Фортран для mac os

  1. Где найти Fortran, работающий на MacOS?
  2. Как мне установить компилятор Фортрана на Mac? (OS X 10.x, x> = 4)
  3. Установка версии, соответствующей системным компиляторам
  4. Установка предварительно скомпилированного, современного двоичного файла из HPC Mac OS X
  5. Используйте MacPorts
  6. Используйте Homebrew
  7. Используйте Fink
  8. Другие методы
  9. MacOS Software
  10. Best Free Software for Mac OS
  11. Fortran
  12. Fortran for Mac
  13. Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0 for macOS* Release Notes for Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019
  14. Change History
  15. Changes in Update 8 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.8)
  16. Changes in Update 5 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.5)
  17. Changes in Update 4 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.4)
  18. Changes in Update 3 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.3)
  19. Changes in Update 2 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.2)
  20. Changes in Update 1 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.1)
  21. Changes since Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 18.0 (New in Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.0)
  22. System Requirements
  23. How to install the Intel® Fortran Compiler
  24. How to use the Intel® Fortran Compiler
  25. Documentation
  26. Offline Core Documentation Removed from the Installed Image
  27. User and Reference Guides, What’s New and Release Notes, Installation Guides
  28. Intel-provided Debug Solutions
  29. Samples
  30. Redistributable Libraries
  31. Technical Support
  32. Compatibility
  33. Stack Alignment Change for REAL(16) and COMPLEX(16) Datatypes
  34. New and Changed Features
  35. Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 4 and newer updates require version 2.9 or higher of the Intel Software License Manager for floating licenses
  36. Features from Fortran 2018
  37. Features from OpenMP*
  38. New and Changed Directives
  39. New and Changed Compiler Options
  40. Value safe simd options for !$OMP SIMD directive
  41. -qopenmp-simd is on by default
  42. New -check:shape and -warn:shape options
  43. /m[no-]branches-within-32B-boundaries
  44. Support Deprecated
  45. Loop Profiler
  46. Xcode Integration
  47. Support Removed
  48. 32-bit applications are no longer supported
  49. Known Limitations
  50. Xcode* requires explicit acceptance of Intel bundle at startup for integration to be installed
  51. Error «no rule to process file» within Xcode* 10
  52. Fortran 2008 and Fortran 2018 Feature Summary
  53. Disclaimer and Legal Information

Где найти Fortran, работающий на MacOS?

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скачивала все подряд уже, Free Pascal выводит ошибки, такие как Error while linking и Fatal: Can’t.

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Для процесса нам понадобится утилита ViewKeyXP.exe—Где взять подскажите. help:

Где можно скачать Fortran
Где можно скачать Fortran уже много сайтов облазил ни где не нашел

Binaries available for gfortran

This page gathers links to all unofficial gfortran binary packages people regularly build, based on the current development gfortran source code.


Еще: Computation Tools :: C/Fortran. Есть GCC 4.7, 4.8 (включая gfortran) и даже последняя версия старичка g77 3.4

Здесь утверждают, что бесплатную версию GCC, дополненную специфическими МАКовскими утилитами, можно скачать с сайта Apple (требуется бесплатная регистрация).

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Доброго времени суток. Многоуважаемые форумчане, я уже месяц в поисках. Подскажите, где можно.

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Уважаемые программисты, добрый день! Есть MacBook Air c ОС «Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E2702)» .

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Доброе время суток! Ребят интересует где можно почитать про управляющие символы терминала именно.

Где можно посмотреть дескрипторы, которые используются при вводе и выводе (fortran 90)?
Какие дескрипторы существуют? Как их использовать, когда выводится несколько значений разных типов.


Как мне установить компилятор Фортрана на Mac? (OS X 10.x, x> = 4)

Значительное количество программных пакетов в вычислительной науке написано на Фортране, и Фортран не уходит. Компилятор Фортрана также необходим для сборки других программных пакетов (одним из примечательных примеров является SciPy ).

Тем не менее, Mac OS X не включает в себя компилятор Fortran. Как мне установить компилятор Фортрана на мою машину?

