Geforce 210 mac os catalina

Geforce 210 mac os catalina

Legacy Video patch: Project for Hackintosh

  • For real Mac I recommand to using the dosdude1 Catalina patcher ➤ the dosdude1 patcher
  • Why it’s important to keep the two separate because the dosdude1 patcher installs kext and files specifically for Mac’s customers Hackintos only need Graphics kexts and the Clover bootloader does the rest of the work.

Fix Old Graphics card in macOS Catalina 10.15++ Not working in Big Sur 11 and Monterey 12

  • Support Graphics Intel HD 3000.
  • Support: GeForce 5xx, 4xx, 2xx, 8600M(GT)/8800M(GT), 9400M/9600M(GT), 320M/330M
  • Support AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series (Without having full QE/CI)

NOTE: the only negative thing I can say about AMD/ATI cards is that by recording a video screen the system becomes slow and difficult to use but still usable. With the GeForce and the HD 3000 I do not have this kind of problem and for my part I think that the HD 3000 is the most fluid and fast of the three video cards

In conclusion after having had time to do some tests I conclude that AMD/ATI cards work at almost 60% of their full capacity so the full QE/CI is not applied with this patch. Intel HD 3000 and Old GeForce works great

Latest test Update: 12 July 2021 Catalina 10.15.7 (19H1217)

See Video Succces Update ➤ [Video update with GeForce 210 Catalina Update 10.15.7(19H1030) to 10.15.7 (19H1217)(

How to Update Catalina 10.15.7 (19H1030) to 10.15.7 (19H1217), simply update macOS then plug the SSD to another mac or Hackintosh, boot to Catalina then reinstall Legacy Video Patch.

Readme for Starting

At the end your sytem will Restart

Latest Update 02 Dec 2020 Legacy Video patch is now an Applications

  • New Support AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series
  • New Video how to

1 :this package replaces system files in /S/L/E and could render your system unbootable.

Follow Video ⬇ How to Create the App

Follow Video ⬇ Install Legacy Video Patch

  • Fix/Patch: dosdude1, AsentientBot
  • Tester: chris1111, C.Frio, arqueox, Screenz
  • Packager: chris1111
  • Clover Team

How to Update 10.15.7 (19H15) to ➤ 10.15.7 (19H114)

  • How to Update Catalina 10.15.7 (19H15) , simply update macOS then plug the SSD to another mac or Hackintosh, boot to Catalina then reinstall Legacy Video Patch.

My result for with a Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 in macOS Catalina 10.15.7

My result for Intel HD 3000 in macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Screenz result Intel HD 3000 in macOS Catalina 10.15.7

LegoLivesMatter’ result with MSI Radeon HD 5550 in macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (FakeID used)

Bogdis result with Intel HD 3000 in macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (FakeID used)

More test Graphics: Sapphire Radeon HD 6570, Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5570, Visiontek ATI HD 5450

Watch Video test GeForce 210 macOS Catalina 10.15.7


Install macOS Mojave 10.14 Utilisant Graphics GeForce 210 1Gig

Install macOS Mojave 10.14 Utilisant Graphics GeForce 210 1Gig

par chris1111 Dim 15 Juil — 11:04

Mon tutoriel Install macOS Mojave 10.14 Utilisant Graphics GeForce 210 1Gig

Ma config Utiliser :
— Dell Optiplex 790
— CPU i5 2500
— SSD Kingston 250g
— 8 gig RAM Corsairre DDR3
— Graphics ➢ Gigabyte GeForce 210 1gig (Utiliser le (Port DVI)

Creation du SSD avec ➢ macOS Mojave HD
Install Clover ESP
SMBIOS Imac 14.2
Inject Intel=true

Boot sur SSD (Patience boot tres long avant la finalisation)
Install ➢ Old NVIDIA macOS Mojave-v1
Reboot et (Patience boot tres long avant la finalisation)
Retour sur le Bureau ➢ Install VoodooHDA 2.9.0 Clover V12
Option Classic / Mojave


Reboot encore, maintenant le Boot est devenue Ultra rapide
Install ➢ HWSensors.V6.26-1464 EFI.pkg
Reboot vous reste plus qua mettre votre kext réseau dans Clover

