Handbrake для mac os

Downloading and installing HandBrake

HandBrake is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows, at the HandBrake website.

This is the only official download source for HandBrake. For more information, see Where to get HandBrake.


Most modern computers can run HandBrake. To be sure your system meets the minimum requirements, see System requirements in the technical documentation.

To download HandBrake to your computer, click the download button on the HandBrake website’s Home page. You can also choose a version for a specific operating system from the Downloads page.

Experienced users may wish to try HandBrake’s nightly builds 1 .

Verifying your download


The HandBrake Team publishes checksums for all downloads on handbrake.fr and the Checksums article on GitHub. You may use the provided checksums to verify the integrity of the files you download.

When installing on Linux using the official PPA, download integrity is verified automatically. Similarly, the integrity of source code managed using git is verified automatically.

To verify an official source distribution tarball, consult your Linux distribution’s documentation for instructions on how to verify checksums.

On Mac, launch Terminal from your Applications > Utilities folder and use the shasum command. For example, if you downloaded HandBrake to your Downloads folder:

Alternatively, the free third-party app Hashsum available on the Mac App Store provides a convenient graphical interface for computing file checksums 2 .

On Windows, Microsoft provides the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier command line utility for verifying checksums. Please see the associated Microsoft help article for more information and usage instructions.

Alternatively, free third-party apps Compute Hash, ExactFile, and MultiHasher for Windows provide convenient graphical interfaces for computing file checksums 3 .

If the checksums for the file you downloaded do not match the ones published by the HandBrake Team, you should delete the file and try your download again.


The HandBrake Team also publishes OpenPGP signatures for all downloads on GitHub. More information is available on the OpenPGP article on GitHub.

Installing on Linux

If you have installed a HandBrake package from your distribution or other third-party package repository, please remove it before proceeding. See the section, Warning about broken third-party builds on Where to get HandBrake for more information.

The following instructions are for Ubuntu. They may also work on other deb -compatible distributions. For other Linux, please compile from the official source code.

From the command line, add the official releases PPA to your system.

If you prefer HandBrake’s nightly builds, add the official git-snapshots PPA.

Run HandBrakeCLI to use HandBrake on the command line.

Run ghb to launch HandBrake’s graphical user interface. You may wish to right-click on the icon and select “Lock to Launcher” for easy access in the future.

Installing on Mac

Once you’ve downloaded HandBrake for Mac, open the DMG file in your Downloads folder. Your web browser (e.g. Safari, Firefox, or Chrome) may do this for you automatically. Then drag the HandBrake application to your Applications folder.

Drag HandBrake to your Applications folder to install it on your Mac.

HandBrake is now installed. You may eject the disk image and move it to the Trash.

Mac Gatekeeper

The first time you attempt to launch HandBrake, your Mac may present this message to you 4 :

Gatekeeper may present this message when launching HandBrake for the first time.

This message doesn’t mean anything is wrong; rather, it indicates that HandBrake is not part of Apple’s paid program to validate Mac applications. Select OK to dismiss the Gatekeeper message.

Hold down the Control key and select the HandBrake icon to bring up the shortcut menu. Select Open and your Mac will ask whether you are certain you wish to open HandBrake. Confirm that you want to trust HandBrake by again selecting Open . 5

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Launching HandBrake using the Open option in the Finder’s shortcut menu will bypass the initial Gatekeeper message. Gatekeeper may also present this message when launching HandBrake for the first time. Selecting Open will tell Gatekeeper to trust HandBrake.

Now HandBrake is up and running. You should not have to repeat this process in the near future.

Installing on Windows

Once you’ve downloaded the HandBrake installer, simply double click to run it.

If HandBrake is already installed on your computer, the installer will offer to remove the previous version before installing the current version. Select OK to proceed and review HandBrake’s license terms.

The HandBrake installer will offer to remove previous versions before installing the current version. HandBrake’s Windows installer.

Next, the installer will ask you where you wish to install HandBrake. Unless you have a specific reason to change this, select Install to continue. Once the installation is complete, you may select Finish to exit the installer.

The installer will report its progress. HandBrake is now installed.

You will find shortcuts for launching HandBrake placed on both the Windows Desktop and Start Menu.

Windows SmartScreen

When installing on Windows 8 or 10 with Windows SmartScreen enabled, you may see a message indicating that the HandBrake installer is not recognized by Windows.

Windows SmartScreen may present this message. Select More info to see more options.

HandBrake is not “signed” by Microsoft. This message doesn’t mean anything is wrong; rather, it indicates that HandBrake is not part of Microsoft’s paid program to validate Windows applications.

By selecting More info , you will be able to select Run anyway to continue the installation.

Select Run anyway to dismiss the SmartScreen message and continue installing HandBrake.

Launching HandBrake

You may launch HandBrake by quickly clicking twice (double-clicking) on the cocktail & pineapple icon. Depending on your system settings, a single click may suffice.