Выбрать свой яд. Я рекомендую использовать Homebrew. Я перепробовал все эти методы, кроме «Fink» и «Other Methods». Первоначально я предпочел MacPorts, когда писал этот ответ. За два года, прошедшие с тех пор, Homebrew значительно вырос как проект и оказался более удобным, чем MacPorts, что может потребовать много PATH взлома.

Установка версии, соответствующей системным компиляторам

Если вы хотите, чтобы версия gfortran соответствовала версиям gcc, g ++ и т. Д., Установленным на вашем компьютере, загрузите соответствующую версию gfortran здесь . В разработчиках R и разработчики SciPy рекомендуют этот метод.

  • Преимущества : Соответствует версиям компиляторов, установленных с XCode или с установщиком Кеннета Рейтца ; вряд ли помешает обновлению ОС; прекрасно сосуществует с MacPorts (и, вероятно, Fink и Homebrew), потому что он устанавливается в /usr/bin . Не забивает существующие компиляторы. Не нужно редактировать PATH .
  • Недостатки : стек компилятора будет очень старым. (GCC 4.2.1 — последний компилятор Apple; он был выпущен в 2007 году.) /usr/bin .

Установка предварительно скомпилированного, современного двоичного файла из HPC Mac OS X

HPC Mac OS X имеет двоичные файлы для последней версии GCC (на момент написания этой статьи — 4.8.0 (экспериментальная версия)), а также двоичные файлы g77 и компилятор на основе f2c. Разработчики PETSc рекомендуют этот метод в своих часто задаваемых вопросах .

  • Преимущества : с правильной командой, устанавливает в /usr/local ; до настоящего времени. Не забивает существующие системные компиляторы или подход, описанный выше. Не будет мешать обновлению ОС.
  • Недостатки : нужно редактировать PATH . Нет простого способа переключения между версиями. (Вы можете изменить PATH, удалить установку компилятора или обойти его.) Помешает другим методам установки компиляторов, /usr/local потому что двоичные файлы компилятора просто называются «gcc», «g ++» и т. Д. (Без номера версии и без любые ссылки).

Используйте MacPorts

MacPorts имеет несколько версий компиляторов, доступных для использования.

  • Преимущества : Устанавливается в /opt/local ; port select может использоваться для переключения между версиями компилятора (включая системные компиляторы). Не будет мешать обновлению ОС.
  • Недостатки : установка портов требует целой «программной экосистемы». Компиляторы не включают символы отладки, которые могут создавать проблемы при использовании отладчика или установке PETSc. ( Шон Фарли предлагает некоторые обходные пути.) Также требует изменения PATH . Может мешать установкам Homebrew и Fink. (Смотрите этот пост на SuperUser .)

Используйте Homebrew

Homebrew также можно использовать для установки компилятора Фортрана.

  • преимущества : Простой в использовании менеджер пакетов; устанавливает тот же компилятор Fortran, что и в разделе «Установка версии, соответствующей системным компиляторам». Устанавливайте только то, что вам нужно (в отличие от MacPorts). Может установить новый стек GCC (4.7.0), используя альтернативный репозиторий homebrew-dupes.
  • Недостатки : наследует все недостатки от «Установка версии, соответствующей системным компиляторам». Может потребоваться следовать парадигме Homebrew при установке другого (не Homebrew) программного обеспечения, /usr/local чтобы избежать путаницы. Может помешать установке MacPorts и Fink. (См. Этот пост на SuperUser .) Необходимо изменить PATH . Установка может зависеть от системных библиотек, это означает, что зависимости для пакетов Homebrew могут нарушаться при обновлении ОС. (См. Эту статью .) Я не ожидал, что при установке gfortran будут зависеть системные библиотеки, но могут быть такие зависимости при установке других пакетов Homebrew.

Используйте Fink

Теоретически вы можете использовать Fink для установки gfortran. Я не использовал это, и я не знаю никого, кто имел (и был готов сказать что-то положительное).

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Другие методы

Другие двоичные файлы и ссылки перечислены на вики GFortran . Некоторые ссылки уже перечислены выше. Остальные способы установки могут конфликтовать или не конфликтовать с описанными выше; Используйте на свой риск.

