На данной странице ниже есть ссылки, чтобы скачать последние бесплатные драйверы для видеокарты NVidia GeForce 7300 GS, которая входит в серию GeForce 7. Файлы взяты с официального сайта и подходят для: Windows 7, 8, XP, Vista 32/64-bit (x86/x64).
Для удобства выбора нужного драйвера ниже указана версия вашей Windows и ее разрядность («битность»).
Ваш компьютер работает на:
Скачать (170.55 МБ / версия 309.08 (GeForce 309.08 Driver) / дата выпуска 24.02.2015)
Windows 7 32-bit
Windows 8 32-bit
Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 8 64-bit
Для Windows XP 32-bit
Скачать (184.64 МБ / версия 307.83 (GeForce 307.83 Driver) / дата выпуска 26.02.2013)
Для Windows XP 64-bit
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Запасной вариант — получите драйверы с помощью программы GeForce Experience
Данный вариант удобен тем, что GeForce Experience сама подберет и загрузит последние рабочие драйверы , которые подходят для вашей видеокарты Nvidia и под вашу версию Windows. Программа создана компанией Nvidia и загрузка файлов происходит с их официальных серверов.
(122 МБ) подходит для всех версий Windows
Установите программу и запустите. Перед установкой советуем отключить антивирус и прочие антивирусное ПО, т.к. оно часто блокирует установку.
Нажмите на вкладку «Драйверы», которая находится в меню сверху.
Кликните на кнопку «Проверить наличие обновлений».
Если драйверы устаревшие или их нет, то появиться уведомление о наличии обновления. Кликните на кнопку «Загрузить».
После окончания загрузки нажмите на кнопку «Экспресс-установка» и установите драйвер.
Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit
Набор инструментов CUDA:
Português (Brazil)
170.55 MB
This driver adds security updates for the driver components nvlddmkm.sys and nv4_mini.sys.
This driver includes security updates for NVIDIA Driver services.
This driver includes a security update for the NVIDIA Display Driver service (nvvsvc.exe).
Legacy Support Notification: GeForce 6-series and GeForce 7-series GPUs will be moved to legacy support after GeForce R304 drivers (304.xx to 309.xx). GeForce R310 drivers will not support these products.
Adds support for NVIDIA TXAA
NVIDIA TXAA is new film-style anti-aliasing technique designed specifically to reduce temporal aliasing (crawling and flickering in motion) through a combination of hardware AA, custom CG film style AA resolve, and a temporal filter. The Secret World is the first game to support TXAA. Read about it on GeForce.com. TXAA is supported on GeForce GTX 600-series Kepler-based GPUs. Learn more about TXAA on GeForce.com.
Performance Boost – Increases performance for GeForce 400/500/600 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 301.42 WHQL-certified drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:
GeForce GTX 680:
Up to 18% in Batman: Arkham City Up to 15% in Dragon Age II Up to 10% in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Up to 60% in Total War: Shogun 2 (fixes performance issue with latest game patch)
GeForce GTX 560:
Up to 14% in Batman: Arkham City Up to 5% in Battlefield 3 with SLI Up to 4% in Dragon Age II Up to 8% in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings with SLI Up to 7% in Lost Planet 2
NVIDIA SLI Technology– Adds or updates the following SLI profiles:
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – addedBorderlands 2 – addedDarksiders 2 – addedEnd of Nations — addedF1 2011 – updatedF1 2012 – addedFinal Fantasy XIV – updatedNexuiz — addedOrcs Must Die! 2 – addedPlanetSide 2 — updatedSaints Row: The Third – updatedShogun 2: Total War – updatedSleeping Dogs – updated from latest betaSpec Ops: The Line — addedThe Secret World — updatedTorchlight II — addedTom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier — addedTornado Force — addedTribes: Ascend – updated
NVIDIA 3D Vision– Adds or updates the following 3D Vision profiles:
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – rated Not RecommendedA New Dawn – rated FairAll Zombies Must Die! Scorepocalypse – rated GoodARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead – rated FairBang Bang Racing – rated ExcellentBorderlands 2 – updated profile with new convergence settingsBrave – rated 3D Vision ReadyDevil May Cry 4- rated FairDepth Hunter – updated rating to 3D Vision ReadyDishonored – rated GoodEnd of Nations – rated GoodLondon 2012 The Official Video Game – rated FairMad Doc Jr.’s Doom Rails – rated ExcellentMass Effect 3 – updated in-game compatibility message and profile to be more compatible with community 3D modsMax Payne 3 – updated rating to Excellent and updated in-game compatibility message to inform users to use DirectX 11, disable MSAA and use SSA0.Raiderz – rated FairRoller Coaster Rampage – rated 3D Vision ReadySCANIA Truck Driving Simulator – rated FairStreet Fighter X Tekken – rated 3D Vision ReadyTest Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends – rated GoodTiger Woods PGA 12: The Masters – rated GoodTribes: Ascend – rated FairThe Secret World – rated GoodThe Walking Dead – rating GoodWorld of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria – rated Excellent
Other Profile Updates
Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for Diablo III Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for L.A. Noire Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for Rayman Origins Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support for Star Wars: The Old Republic Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support Counter-strike: Global Offensive Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support MechWarrior Online Disabled FXAA for several Windows programs like Media Player and Movie Maker.
