, so choose the one that works for you. All plans are free for 30 days, and each is compatible with either your Mac or Windows PC.
1. Import Your Task List or Spreadsheet
Now that you have an account with ProjectManager.com, you can either use one of its many project templates to get started or import a task list to start a new project.
If you have been using Excel or MS Project, you can import Excel and MPP files. ProjectManager.com will convert it them into a Gantt chart for Mac. If you want to import a Numbers file from you Apple machine, be sure to convert it to an Excel or CSV file first.
ProjectManager.com lets you import and edit MPP files on Mac computers.
2. View & Edit the Gantt Chart on Your Mac
If you choose to import a spreadsheet of tasks into ProjectManager.com, it will open as a new project in a Gantt chart, which is one of the many project views available to users. All the data from your spreadsheet is now visible in a Gantt chart that can be viewed and edited online with any Mac OS X, OS X and MacOS device.
The column headings, tasks and whatever other resource data you added is there and can be edited as needed. You can add costs for your tasks and other details, and you can even make custom columns with our Gantt chart maker for Mac and PC if you need to add more information.
3. Add Task Durations to Create Project Timelines
The next thing to do is add a start and end date for each of the tasks on the Gantt chart. You’ll notice that the left side of the Gantt looks like an MS Excel or Apple Numbers spreadsheet. As you add durations to the tasks, they will populate the stacked bar chart timeline on the right side of the page. If you have to change the dates, you can adjust them by dragging either side of the duration bar.
Don’t worry if some tasks are executed at the same time. We’ll get to that later. As you make these time estimates, you are starting to schedule your project.
4. Add Milestones to the Gantt Chart
A project can quickly get messy, so breaking down its timeline into more digestible tasks is important.
The milestone feature is a great way to break a project down into more manageable parts. A milestone marks a major phase in the project and are represented on the Gantt by a diamond (♦) symbol. Crossing a milestone is a great morale-booster for project teams because it means you’re one step closer to completing the project.
If you don’t have any concrete milestones, you should at least break your Gantt chart down into phases for easier tracking.
Break down your project plan into phases and color code your timelines.
5. Identify Task Dependencies
Remember when we noted that tasks can be executed at the same time? Sometimes this isn’t an issue, but other times it can be a problem. If you have one task that cannot start until another has been finished, you need to make note of that or risk a bottleneck in your production. That is what is called a task dependency, and they can be linked on your Gantt chart. Now you’re able to better manage the project. Failing to address task dependencies will cause project scheduling, task management and resource management issues.
6. Assign Tasks to Your Team: They Can Be Both Mac & PC Users!
You can assign tasks right from the Gantt chart with ProjectManager.com. No need to jump from one screen to another or, worse, to another software. It’s all here in one place to make managing your project a breeze.
Once a team member is assigned a task, they’re responsible for executing and completing it. But that’s only the beginning. ProjectManager.com is more than a handy project management tool for creating dynamic Gantt charts for Mac users (and PC users, too, of course).
Assign tasks to your team right from the Gantt, and watch progress update in real time.
ProjectManager.com Is More than a Gantt Chart Software for Mac
Gantt charts alone are great, but ProjectManager.com is even better. It takes that Gantt chart and makes it part of a larger project management software that supports everything you need to plan, monitor and report on your project.
Once you make a Gantt chart on your Mac and the project is moving forward, how do you know the actual progress is matching what you planned? ProjectManager.com has a dashboard that charts your project in real time. ProjectManager.com crunches the numbers and delivers your project data in clear and easy-to-read charts, which show task progress, project health, workload and more.
Always stay on top of your project and your team with our real-time dashboards.
That overview is great for stakeholders, but managing a project means getting into the nitty-gritty. How about online reports that dive deep into your data? ProjectManager.com has one-click reporting for the performance of your project and team. There are status reports, task reports, workload reports and much more. You can filter these reports to show the data you want to make better decisions.
