Драйвер сетевой карты intel для windows server 2019

Downloads for Ethernet Products

Description Type OS Version Date
Intel® Network Adapters Driver for PCIe* 10 Gigabit Network Connections Under FreeBSD*

This release includes the 10 gigabit FreeBSD* Base Driver for Intel® Network Connections.

Driver FreeBSD* 3.3.24
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for 82575/6 and 82580-Based Gigabit Network Connections under FreeBSD*

Installs the FreeBSD* base driver 2.5.18 for Intel® 82575/6, 82580, I210/1 and I350 Ethernet Controllers.

Driver FreeBSD* 2.5.18
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack

This download installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack for supported OS versions.

Driver OS Independent 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2012*

This download record installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapters driver for Windows Server 2012*.

Driver Windows Server 2012* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows 8.1*

Installs Intel® Network Adapter drivers release 26.2 for Windows 8.1*.

Driver Windows 8*
Windows 8, 32-bit*
Windows 8, 64-bit* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2012 R2*

This download installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapters for Windows Server 2012 R2*.

Driver Windows Server 2012 R2* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter 700 Series

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter 700 Series.

Firmware OS Independent 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows® 10

Installs the Intel® Network Adapter drivers release 26.2 for Windows® 10.

Driver Windows 10*
Windows 10, 32-bit*
Windows 10, 64-bit* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—Windows*

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—Windows*.

Firmware OS Independent 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—Linux*

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—Linux*.

Firmware Linux* 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—FreeBSD*

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—FreeBSD*.

Firmware FreeBSD* 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—VMware ESX*

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—VMware ESX*.

Firmware VMware* 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—EFI

Provides the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 700 Series—EFI.

Firmware OS Independent 8.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Virtual Function Driver for PCIe* 10 Gigabit Network Connections Under FreeBSD*

Includes the 10 gigabit FreeBSD* Virtual Function Driver for Intel® Network Connection.

Driver FreeBSD* 1.5.27
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2016*

This download record installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapter using Windows Server 2016*.

Driver Windows Server 2016* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter X550 Series

This download record contains all files required to update the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update utility version 3.30 for Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X550 Series.

Firmware OS Independent 3.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series—Windows*

This download record contains all files required to update the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series for Windows*.

Firmware OS Independent 3.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series—Linux*

This download record includes the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series for Linux*

Firmware Linux* 3.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series—FreeBSD*

Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series for FreeBSD*

Firmware FreeBSD* 3.30
Latest 3/31/2021 Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update Utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series—VMware ESX*

This download record contains all files required to update the Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update utility for Intel® Ethernet Adapters 550 Series for VMware ESX*.

Downloads for Intel® Ethernet Connection I219 Series

Description Type OS Version Date
Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack

This download installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack for supported OS versions.

Driver OS Independent 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2012*

This download record installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapters driver for Windows Server 2012*.

Driver Windows Server 2012* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows 8.1*

Installs Intel® Network Adapter drivers release 26.2 for Windows 8.1*.

Driver Windows 8*
Windows 8, 32-bit*
Windows 8, 64-bit* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2012 R2*

This download installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapters for Windows Server 2012 R2*.

Driver Windows Server 2012 R2* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows® 10

Installs the Intel® Network Adapter drivers release 26.2 for Windows® 10.

Driver Windows 10*
Windows 10, 32-bit*
Windows 10, 64-bit* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2016*

This download record installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapter using Windows Server 2016*.

Driver Windows Server 2016* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows Server 2019*

This download record installs version 26.2 of the Intel® Network Adapter using Windows Server 2019*.

Driver Windows Server 2019* 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Adapter User Guide for Intel® Ethernet Adapters

This download contains the 26.2 version of the Intel® Ethernet Adapter User Guide.

Driver OS Independent 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Intel® Ethernet Product Software Release Notes

Provides Intel® Ethernet Product Software Release Notes (26.2).

Driver OS Independent 26.2
Latest 3/31/2021 Administrative Tools for Intel® Network Adapters

This download record installs version 26.1 of the administrative tools for Intel® Network Adapters.

