- how to disable windows help and support pop up window?
- How to Disable F1 Key from Opening Help (Bing) in Windows 10
- Disable the F1 (Help & Support) key:
- Disable F1 Key from Opening Help
- Method 1: Using a registry edit
- Here is what the REG contains
- Method 2: Using AutoHotKey script
- Method 3: Lockdown helppane.exe using NTFS permissions
- Lockdown helppane.exe
- Unlock helppane.exe
- One small request: If you liked this post, please share this?
- About the author
- Disable Windows Help And Support
- How to close windows help and support pop up — YouTube
- how to disable window help and support pop up in window 7 .
- How to Turn Off Windows Help & Support | Techwalla.com
- how to disable windows help and support pop up window .
- How to Turn Off Windows Help & Support | Techwalla
- Disable «Windows Help and Support»
- Windows help — support.microsoft.com
- Microsoft Support
- Windows Help and Support pop up virus – [How to remove ]
- disable F1 help shortcut windows 10
- Ten Forums — Windows 10 Help and Support Forum
- How to Stop F1 Help Key From Opening Bing Search in .
- Uninstall and Remove Get Help in Windows 10
- Windows 10 Help and Support — Computer Hope
- How to disable DCOM support in Windows
- Summary
- Edit the Registry
- More Information
how to disable windows help and support pop up window?
I was experiencing the same problem on WIndows 8 when I installed an earlier version of CorelDraw.
I did not see anyone post this possible solution but it worked out for me.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917607. Scroll a couple pages down.
It lists downloads for a couple versions of windows.
Hope this is helpful to you.
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This issue might have happened due to the program installed on Vista. Since it is not possible to disable help and support option, you may try the following steps to resolve the issue:
First you may try to perform a clean boot to verify if any of the services or startup items is causing this issue. To perform a clean boot we will have to run System Configuration Utility.
To perform clean boot, follow the steps:
1. Click Start , type msconfig in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER . If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.
2. On the General tab , click Selective Startup .
3. Under Selective Startup , click to clear the Load Startup Items check box.
4. Click the Services tab , click to select the Hide All Microsoft Services check box, and then click Disable All .
5. Click Apply and OK .
6. When you are prompted, click Restart .
7. After the computer starts verify whether you are able to resolve the issue.
If your issue is resolved after performing Clean Boot, then follow the steps mentioned in the following KB article to narrow down the exact source:
Also, see the section on how to return your computer to a Normal startup mode by following the steps under “Reset the computer to start as usual”.
Step 2: You may also try Uninstalling and Re-installing the Acid program and check what happens.
For more information, you may refer the following link to uninstall a Program:
Hope this information is helpful.
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How to Disable F1 Key from Opening Help (Bing) in Windows 10
When you press the F1 key in Windows 10, it opens Microsoft Edge and loads the How to get help Bing search page showing a video on “how to get help in Windows 10”. Using a registry edit, you can stop F1 from opening your browser especially if it obstructs when gaming or performing other tasks.
As of now, Windows 10 doesn’t have an official help page either online or offline. When you press F1 with no application selected and the focus currently on the desktop, it runs the file HelpPane.exe in your Windows directory. This file in-turn opens your default web browser.
If and when Microsoft releases a proper help page or locally stored help and support system, the executable HelpPane.exe might get updated to redirect you to the correct place. Until then you can disable the key if you wish to.
Disable the F1 (Help & Support) key:
Disable F1 Key from Opening Help
Method 1: Using a registry edit
To prevent F1 from opening Bing search, download f1_key_disable_help.zip and run the enclosed registry fix. If you plan to reverse the changes, run the undo registry file.
Here is what the REG contains
Method 2: Using AutoHotKey script
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks. If you’re an AutoHotKey user, you can create the following script to disable the F1 key on your keyboard.
The first four lines are automatically added when you create a new script via the New → AutoHotKey Script option from the desktop context menu.
Double-click to run this script. To run this script at every login, place a shortcut of this .ahk script file in your Startup folder.
Note: The above script disables the F1 functionality in File Explorer, Notepad, and the Explorer shell environment. The F1 key would still work in all other programs.
Method 3: Lockdown helppane.exe using NTFS permissions
Another option to prevent the F1 key from opening the Bing search is to lock down the file HelpPane.exe using NTFS permissions. HelpPane.exe is the file that launches the Bing search help and support page in Microsoft Edge, using the microsoft-edge: protocol association.
Lockdown helppane.exe
Open an admin Command Prompt window and run these commands:
The above commands prevent users from running the helppane.exe file. The F1 key would still work in all other programs.
With the above permission entries, when F1 is pressed, explorer.exe will get Access Denied error when launching helppane.exe and silently fail. This the Bing search page won’t be launched.
Unlock helppane.exe
To revert the helppane.exe permissions to defaults, run these commands from admin Command Prompt:
If the 2nd command fails to execute and throws the error:
Then, use the Permissions GUI to change ownership to NT Service\TrustedInstaller .
Hope one of the above methods proved useful in disabling the F1 help & support key without disabling the F1 functionality in other programs.