Collaborate with Kanban and Lists
Can a Gantt chart be more than just a plan and project schedule? Yes, with ProjectManager.com. It allows teams to work better together. Teams can share documents and images added to the task. They can also comment at the task level, which keeps the discussion linked to the task and avoids having to filter through endless emails. Plus if team members don’t want to use the Gantt chart, they can switch to either the kanban board or task list view to manage their work.
ProjectManager.com offers three views of the same project: Gantt, kanban and list.
Project Office
Project Office – полнофункциональное приложение для управления проектами. Разработанный, чтобы помочь вам управлять, создавать и контролировать свои проекты.
Используйте все особенности Project Office: диаграмма Ганта, графики и сводки, чтобы управлять своей деятельностью.
Project Office обеспечивает такие функции, как:
• Диаграмма Ганта позволяет отслеживать все запланирование задачи целиком. Визуализированные проекты помогут вам держать под контролем длительность задач, даты начала и окончания, процент выполнения, связи между задачами и назначенные ресурсы. Кроме того, вы можете легко редактировать задачи непосредственно на диаграмме Ганта.
• Приятный и интуитивно понятный интерфейс поможет вам справится со всеми задачами быстро и без препятствий.
• Эффективное управление ресурсами. Добавить ресурсы в свой проект: люди или материалы, необходимые для реализации проекта. Ви сможете определять узкие места в вашем проекте и распределяють нагрузку справедливо.
• Инструмент для отслеживания изменений. Установите базовый план, чтобы отслеживать развитие, сравнивая набор базового плана с фактическим.
• Настраиваемый календарь. Меняя часы работы для всего проекта вы можете создать более реалистичный план с учетом сверхурочного времени и выходных.
• Смарт-фильтр. Вы можете легко скрыть те задачи, о которых вам не нужно думать на данный момент. Просто используйте фильтр, чтобы сосредоточиться на задачах, которые необходимо сделать.
• Делитесь своими проектами. Отправьте своим коллегам весь проект или PDF отчет диараммы Ганта. Для большего удобства вы можете сформировать отчет задач или ресурсов и отправить их в виде HTML.
• Резервное копирование в iCloud. Сделайте резервные копии ваших проектов в iCloud, чтобы сохранить всю необходимую информацию.
• Критический путь – Project Office отображает критический путь вашего проекта, который является рядом задач, необходимых для того, чтобы закончить проект в соответствии с графиком.
Мы разработали Project Office, чтобы помочь вам управлять своим бизнесом и поддерживает его рост.
Бесплатные аналоги Microsoft Project для Mac OS X
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Бесплатные аналоги Microsoft Project для Mac OS X
Используя бесплатный аналог Microsoft Project вы экономите 16520 рублей.
SCIM.ru — это облачный сервис, позволяющий организовать работу с проектами. Бесплатным является базовый функционал системы: управление проектами, задачами и встречами. Блок управления проектами включает в себя функции создания нового проекта, структурирование и планирование проектных задач, контроль их исполнения, предоставление доступов к просмотру и редактированию проекта другим пользователям системы. Сервис поддерживает систему обмена сообщениями между участниками проекта. Интерфейс SCIM.ru адаптирован для мобильных устройств, но без прочтения справки в нём может быть сложно разобраться. подробнее.
OpenProj — очень хорошая замена платному ПО для планирования проектов. Программа включает все необходимые функции: диаграмма Ганта, сетевой трафик, распределение ресурсов, отчёты, кроме того поддерживает импорт/экспорт документов Microsoft Project. подробнее.
ProjectLibre — бесплатный аналог Microsoft Project. Программа разработана для управления проектами. Программное обеспечение является кроссплатформенным и совместимо со следующими операционными системами: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. Программа поддерживает основные европейские языки в том числе русский. К основным возможностям программы можно отнести: поддержку форматов файлов Microsoft Project 2010; Ribbon интерфейс; Earned Value costing (метод освоенного объема); поддержка диаграмм Ганта; графиков PERT. подробнее.
