- Ошибка 1603 при попытке установить пакет установщика Windows: неустановленная ошибка во время установки
- Симптомы
- Причина
- Решение
- Error 1603 when you try to install a Windows Installer package: A fatal error occurred during installation
- Symptoms
- Cause
- Resolution
- Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors
- General fixes
- 0xC1900101 Errors
- Other Common Errors
Ошибка 1603 при попытке установить пакет установщика Windows: неустановленная ошибка во время установки
Эта статья поможет устранить ошибку 1603, которая возникает при установке установщик Microsoft Windows пакета.
Исходная версия продукта: Windows 10 — все выпуски
Исходный номер КБ: 834484
При попытке установить пакет установщика Windows может появиться следующее сообщение об ошибке:
Ошибка 1603: неумерительная ошибка во время установки.
Если в окне сообщения нажать кнопку «ОК», установка откатится.
Вы можете получить это сообщение об ошибке, если имеется одно из следующих условий:
- Установщик Windows пытается установить приложение, которое уже установлено на компьютере.
- Папка, в которую вы пытаетесь установить пакет установщика Windows, зашифрована.
- Доступ к диску, содержаму папку, в которую вы пытаетесь установить пакет установщика Windows, можно получить в качестве заменяемого диска.
- У учетной записи SYSTEM нет разрешений на полный доступ к папке, в которую вы пытаетесь установить пакет установщика Windows. Вы заметите сообщение об ошибке, так как служба установщика Windows использует учетную запись SYSTEM для установки программного обеспечения.
Чтобы устранить эту проблему, используйте любой из следующих методов в зависимости от причины проблемы:
Проверьте, установлено ли приложение на компьютере. В этом случае можно удалить и переустановить приложение.
Если у вас ранее был ярлык на рабочем столе для приложения, возможно, ярлык был потерян во время обновления до Windows 10. В таких случаях приложение, скорее всего, по-прежнему устанавливается на компьютере, что приводит к этой ошибке при попытке переустановить приложение. Вы можете восстановить ярлык, выискнув приложение, и если оно будет найдено, нажмите и удерживайте (или щелкните правой кнопкой мыши) приложение и выберите «Закрепить в начале». Или вы можете устранить проблему, выименуя приложение, а затем переустановив его. Чтобы найти и удалить приложения в Windows 10:
- В меню «Пуск» выберите пункт «Параметры».
- В параметрах выберитефункции & >системных приложений.
- Если приложение указано в списке, выберите его и выберите «Удалить».
- Следуйте указаниям на экране.
Установите пакет в папку, которая не зашифрована.
Используйте этот метод, если вы получили сообщение об ошибке, так как пытаетесь установить пакет установщика Windows в зашифрованную папку.
Установите пакет на диск, не доступный в качестве заменяемого диска.
Используйте этот метод, если вы получили сообщение об ошибке, так как диск, содержащий папку, в которую вы пытаетесь установить пакет установщика Windows, получает доступ в качестве заменяемого диска.
Предоставление учетной записи SYSTEM разрешений на полный доступ.
Используйте этот метод, если вы получили сообщение об ошибке, так как у учетной записи SYSTEM нет разрешений на полный доступ к папке, в которая устанавливается пакет установщика Windows.
Чтобы предоставить учетной записи SYSTEM разрешения «Полный доступ», выполните следующие действия.
Откройте проводник (или проводник Windows), щелкните правой кнопкой мыши диск, на который необходимо установить пакет установщика Windows, и выберите «Свойства».
Перейдите на вкладку «Безопасность». Убедитесь, что поле «Группа» или «Имена пользователей» содержит учетную запись пользователя SYSTEM. Если системная учетная запись пользователя не появляется в поле, выполните следующие действия, чтобы добавить учетную запись SYSTEM:
- Щелкните Изменить. При запросе утвердим контроль учетных записей пользователей.
- Нажмите Добавить. Появится диалоговое окно «Выбор пользователей или групп».
- В поле «Введите имена объектов для выбора поля» введите SYSTEM и нажмите кнопку «Проверить имена».
- Нажмите кнопку ОК.
Чтобы изменить разрешения, нажмите кнопку «Изменить». При запросе утвердим контроль учетных записей пользователей.
Выберите учетную запись пользователя SYSTEM и убедитесь, что в разделе «Разрешения» установлено разрешение «Полный доступ». Если нет, то в этом случае в поле «Разрешить»
Закройте диалоговое окно «Разрешения» и верните его в диалоговое окно «Свойства». Нажмите кнопку Дополнительно.
Выберите «Изменить разрешения». При запросе утвердим контроль учетных записей пользователей.
На вкладке «Разрешения» выберите системную запись и нажмите кнопку «Изменить».
Щелкните «Применимо к» и выберите «Эта папка»,«Вложенная папка» и «Файлы». Нажмите кнопку ОК.
Подождите, пока операционная система примедет выбранные разрешения для всех папок.