Edit *** jai meme la fan sure GPU de reconnue


Fix Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina

Fix Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina

par chris1111 Jeu 13 Juin — 10:51

Update 02 Dec 2020 Legacy Video Patch refait en Applications
Nouveau 2 Video ajouter
Support Graphics Intel HD 3000.
Support: GeForce 5xx, 4xx, 2xx, 8600M(GT)/8800M(GT), 9400M/9600M(GT), 320M/330M
* * NEW * * Support AMD/ATI Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series

Update 18 Oct 2020 Legacy Video Patch
Fix isuue 10.15.6/10.15.7
Video ajouter Test GeForce 210 macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Update 03 Nov 2019
Ajout du Legacy Video Patch Package Creator
Ajout Video

Update 29 Aout 2019
Ajout du liens Github Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina-V-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 pour Catalina Beta
Retrait des enceints liens

Update 05 Juillet 2019
Ajout du Package Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina-V3 pour Catalina Beta-3

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Update 18 Juin 2019
Ajout du Package Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina-V2 pour Catalina Beta-2

Fix Old NVIDIA Graphics For macOS Catalina-10.15
Support: GeForce 5xx, 4xx, 2xx, 8600M(GT)/8800M(GT), 9400M/9600M(GT), 320M/330M

Fix/Patch: dosdude1 AsentientBot
Tester: chris1111
Packager: chris1111

Nouveau VIDEO 1 et 2

NOTE: la seule chose négative que je puisse dire à propos des cartes AMD / ATI est qu’en enregistrant un écran vidéo, le système devient lent et difficile à utiliser mais toujours utilisable. Avec la GeForce et la HD 3000 je n’ai pas ce genre de problème et pour ma part je pense que la HD 3000 est la plus fluide et la plus rapide des trois cartes graphiques

En conclusion, après avoir eu le temps de faire quelques tests, je conclus que les cartes AMD / ATI fonctionnent à près de 60% de leur pleine capacité donc le QE / CI complet n’est pas appliqué avec ce patch. Intel HD 3000 et Old GeForce fonctionnent très bien

Download ICI ➤ Fix Old NVIDIA macOS Catalina-(Legacy Video Patch

Video Test GeForce 210 macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Dernière édition par chris1111 le Ven 4 Déc — 19:39, édité 17 fois

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Faite des Tutos d’installation après avoir réussi votre Hackintosh


How To do to run a Nvidia GeForce Gt 210 with QE/CI on High sierra?





I’d need a few more details to try and help.. such as Clover build, options you’re booting with, etc.. Any DSDT edits or anything that could be screwing with the card identification? What system definition?

But what I can tell you is that you should be able to make it work — it’s a Tesla card and I don’t believe it’s very different from a Pegatron card I have running just fine w/a GT218 GPU. That’s actually the fallback card I’m using to troubleshoot a GTX 550 ti in one box right now as a spare time project..

I have had very good luck with Tesla architecture cards in everything from Yosemite to High Sierra. I have had HS running fine w/a XFX 280 (the card I’m trying to replace w/the GTX 550 ti for the HDMI outout w/audio), an EVGA GTX 275 & the Pegatron 310, along with some others I don’t have anymore. Oh yeah and a HP laptop I have w/GeForce 9200 is a Tesla arch too IIRC.

Here’s a few things I can suggest:

1) You’re almost certainly going to need to replace NVDAStartup.kext with a version from El Capitan or an early Sierra — I can’t remember if I had already replaced the original Sierra kext with the one from El Cap or not, but one of the Sierra updates broke things until I rolled that kext back to the El Capitan version from another box. The rest of the kexts work just fine w/the older NVDAStartup.kext, and this behavior continues through the latest HS update. I’ve had this problem & mostly was the only resolution needed on tens of builds/rebuilds with older Nvidia cards. I don’t know about the Web drivers, you could try a NVDAWebstartup from an older build and see if it helps.. but, see below — I think they’re just adding unnecessary complications to be honest.
2) I’ve never got one to work withour Clover Nvidia injection, but not much of anything else screwed with — I’ve never needed to load bios’s in Clover, flash different BIOS versions to the card, do one off DSDT or driver editing, etc. They’ve pretty much worked OOTB w/injection.
3) Speaking of Clover, make sure you’re running a later version.. 4279 and above is the lowest version I’m positive will work — there is a version break somewhere a little earlier and anything before that is not compatible w/High Sierra.
4) You could try flashing different BIOS’s to the card but I haven’t had much luck with it making any difference — the Mac drivers pretty much ignore the BIOS from what I can tell except for the device/ID. I’d actually recommend against that as it’s easy to brick the card — I’ve had to do some EEPROM programmer & test clip recoveries screwing around w/the 550 and if you can’t do that (the equipment is all of $15 if you have access to a windows box and some electronics knowledge though) it’s easy to end up with a paper weight.
5) Forget the Web drivers for Tesla — I’ve had nothing but trouble with em, never made an improvement when they did work, and shouldn’t be needed. YMMV, but I’d try to get it working with the built-in OSX ones.
6) Try some different system definitions. With HS in general I’ve had the best luck with iMac13,1 and iMac14,2.

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It looks like your injection isn’t working right, or your NVDAStartup is causing the drivers not to load. In my case, it usually panic’d and you wouldn’t even get that far unless you booted in safe mode or disabled the NVidia drivers.

Get to a terminal window and do
kextstat | grep -i nvd
kextstat | grep -i gef
and post what drivers are loading related to the card.. I’m guessing none for one reason or another.

The very first thing I’d try is a clean install and replace the NVDAStartup.kext w/a version from El Cap and see what happens. I’ve honestly never seen a Tesla arch card on a system that otherwise works need more than that.



I have had Tesla architecture cards working with mo problems with Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, and High Sierra.

The easiest IMHO would be El Capitan or an early release or Sierra — we’re talking like 10.12.0 if you have a copy of it. If you download it from the App store now or any time after they started releasing updates, it’s going to be a later version of it.

I would recommend getting El Capitan up and running however you did before and have Clover inject Nvidia — that should work fiine, with no other messing around. The easiest would probably be to just install w/Unibeast & Multibeast — but if you’ve got it up and running w/a vanilla install before you could go that way too.

If that works, copy NVDAStartup.kext and keep it, or just make an image from the whole drive w/disk utility on another box — that’s what I usually do until everything is up and running. (With nothing else installed it’s usually like 10GB or a little more.) You’ll be able to just mount it as a .dmg and copy anything you need off it later. Copy the EFI folder also.

If you install a later Sierra or High Sierra you may need to replace the NVDFStartup.kext ftom El Cap or an early Sierra release.

Honestly, with older Nvidia cards I find Sierra or High Sierra to be easiest — except you usually have to downgrade NVDAStartup.kext. I just installed HS on a machine the other night for my father, during a baseball game, so he can see if he likes macOS now that he’s retired and doesn’t need Windows or all it’s associated strange behavior. It only took that long because I had to do the initial part of the install w/the USB ports running at 1.1/12mb speed. That was one of the few ones I’ve done w/older Nvidia video where I didn’t even have to touch the drivers.

One way or another, I recommend a clean install and don’t mess with anything else until the video is up and running. Get it installed, Make sure Clover is set to inject Nvidia and then if you’re having problems lets go from there. Don’t try Nvidia web drivers, getting sound working, ethernet ports, anything like that until you get the video working — it’s easy to play with that stuff enough to change something that makes video not work, which is where I suspect your box was at when you originally posted. Get the video working first, it’s essential — without that anything else is a waste of time. You can mess with the other stuff later.


I have had Tesla architecture cards working with mo problems with Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, and High Sierra.

The easiest IMHO would be El Capitan or an early release or Sierra — we’re talking like 10.12.0 if you have a copy of it. If you download it from the App store now or any time after they started releasing updates, it’s going to be a later version of it.

I would recommend getting El Capitan up and running however you did before and have Clover inject Nvidia — that should work fiine, with no other messing around. The easiest would probably be to just install w/Unibeast & Multibeast — but if you’ve got it up and running w/a vanilla install before you could go that way too.