GanttProject — приложение для управления проектами. Программа поддерживает создание диаграммы Ганта, создание иерархии, создание отчётов, а также экспорт и импорт файлов MS Project. подробнее.
Trello — бесплатное веб-приложение для управления проектами. Пользователь создает проекты, представленные в виде панелей задач (boards), которые в свою очередь содержат списки (lists), т.е. образуют списки задач (task lists). Списки содержат карточки (cards), т.е. задачи (tasks). Карточки поддерживают следующие функции: назначение участника проекта, добавление контрольного списка, назначение даты окончания проекта, прикрепление файла. Предполагается, что карточки можно перетаскивать от одного списка к другому. Пользователи и панели задач могут быть сгруппированы в единую систему. Приложение может быть использовано совместно с: iPhone, Android и на мобильной платформе Windows Phone 8, однако, вебсайт приложения доступен большинству мобильных веб-браузеров. Приложение для iPad было выпущено в 2013 году. подробнее.
FreeMind — бесплатная программа для создания диаграмм связей (mind maps). Основная функция программы — наглядное представление и структурирование информации о проекте. Поддерживает импорт и экспорт в следующие форматы: JPEG, HTML, OpenDocument TextXHTML, PNG и XML. Программа обладает мультиязычным интерфейсом, в том числе поддерживается русский язык. FreeMind отличает кроссплатформенность и удобство в использовании. Программа также имеет функцию шифрования как целого документа, так и отдельных элементов. подробнее.
The 10 Best, Free & Paid Gantt Chart Software For Mac (2021)
With a market share of just 10 percent, Mac OS ranks a distant second after Microsoft Windows. Understandably, there are not many native options available when it comes to Gantt chart software for Mac.
However, more teams today work remotely. As a result, there are a lot of online project management software options available.
In this article, you’ll learn:
- What is Gantt chart software?
- What are the benefits of Gantt chart software?
- Best Online Gantt chart software tools for Mac
- Best Desktop Gantt chart software tools for Mac
- How to find a perfect Gantt chart software for your needs?
What is Gantt Chart Software?
A Gantt chart is a project management tool. It helps project managers visualize a project’s tasks on a timeline. As a result, Gantt charts are critical tools for planning a project’s schedule.
Gantt chart software automates the process of creating Gantt charts for project management. As a result, Gantt chart software is also called project planning, project management, or project scheduling software.
Besides, you can also schedule resources and add milestones. Plus, some advanced Gantt chart software tools also help identify the critical path of a project.
Most project managers traditionally used desktop spreadsheet tools like Microsoft Excel or Numbers on Mac OS.
But, online project management software makes it easy to create collaborative Gantt charts and project plans from anywhere.
Planning tool for productive teams
Plan, track, and get team projects done using simple, drag and drop Gantt timelines.
What are the Benefits of Gantt Chart Software?
Using a Gantt chart software has many advantages over using Excel or Numbers. These include:
You can use a spreadsheet in many different ways to plan and manage a project. On the other hand, using specialized software means your entire organization uses the tool in the same way. Unstandardized use results in significant onboarding and training costs.
Collaborative Planning
Most Gantt chart tools make it easy to share and collaborate when making project plans. Multiple people in your team can work at the same time on a Gantt chart. As a result, you save much time working in parallel instead of sequentially.
As the project moves into the execution phase, it becomes crucial to track its progress. Project management software makes it easy to follow tasks, even if your project needs a customized workflow.
Collaboration & Communication
According to Capterra, 66 percent of project teams communicate with clients using a project management tool. Project software also helps the team communicate and collaborate on tasks internally.
Distributed Work
Online Gantt chart tools make it easy to work from anywhere in the world. Plus, your team members can keep all their task updates in one place. As a result, team members can look at what is already done and take it from there. Keeping all the project information in one place saves time spent on status meetings.