Software OS Independent
Linux* 26.1
Latest 3/18/2021 Intel® Ethernet Connections Boot Utility, Preboot Images, and EFI Drivers

This download version 26.1 installs UEFI drivers, Intel® Boot Agent, and Intel® iSCSI Remote Boot images to program the PCI option ROM flash image and update flash configuration options.

Software OS Independent
Linux* 26.1
Latest 3/18/2021 Intel® Network Adapter Gigabit Base Driver for FreeBSD*

This download includes version 7.7.8 of the gigabit base driver for Intel® Network Connections.

Driver FreeBSD* 7.7.8
Latest 4/8/2020 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows 7* — Final Release

Installs Intel® Network Adapter drivers release 25.0 for Windows 7*. — Final Release

Driver Windows 7*
Windows 7, 32-bit*
Windows 7, 64-bit* 25.0
Latest 1/23/2020 Intel® Ethernet Adapter Drivers for MS-DOS*

This download record installs version 24.3 of the Intel® Ethernet Adapter drivers for MS-DOS*. Final Release

Driver DOS 24.3
Latest 11/4/2019 ULPEnable Utility

ULPEnable Utility for I218 & I219 Network Connections (1.0).

Software OS Independent 1.0
Latest 2/2/2018 Disabling TCP-IPv6 Checksum Offload Capability with Intel® 1/10 GbE Controllers

Disabling TCP-IPv6 Checksum Offload Capability with Intel® 1/10 GbE Controllers

Driver OS Independent 1.0
Latest 10/30/2017 Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows 8* — Final Release

This installs base drivers, Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software version 22.7.1 for Windows Device Manager*, ANS, and SNMP for Intel® Network Adapters for Windows 8*.

Intel® Ethernet Adapter полный пакет драйверов

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Независимо от ОС

Размер: 677,38 МБ

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О драйверах intel®

Если вы приобрели сервер или устройство с торговой маркой OEM-компании, обратитесь к OEM-компании за версией драйвера ПО, совместимой с вашей точной версией FW. Использование версий ПО и FW, которые не были проверены для совместной работы, повлияет на производительность, доступность функций и стабильность системы.

Для получения подробного списка функций, исправлений, известных проблем и общей информации о выпуске загрузите примечания о выпуске и ознакомьтесь с документом readme.txt, включенным в каждый выпуск программного обеспечения. Примечания к выпуску


Это. файл zip содержит все драйверы Intel® Ethernet и программное обеспечение для поддерживаемых в настоящее время версий Windows*, Linux* и FreeBSD* для большинства Intel® Ethernet адаптеров. Не все Intel® Ethernet и Intel® Ethernet поддерживаются в каждой версии Windows, Linux или FreeBSD.

Это большой файл. Мы рекомендуем загружать файлы меньшего размеров для вашей операционной системы, если вам не нужно программное обеспечение для каждой ОС.

Загрузка документации

Данный файл для загрузки также подходит для перечисленных ниже видов продукции.

Лицензия на использование программного обеспечения Intel

Использование Вами программного обеспечения регулируется условиями лицензионного соглашения, входящего в комплект всех загружаемых программ.



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.

• If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.

• If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.

• If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE. You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (“emulated”) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.

2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation («Intel») grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Materials.

3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software. ?

4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. ?

5. The Software may include portions offered on terms in addition to those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE. You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions: ?

1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (“emulated”) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.

2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation («Intel») grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Materials.

3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.

4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.

5. The Software may include portions offered on terms in addition to those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (“emulated”) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.

2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation («Intel») grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Materials.

3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.

4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.

5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a «break-the-seal» license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel’s ownership rights to the Software.

6. The Software may include portions offered on terms in addition to those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Materials except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Materials to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Materials without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Materials in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Materials; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Materials; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Materials, Redistributables and Sample Source and derivatives thereof to any third party except as provided in this Agreement.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software. You may transfer the Software only if the recipient agrees to be fully bound by these terms and if you retain no copies of the Software.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY. If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED «AS IS» WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (“emulated”) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (“emulated”) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (“emulated”) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (“emulated”) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (“emulated”) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (“emulated”) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (“emulated”) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software is provided with «RESTRICTED RIGHTS.» Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR52.227-14 and DFAR252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. Use of the Software by the Government constitutes acknowledgment of Intel’s proprietary rights therein. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

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