If that works, copy NVDAStartup.kext and keep it, or just make an image from the whole drive w/disk utility on another box — that’s what I usually do until everything is up and running. (With nothing else installed it’s usually like 10GB or a little more.) You’ll be able to just mount it as a .dmg and copy anything you need off it later. Copy the EFI folder also.

If you install a later Sierra or High Sierra you may need to replace the NVDFStartup.kext ftom El Cap or an early Sierra release.

Honestly, with older Nvidia cards I find Sierra or High Sierra to be easiest — except you usually have to downgrade NVDAStartup.kext. I just installed HS on a machine the other night for my father, during a baseball game, so he can see if he likes macOS now that he’s retired and doesn’t need Windows or all it’s associated strange behavior. It only took that long because I had to do the initial part of the install w/the USB ports running at 1.1/12mb speed. That was one of the few ones I’ve done w/older Nvidia video where I didn’t even have to touch the drivers.

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One way or another, I recommend a clean install and don’t mess with anything else until the video is up and running. Get it installed, Make sure Clover is set to inject Nvidia and then if you’re having problems lets go from there. Don’t try Nvidia web drivers, getting sound working, ethernet ports, anything like that until you get the video working — it’s easy to play with that stuff enough to change something that makes video not work, which is where I suspect your box was at when you originally posted. Get the video working first, it’s essential — without that anything else is a waste of time. You can mess with the other stuff later.


You’ll need an El Capitan machine, or access to a friend’s machine that can copy it for you or something — real or Hackintosh, doesn’t matter. It will be installed in /System/Library/Extensions.. once you get El Captian installed on that box and working, or if you have access to another machine you can just click «Go» in finder, «Go To Folder» and type «/System/Library/Extensions» (without the quotes) and then press enter. It will open up a finder window and scroll down, you’ll find it. Copy it over to a USB stick or a server or somewhere. When you get High Sierra installed (if it works fine there is no need to bother.. it happens.. just did to me the other night, but 90% of the time on old Nvidia Tesla cards I’ve needed the older kext.) If you have to boot with Nvidia disabled or in safe mode the easy way would be to use a utility to install it from wherever you saved it, or you can use terminal:

1) cd /System/Library/Extensions
2) sudo mv NVDAStartup.kext NVDAStartup.kext-disabled-original (recommended)
or sudo rm -r NVDAStartup.kext (not recommended as you won’t have your original from HS if you need it)
3) sudo cp -r /Volumes/USBSTICK-or-where-you-copied-it/NVDAStartup.kext /System/Library/Extensions/
(If it gives you an error about can’t copy extended attributes, ignore it.)
4) sudo chown -R root:wheel NVDAStartup.kext
5) sudo chmod -R 755 NVDAStartup.kext

I’d recommend using Kext Utility or some sort or similar kext installer, there is at least a version of Kext Utility available in the downloads section here — not sure how recent but it will do the job I’m sure, it’s a lot easier..

Either way, **keep that kext** somewhere safe!! Even if you burn just that to a CD (they’re cheap), you’ll need it if you do an update and Apple replaces it with a new version, which it will.

This is why I’d recommend getting El Capitan installed and running first, and then just use disk utility to make an image of the HD to another machine or a largish (>16gb) flash drive as a .dmg — that way you’ll have that file and anything else you may need, just mount the .dmg and copy away — plus if you can’t get it working you can just go back to El Capitan by restoring your .dmg and the EFI folder to your HD.

That’s not to mention that I don’t know what kind of machine you’re trying to do this on.. there are a lot of machines that Apple dropped support for in Sierra and High Sierra. The one I put together the other night for my father runs High Sierra fine but I had to hack up the installer to get it to run because I couldn’t make a supported system definition work with that machine and it’s just a test anyway to see if he likes using it, if so I’ll get it running on one of his newer machines. If you’re in a similar situation, trying to use system definitions that are significantly different from the hardware you’re running on definitely adds problems that you won’t have if you use El Cap and get that running as a starting point. Some of the machines I run High Sierra on are almost identical hardware wise to a MacPro3,1 — but that’s not supported and I don’t like hacking the installer if I don’t have to so I use iMac definitions and hack a few things up.. but it’s not easy. If you edit the installer you have to do it again at every update.


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