Desktop vs. Online Gantt Chart Software
Today, there are two primary types of software for making Gantt charts — desktop-based and online or cloud-based. Here’s how they compare:
In the early days of low availability and slow internet, desktop project management software became widely-used for its rich feature-set. However, with high-speed internet availability, online tools can compete head-to-head with any desktop tool.
Desktop tools are excellent for single managers who don’t have to work on a project plan collaboratively. Online Gantt chart tools make it easy to share and collaborate on project plans.
Desktop Gantt chart software is often expensive. That’s because most online tools have a free plan for small teams. Plus, desktop software usually costs more than online tools.
Data Security
Online project management software makes it easy to access your project data from anywhere and on any device. Advances in security technology mean your data is safe and is available 24×7. Desktop software data is often vulnerable to viruses and computer crashes.
Projects in specific industries need to comply with privacy and security standards. For example, projects in the defense and healthcare industries need to follow particular standards. In other cases, regulations like EU GDPR need to be complied with. Again a lot of cloud-based project tools are catching up to these standards.
Best Online Gantt Chart Software for Mac
We’ve already seen how online Gantt chart software has an advantage when it comes to working with a remote team. In this section, we’ll look at some of the top online tools you can use to create Gantt charts.
Toggl Plan
Toggl Plan is a beautifully simple project management tool. Whatever your technical background, Toggl Plan makes it easy to plan projects of any size using Gantt charts.
- Drag-and-drop Gantt chart timeline for planning projects
- Color-coded milestones to deliver a project on time
- Team Gantt charts for managing your team’s workloads
- Zoom-in on a week, month, quarter, or get a birds-eye view of the annual timeline
- Collaborate on tasks and get them done right from the timeline
- Import/export a timeline in CSV format
- Segment tasks by department or workflow
The free plan is good for unlimited projects and individual users.
Teams can try out Toggl Plan with the 14-day free trial. Paid plans start at $9 per user, per month. Additional features in paid plans include team planning, recurring tasks, access control, and time tracking.
nTask is an online Gantt chart software that helps you plan tasks, projects, issues, and risks for your business. Create task dependencies, track project budget, manage workflows and resources for your projects in one single app.
- Drag and drop timeline
- Team collaboration on projects
- Create start to end, end to start, start to start, and end to end dependencies for tasks
- Set milestones to track goals
- Calendar, list, grid, and board view
nTask has a 14-day free trial. Affordable paid plans start at $2.99 per user per month.
Asana is a swiss army knife of project tools. It comes with multiple alternative views for the timeline, including task lists and calendar. However, Gantt charts timelines are not available in the free version.
- Project Gantt chart timelines (available in paid versions only)
- Task management from the timeline
- Task dependencies
- Milestones for timely project deliveries
The free plan comes with unlimited projects for up to 15 team members. However, it does not have the timeline feature, and you can create a limited number of tasks. Paid plans start at $13.49 per user per month.
TeamGantt is an online Gantt chart tool. It makes project planning, tasks management, and workload management easy from the timeline.
- Drag & drop project plan timeline
- See multiple projects on the same timeline
- Visualize team workloads
- Work collaboratively on project tasks
The free plan is good for one project and up to 3 users. Paid plans start at $24.95 per user per month.
Paymo is an online project management tool with a focus on time tracking and invoicing. Gantt chart-wise, you can create dependencies and identify the most critical tasks, but only on the paid plans.
- Drag and drop timeline
- Create dependencies between tasks
- Account for lead and lag time
- Critical path
- Export timeline as PDF/PNG format
The free plan comes with a few task and time tracking limitations, but it’s free up to 10 people. Gantt charts are only included in the top tier plan which starts at $15.79 per user per month.
Monday.com is more of a collaboration tool than a Gantt chart software. However, it does come with a timeline view for your project tasks. Note that the timeline is just a way to visualize tasks. You can’t do much on the timeline itself.
- Timeline view for your project’s task list
- Get tasks done from the task list
- Collaborate with other team members on task
Monday.com has a 15-day free trial. Timelines are available from the Standard plan, which costs $12 per user per month. Plus, you have to pay for a minimum of 3 users.
