- Размытые шрифты в Windows 10
- Устраняем размытость шрифтов для конкретного приложения
- Уменьшение системных настроек DPI в Windows 10
- Возвращаем старый метод масштабирования в Windows 10
- Display Options: How to change DPI Scaling Level for displays in Windows 10.
- How to disable display scaling on high DPI setting for windows 10?
- Replies (13)
Размытые шрифты в Windows 10
Многие пользователи при обновлении до Windows 10 столкнулись с проблемой размытости и нечеткости отображения шрифтов в системе и некоторых приложениях, крайне мешающее при работе с компьютером. Как правило, проблема наблюдается на устройствах, с высоким разрешением, превышающем 200 DPI. Дело в том, что еще начиная с Windows 8.1, Майкрософт изменила применяемую ранее схему масштабирования DPI. Проблемы могут наблюдаться при значениях DPI, больше 120, а также у приложений, у которых отсутствует DPI-Aware флаг. Эта же схема масштабирования применяется и в Windows 10.
В том случае, если вы не удовлетворены отображением масштабированных шрифтов, возможно вернуться к «классической» схеме масштабирования как для одного конкретного приложения, так для всей системы (сброс и восстановление шрифтов при этом не поможет).
Устраняем размытость шрифтов для конкретного приложения
Если проблема с размытыми шрифтами наблюдается в одном конкретном приложении, например, в браузере Mozilla Firefox, можно попробовать решить проблему с размытостью шрифтов индивидуально для этого приложения.
- Откройте свойства исполняемого файла приложения (в нашем примере firefox.exe)
- Перейдите на вкладку Compatibility (Совместимость)
- Включите опцию Disable display scaling on high DPI settings (Отключить масштабирование изображения при высоком разрешении экрана)
- Сохраните изменения и запустите приложение.
Проверьте, устранена ли проблема. Если не устранена, переходите к следующему этапу – уменьшению системных настроек DPI.
Уменьшение системных настроек DPI в Windows 10
На многих устройствах проблемы размытости и плохой читаемости шрифтов наблюдаются в системе при использовании масштабирования 125% или выше. В этом случае стоит попробовать уменьшить настройки масштабирования шрифтов (DPI) до 100%.
- Откройте современную панель управления настройками системы (Settings)
- Затем в разделе Display установите ползунок Change the size of text, apps and other items (Изменение размера текста, приложений и других элементов) в крайнее левое положение (должно быть значение 100%)
- Завершите сессию Windows и перезайдите в систему
Если и это не помогло – перейдите к следующему решению.
Возвращаем старый метод масштабирования в Windows 10
В Windows 10 и Windows 8.1 используется новая методика масштабирования отображаемых на дисплее шрифтов. Существует возможность вернуться к старому методу масштабирования, используемого в Windows 8 RTM и Windows 7. В большинстве случаев это поможет решить проблему размытости и некорректного отображения шрифтов.
- Создайте файл revert_classic_dpi.bat со следующим текстом: REG ADD «HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop» /v DpiScalingVer /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00001018 /f
REG ADD «HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop» /v Win8DpiScaling /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f
REG ADD «HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop» /v LogPixels /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000078 /f - Запустите файл revert_classic_dpi.bat с правами администратора.
- Перезагрузите Windows 10
- Проверьте, исправилась ли проблема с отображением шрифтов
Display Options: How to change DPI Scaling Level for displays in Windows 10.
This article will show you how to change DPI Scaling Level for displays in Windows 10.
Dots per inch (DPI) is the physical measurement of the number of individual dots that can be placed in a line within the span of 1 inch. DPI setting controls the size of the text, apps and icons.
A lower DPI setting will make them appear smaller and a higher setting will make them appear bigger. By default Windows has setting of 96 DPI.
- Open Registry Editorby pressing Windows + R key combination, type in regeditand press Enter.
- If prompted by UAC, press Yesto continue.
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
- In right-side pane, look for a Win8DpiScalingand set the value to 1 and close Registry Editor.
- Restart your computer.
- Open Registry Editorand make the changes as described above.
- Open Settingsand click on the System
- Alternatively, right click on an empty area on your desktop and select Display.
- In System, settings screen click on Displayoption from left side.
- Under Change the size of text, apps, and other items: 100% (Recommended), move the slider left or right to the DPI percentage you want to set for that display.
- Open Registry Editorand make the changes as described above in first step.
- Open the Control Panel (icons view)and select Display.
- Under Change size of items, click on the set a custom scaling level
- Drag the ruler left or right to the scaling percentage you want.
