- Extracting files from folders windows
- Практическое руководство. Сжатие и извлечение файлов How to: Compress and extract files
- Пример 1: Создание и извлечение ZIP-файла Example 1: Create and extract a .zip file
- Пример 2: Извлечение файлов с определенными расширениями Example 2: Extract specific file extensions
- Пример 3. Добавление файла в существующий ZIP-файл Example 3: Add a file to an existing zip
- Пример 4. Сжатие и распаковка GZ-файлов Example 4: Compress and decompress .gz files
- How to: Compress and extract files
- Example 1: Create and extract a .zip file
- Example 2: Extract specific file extensions
- Example 3: Add a file to an existing zip
- Example 4: Compress and decompress .gz files
- Extracting all files from many different folders into one folder
- How to extract all files at once from multiple folders
- #1 KittiDS
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- #2 ronakraj
- #3 KittiDS
- #4 1mikeg
Extracting files from folders windows
Express Zip can be used to extract (also commonly known as «uncompress» or «unzip») files that are contained in a zip archive. Clicking on the Open button on the toolbar or selecting the Open option from the File menu will open a browser window where you can select a zip file to open.
You can also open an archive by right clicking on it in File Explorer or from your Desktop and selecting the Express Zip->Open Archive option from the context menu.
After you have opened the zip file, Express Zip will display the contents of the archive and you can browse through the folders and files.
To extract the archive’s contents to your computer, click the Extract button on the toolbar or select the Extract option from the File menu. Express Zip will open a window with options to customize the extraction process.
Note: If you want to extract only certain files or folders from the archive, select the items from the explorer window or the file list window and click Extract Selected.
Before extracting, Express Zip will open an options dialog window so that you can tailor how the extraction process proceeds. The following options can be set from this window:
- Extract to this location: This option allows you to determine where the archive’s contents will be placed on your computer. Click the Browse. button to choose a different location.
- Extract files to a new folder: If this option is checked, Express Zip will create a new folder in your selected location and extract the contents there. Express Zip will use the archive name for the new folder so that it will be easy to find (e.g., if the archive name is MyArchive.zip, the new folder name will be MyArchive). Creating a new folder to extract into is often useful if the archive contains numerous folders and files, or if you are extracting to a common location such as Desktop or Documents, and is a good way to avoid file conflicts.
File conflicts occur when a file you are extracting has the same name of a file already in the extract location. You can use one of the following options to resolve the conflict:
- Overwrite all files: Express Zip will simply overwrite any pre-existing files with the files from the archive.
- Only overwrite if the archive file is newer (fresher): If this option is selected, Express Zip will compare the modified date and time of the archive file with the existing file and overwrite it only if the archive file is newer.
- Prompt before overwriting: If this option is selected and a conflict is found during extraction, Express Zip will present you with the name and date of the files and ask you if you want to overwrite the existing file or to skip it.
- Don’t overwrite any files: Express Zip will not overwrite any existing files if this option is selected.
Note: File conflicts do not pertain to folders. If a folder already exists, any files in that folder will remain unchanged (unless there is a file conflict).
When you have finished specifying your extraction preferences, click the Extract button to begin extraction. This process will proceed automatically unless there is a file conflict that you need to be asked about. Express Zip will display a progress window to show the approximate amount of work done.
Практическое руководство. Сжатие и извлечение файлов How to: Compress and extract files
Пространство имен System.IO.Compression предоставляет следующие типы для сжатия и распаковки файлов и потоков. The System.IO.Compression namespace contains the following types for compressing and decompressing files and streams. Вы также можете использовать эти типы для чтения и изменения содержимого сжатого файла. You can also use these types to read and modify the contents of a compressed file.
В примерах ниже показано несколько операций для работы со сжатыми файлами. The following examples show some of the operations you can perform with compressed files. Для этих примеров требуется добавить в проект следующие пакеты NuGet: These examples require the following NuGet packages to be added to your project:
Если вы используете .NET Framework, добавьте в проект ссылки на эти две библиотеки: If you’re using .NET Framework, add references to these two libraries to your project:
Пример 1: Создание и извлечение ZIP-файла Example 1: Create and extract a .zip file
В следующем примере показано, как создавать и извлекать сжатый файл .zip с помощью класса ZipFile. The following example shows how to create and extract a compressed .zip file by using the ZipFile class. Он сжимает содержимое папки в новый ZIP-файл и затем извлекает его в новую папку. The example compresses the contents of a folder into a new .zip file, and then extracts the zip to a new folder.
Чтобы запустить пример, создайте папку start в папке программы и заполните ее файлами для сжатия. To run the sample, create a start folder in your program folder and populate it with files to zip.
Пример 2: Извлечение файлов с определенными расширениями Example 2: Extract specific file extensions
В этом примере выполняется итерация по содержимому существующего ZIP-файла и извлекаются файлы с расширением .txt. The next example iterates through the contents of an existing .zip file and extracts files that have a .txt extension. Здесь используется класс ZipArchive для доступа к ZIP-файлу и класс ZipArchiveEntry для проверки отдельных элементов. It uses the ZipArchive class to access the zip, and the ZipArchiveEntry class to inspect the individual entries. Метод расширения ExtractToFile для объекта ZipArchiveEntry доступен в классе System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions. The extension method ExtractToFile for the ZipArchiveEntry object is available in the System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions class.
Чтобы запустить пример, поместите ZIP-файл с именем result.zip в папку программы. To run the sample, place a .zip file called result.zip in your program folder. По запросу укажите имя папки для извлечения. When prompted, provide a folder name to extract to.