Error 1603 when you try to install a Windows Installer package: A fatal error occurred during installation
This article helps fix the error 1603 that occurs when you install a Microsoft Windows Installer package.
Original product version: В Windows 10 — all editions
Original KB number: В 834484
When you try to install a Windows Installer package, you may receive the following error message:
Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.
If you click OK in the message box, the installation rolls back.
You may receive this error message if any one of the following conditions is true:
- Windows Installer is attempting to install an app that is already installed on your PC.
- The folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is encrypted.
- The drive that contains the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to is accessed as a substitute drive.
- The SYSTEM account does not have Full Control permissions on the folder that you are trying to install the Windows Installer package to. You notice the error message because the Windows Installer service uses the SYSTEM account to install software.
To resolve this problem, use any one of the following methods, depending on the cause of the problem:
Check if the app is already installed on the PC. If so, uninstall and reinstall the app.
If you previously had a desktop shortcut for an app, the shortcut may have been lost during the upgrade to Windows 10. In such cases, the app is likely still installed on the PC, resulting in this error when you attempt to reinstall the app. You can restore the shortcut by searching for the app, and if it’s found, press and hold (or right-click) the app and select Pin to Start. Or you can resolve the issue by uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. To search for and uninstall apps in Windows 10:
- On the Start menu, select Settings.
- In Settings, select System >Apps & features.
- If the app is listed, then this is, select it and then select Uninstall.
- Follow the directions on the screen.
Install the package to a folder that is not encrypted.
Use this method if you receive the error message because you try to install the Windows Installer package to a folder that is encrypted.
Install the package to a drive that is not accessed as a substitute drive.
Use this method if you receive the error message because the drive that contains the folder that you try to install the Windows Installer package to is accessed as a substitute drive.
Grant Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM account.
Use this method if you receive the error message because the SYSTEM account does not have Full Control permissions on the folder you are installing the Windows Installer package to.
To grant Full Control permissions to the SYSTEM account, follow these steps:
Open File Explorer (or Windows Explorer), right-click the drive that you want to install the Windows Installer package to, and then click Properties.
Click the Security tab. Verify that the Group or user names box contains the SYSTEM user account. If the SYSTEM user account doesn’t appear in the box, follow these steps to add the SYSTEM account:
- Click Edit. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
- Click Add. The Select Users or Groups dialog box appears.
- In the Enter the object names to select field, type SYSTEM, and then click Check names.
- Click OK.
To change permissions, click Edit. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
Select the SYSTEM user account, and verify in the Permissions section that Full Control is set to Allow. If not, select the Allow check box.
Close the Permissions dialog and return to the Properties dialog. Click Advanced.
Select Change permissions. If prompted, approve the User Account Control.
In the Permissions tab, select the SYSTEM entry and click Edit.
Click the Applies to dropdown and select This folder, subfolder, and files. Click OK.
Wait for the operating system to apply the permissions that you have selected to all child folders.
Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors
There are many reasons why you might receive an error message when upgrading or installing Windows 10, but common errors can be fixed with a few steps that you can do on your own. Note: An upgrade takes your device from an older version of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, to Windows 10.
Before searching for a specific error code, try the tips listed in General fixes. If those don’t fix your upgrade or installation problem, check the table of error codes at the bottom of this article.
General fixes
Here are some things you can try to fix upgrade and installation errors:
Unplug any nonessential hardware devices. These could include headphones, printers, scanners speakers, USB flash drives, and external hard drives.
If you’re using a laptop and it’s plugged in to a docking station, undock it.
It’s a good idea to make sure that all important updates are installed before trying to upgrade Windows. This includes updates to hardware drivers on your device.
For information and to make sure you’re up-to-date, see Windows Update: FAQ.
Use Windows Defender to protect your device during the upgrade—non-Microsoft antivirus software can sometimes cause upgrade problems. As long as you have installation media and all required activation information, you can always reinstall the software after you upgrade.
To remove an antivirus application, go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features. Select the program, and then select Uninstall. Select Yes to confirm.
Outdated software can cause problems with a Windows upgrade, so removing old or nonessential applications can help.
If you plan to reinstall the application later, make sure you have the installation media and all required activation information before removing it.
To uninstall software, go to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features. Select the program, and then select Uninstall. Select Yes to confirm.
To upgrade to Windows 10, you need enough space on your hard drive for the installation to take place.
To view how much hard drive space is available on your computer, select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type File Explorer (known as Windows Explorer in Windows 7).
Then select Computer or This PC and look under Hard Disk Drives or under Devices and drives. If there are multiple drives listed, the system drive is the drive that includes a Microsoft Windows logo above the drive icon. You’ll see the amount of available space under the drive.
If it looks like your drive is running low on space, see Tips to free up drive space on your PC.
0xC1900101 Errors
An error that begins with 0xC1900101 is usually a driver error. If you see any of these error codes, try the following steps first to fix the problem. If these steps don’t work, see Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors for more detailed technical info.
Make sure that your device has enough space. Your device requires at least 16 GB of free space to upgrade a 32-bit OS, or 20 GB for a 64-bit OS. For more info, see Free up drive space in Windows 10.