EasyBuild ( http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild ) позволяет легко создавать и устанавливать собственный набор компиляторов GCC.

По сути, вы даете ему простой файл easyconfig (.eb), в котором указывается, что вы хотите собрать (GCC + версия + набор языков, для которых вы хотите компиляторы для + . ), а затем сборка и установка выполняется одной командой. Я бы сказал, что это немного похоже на Homebrew, но дает вам больше свободы.

Кроме того, EasyBuild поддерживает множество других (научных) программных пакетов, которые могут быть собраны и установлены с помощью одной команды, поэтому стоит посмотреть на них.

Отказ от ответственности: я являюсь частью команды EasyBuild. Сборка GCC (с включенным gfortran) должна работать на OS X, но другие сборки могут быть хлопотными. Мы работаем над этим, дайте нам знать, если у вас возникнут проблемы.


MacOS Software

Best Free Software for Mac OS


Fortran for Mac

Java may be the hot computer language of the nineties, but you wouldn’t know it to look at business and government sites; in the real world, older languages like COBOL and FORTRAN (Gfortran) are still doing much of the day-to-day work at banks, government labs, and NASA. In big-project scientific and numeric calculation, for example, the ancient FORTRAN language in one of its newer forms–FORTRAN 77 or FORTRAN 90–is still grinding away on optimized legacy code.

Source code originally written for Cray and Fujitsu supercomputers can now run without serious modification on a Mac using latest Gfortran package. This formidable suite includes compilers for FORTRAN 77, the more modern FORTRAN 90, and the thoroughly modern C/C++ (optimized for use in the MPW Shell); IMSL’s FORTRAN numeric and statistics libraries, the best available for any language, are available as an option. All this magnificence takes a little more programming background to put into action than the new CodeWarrior-adapted LS FORTRAN from Fortner Research, but compiled code runs two to three times faster with Gfortran –and for most FORTRAN users, speed of executables is the number one consideration.

The Gfortran program makes itself practically invisible: you simply install it, set a few options, and watch the Pro FORTRAN compiler devour your source code. On four benchmarks–two of my own and two industry-standard SPECmark routines–the compiled code running on a 604e-based Mac executed roughly twice as fast as the same programs compiled in LS FORTRAN. The Absoft product also breezed through a grueling test pastiche of combined C and FORTRAN code.

As a language that started life when RAM was measured in 4KB chunks, Gfortran has a huge bag of optimization tricks and is the topic of many reference books–and the new FORTRAN-based teaching language F suggests that FORTRAN will have some big-computer tasks all to itself for at least another decade.

PROS: Superior performance of compiled code; few Mac porting modifications.
CONS: Some popular editor features missing.

Category: Tools
Version: 9.2
Download Size: 80 MB
License: Free to try
Release Date: October 1, 2019
Last Updated: December 6, 2019
System requirements: Mac OS X 10.14 or later


Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0 for macOS* Release Notes for Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019

Last Updated: 03/20/2020

This document provides a summary of new and changed product features and includes notes about features and problems not described in the product documentation.

Please see the licenses included in the distribution as well as the Disclaimer and Legal Information section of these release notes for details. Please see the following links for information on this release of the Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.

Change History

This section highlights important changes from the previous product version and changes in product updates.

Changes in Update 8 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.8)

This is release for Intel® Compilers 2019 Update 8, compilers version 19.0.8. Highlights for this release:

  • Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 6 Composer Edition contains Compiler Update 8.
  • Compilers Update 6 and 7 are not available to the general public.
  • Compilers Update 6 and 7 were special releases not available to all customers.
  • Corrections to reported problems.
  • Includes certain functional and security updates. We recommend updating for these functional and security updates.
  • Floating License Server Upgrade required if you upgrade from from 2019 Update 3 or older

Changes in Update 5 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.5)