При распаковке файлов важно убедиться в отсутствии вредоносных путей, которые могут вести за пределы каталога, в который вы извлекаете файлы. When unzipping files, you must look for malicious file paths, which can escape out of the directory you unzip into. Такая атака известна как обход путей. This is known as a path traversal attack. В следующем примере показано, как правильно проверить наличие вредоносных путей и безопасно извлечь файлы. The following example demonstrates how to check for malicious file paths and provides a safe way to unzip.
Пример 3. Добавление файла в существующий ZIP-файл Example 3: Add a file to an existing zip
В следующем примере используется класс ZipArchive для доступа к существующему ZIP-файлу и добавления в него файла. The following example uses the ZipArchive class to access an existing .zip file, and adds a file to it. Новый файл сжимается при добавлении в существующий ZIP-файл. The new file gets compressed when you add it to the existing zip.
Пример 4. Сжатие и распаковка GZ-файлов Example 4: Compress and decompress .gz files
Также вы можете использовать классы GZipStream и DeflateStream для сжатия и распаковки данных. You can also use the GZipStream and DeflateStream classes to compress and decompress data. Они применяют тот же алгоритм сжатия. They use the same compression algorithm. Вы можете распаковать объекты GZipStream, которые записаны в GZ-файл, с помощью многих распространенных средств. You can decompress GZipStream objects that are written to a .gz file by using many common tools. В следующем примере показано, как использовать класс GZipStream для сжатия и распаковки каталога файлов. The following example shows how to compress and decompress a directory of files by using the GZipStream class:
How to: Compress and extract files
The System.IO.Compression namespace contains the following types for compressing and decompressing files and streams. You can also use these types to read and modify the contents of a compressed file.
The following examples show some of the operations you can perform with compressed files. These examples require the following NuGet packages to be added to your project:
If you’re using .NET Framework, add references to these two libraries to your project:
Example 1: Create and extract a .zip file
The following example shows how to create and extract a compressed .zip file by using the ZipFile class. The example compresses the contents of a folder into a new .zip file, and then extracts the zip to a new folder.
To run the sample, create a start folder in your program folder and populate it with files to zip.
Example 2: Extract specific file extensions
The next example iterates through the contents of an existing .zip file and extracts files that have a .txt extension. It uses the ZipArchive class to access the zip, and the ZipArchiveEntry class to inspect the individual entries. The extension method ExtractToFile for the ZipArchiveEntry object is available in the System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions class.
To run the sample, place a .zip file called result.zip in your program folder. When prompted, provide a folder name to extract to.
When unzipping files, you must look for malicious file paths, which can escape out of the directory you unzip into. This is known as a path traversal attack. The following example demonstrates how to check for malicious file paths and provides a safe way to unzip.
Example 3: Add a file to an existing zip
The following example uses the ZipArchive class to access an existing .zip file, and adds a file to it. The new file gets compressed when you add it to the existing zip.
Example 4: Compress and decompress .gz files
You can also use the GZipStream and DeflateStream classes to compress and decompress data. They use the same compression algorithm. You can decompress GZipStream objects that are written to a .gz file by using many common tools. The following example shows how to compress and decompress a directory of files by using the GZipStream class:
Extracting all files from many different folders into one folder
I am trying to take out picture (jpg) files from lots of different folders and put them into one main folder, so all of the pictures are listed in one folder.
First run an advanced search for all *.jpg files on your C:\ drive. To search the entire C: drive in Vista go to Start / Search Box and type in ‘ or ’. Use *.jpg as the filename. As you’re typing you’ll see two hyperlinks appear just above where you’re typing and one will say Search Everywhere. Click on that. That will do a quick indexed search and bring up a dialog box. Click on Advanced Search. Click on the location drop down menu and find Drive C: and click on it. Check the box «include non-indexed, hidden, and system files (may be slow).» Then click on Search. You will now be searching your entire hard drive for the specified file. And yes, it’s not a very efficient way of searching the entire drive for a file but that’s how it’s done in Vista.
Then convert the search folder into a regular folder using the following procedure: http://aks-labs.com/products/fsa_home/support/manual/copy_search_results.htm. Once you have the .jpg files all in one folder you can then move it and rename it as the folder you want to hold all the .jpg files.
I hope this helps.
Good luck! Lorien — One — MCSE/MCSA/Network+/A+
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How to extract all files at once from multiple folders
#1 KittiDS
On my old computer (vista) I could highlight multiple folders extract all and it would dump all files into a single folder, is there a way to do this using Windows 8? I’ve tried the «extract all» feature but it just unzips the contents of whichever single folder I right clicked on.
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#2 ronakraj
open the folder from which you want to extract the files and press F3 and type in *.* (asterisk dot asterisk). This will show you the contents of the folder and its subfolders. select the files which may be there scrolling under folder select them and copy them to another folder. I hope this may solve your problem
#3 KittiDS
Thank you for the response, I should have specified that I’m referring to ZIP files.
Your tip is still helpful and I’m sure I’ll use it in the future, but it doesn’t work on compressed files. Thanks!
#4 1mikeg
I found this topic on a google search for similar and even though it’s an old thread I wanted to reply with a solution I found.
In Windows 10, open the folder that contains your zip archives. In the search panel for the folder type either *.zip or *.rar or *.whatever file extension your archive uses. This will return the top file for each archive. Select all the files that return in the view and you can right click and select your extract options (assuming you have the corresponding extract manager integrated into command menu.