Next steps

  1. Nightly builds are based on HandBrake’s latest development code, including new and experimental features that may be unstable or significantly different than the latest release version. Although everyone is welcome to try them, nightly builds are best suited for experienced users and developers.↩
  2. HandBrake is not associated with any third-party checksum utilities. Only use software from vendors you trust.↩
  3. HandBrake is not associated with any third-party checksum utilities. Only use software from vendors you trust.↩
  4. If Gatekeeper is disabled on your Mac, you may not see this message.↩
  5. These instructions are taken directly from Apple’s Gatekeeper support documents. You can learn more about Gatekeeper here and here.↩

This article is part of the HandBrake Documentation and was written by Bradley Sepos (BradleyS) and Scott (s55). Join us on GitHub to contribute your thoughts and ideas, and to suggest any corrections.


HandBrake для macOS

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5.00 /5 голосов — 3

Версия:1.4.0 для Mac | Сообщить о новой версии
ОС:macOS 10.x
Категории:Грабберы, Рипперы — Конверторы
Загрузок (сегодня/всего):2 / 3 509 | Статистика
Размер:36,58 Мб

HandBrake — бесплатный рипер и конвертер видео и музыкальных DVD дисков. Программа может так же переводить из одного формата в другой уже готовые видео или аудио файлы. Реализована работа со следующими форматами: MKV, MP4, MPEG-4, H.264, AAC, CoreAudio AAC, MP3, AC-3, DTS и т.п.

При конвертировании можно задавать качество исходного файла, менять битрейт, управлять субтитрами.

WireTap Pro для Mac OS — утилита, предназначенная для захвата аудиоданных, позволяющая.

HandBrake — бесплатный рипер и конвертер видео и музыкальных DVD дисков. Программа может так же.

Отзывы о программе HandBrake

lloid про HandBrake 0.9.8 для Mac OS X [13-12-2012]

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HandBrake for Mac

HandBrake 1.3.3 LATEST

Mac OS X 10.11 or later

HandBrake for Mac 2021 full offline installer setup for Mac

HandBrake for Mac is a free and open source tool for converting video files from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. It enables anyone to easily prepare their camera videos to be played on a wide variety of devices, including all versions of iPhones, iPads, Apple TVs, Android phones, Android tables and more. Of course, the app fully supports one of the most popular video conversion processes of all time -transfer of movies from your DVDs to your hard drive by converting them to files in the MPEG-4 format. You can apply many great video filters (grayscale, detelecine, decomb, deinterlace, denoise, deblock), as well as set the video codec, quality and framerate, audio codec, mixdown, sample frequency rate and bitrate.

HandBrake was originally created in 2003 by the Eric Petit who made this app exclusively for the shortly lived BeOS operating system, but was shortly after ported to Windows, macOS and Linux (Ubuntu). Petit continued being active on the development of the app until 2006 when he left and enabled its community to continue working on updates (originally made under the name “MediaFork”, but later renamed back to the app).

Today, after so many years and turbulent state of development, Handbrake for macOS still represents one of the most popular video conversion programs on the market, with support for many features that make conversion process easy and intuitive. Even still, the tool remains to be 100% free and with regular updates continues to expand its capability to work with all currently popular video and audio codecs on the market.

Just a few of the reasons we think you’ll love Handbrake:

Built-in Device Presets
Get started with the app in seconds by choosing a profile optimized for your device, or choose a universal profile for standard or high quality conversions. Simple, easy, fast. For those that want more choice, tweak many basic and advanced options to improve yours encodes.

Supported Input Sources
Hand brake can process most common multimedia files and any DVD or BluRay sources that do not contain any kind of copy protection.


  • File Containers: .MP4(.M4V) and .MKV
  • Video Encoders: H.264(x264), MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 (libav), and Theora(libtheora)
  • Audio Encoders: AAC, CoreAudio AAC/HE-AAC (OS X Only), MP3, Flac, AC3, or Vorbis
  • Audio Pass-thru: AC-3, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC and MP3 tracks

Even more features

  • Title / Chapter selection
  • Queue up multiple encodes
  • Chapter Markers
  • Subtitles (VobSub, Closed Captions CEA-608, SSA, SRT)
  • Constant Quality or Average Bitrate Video Encoding
  • Support for VFR, CFR and VFR
  • Video Filters: Deinterlacing, Decomb, Detelecine, Deblock, Grayscale, Cropping and scaling
  • Live Video Preview

Note: Requires 64-bit processor.


HandBrake for Mac

Convert videos in multiple formats!

If you’ve been looking for an application to transcode or convert videos to different formats, HandBrake is a trustworthy choice. An efficient open-source platform, it’s a free software to convert videos to multiple formats easily and quickly. With a wide range of features, such as presets, capability to add subtitles, and support for numerous formats, HandBrake won’t disappoint.