- Alternatively, select the scaling percentage you want in the drop down menu.
- Click on Applyand then Sign out now.
How to disable display scaling on high DPI setting for windows 10?
I just upgraded to windows 10 and noticed that some programs have the same issue with dpi scaling like on previous versions of windows (8.1/8/..). But on windows 10 I dont have the option (dont remember actually the name of it but was a check box nexet to the scaling setting) that fixed the problme for all the programs. In windows 10 i dont have that check box so I have to manually do the fix (right click->properties->compatibility->disable display sclaing on high DPI settings) for all my progmas but this works only for insitalled programs, I cant do it like for exampe: Device Manager so its blurry.
How ever I found out that if I set size of text, apps, other items to 150% will fix the issue, but I found out running that high on my notebook is making everything to BIG.
Hope that someone can help, thank you.
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Thank you for your interest in Windows 10.
If you’ve enabled scaling and the text in an application is blurred or unreadable, then the only option is to disable display scaling for that particular application. As stated, right-click the application’s shortcut and then click Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings, and then click OK.
You can also search «dpiscaling» and change the scaling settings in the display window. In the display window, you can click on set a custom scaling level option and check if it helps.
Hope this information is helpful. Do let us know if you need any further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.
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Thank you for your interest in Windows 10.
If you’ve enabled scaling and the text in an application is blurred or unreadable, then the only option is to disable display scaling for that particular application. As stated, right-click the application’s shortcut and then click Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings, and then click OK.
You can also search «dpiscaling» and change the scaling settings in the display window. In the display window, you can click on set a custom scaling level option and check if it helps.
Hope this information is helpful. Do let us know if you need any further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.
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Thank you for your interest in Windows 10.
If you’ve enabled scaling and the text in an application is blurred or unreadable, then the only option is to disable display scaling for that particular application. As stated, right-click the application’s shortcut and then click Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings, and then click OK.
You can also search «dpiscaling» and change the scaling settings in the display window. In the display window, you can click on set a custom scaling level option and check if it helps.
Hope this information is helpful. Do let us know if you need any further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.
Ok, I understand that the only fix for apps is by right click->etc. But for example how do I fix device manager witch is blurry?
Fantastic — dpiscaling fixed the problem for me! I just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7. With Windows 10, text was fuzzy in all programs. Never had the problem before. I have a 1366 x 768 laptop screen. Selected 125% under DPI scaling «set a custom scaling level». Now all text is razor sharp in all programs in Windows 10, just as it was in Windows 7. Thank you!
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This isn’t helpful.
There is no compatibility tab when I right click the application (in this case, Powerpoint) icon, nor does it show up under «properties». I’ve tried this step on everything from start menu icons, quick start bar icons all the way down to the .exe file.
Right-clicking the .exe file gives me something called a «Compatibility Troubleshooter», which at least references the problem (Troubleshoot program —> The program opens but doesn’t display correctly —>Test the program —> Next) but doesn’t actually let me do anything other than test run the program — which still looks wrong.
Generally changing dpiscaling doesn’t seem right, since it is only some of my applications that have this problem. For example, powerpoint, acrobat, calculator and my desktop icons seem to have this problem, whereas word, excel and chrome look great. Finally, dpiscaling’s minimum setpoint seems to be 100%; given that I want to reduce the size of icons not increase them this doesn’t seem useful.
Note that this is on Windows 10 Pro, running with Admin rights.
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same problem my hi dpi laptops menus, fonts and pops are too small and I have limited control to fix it.
my only solution is to reduce the resolution until I find something usable
windows 10 is not ready for high dpi
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That didnt help.
I have problems with my new Surface Book. It’s frustrating with some objects.
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Scaling is a hit or miss kind of thing. So older programs never were designed for HD or higher screen resolutions. In order for display scaling to work in Windows 10 everything is set the same including those programs never intended to scale. This causes poor display issues for those programs, including blurry text, grainy and over sized windows. Sadly the choices are trying to make it a little better by disabling scaling for those programs, or fiddling with Windows 10 over all scaling so as those programs look better but will probably make everything else too small. I never realized this was such a problem until I bought my first HD laptop.
I had HD desktop monitors but they always displayed at 100% DPI so no real problems. It was no so with my laptop which has to raise DPI to 125% in order for everything to scale properly and not be too small. My wife actually has to scale her Envy laptop to 150% just so she can read some text. Of course this adds to the issues with older programs. These issues will be around for a while until all programs update and are designed to work with scaling.
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