  • Note: macOS* 10.15 Catalina and Xcode* 11.0 are not supported in this release. Users will see issues with installation of the Intel Compilers for 2019 Update 5 and prior releases, no Xcode 11 integration, and other possible errors due to incompatibility. Users are advised to delay upgrading to macOS* 10.15 and Xcode 11 until we officially support this environment. Support for macOS* 10.15 and Xcode 11 will be provided in a future release.
  • Support for Xcode 10.3
  • Floating License Server Upgrade required if you upgrade from from 2019 Update 3 or older
  • Corrections to reported problems

Changes in Update 4 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.4)

  • Floating License Server Upgrade required
  • Corrections to reported problems

Changes in Update 3 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.3)

  • Xcode* 10.1 support
  • Previous compiler versions erroneously permitted a PRIVATE or SEQUENCE statement to appear prior to the declaration of any type parameters in a derive type declaration. Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.3 no longer permits this behavior.
  • Corrections to reported problems

Changes in Update 2 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.2)

  • Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0 Update 2 includes functional and security updates. Users should update to the latest version.

Changes in Update 1 (Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.1)

  • macOS* 10.14 and Xcode* 10 support
  • New code names supported by -[a]x, -mtune and -march options
  • code names supported : cascadelake, kabylake, coffeelake, amberlake, whiskeylake
  • Value safe simd options for !$OMP SIMD directive
  • Corrections to reported problems

Changes since Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler 18.0 (New in Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0.0)

  • -qopenmp-simd is on by default
  • New -check shape and -warn shape options
  • New vectorlength and dynamic_align/nodynamic_align clauses for vector directive
  • User-Defined Reduction support
  • ASSERT clause for !$OMP SIMD directive
  • New -[a]xcannonlake and -mtune=cannonlake options
  • -m support
  • -rcd option deprecated
  • Changes to mitigate speculative execution side-channel issues and new -mindirect-branch option
  • Features from OpenMP*
  • New and changed compiler options
  • Fortran 2018 features supported
  • Corrections to reported problems

System Requirements

  • A 64-bit Intel®-based Apple* Mac* system
  • 2GB RAM minimum, 4GB RAM recommended
  • 4GB free disk space for all features
  • One of the following combinations of macOS*, Xcode* and the Xcode SDK:
    • macOS* 10.13, 10.14
    • Xcode* 9.4, 10.0
  • If doing command line development, the Command Line Tools component of Xcode* is required
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Note: Advanced optimization options or very large programs may require additional resources such as memory or disk space.

How to install the Intel® Fortran Compiler

Installation instructions are shipped with all Intel® Software Development Products as part of the documentation.

Note that user should have an administrative authorities to install Intel® Fortran Compiler on macOS*.

Please refer to Installation FAQ for more details on installation questions.

How to use the Intel® Fortran Compiler

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019: Getting Started with the Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.0 for macOS* at /documentation_2019/en/compiler_f/ps2019/get_started_mf.htm contains information on how to use the Intel® Fortran Compiler from the command line and from Xcode*.


Product documentation is linked from /documentation_2019/en/compiler_f/ps2019/get_started_mf.htm.

Offline Core Documentation Removed from the Installed Image

Offline core documentation is removed from the Intel® Parallel Studio XE installed image. The core documentation for the components of Intel® Parallel Studio XE are available at the Intel® Software Documentation Library for viewing online. Offline documentation for older versions is also available from the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center: Product List > Intel® Parallel Studio XE Documentation.

User and Reference Guides, What’s New and Release Notes, Installation Guides

Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Support – Documentation for additional User and Reference Guides, What’s New and Release Notes, and Installation Guides.

Intel-provided Debug Solutions

Intel®-provided debug solutions are based GNU* GDB. Please see Intel® Parallel Studio 2019 Composer Edition Fortran — Debug Solutions Release Notes for further information.


Product samples are now available online at Intel® Software Product Samples and Tutorials

Redistributable Libraries

Technical Support

If you did not register your compiler during installation, please do so at the Intel® Software Development Products Registration Center. Registration entitles you to free technical support, product updates and upgrades for the duration of the support term.

For information about how to find Technical Support, Product Updates, User Forums, FAQs, tips and tricks, and other support information, please visit: http://www.intel.com/software/products/support/

Note: If your distributor provides technical support for this product, please contact them for support rather than Intel.