Run Windows Update a few times. Download and install any available updates in Windows Update, including software updates, hardware updates, and some third-party drivers. Use the troubleshooter for Windows 10 to fix Windows Update errors.
Check third-party drivers and download any updates. You can find third-party drivers and installation instructions for any hardware you’ve added to your device on the manufacturer’s website.
Unplug extra hardware. Remove all external storage devices and drives, docks, and other hardware you might have plugged into your device that isn’t needed for basic functionality.
Check Device Manager for errors. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type device manager. Choose Device Manager from the results. In the window that pops up, look for any device with a yellow exclamation mark beside it (you may have to select each category to switch to the list of devices). Press and hold (or right-click) the device name and select either Update Driver Software or Uninstall to correct the errors.
Remove third-party security software. Make sure you know how to reinstall your programs and that any necessary product keys are on hand. Windows Defender will help protect your device in the meantime.
Repair hard-drive errors. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that pops up, type chkdsk/f C: and press the Enter key. Repairs automatically start on your hard drive, and you’ll be asked to restart your device.
Note: You must have administrator permissions on your device to do this.
Do a clean restart into Windows. Learn how.
Restore and repair system files. Select the Start button, then in the search box on the taskbar, type command prompt. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that pops up, type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press the Enter key. (Learn to repair a Windows image)
Note: You must have administrator permissions on your device to do this.
Other Common Errors
The following table lists the most common upgrade and installation errors and some things you can try to fix them. If you continue having problems upgrading or installing Windows 10, contact Microsoft support.
What it means and how to fix it
This indicates that there was a problem downloading and installing the selected update. Windows Update will try again later and there is nothing you need to do at this time.
This could indicate that an incompatible app installed on your PC is blocking the upgrade process from completing. Check to make sure that any incompatible apps are uninstalled and then try upgrading again.
A cleanup operation from a previous installation attempt is still pending, and a system restart is required to continue the upgrade. Restart the device and run setup again. If restarting device does not resolve the issue, then use the Disk Cleanup utility and clean up the temporary files and the System files. For more information, see Disk cleanup in Windows 10.
A file needed by Windows Update is likely damaged or missing. Try repairing your system files: Select the Start button and type command prompt in the search box on the taskbar. Choose Command Prompt from the list of results. In the window that appears, type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press the Enter key.
This may signify that your PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or install the upgrade to Windows 10. Learn more about the minimum requirements for Windows 10
This might indicate that a driver or other software on your PC isn’t compatible with the upgrade to Windows 10. For info about how to fix this problem, contact Microsoft support.
This could mean that the upgrade process was interrupted because you accidentally restarted your PC or signed out of your PC. Try upgrading again and make sure your PC is plugged in and stays turned on.
This error might mean that your PC couldn’t connect to the Windows Update servers. If you’re using a VPN connection to connect to a work network, disconnect from the network and turn off the VPN software (if applicable) and try upgrading again.
The error could also mean there isn’t enough free space in the System Reserved partition. You might be able to fix this problem by using third-party software to increase the size of the System Reserved partition.
Error: We couldn’t complete the updates. Undoing changes. Don’t turn off your computer.
Error: Failure configuring Windows Updates. Reverting changes.
These are generic errors that might appear any time a Windows update fails. You’ll need to determine the specific error code to investigate how to best resolve this problem.
You can find the error code for the failed update by viewing your update history. Look for the update that wasn’t installed, note the error code, and then contact Microsoft support.
To view your update history in Windows 8.1:
Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you’re using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving the mouse pointer up), select Settings > Change PC settings > Update and recovery > View your update history.
To view your update history in Windows 7:
Select the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, Select Windows Update > View update history.
Error: The update isn’t applicable to your computer.
This error might mean that your PC doesn’t have the required updates installed.
Check to make sure that all important updates are installed on your PC before you try upgrading.
This likely indicates that your PC doesn’t have enough space available to install the upgrade.
Free some space on the drive and try again. Get tips for freeing up drive space
The specified disk operation is not supported by the target disk, partition, or volume.
Make sure your machine meets the minimum requirements to install Windows 10.
The system cannot find the file specified.
If you have a disk or disks where you are not installing Windows 10 on, remove those disks.
A driver has caused a problem.
Disable or remove all 3rd party antivirus or antispyware from your system. Disconnect all peripheral devices that are connected to the system, except for the mouse, keyboard and display.
Contact your hardware vendor to obtain updated device drivers.
Windows Setup terminated unexpectedly due to another process running in the background.
When you start Windows by using a normal startup, several applications and services start automatically, and then run in the background. These programs include basic system processes, antivirus software, system utility applications, and other software that has been previously installed. These applications and services can cause interference when you attempt to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10.
To help you determine whether a background program is interfering with the upgrade, a «clean boot» may be needed. See How to perform a clean boot in Windows.
Windows Setup terminated unexpectedly due to another process running in the background.
Uninstall any antivirus or antispyware software and update again.