Direct connect mac os

Connect your Mac to shared computers and servers

You can connect to shared computers and file servers on your network, including Mac and Windows computers that have file sharing turned on, and servers that use protocols such as SMB.

You can connect by either browsing or entering the computer’s or server’s network address. See Find your computer’s name and network address.

Connect to a computer or server by browsing

On your Mac, click the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window, then click Network in the Locations section of the sidebar.

If no items appear in the Locations section of the sidebar, hold the pointer over the word Locations, then click the arrow .

In the Finder window, double-click the computer you want to connect to, then click Connect As.

If you’re connecting to a Mac that has screen sharing turned on and you have the appropriate privileges, you can also click Share Screen.

Select how you want to connect to the Mac:

Guest: You can connect as a Guest user if the shared computer permits guest access.

Registered User: Connect to the other Mac using a valid login name and password. If “Only these users” is selected on the other Mac, make sure the login name you’re using is on the list of allowed users.

Using an Apple ID: Connect to the other Mac using an Apple ID. You must be set up in Users & Groups preferences with this Apple ID, on both this Mac and the other Mac.

If necessary, enter your username and password, then select volumes or shared folders on the server.

In some cases you need the network area or workgroup for the shared computer. If you don’t have this information, contact the computer’s owner or your network administrator.

Tip: To make it easier to connect to the computer in the future, select “Remember this password in my keychain” to add your username and password for the computer to your keychain.

Connect to a computer or server by entering its address

In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server.

Type the network address for the computer or server in the Server Address field.

For information about the correct format for network addresses, see Network address formats and protocols.

Select how you want to connect to the Mac:

Guest: You can connect as a Guest user if the shared computer permits guest access.

Registered User: Connect to the other Mac using a valid login name and password. If “Only these users” is selected on the other Mac, make sure the login name you’re using is on the list of allowed users.

Using an Apple ID: Connect to the other Mac using an Apple ID. You must be set up in Users & Groups preferences with this Apple ID, on both this Mac and the other Mac.

If necessary, enter your username and password, then select the server volumes or shared folders.

To make it easier to connect to the computer in the future, select “Remember this password in my keychain” to add your username and password for the computer to your keychain.

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Reconnect to recent servers

Here are some ways to make it easy to reconnect to shared computers and servers you frequently use:

On your Mac, do any of the following:

Choose Apple menu

> Recent Items, then choose from the list of recent servers.

In the Finder , choose Go > Connect to Server, click the pop-up menu to the far right of the Server Address field, then choose a recent server.

Add shared computers, network areas and workgroups to the Finder sidebar. Select the item, then choose File > Add To Sidebar.

Add a shared computer or server to your list of favourites. In the Finder, choose Go > Connect to Server, enter the network address, then click the Add button .

If you can’t locate a shared computer or server or connect to it, it may not be available, or you may not have permission to connect to it. Contact the person who owns the computer or the network administrator for help.


Commander One — file manager 4+

Эффективное управление файлам‪и‬

Electronic Team, Inc.

    • 3,9 • Оценок: 411
    • Бесплатно
    • Включает встроенные покупки

Снимки экрана


A high level of file management can be reached with the updated version of Commander One v3.0. The app is now fully compatible with macOS Big Sur, offers more efficiency, stability, and improved functionality.

Commander One is a free file manager created in Swift, has a dual-pane interface that helps you handle your files in the most efficient way. Besides being easy-to-use, the app is rather fast and powerful that offers necessary features for seamless and full control over your files and folders. — “Commander One looks like a great app to have on your Mac if you’re frustrated with OS X’s built-in file management.” — ”Once it’s installed, you get dual pane browsing, unlimited tabs, a variety of sorting options, an easy toggle for revealing hidden files, and more. It also adds a handful of new keyboard shortcuts to make moving files around a little less painful. If you’re not a fan of how Finder does things, Commander One’s a more than capable alternative.”

Dual-pane view:
-Classical dual-panel appearance that can be adjusted according to your taste (color theme, fonts);
-Support for the Dark Mode to be in tune with the times (available starting from 10.14 only);
-Multiple tabs for browsing as many folders as needed;
-Support for three view modes, namely Full, Brief, and Thumbs for convenient work with different types of files.