An open-source and free-to-use tool

The perfect tool to convert your videos without spending a dime.

With HandBrake for Mac, rip your DVDs without paying a penny ever again. Whether you want to convert a few videos or need to manage bulk conversions, the software doesn’t cost a dime. The best part is that HandBrake delivers excellent results without much downtime.

HandBrake (Mac) allows you to codify a double soundtrack while performing two-pass conversions. The bitrate calculator is another excellent feature. It automatically changes the video quality as per the file size.

If the video you’re trying to convert has black edges, they can be easily removed. It helps with the overall display of the final output. Other useful features include subtitles support, chapter selection, and grayscale encoding.

Easy-to-use with loads of features

Unlike its competitors, HandBrake has a simple graphical user interface (GUI). Once you’ve added a video to the list, the software produces an MPEG-4 or any other file format within seconds. However, your computer will need to have appropriate codecs installed for specific file types, such as OGM, Xvid, DivX, 3ivx, and more.

HandBrake supports a wide range of file formats. You can use several DVD-like sources, such as .VOB, VIDEO_TS, .TS files, real DVD, and DVD images. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support unencrypted protection methods internally. As such, something like a CSS library needs to be managed externally with third-party programs.

For large file sizes, you may experience a few crashes on Mac. Nevertheless, it’s not that annoying and lets you get back to work quickly. If you want to rip DVDs, HandBrake is the perfect open-source solution for Mac.

Queue, subtitles, chapters, and more

HandBrake lets you queue files with ease. It’s an excellent feature for anyone looking to transcode several video files in multiple formats. Once you’ve added the files to a queue, just click ‘start’ to initiate the process. As per the presets and settings for each file, all videos in the queue will be instantly transcoded.

If you often use subtitles with video files, HandBrake makes the task easier. Advanced users in multimedia can easily add their own subtitles. If you already have an SRT file, just import it to the program and your job is done.

One of the most interesting features of HandBrake is that it lets you add audio tracks to video files. Since you can add multiple tracks to a file, the viewer can choose a specific audio stream from the video player. Audio tracks can also be named as per your preferences. HandBrake gives you several advanced options, such as the ability to set the bitrate, select the audio codec, fix sample rate, and more.

In comparison to competitors like MakeMKV or Total Video Converter, HandBrake comes with many interesting features. One of the most useful features is the ability to add chapters to videos. It allows you to create sections that can be played from a specific position in the video, making it easier to skip certain parts.

Advanced video options for perfect conversions

In the video tab, you can find advanced settings for a converted video. While the interface for this section is confusing, you’ll get a pretty good hang of it after a few tries. Some of the frequently used advanced settings are focused on video quality, framerate, optimization, bitrate, and video code (MPEG-4, MPEG-2, and H.264). If you want, HandBrake lets you choose a constant frame rate.

It’s easy to set the video quality of a converted file. Since the size of the file is directly proportional to video quality, you can manage the overall video size too. Moreover, HandBrake allows you to set the bitrate, which also affects the size of the final file.

If you want to change the height and width of the video, just explore the ‘Picture’ tab. It gives you the option to crop the video by selecting a specific area on the screen.

Without a doubt, HandBrake is one of the most promising open-source tools for video conversion and transcoding. It can easily and quickly convert videos into multiple formats. What’s the best part? Such an amazing software is completely free!

Where can you run this program?

HandBrake is available for multiple operating systems, thereby allowing seamless cross-platform usage. For Mac, it is recommended to have Mac OS 10.11 and above.

Is there a better alternative?

While HandBrake is a great choice, you might be looking for a few alternatives. If you use too many files in MKV format, MakeMKV could be a sound choice. It’s free and easy-to-use. However, since it’s not officially signed by Apple, you need to explore gatekeeper options to download this software on your Mac OS device.

Another good choice is Total Video Converter. It’s a powerful DVD Burner and Video Converter. The platform can convert any video file to DVD, iPhone, iPad, 3gp, avi, mp4, and other formats. The only drawback is that it’s browser-based, and uploading videos is a slow process. For making engaging videos, training videos, promo videos, and video tutorials, Moovly is a good choice. Though it’s free, it’s also browser-based, thereby affecting upload speeds.

Our take

Overall, HandBrake is an excellent choice for Mac. With this platform, you get complete control over video file conversions. It allows you to set several parameters for the output file, and the simple-to-use interface makes your job easier. If you’ve been using paid software for video file conversions, it’s time to try this one for free.

Should you download it?

Yes, HandBrake for Mac is an impressive, efficient, and hassle-free video encoder. Since it’s free, you don’t have to worry about spending huge sums of money on bulk conversions. It’s the valid choice for all your ripping needs.

  • Quick conversions
  • Changes video quality as per file size
  • Cuts black corners around a video
  • Occasional lags
  • Doesn’t support unencrypted protection
  • Advanced settings can be confusing


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