In general, object code and modules compiled with earlier versions of Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux* (8.0 and later) may be used in a build with version 19.0. Exceptions include:

  • Sources that use the CLASS keyword to declare polymorphic variables and which were built with a compiler version earlier than 12.0 must be recompiled.
  • Objects built with the multi-file interprocedural optimization (-ipo) option must be recompiled with the current version.
  • Objects that use the REAL(16), REAL*16, COMPLEX(16) or COMPLEX*32 datatypes and which were compiled with versions earlier than 12.0 must be recompiled.
  • Objects built for the Intel® 64 architecture with a compiler version earlier than 10.0 and that have module variables must be recompiled. If non-Fortran sources reference these variables, the external names may need to be changed to remove an incorrect leading underscore.
  • Modules that specified an ATTRIBUTES ALIGN directive outside of a derived type and were compiled with versions earlier than 11.0 must be recompiled. The compiler will notify you if this issue is encountered.
  • Modules that specified an ATTRIBUTES ALIGN directive inside a derived type declaration cannot be used by compilers older than 13.0.1.
  • The implementation of the Fortran 2008 submodules feature required extensive changes to the internal format of binary .mod files. Therefore module files created by the version 16.0 or newer Fortran compiler cannot be used with version 15.0 or older Fortran compilers.

Stack Alignment Change for REAL(16) and COMPLEX(16) Datatypes

In versions prior to 12.0, when a REAL(16) or COMPLEX(16) (REAL*16 or COMPLEX*32) item was passed by value, the stack address was aligned at 4 bytes. For improved performance, the version 12 and later compilers align such items at 16 bytes and expects received arguments to be aligned on 16-byte boundaries. This change is also compatible with gcc.

This change primarily affects compiler-generated calls to library routines that do computations on REAL(16) values, including intrinsics. If you have code compiled with earlier versions and link it with the version 12 libraries, or have an application linked to the shared version of the Intel run-time libraries, it may give incorrect results.

In order to avoid errors, you must recompile all Fortran sources that use the REAL(16) and COMPLEX(16) datatypes if they were compiled by compiler versions earlier than 12.0.

New and Changed Features

The Intel® Fortran Compiler supports all features from the Fortran 2008 standard.

Please refer to the Fortran 2008 Standard (PDF) and the Fortran 2018 Standard (PDF) if necessary.

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 4 and newer updates require version 2.9 or higher of the Intel Software License Manager for floating licenses

The Intel® Software License Manager has been updated to version 2.9 for this release. You must upgrade to this version before installing Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 4 and newer updates with a floating license. Please refer for more details:

Features from Fortran 2018

  • Coarray events
  • Intrinsic function coshape
  • Default accessibility for entities accessed from a module
  • Import Enhancements
  • All standard proceduress in ISO_C_BINDING other than C_F_POINTER are now PURE

Features from OpenMP*

  • User-Defined Reductions from the OpenMP* 4.5 specifications are now supported:
    !$omp declare reduction(reduction-identifier: type-list : combiner) [initializer-clause]
  • The F2008 standard added the BLOCK/ENDBLOCK construct. It is now allowed to use this construct inside an OMP region.
  • ASSERT clause for !$OMP SIMD directive
    Directs the compiler to assert when the vectorization fails. Similar to deprecated !DIR$ SIMD ASSERT.

For more information, see the compiler documentation or the link to the OpenMP* Specification above.

New and Changed Directives

  • New clause for dynamic alignment in the VECTOR directive:
    The compiler generates a peel loop for the specified pointer. If no pointer is specified, the compiler automatically decides for which pointer to generate aligned loads and stores, or else doesn’t generate a peel loop. With the nodynamic_align clause, the compiler will not generate a peel loop.
  • New clause for vector length in VECTOR directive:
    !DIR$ VECTOR VECTORLENGTH(vl1, vl2, . vln)
    Vectorizer chooses best vector length from the list according to cost model. If all vector lengths from the list are not profitable, the loop remains scalar.