Slick navigation and display:
-Hidden files are revealed with one click;
-Support for file operations queuing including already in progress;
-Support for drag and drop functionality;
-Rename files and folders while moving.

Different search methods:
-Built-in search with support for Regex;
-Search by file contents;
-Spotlight search.

Commander One can offer more useful features that can simplify your work routine:
-Configure hotkeys for most frequently used operations;
-Brief mode to view and handle many files simultaneously;
-Process viewer;
-Support for Finder Tags;
-Archive and unarchive files and open ZIP as regular folders;
-Work with .ipa, .apk, .jar, .ear, .war files as with regular folders;
-Preview all types of files, including Hex and Binary, before opening them;
-Detect over the network and conveniently list computers that use NetBIOS protocol;
-Seamlessly obtain access to the folders that are open or you use the most through History and Favorites;
-Select the program to open the file using ‘Open with’ in the main menu — File or via the context menu;
-Choose UI language.

*PRO version of Commander One is available via in-app purchase*
Additional features available in Commander One Pro


Работа с Direct Connect в Mac OS X

Сегодня я хотел бы остановиться на одной интересной проблеме, которая поджидала меня после установки Mac OS X на свой ноутбук. Почему-то при большом количестве клиентов для пиринговых (p2p, peer-to-peer) сетей BitTorrent, описаных ранее, я не смог сразу найти нормальный и толковый клиент для разновидности сети p2p — Direct Connect (далее по тексту DC).

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Как и в случае BitTorrent сети, DC является децентрализованная файлообменная (p2p) сеть, в основе работы которой лежит протокол, разработанный фирмой NeoModus. В самом общем случае, клиенты подключаются к одному или нескольким серверам, так называемым хабам, для поиска файлов, которые обычно не связаны между собой (некоторые типы хабов можно частично или полностью связать в сеть, используя специализированные скрипты или специальную программу) и служат для поиска файлов и источников для их скачивания. К основными отличиями от некоторых p2p-систем, построенных на других протоколах (eDonkey, Gnutella, BitTorrent):

  • Развитый многопользовательский чат.
  • Сервер сети может быть посвящён определённой теме, что позволяет легко находить пользователей с требуемой тематикой файлов.
  • Присутствие привилегированных пользователей — операторов, обладающих расширенным набором возможностей управления сервером, в частности, следящих за соблюдением пользователями правил чата и файлообмена.
  • Возможность скачивать целые директории.
  • Ограничения на минимальное количество расшаренного материала.
  • Поддержка скриптов с большими возможностями как на клиентской стороне, так и на стороне сервера.
  • Возможность получить список файлов пользователя в виде древовидной структуры каталогов.

Как видите, довольно-таки интересные функции, при условии того, что такие серверы могут работать как в локальной сети, так и в Интернете. Однако дело за малым — необходимо было найти клиент, который сможет подключаться к таким серверам. После продолжительного поиска и перебора различных вариантов, я остановил свой выбор на программе ShakesPeer. Это полнофункциональный клиент для DC-сетей, имеющий минимум (как и большинство отличных программ) функций, дружественный и интуитивный интерфейс, простоту в использовании.

Программа позволяет осуществлять досточно удобный поиск по хабу.

Некоторые хабы имеют свойство не пускать пользователя к себе пока он не расшарит на компьютере определенное количесвто информации. Поэтому чтобы зайти в своей локальной сети на хаб мне пришлось расшаривать 10 гигабайт информации. Должен заметить, что времени это заняло многовато, но зато после этого, настроив правильную кодировку, я качал альбом любимой группы.

Кстати, технологии DC присуще одно свойство. Любой пользователь при помощи может сделать магнет-ссылку на файл или папку и передать её другому пользователю. Таки образом, можно быстро дать человеку возможность скачать нужный файл без необходимости «лазить» по расшареной файловой системе.

В целом, эта программа может быть удобной в локальной сети или как замена сети BitTorrent.


