Hack with kali linux pdf

Hack with kali linux pdf

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Подборка книг по Kali Linux

1. Тестирование на проникновение с Kali Linux 2.0
2. Kali Linux Revealed
3. Learning Penetration Testing with Python
4. Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing
5. Instant Kali Linux
6. Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook

Другие материалы по теме:
10 лучших ресурсов для изучения хакинга с помощью Kali Linux

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1) PHP — использование фреймворков очень желательно.
2) JS — использование сторонних библиотек очень желательно (преимущество отдается JQuery).
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4) Готовность браться за ранее неизвестные вам вещи, их изучение и реализацию.
5) Умение определять время нужное для реализации задачи.
6) Умение вкладываться в оговоренное время.
7) Умение четко выполнять поставленную задачу без не согласованных отклонений.
8) Умение самостоятельно определять каким образом и с помощью каких инструментов должна быть решена задача.


The Top 9 Books & PDFs Every Kali Linux User Must Read

There are so many ways to learn cybersecurity and Kali Linux. Practical learning is the most effective way, but beginners can’t learn practically because usually they don’t understand the cybersecurity terms and they don’t know how everything works.

The theoretical part should be clear then we can easily learn practical. By reading books and PDFs we can gain knowledge of how the thing works. Using a tool will not tell us how it’s working.

1. Kali Linux Revealed – Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution

This book is very beginner friendly. We usually suggest complete beginners, who want to use Kali Linux. Kali Linux Revealed also covers Linux Fundamentals for new Linux users.

This book also covers the Debian package manager deeply so we can learn how to install and configure packages and how to update/upgrade our installation and also how to create our own custom Debian packages.

What we can learn from this book:

  • Using Kali Linux as a Pro.
  • Fundamentals of Linux.
  • Automate, customize and pre-seed Kali Linux Installs.
  • Create Kali appliances such as the Kali ISO of Doom.
  • Build, modify and host Kali packages and repositories.
  • Create, fork and modify simple Kali packages.
  • And many more.

Now this book is much more about Kali Linux, not about cybersecurity. Today Kali Linux is the OS for penetration testers, so having a good knowledge of Kali Linux is a must. This book is not about tools and ethical hacking this book is totally dedicated to Kali Linux.

We can download the PDF copy of this book directly from the official website of Kali Linux or we can buy it’s paperback from Amazon.

2. Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing

«Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing» book takes a practical approach and follows genuine methods. This will help us to increase the security of our network system.

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This book is very good for even cybersecurity students. Complete beginners may get a little bit trouble understanding this book.

What we can learn from this book:

  • Provides a practical approach to ethical hacking.
  • How to use and configure the most effective tools.
  • How to avoid detection when testing networks.
  • Learn how to deal with web-based applications.
  • Separate chapter dedicated to physical security and social engineering.

This book is available in Amazon, both Paperback and Kindle editions.

3. Kali Linux – An Ethical Hacker’s Cookbook

What we can learn from this book:

  • How to install and configure Kali Linux.
  • How to plan attack strategies.
  • Learn how to use tools such as Nmap, Burp Suite to exploit web applications.
  • Some real life examples with real application.
  • It also has a recipe to play with software defined radios.
  • This book is full of pictures and screenshots, but some old techniques used in this book become very rare to find in real life.

This book is also available on Amazon. Yes both in kindle and paperback edition.

4. Learning Kali Linux

What we can learn from this book:

  • Learn tools for stress testing network stacks and applications.
  • Perform network reconnaissance to determine what’s available to attackers.
  • Execute penetration tests using automated exploit tools such as Metasploit.
  • Use cracking tools to see if passwords meet complexity requirements.
  • Test wireless capabilities by injecting frames and cracking passwords.
  • Assess web application vulnerabilities with automated or proxy-based tools.
  • Create advanced attack techniques by extending Kali tools or developing our own.
  • Use Kali Linux to generate reports once testing is complete.

This book isn’t for complete beginners, we need to know the terms used in the cybersecurity field. By reading this book we can gain lot’s of knowledge in Kali Linux and ethical hacking.

This book is available on Amazon and Google Books.

5. Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing

What we can learn from this book:

  • Create a wireless lab for our experiments.
  • Sniff out wireless packets and hidden networks.
  • Capture and crack WPA-2 keys.
  • Discover hidden SSIDs.
  • Explore the ins and outs of wireless technologies.
  • Sniff probe requests and track users through SSID history.
  • Attack radius authentication systems.
  • Sniff wireless traffic and collect interesting data.
  • Decrypt encrypted traffic with stolen keys.

It isn’t for beginners, we should probably have a reasonable understanding of Wi-Fi to get the most of this book as this book does not contain a lot of theory.
This is a very concise and useful book which will show you the commands you need to use to be successful at wireless penetration testing. Wanna play with Wireless networks ? Go with this.

This book is available on Amazon. Oh yeah, both kindle and paperback edition.

6. Learn Kali Linux 2019

What we can learn from this book:

  • Explore the fundamentals of ethical hacking.
  • Learn how to install and configure Kali Linux.
  • Get up to speed with performing wireless network pentesting.
  • Gain insights into passive and active information gathering.
  • Understand web application pentesting.
  • Decode WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryptions using a variety of methods, such as the fake authentication attack, the ARP request replay attack, and the dictionary attack.

This book is completely written for beginners and it contains the methods to set up Kali Linux and vulnerable web applications. The language is easy to read and anyone can easily understand this.

This book is available on Amazon . OH, yes, yes, in both editions (Kindle and Paperback). Also this book is available in Google books.

7. Hacking with Kali Linux

What we can learn from this book:

  • The basics of hacking and using Kali Linux
  • Penetration testing
  • How to install Kali Linux
  • Kali tools
  • The process of ethical hacking
  • Practical ethical hacking

This book is for noobs, and covers only the basics only. Although it has a practical chapter but not so much things covered in practical.

This book is available on Amazon. It is available in three formats. Yes, Kindle, Paperback and Audible audio format. The best thing is this book is available free with Audible Trial.

8. Kali Linux CTF Blueprints

What we can learn from this book:

  • Set up vulnerable services for both Windows and Linux.
  • Create dummy accounts for social engineering manipulation.
  • Set up Heartbleed replication for vulnerable SSL servers.
  • Develop full-size labs to challenge current and potential testers.
  • Construct scenarios that can be applied to Capture the Flag style challenges.
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Now this book is not for beginners, this book doesn’t cover the theoretical part. This book is specially written for CTF players and OSCP students.

This book is available on Amazon. Yes in both editions (Paperback & Kindle).

8. Linux Basics for Hackers

What we can learn from this book:

  • Write a tool to scan for network connections, and connect and listen to wireless networks.
  • Keep our internet activity stealthy using Tor, proxy servers, VPNs, and encrypted email.
  • Write a bash script to scan open ports for potential targets.
  • Use and abuse services like MySQL, Apache web server, and OpenSSH.
  • Build our own hacking tools, such as a remote video spy camera and a password cracker.

This book is for absolute beginners and covers the basics of Linux specially Kali Linux. This contains good tutorials in easy language.

This book is also available in Amazon. In both Paperback and Kindle version.

9. Metasploit Bootcamp

What we can learn from this book:

  • Get hands-on knowledge of Metasploit.
  • Understand the benefits of using databases and workspaces in Metasploit.
  • Perform penetration testing on services such as databases and VoIP.
  • Understand how to customize Metasploit modules and modify existing exploitsWrite simple yet powerful Metasploit automation scripts.
  • Explore the steps involved in post-exploitation on Android and mobile platforms.

This book is not for newcomers in cybersecurity fields. This book doesn’t cover how to set up Kali Linux and such beginner things. We need some basic knowledge on Kali Linux before reading this book.

This book is available on Amazon. Ohhh, Yes(Not again), in both formats Kindle and Paperback.

Our Opinion

Reading books and gaining theoretical knowledge will not make us a good penetration tester or ethical hacker. We must learn new attack techniques day by day. But our basics should be clear.

If we don’t know the theory parts and use some tools to do our jobs then we will be a script kiddie.

But why from books?The Internet has more knowledge freely available. But on the internet the knowledge is spread everywhere we need to search a lot to find them. In the book everything is under one cover.