NVIDIA Surround
Surround settings now persisted after new driver overinstall.
Includes support for applications built using CUDA 5 Preview or earlier version of the CUDA Toolkit. More information at http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
Key Fixes
Fixes an intermittent vsync stuttering issue with GeForce GTX 600-series GPUs. Fixes an issue where some manufacturer’s factory overclocked cards default to and run at lower clocks. Fixes a performance issue in Total War: Shogun 2 with the latest game patch.
Additional Details
Installs PhysX System Software v9.12.0604. Installs HD Audio v1.3.18.0. Supports DisplayPort 1.2 for GeForce GTX 600 series GPUs. Supports multiple languages and APIs for GPU computing: CUDA C, CUDA C++, CUDA Fortran, OpenCL, DirectCompute, and Microsoft C++ AMP. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel and AMD motherboards.
Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit
Набор инструментов CUDA:
170.55 MB
This driver adds security updates for the driver components nvlddmkm.sys and nv4_mini.sys.
This driver includes security updates for NVIDIA Driver services.
This driver includes a security update for the NVIDIA Display Driver service (nvvsvc.exe).
Legacy Support Notification: GeForce 6-series and GeForce 7-series GPUs will be moved to legacy support after GeForce R304 drivers (304.xx to 309.xx). GeForce R310 drivers will not support these products.
Adds support for NVIDIA TXAA
NVIDIA TXAA is new film-style anti-aliasing technique designed specifically to reduce temporal aliasing (crawling and flickering in motion) through a combination of hardware AA, custom CG film style AA resolve, and a temporal filter. The Secret World is the first game to support TXAA. Read about it on GeForce.com. TXAA is supported on GeForce GTX 600-series Kepler-based GPUs. Learn more about TXAA on GeForce.com.
Performance Boost – Increases performance for GeForce 400/500/600 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 301.42 WHQL-certified drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:
GeForce GTX 680:
Up to 18% in Batman: Arkham City Up to 15% in Dragon Age II Up to 10% in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Up to 60% in Total War: Shogun 2 (fixes performance issue with latest game patch)
GeForce GTX 560:
Up to 14% in Batman: Arkham City Up to 5% in Battlefield 3 with SLI Up to 4% in Dragon Age II Up to 8% in The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings with SLI Up to 7% in Lost Planet 2
NVIDIA SLI Technology– Adds or updates the following SLI profiles:
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – addedBorderlands 2 – addedDarksiders 2 – addedEnd of Nations — addedF1 2011 – updatedF1 2012 – addedFinal Fantasy XIV – updatedNexuiz — addedOrcs Must Die! 2 – addedPlanetSide 2 — updatedSaints Row: The Third – updatedShogun 2: Total War – updatedSleeping Dogs – updated from latest betaSpec Ops: The Line — addedThe Secret World — updatedTorchlight II — addedTom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier — addedTornado Force — addedTribes: Ascend – updated
NVIDIA 3D Vision– Adds or updates the following 3D Vision profiles:
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare – rated Not RecommendedA New Dawn – rated FairAll Zombies Must Die! Scorepocalypse – rated GoodARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead – rated FairBang Bang Racing – rated ExcellentBorderlands 2 – updated profile with new convergence settingsBrave – rated 3D Vision ReadyDevil May Cry 4- rated FairDepth Hunter – updated rating to 3D Vision ReadyDishonored – rated GoodEnd of Nations – rated GoodLondon 2012 The Official Video Game – rated FairMad Doc Jr.’s Doom Rails – rated ExcellentMass Effect 3 – updated in-game compatibility message and profile to be more compatible with community 3D modsMax Payne 3 – updated rating to Excellent and updated in-game compatibility message to inform users to use DirectX 11, disable MSAA and use SSA0.Raiderz – rated FairRoller Coaster Rampage – rated 3D Vision ReadySCANIA Truck Driving Simulator – rated FairStreet Fighter X Tekken – rated 3D Vision ReadyTest Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends – rated GoodTiger Woods PGA 12: The Masters – rated GoodTribes: Ascend – rated FairThe Secret World – rated GoodThe Walking Dead – rating GoodWorld of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria – rated Excellent
Other Profile Updates
Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for Diablo III Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for L.A. Noire Added NVIDIA Control Panel antialiasing support for Rayman Origins Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support for Star Wars: The Old Republic Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support Counter-strike: Global Offensive Added NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support MechWarrior Online Disabled FXAA for several Windows programs like Media Player and Movie Maker.
NVIDIA Surround
Surround settings now persisted after new driver overinstall.
Includes support for applications built using CUDA 5 Preview or earlier version of the CUDA Toolkit. More information at http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
Key Fixes
Fixes an intermittent vsync stuttering issue with GeForce GTX 600-series GPUs. Fixes an issue where some manufacturer’s factory overclocked cards default to and run at lower clocks. Fixes a performance issue in Total War: Shogun 2 with the latest game patch.
Additional Details
Installs PhysX System Software v9.12.0604. Installs HD Audio v1.3.18.0. Supports DisplayPort 1.2 for GeForce GTX 600 series GPUs. Supports multiple languages and APIs for GPU computing: CUDA C, CUDA C++, CUDA Fortran, OpenCL, DirectCompute, and Microsoft C++ AMP. Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel and AMD motherboards.