Драйверы atheros qualcomm qca9377 wireless network adapter для windows 10 x64

Download selected Qualcomm Atheros wireless driver v12.0.0.953 for QCA9377 and Windows 10

Download drivers for many devices with Qualcomm Atheros chipset, for example Allied Telesyn, Belkin, Cisco, D-Link, Gigabyte, HP, Linksys, Netgear, Proxim Orinoco, SMC, and more.

Download driver v12.0.0.953 for QCA9377 and Windows 10

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OS Windows 10 32/64bit Release 2020-06-18 [June ’20]
Status WHQL
File win10-
Downloaded 52796×

Drivers for / Treiber für / Драйверы для / Ovladače pro / Sterowniki do

  • Qualcomm Atheros Wireless device driver for Microsoft Windows 10 (32/64bit) and the following devices:
  • Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1435 Wireless Network Adapter
  • Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1535 Wireless Network Adapter
  • Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4A Wireless Network Adapter
  • Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter
  • Qualcomm QCA6174A HMC Wireless Network Adapter
  • Qualcomm(R) QCA6174A Extended Range 802.11ac MU-MIMO Wireless Adapter
  • Note: Drivers include binary eeprom for QCA9377/AR6320 and QCAW/SGMT firmware for QCA61x4 (2020/04/23 21:01:32) and QCA9377 (2020/04/23 21:01:57).
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