In our website we have covered lots of Kali Linux tutorials for beginners with screenshots. Our tutorials are also genuine, please have a look on them.

Note: The mentioned books pirated copy might be available on the internet. But downloading a pirated copy will be illegal. So please buy an original copy. We are not making money from the Amazon links, these links are not affiliate links.

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How to crack a PDF password with Brute Force using John the Ripper in Kali Linux

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John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, macOS, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS (the latter requires a contributed patch). Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. Besides several crypt(3) password hash types most commonly found on various Unix flavors, supported out of the box are Kerberos/AFS and Windows LM hashes, as well as DES-based tripcodes, plus hundreds of additional hashes and ciphers in «-jumbo» versions.

In this article we will explain you how to try to crack a PDF with password using a brute-force attack with JohnTheRipper.

1. Build JohnTheRipper binaries

We will need to work with the Jumbo version of JohnTheRipper. This is a community-enhanced, «jumbo» version of John the Ripper. It has a lot of code, documentation, and data contributed by the user community. This is not «official» John the Ripper code. It is very easy for new code to be added to jumbo: the quality requirements are low. This means that you get a lot of functionality that is not «mature» enough or is otherwise inappropriate for the official JtR, which in turn also means that bugs in this code are to be expected.

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Proceed to obtain the source code of JohnTheRipper (The «bleeding-jumbo» branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1) from the repository at Github with the following command (or download the zip with the content and extract into some directory):

This will create a directory namely JohnTheRipper in the current directory. You can read more about the «Jumbo» version of JohnTheRipper project in the official website or visit the un-official code repository at Github here. Switch to the src directory of JohnTheRipper with the following command:

Proceed to download the package lists from the repositories with the following command:

And install libssl:

The library requires libssl (openssl) to be installed in your system, so in case you don’t have it the previous command will do the trick to accomplish this requirement. Once the repository has been cloned, proceed to enter into the source directory that contains the source code of JohnTheRipper:

Inside this directory we will proceed with the build with the following instruction:

This version of Jumbo has autoconf that supports the very common chain, allowing you to compile the sources on a Unix-like system. Once the build process finishes, switch to the run directory inside the JohnTheRipper directory:

Inside this directory you will find (after the build) all the tools that the library has to offer (including john itself), you can list the directory to compare:

You will see all the tools of JohnTheRipper inside this directory:

Now that you have the tools to proceed, let’s get started with the brute force attack.

2. Generate PDF hash file

JohnTheRipper, as mentioned at the beginning of the article is not related by itself to PDF´s, but to passwords and security stuff. That’s why you will need to create the hash file of the PDF using the pdf2john.pl tool (available in the run directory after compiling from source). This tool allows you to obtain the hash (Read meta information) of the file through this perl script, which can be extracted into a new file with the following command:

This command will create a .hash file in the defined directory. This is the file that we will use to work with JohnTheRipper tool:

The pdf.hash file contains a text like:

Now that we have the hash file, we can proceed with the brute forcing using the john CLI tool.

3. Brute Force with John

Now that we have the .hash file of the PDF with password that we want to unlock, we just need to pass the file as argument to the CLI tool of JohnTheRipper (in the run directory):

This will use UTF-8 as the default input encoding and will start to guess the password of the PDF file using the default wordlist of the library. If it’s found, it will display the password and the path to the protected PDF:

If you try to run the command on the same file after the password has been guessed, you will see the following messages: «No password hashes loaded», «No password hashes loaded», or «No password hashes left to crack (see FAQ)». Cracked passwords will be printed to the terminal and saved in the file called $JOHN/john.pot (in the documentation and in the configuration file for John, «$JOHN» refers to John’s «home directory»; which directory it really is depends on how you installed John). The $JOHN/john.pot file is also used to not load password hashes that you already cracked when you run John the next time.

If that’s the case, you will be able to see the password again of the same file using the —show flag:

So the password will be shown (in our case 54321 ):

Using a custom word list

If you don’t want to use the default password.lst file of JohnTheRipper, just specify the path to the new file using the —wordlist argument:

As final recommendation, the tool offers to crack a lot of files, so you may want to read the documentation of the library. The rest of documentation is located in separate files, listed here in the recommended order of reading:


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