New and Changed Compiler Options

Please refer to the compiler documentation for details

For a list of deprecated compiler options, see the Compiler Options section of the documentation.

Value safe simd options for !$OMP SIMD directive

!$OMP SIMD directive overrides FP value and exception safe settings. Following options introduced in 19.0 Update 1 change that legacy behavior and produce value and exception safe code even for SIMD loops:

  • -q[no-]simd-honor-fp-model: Tells the compiler to obey the selected floating-point model when vectorizing SIMD loops
  • -q[no-]simd-serialize-fp-reduction: Tells the compiler to serialize floating-point reduction when vectorizing SIMD loops.
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Note that these options don’t affect auto-vectorization of loops. Please refer to the compiler documentation for more details.

-qopenmp-simd is on by default

-qopenmp-simd option enables OpenMP* SIMD compilation. It is set by default now. In order to disable it please use -qno-openmp-simd- option explicitly.

New -check:shape and -warn:shape options

These switches tell the compiler to produce errors or warnings when shapes of arrays do not match on assignments. This check is done for assignments only (and implicit assignments resulting from an allocate with source= syntax).


This option is supported in versions 19.0 update 8 of the compiler and above. The details about this option can be found in the Intel® Fortran Compiler 19.1 Developer Guide and Reference. To find more information, see https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/processors/mitigations-jump-conditional-code-erratum.pdf

Support Deprecated

Loop Profiler

The Loop Profiler feature is deprecated in the 19.0 compiler and will be removed in a future compiler release. The following compiler options related to Loop Profiler are deprecated and will be removed in a future compiler release: -profile-loops=keyword, -profile-loops-report=value -profile-functions, -guide-profile.

Xcode Integration

Integration with Xcode is deprecated in the 19.0 compiler and will be removed in a future compiler release.

Support Removed

32-bit applications are no longer supported

Starting with the 19.0 release of the Intel® Fortran Compiler, macOS 32-bit applications are no longer supported.
If you want to compile 32-bit applications, you should use an earlier version of the compiler and Xcode* 9.4 or earlier.

Known Limitations

Xcode* requires explicit acceptance of Intel bundle at startup for integration to be installed

Beginning with Xcode* 6.3.2, the IDE integration for Intel® Parallel Studio XE does not complete installation until the next time Xcode is started after completing the product installation. When Xcode* is started, you will see a dialog.

The dialog is titled “Unexpected code bundles”, and mentions that Xcode found one or more code bundles not provided by Apple. It then has two buttons, one to “Load Bundles” and one to “Skip Bundles”. “Load Bundles” is required to be clicked to complete the Intel Parallel Studio XE IDE integration. Clicking “Skip Bundles” will cause the Intel tools to not be selectable in Xcode*.

Error «no rule to process file» within Xcode* 10

macOS*’s new XCode 10 comes with a new build system and it is configured as the default. Currently, the Intel Fortran Compiler does not support it. You will see the error «no rule to process file» when building an Intel Fortran Compiler project within XCode 10. Please switch to “Legacy Build System” in Project Settings to build your Fortran project in Xcode 10.

For more details please find this article.

Fortran 2008 and Fortran 2018 Feature Summary

The Intel® Fortran Compiler now supports all features from the Fortran 2008 standard. The Intel® Fortran Compiler also supports features from the proposed draft Fortran 2018 standard. Additional features will be supported in future releases. Features from the proposed Fortran 2018 standard supported by the current version include:

  • Assumed type (TYPE(*))
  • Assumed rank (DIMENSION(..))
  • Relaxed restrictions on interoperable dummy arguments
  • C include file ISO_Fortran_binding.h for use by C code manipulating “C descriptors” used by Fortran
  • Coarray events
  • Intrinsic function coshape
  • Default accessibility for entities accessed from a module
  • Import Enhancements
  • All standard proceduress in ISO_C_BINDING other than C_F_POINTER are now PURE

Intel’s compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

Notice revision #20110804


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The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.

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The Intel® Fortran Compiler is provided under Intel’s End User License Agreement (EULA).

Please consult the licenses included in the distribution for details.

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For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.


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