Instagantt helps you manage your project plans and schedules using task lists and timelines. It comes with the following features:
- Create project schedules by dragging tasks on the timeline
- Create task dependencies
- Manage project milestones using Baselines
- Get tasks done by working on task lists collaboratively
Instagantt has a 7-day free trial. Paid plans start at $5 per user, per month.
Smartsheet offers a spreadsheet-like user interface. In addition, it also has timeline planning, resource management, and task management features.
- Create a timeline for each project phase
- Manage resource and tasks from the timeline
- Project template for various industries
Smartsheet comes with a 30-day free trial. Gantt charts are available in the Individual plan, which costs $14 per user, per month, billed annually.
ProWorkflow makes remote collaboration easy. It also comes with timelines, task management, and timesheet management features. However, it may feel overwhelming for small teams and simpler projects.
- End-to-end project timeline view
- Time and cost tracking
- Workload and resource management
ProWorkflow comes with a free trial. Timeline management feature is available only in paid plans that start at $20 per user per month.
Best Desktop Gantt Chart Software for Mac
Desktop Gantt Chart planning software is great for one-manager teams that don’t need to collaborate.
In such cases, the manager plans a project, communicates daily tasks to team members, and updates project progress, all on his own. We found the following Gantt chart software for Mac computers that may work for such teams.
Microsoft Project for Mac
Microsoft Project is available along with the Microsoft Office 365 For Mac bundle. However, you need to pay additional subscription charges for Microsoft Project over and above Office 365 charges.
- Gantt timeline view for planning projects
- Pre-built reporting to track project progress
- Resource & timesheet management
- Enterprise resource planning and management
- Task collaboration and communication
Microsoft project has no free plan.
The timeline view is available in all paid plans. But, a desktop client is available in the Project Plan 3 paid plan and above.
Project Plan 3 costs $30 per user per month. Besides these charges, you’ll also need to pay for the Microsoft 365 subscription.
Omniplan is a native project management application for Mac OS. It comes with project planning, task management, and resource management features.
- Project planning with Gantt chart timelines and critical path
- Task management
- Resource leveling and sharing management
- Cost/effort estimation and tracking
- Works on iOS devices
Omniplan has a 14-day free trial. The monthly subscription starts at $19.99, and the lifetime license costs $399.99.
QuickPlan is another native Mac application for project management. It comes with project planning features similar to Microsoft Project.
- Timeline planning with Gantt charts
- Tasks and dependencies management
- Integrations with MS Excel, iCal, and MS Project
QuickPlan does have a free trial period. And paid licenses start at $47.99.
How to Find a Perfect Gantt Chart Software for your needs?
We’ve looked at what a Gantt chart software is and also looked at the top 10 tools available for Mac devices. But how do you go about choosing the right tool for you and your team?
Step #1: Choose between desktop & online
First, you need to decide if you want to with a desktop or an online tool.
If you don’t need collaboration features, need specific integrations, or are more comfortable using desktop applications, you may want to go with a desktop application. However, in most cases, an online tool is always a better choice.
Step #2: Shortlist tools based on budget & needs
Make a list of your requirements, decide on a budget, and match it against the above tools list.
For example, all the tools above offer timeline planning and task management features. But, some of these do not come with resource management, reporting, or time-tracking features.
At the end of this step, you should have a list of 2-3 tools that fulfill your needs.
Step #3: Choose from the shortlisted software tools
Again, most of the Gantt chart software tools have either a free trial or a completely free version. Try the shortlisted tools with your team. Find out which one suits your workflow the best.
Finally, choose the version that works best for you.
In conclusion
using Gantt chart software is critical to your project’s success. Whether you go for an online tool or a native desktop tool is up to you. Choose a tool that best suits your project planning, task management, and resource management needs.
Planning tool for productive teams
Plan, track, and get team projects done using simple, drag and drop Gantt timelines.