Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Операционная система
Модель продукта Wacom
Windows — Driver 6.3.41-1
Wacom MobileStudio Pro
Wacom Cintiq Pro
DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420
Wacom Intuos Pro
PTH-460, 660, 860
One by Wacom
CTL-471, 472, 671, 672
Intuos/Wacom Intuos
CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100
Intuos 4
PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL
Intuos 5
PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850
Intuos Pro
PTH-451, 651, 851
Wacom One 13
Cintiq 13HD
Wacom Cintiq
Cintiq 22HD/24HD
Cintiq 27QHD
Cintiq Companion
Cintiq Companion 2
Cintiq Companion Hybrid
ExpressKey Remote
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Драйвер для планшета Wacom Bamboo — series
Bamboo Create, Capture, Connect, Splash, CTL, CTH, One
Windows 10 — XP
38.2 [MB]
Mac OS X 10.12 — 10.9
27.0 [MB]
Mac OS X 10.10 — 10.8
29.4 [MB]
Mac OS X 10.10 — 10.7
28.9 [MB]
Cintiq Companion 2 Hybrid Утилита для обновления
5.4 [MB]
Драйверы для планшетов Wacom Bamboo — series под Windows 10 — XP 32/64-bit и Mac OS X 10.12 — 10.6.
Руководство пользователя на английском языке в формате PDF:
На этой странице официального сайта производителя вы найдете перечень планшетов, смартфонов, iPad, iPhone, совместимых с изделиями серии Wacom Bamboo.
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы или пройдите к полному перечню для поиска драйвера предыдущих релизов.
Операционная система
Модель продукта Wacom
Windows — Driver 6.3.25-5
Wacom MobileStudio Pro
DTH-W1320, W1620
Wacom Cintiq Pro
DTH-1320, 1620
Wacom Intuos Pro
PTH-660, 860
One by Wacom
CTL-471, 472, 671, 672
CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690
Intuos 4
PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL
Intuos 5
PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850
Intuos Pro
PTH-451, 651, 851
Cintiq 12WX
Cintiq 13HD
Cintiq 21UX 2
Cintiq 22HD/24HD
Cintiq 27QHD
Cintiq Companion
Cintiq Companion 2
Cintiq Companion Hybrid
ExpressKey Remote
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver Download
Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver – This article is about Installing, Uninstalling, and Deciding Which Wacom Driver to Use for a Mac or a PC.
Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Capture pen tablet helps you take your digital imagery to the next level. Works with Adobe Photoshop Elements (included in the box) and scores of other photo software applications for editing, perfecting, and having fun with your digital images. Restore old photos, make your portraits come alive, remove unwanted details, improve skin tones, and create your own compositions. Bamboo Capture also features multi-touch input, so you can use the tablet to zoom in on your photos, scroll through albums, and navigate your way around your computer, using the familiar gestures of a mobile device..
So the perfect driver for your tablet is the driver released about the same time that you last updated your OS PC or Mac. In other words, if you have kept your Mac or PC updated to the absolute last OS update, then you should use the latest Wacom Driver. This the reason Why does Wacom or any other company update its drivers.
When installing a different Wacom driver, it is safest to first remove the existing tablet drivers. or Wacom suggests that before you install a new driver you should uninstall the present driver. After uninstalling, then you install the new driver. Below is the driver you need. Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver Download List
“I recommend you try to instal this driver first”
Manufacture : Wacom
OS: (XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 and 10)
Update Date: 8/20/2015
Size: 38.2 MB
“But if you have kept your Mac or PC updated to the absolute last OS update, then you should use the latest Wacom Driver”
Manufacture : Wacom
OS: Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
Update Date: 12/20/2018
Size: 58.9 MB
Previous Drivers
Manufacture : Wacom
OS: Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
Update Date: 9/25/2018
Size: 58.9 MB
Here is, Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver Installation Procedure (Manual Methods):
A. Download Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver.
Visit www.wacom.com or you can download the drivers in this page for free.
Select tablet type (Bamboo, Intuos, Cintiq ).
Select operating system.
Download and save driver installation in an easy-to-find place.
B. Uninstall and Reinstall (Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver) for windows or PC.
To remove the Wacom driver completely, run the following steps:
Unplug the tablet’s USB cable from the computer.
Uninstall the driver using the PROGRAMS/APPS AND FEATURES section of the Control Panel.
Check for any other ‘Wacom’ or ‘Bamboo’ software that may be shown there. If you have either installed, Bamboo Paper and Wacom Inkspace do not need to be removed, but please uninstall anything else. Bamboo Dock is no longer supported. ( The following should have been removed automatically, but if you find them, please manually remove them from your system )
Also in PROGRAMS/APPS AND FEATURES check for and remove “WebTablet FB Plugin 32 Bit” and “WebTablet FB Plugin 64 Bit” ( if they were properly removed C:\Program Files\tabletplugins\WacomIE.dll should no longer exist )
»»Check that “WacomIE.dll” has been removed from C:\Program Files\tabletplugins (if they were properly removed WacomIE.dll should no longer exist)
Reboot your computer.
Search Windows for the following:
»Open Device Manager and remove any remaining Wacom entries.
»”tablet.dat ” and “pen_tablet.dat” from anywhere on the hard disk (search as administrator)
»”wintab*.*” from the WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 and WINDOWS\SysWOW64 folders.
⊗ The Wintab tablet stops working. (Tablet driver not recognized.) Causes could be:
Other tablets were connected to this computer before.
Older drivers were installed on this computer.
Tablet was connected before installing the manufacturer’s driver so that some default Windows driver was automatically installed.
Tablet disconnected from the computer.
Updating from an older (Wacom Bamboo CTH-470 Driver) to a Newer Wacom Driver
If you keep your Wacom Drivers up to date, then you should have a program called Wacom Desktop Center . You can find it in your apps. This program or utility notifies you when there is an update to your Wacom Driver. it does have a lot of useful functions. You can back up and restore your preferences, you can make changes to your preferences, you can get help and find tutorials.
But the most useful function is its ability to install an updated driver. It does this seamlessly and there is no need to uninstall the current driver first. Whether you are on a PC or a Mac, when you need to update your current driver to the latest driver, I suggest using the Wacom Desktop Center. If you are updating from an older driver and you do not have a Wacom Desktop Center, then use the manual methods above.
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