Direct Connect for Mac OS X 1.1.0 for Mac

by Jon Hess

Download Now

File Details

File Size 0.7 MB License Adware Operating System Mac OS X Date Added January 29, 2003 Total Downloads 299,414 Publisher Jon Hess Homepage Direct Connect

Publisher’s Description

Direct Connect offers a community-oriented, open, user-controlled network. Moreover, its network architecture is built on a peer-to-peer foundation; users run, control, and maintain the network. Users are able to share any type of file — absolutely no restrictions. These files are easily viewed through a familiar organized windows-explorer interface. To conveniently access the plethora of files, advanced searching capabilities and filters are provided. All of these features are integrated into Direct Connect’s unique communal file-sharing system.

Latest Reviews

olivergiving reviewed v1.1.0 on Sep 25, 2013

kind of annoying

Tric_trac reviewed v1.1.0 on Feb 18, 2006

I have major issues with this programme, I have been banned from my university hub cause DC is not sending them a desription of available tags!

happykoala reviewed v1.1.0 on Jul 6, 2005

1. Web site of author no longer works. Its blank.

2. Client will not retrieve a list of hubs when public button is pressed.

Even the very war macdc++ client from sourceforge is more useable. but thats awful too.

This software is dead.

Lotr reviewed v1.1.0 on Apr 28, 2005

I’ve tried windows DC & DC++ & the mac version really is primitive in comparison. With each OSX update new problems are faced. About time DC for OSX was UPDATED! In fact way over-time to fix it up in preparation for OSX Tiger & get rid of the little problems it has. It’s not the most share friendly app either .. very temperamental & inconsistent in that & other regards.

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(eggroll sounds like you need to forward a port: Look under apple here:

eggroll reviewed v1.1.0 on Mar 16, 2005

yeah i got it working, it was pretty simple (im not sure if i did it correctly or if i just managed some sort of jury rig)
go > utilities > airport admin utility
select your airport and hit configure
go to the port mapping tab and add a new port

i havent done this in a while, as i havent had my own internet connection, but here’s what i remember

public port: 32000
private address:
private port: 32000

if you go to system preferences > network, your airport summary should tell you what private ip has been assigned to your computer by your router. this goes in private address. in my case,

update the airport.

now open dc++ and go to preferences (in whichever client you’re using it should be really similar). if you go to — this site will tell you what your isp has assigned to you as your IP addess. you can also find it in the network settings somewhere.
ok so in dc++, go to preferences, network tab, select active and hit the advanced button.

address: the IP address you pulled from
download port: 32000
search port: 32000

i used 32000 because, for some weird reason, whatever port i arbitrarily decided to open and use, dc++ would change the advanced setting from my port to 32000. so i went back and opened that port instead, and i was active.

you should be set. let me know if something is still ****ed up.

owlwoman44 reviewed v1.1.0 on Mar 14, 2005

This is a good product, at least it could be.
the Mac version gets me booted from hubs because of the tags, not being right(im not sure what that means but its not fair)
I am sure you could fix this with not too much effort. there has not been a Mac update in ages.
Please do a Mac update

Beetlemeyer reviewed v1.1.0 on Mar 10, 2005

As for the Mac version, this is the worst program EVER. I can’t get on my school’s hub simply because they didn’t put a description for the hub. Seriously, very disappointed with the low quality of this program.

the_black_arts reviewed v1.1.0 on Oct 18, 2003

i am SICK and TIRED of always getting BOOTED for «fake share» when I have 120GB! it’s all because this doesn’t show ANYTHING to the OPs and I get booted for not having DC++ . come on!

bloodanguts reviewed v1.1.0 on Jul 2, 2003

Some Mac Hubs

banjo reviewed v1.1.0 on May 23, 2003

Serious flaws in file naming and creation makes DC for X dangerous.
First I must join the line of thankful mac-users, this is the first really usable client for the dc network. However, one should be aware of certain weaknesses that may harm your computer. Firstly, files with names with non-ascii (Latin-1) characters can be downloaded but the names are garbled, two latin-1 characters add upp to one unicode character in the filename, sometimes this creates unfortunate filenames that cannot be deleted in the Finder.
More alarmingly, files created by DC doesn’t always create correct data in the file structure, or the HFS+ tree. This means that the files are reported as erroneous when the machine is booted under OS 9. I made the mistake of deleting such a file while running OS 9 with the unfortunate result that many files were lost from my hard disk due to a partially destroyed file structure.


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