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About the author
Ramesh Srinivasan founded Winhelponline.com back in 2005. He is passionate about Microsoft technologies and he has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 10 consecutive years from 2003 to 2012.
Microsoft → Windows → Windows 10 → How to Disable F1 Key from Opening Help (Bing) in Windows 10
Disable Windows Help And Support
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How to close windows help and support pop up — YouTube
· Windows Help and Support Pop up are very annoying here is the solution to your problem First Right Click inside the pop up window. Now Click “view source”. Simply Select a paragraph and delete it.
how to disable window help and support pop up in window 7 .
· How to stop showing Windows help and support pop-up in windows 7 | disable window help and support — Duration: 3:40. Sumendra Mourya 47,528 views. 3:40. Windows 7 Ultimate Tips : .
How to Turn Off Windows Help & Support | Techwalla.com
Select «Edit group policy» and then click «User Configuration» from the left pane. Open «Administrative Templates» and then open «Windows Components.». Click «Edge UI» and then double-click «Disable help tips.». Select the radio button next to «Enabled» and then click «Apply.».
how to disable windows help and support pop up window .
· Tech support scams are an industry-wide issue where scammers trick you into paying for unnecessary technical support services. You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Employee and that the phone number is an official Microsoft global customer service number.
How to Turn Off Windows Help & Support | Techwalla
Windows 8.1 displays pop-up help tips by default to educate users on where to access functions such as the Charms and Start button. Although useful, the help tips can be annoying to experienced users who have performed a clean install of the operating system.
Disable «Windows Help and Support»
Disable «Windows Help and Support» Archived Forums > Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) . How do you prevent users accessing «Windows Help and Support» (press the F1 key) in a Server 2008 TS session? This gives them Server 2008 help — which I don’t want them to see. I still want F1 to work in apps though.
Windows help — support.microsoft.com
Get help and support for Windows —Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and Windows 10 Mobile.
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Windows Help and Support pop up virus – [How to remove ]
· The Windows Help and Support is a misleading ‘ad’ web page that made in order to trick you into calling fake Microsoft Windows Help Support service. If the “Windows Help and Support” alerts keeps popping up in your browser then this might be a sign that your computer is infected with an adware (also known as ‘ad-supported’ software).
disable F1 help shortcut windows 10
· Let me see if I understand, you’d like to disable Help feature in Windows 10, isn’t it? If so, it’s simple to achieve it by renaming the HelpPane.exe. Please go to C:\Windows, find out HelpPane.exe file, rename it to anything else. This operation prevents Windows from finding the target file when F1 is pressed.
Ten Forums — Windows 10 Help and Support Forum
Windows 10 troubleshooting help and support forum, plus thousands of tutorials to help you fix, customize and get the most from Microsoft Windows 10.
How to Stop F1 Help Key From Opening Bing Search in .
Disable the F1 Key : Windows Help and Support. To prevent F1 from opening Bing search, download f1_key_disable_help.zip and run the enclosed registry fix. If you plan to reverse the changes, run the undo registry file. Editor’s Note: This registry setting doesn’t affect the F1 key functionality in individual programs.
Uninstall and Remove Get Help in Windows 10
Windows 10 Help and Support — Computer Hope
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How to disable DCOM support in Windows
The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a protocol that enables software components to communicate directly over a network. Previously named «Network OLE,» DCOM is designed for use across multiple network transports, including Internet protocols such as HTTP. More information about DCOM, visit the following Microsoft Web site: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc958799.aspx
DCOM is supported natively in Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Warning If you disable DCOM, may you may lose operating system functionality. After you disable support for DCOM, the following may result:
Any COM objects that can be started remotely may not function correctly.
The local COM+ snap-in will not be able to connect to remote servers to enumerate their COM+ catalog.
Certificate auto-enrollment may not function correctly.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) queries against remote servers may not function correctly.
There are potentially many built-in components and 3rd party applications that will be affected if you disable DCOM. Microsoft does not recommend that you disable DCOM in your environment until you have tested to discover what applications are affected. Disabling DCOM may not be workable in all environments.
Support for DCOM on all Windows NT-based operating systems can be disabled. To disable this support, follow these steps.
Note To disable DCOM on a Windows 2000-based computer, you must be running Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later.
Edit the Registry
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
Start Registry Editor.
Locate the following path:
Change the EnableDCOM string value to N.
Restart the operating system for the changes to take effect.
If you are running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, perform these additional steps:
Click the Component Services node under Console Root.
Open the Computers folder.
For the local computer, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
For a remote computer, right-click Computers folder, point to New, and then click Computer.
Type the computer name.
Right-click the computer name, and then click Properties.
Click the Default Properties tab.
Click to select (or click to clear) the Enable Distributed COM on this Computer check box.
If you want to set more properties for the computer, click Apply to enable (or disable) DCOM. Otherwise, click OK to apply the changes and quit Dcomcnfg.exe.
Restart the operating system for the changes to take effect.
More Information
The following registry string value is used to enable or disable DCOM on all operating systems:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE\EnableDCOM If you change this value to N, you disable DCOM after you restart the operating system. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows registry