- Скачать Ворд бесплатно — Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Word на русском
- Игра для урока английского языка «Four Pictures One Word»
- Оставьте свой комментарий
- Подарочные сертификаты
- Microsoft Word 1.x (Windows)
- Screenshots
- Release notes
- Installation instructions
- Game four windows and one word
- 4 Icons 1 Word, a picture puzzle game for Windows Phone
- Overall Impression
- The Dell XPS 15 is our choice for best 15-inch laptop
- Halo: MCC’s live service elements make it better, not worse
- Microsoft’s Surface Duo is not ‘failing up’
- The best pre-built desktop gaming PCs for playing Valheim
Скачать Ворд бесплатно — Microsoft Word
Word входит в программный пакет Office, поставляемый корпорацией Microsoft. На текущий момент он остается одним из самых популярных текстовых редакторов для Windows. Фактически, форматы документов Word являются стандартом, а его возможности существенно превосходят аналоги из-за поддержки синхронизации по облаку и прочим вспомогательным сервисам. | |
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Microsoft Word на русском
Первая версия программы появилась еще в 1983 году и не слишком хорошо была принята аудиторией, но спустя два года, уже 1985, популярность начала нарастать. Уже в 1989 была выпущена версия Microsoft Word, и с этого момента программа получала только усовершенствования, в которых разработчики улучшали интуитивность интерфейса, добавляли новые функции и убирали устаревшие. Это одна из немногих программ, что активно применяется в профессиональной деятельности. Вордом пользуются журналисты, редакторы, писатели, юристы, помимо коммерческих организаций, где постоянно требуется вести документацию.
Программа подходит для любой категории пользователей, от профессионалов до только начинающих осваивать компьютер. По мере разработки новых версий, в программу была добавлена поддержка макросов, улучшена работа с форматированием, доработана пользовательская справка. Последняя — особенно необходима новичкам для понимания всех поддерживаемых функций. Word — неотъемлемый атрибут любого компьютера или ноутбука, работающего на Windows. Дом, работа — программа справляется с любыми задачами, от отображения веб-страниц и работы с различными картинками в тексте, до формирования сложных таблиц.
Игра для урока английского языка «Four Pictures One Word»
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
ESL Four Pictures One Word By www.eslkidsgames.com
The answer is Bat
The answer is Sign
The answer is Train
The answer is Pair
The answer is Jump
The answer is Round
The answer is Date
The answer is Children
The answer is Water
Round 10 Final round!
The answer is Can
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Microsoft Word 1.x (Windows)
The Microsoft Word word processor was first introduced for MS-DOS in 1983. Its design made use of a mouse and WYSIWYG graphics. Its crude WYSIWYG/mouse support was a direct response to the Apple Lisa/Mac, and VisiCorp Visi On. Initially it competed against many popular word processors such as WordStar, Multimate, and WordPerfect. Word for DOS was never really successful.
The Mac version was introduced in 1985 where it acquired a friendlier user interface and gained some popularity. A Microsoft Windows version was introduced in 1989, although Palantir WinText, NBI Legend, and Samna AMI/AMI Pro had beaten them to their own Windows platform. For a time Word for Windows competed with WordPerfect for Windows. There were also ports to OS/2, the Atari ST, and Unix.
The DOS, Mac, and Windows versions are quite different from each other, and each restarted their version numbering at «1.0». Later versions are bundled with Microsoft Office. Also see a complete list of word processors archived on Winworld.
Release notes
In 1989, after several other word processors were already available for Windows, Microsoft released the first version of Word for Windows.
Visually, Word for Windows has little in common with the DOS versions, more closely resembling the Mac version, and restarts the version numbering at «1.0».
The source code to Microsoft Word 1.1a has been made available via the Computer History Museum
Installation instructions
This version is designed to run under Microsoft Windows 2. Word for Windows 1.1 adds extra support specifically for Windows 3.0.
Game four windows and one word
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Existujú slová skryté vnútri okna . Otvorte okná, aby si
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Hra myslenia, plynu a analýza novej hre je veľmi inteligentný .
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✔ Nová hra Puzzle je neporovnateľný nikdy ✔
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4 Icons 1 Word, a picture puzzle game for Windows Phone
4 Icons 1 Word is a casual picture puzzle game in the Windows Phone Store that, as you would guess, presents you with four icons and you have to guess the correct word all four have in common.
Available for low-memory Windows Phones the game isn’t very taxing but has its fair share of challenging puzzles to solve. 4 Icons 1 Word is one of those games you might enjoy picking up from time to time when you are in the mood for a casual game or (for those with children) possibly a gaming title to have in your Kid’s Corner.
There really isn’t much to 4 Icons 1 Word’s main menu. You will find options to jump into game play, rate the game in the Windows Phone Store, mute the sound, view your achievements and buy game tokens via in-app purchase.
Game play is spread out in multi-level fashion and 4 Icons 1 Word will remember your progress in the game. If you end game play at level 26, that is where you’ll pick things back up at.
The game screen will have your four icons displayed center screen with your game token count displayed at the top of the screen. The letters available to solve the puzzle will be scattered across the bottom of the screen and to begin solving the puzzle, just tap on the letters to spell the word. At either side of the four icons, there is also four control buttons. The ‘A’ button to the left of the icons will remove one letter from the group at the bottom of the screen. The ‘A’ button to the right will reveal a letter in the answer blocks. Both hints will cost you a few game tokens.
The other two buttons will let you rate the game in the Windows Phone Store and buy more game tokens.
Puzzles start out somewhat on the easy side, such as four different types of ice cream being pictured with ‘ice cream’ being the answer. If you need to inspect an icon closer just tap on the icon you are curious about and it will enlarge. After about the fifteenth level the puzzles begin to get a little more challenging but never overly difficult. Some puzzles could have more than one possible solution and you’ll need to see which possibility fits the available letters the best.
Overall Impression
4 Icons 1 Word may not appeal to everyone but the game has potential. While game play did start off a little on the slow side, the more I played the more 4 Icons 1 Word began to grow on me. I don’t think the game has the strength to be a go-to gaming title on your Windows Phone. However, I can see 4 Icons 1 Word being a game that is worth visiting from time to time. Puzzles aren’t crazy difficult but will make you think a little while searching the depths of your brain for the answer.
I can also see 4 Icons 1 Word being a fun title for your Windows Phone Kid’s Corner (should that apply). I can see the game being a fun way to challenge our younger Windows Phone gamers’ word association and spelling skills.
All in all, 4 Icons 1 Word comes across as a nicely laid out, mildly challenging, entertaining Windows Phone game. At last check, with over seventy reviews the game pulls in a 4.5 Star rating in the Windows Phone Store. A rating we won’t disagree with.
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