Hoi 4 для linux

Hoi 4 для linux

I bought the game this morning to only find that is has some major performance issues in Linux. I have been running the game on my main workstation computer with the following specifications.

CPU 2x Intel Xeons E5-2670 @ 2.6 Ghz (Boosts to 3.2)
64 GB of RAM
GPU AMD Radeon 7950
OS Linux Mint 17.3
The Computer is using the Latest 15.12 AMD proprietary Graphics Drivers

My FPS has been jumping between 20-35 while playing in Europe and 35-40 in Asia and America. Now here is the really interesting thing, There is no differences in FPS whether it be that I have the setting maxed out or if I have them turn all the way down.

I don’t if this is game optimization issue or if a AMD driver issue. I just wanted to let other Linux users know.

If you have any tips to help improve performance please reply below.

Really don’t want to have to return this game.

I’m having the same issue with an NVIDIA card on Linux. can’t seem to get more than 35 fps anywhere, regardless of antialiasing settings, etc. Other Paradox titles (Stellaris, EU4, etc.) run at frame rates well above 60 fps.

Core i7-4770K @ 3.5GHz+Boost
NVIDIA GTX 760 with proprietary drivers v364.19 @ 2560×1440
Ubuntu Xenial 64-bit with no compositing

Edit 2016-06-22:
Replaced my video card with a GTX 970. HoI4 now runs between 40 and 45 fps but still feels slow and laggy, especially during any mouse interactions like clicking, dragging, and zooming.

I’ve just got constant crashing in the tutorial, can’t play at all.

i7 5820k
GTX 970
16GB ram

I bought the game this morning to only find that is has some major performance issues in Linux. I have been running the game on my main workstation computer with the following specifications.

CPU 2x Intel Xeons E5-2670 @ 2.6 Ghz (Boosts to 3.2)
64 GB of RAM
GPU AMD Radeon 7950
OS Linux Mint 17.3
The Computer is using the Latest 15.12 AMD proprietary Graphics Drivers

My FPS has been jumping between 20-35 while playing in Europe and 35-40 in Asia and America. Now here is the really interesting thing, There is no differences in FPS whether it be that I have the setting maxed out or if I have them turn all the way down.

I don’t if this is game optimization issue or if a AMD driver issue. I just wanted to let other Linux users know.

If you have any tips to help improve performance please reply below.

Really don’t want to have to return this game.

Try to set up a workstation to provide windows and try to install it there.

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(Linux) Hearts of Iron IV [Ru/Multi] ( SteamRip [Field Marshal Edition] скачать торрент

Год выхода: 2016 Жанр: Разное Разработчик: Paradox Development Studios Перевод: Русский, Английский, Немецкий и другие Платформа: PC Требования: Операционная система: Linux
Процессор: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2.66 ГГц, AMD Athlon II X4 650 @ 3.20 ГГц
Оперативная память: 2 Гб
Видеокарта: ATI Radeon HD 5850, NVIDIA GeForce GTX470
Свободного места на жестком диске: 2 Гб Рейтинг на сайте:

Сюжет игры посвящен событиям Второй мировой войны. Через изометрическую перспективу и стратегическую мировую карту геймеры любым способом пытаются привести выбранное государство к стопроцентной победе; управляют войсками (авиацией, флотом, бронетехникой, пехотой), ведут дипломатические беседы и осуществляют разнообразные боевые задачи. Глобальная стратегическая война. Страны воюют не только с помощью оружия, но и в исследовательских лабораториях, на предприятиях, в политике, коммерции, медицине, даже в умах каждого человека. Пожалуй это самый реалистический симулятор войны современности. Выбирайте любую державу, чтобы сразиться в самом кровавом противостоянии за всю историю. Возьмите на себя роль мирового лидера, и боритесь за всемирную власть, или станьте главой обычной маленькой нации, и постарайтесь попросту выжить.

German Tanks Pack
French Tanks Pack
Heavy Cruisers Unit Pack
Soviet Tanks Unit Pack
US Tanks Unit Pack
British Tanks Unit Pack
German March Order Music Pack
Allied Radio Music Pack
Rocket Launcher Unit Pack
Poland — United and Ready
German Historical Portraits
Pre-Order Reward Wallpaper
Art of War Artbook
Sabaton Soundtrack

Особенности релиза:
Версия игры: (8899)
Присутствуют и активированы DLC
Язык интерфейса и субтитров: Русский, Английский, Немецкий, Французский, Испанский, Польский,Португальский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Wallpapers (обои), Art of War (книга в PDF) находятся в папке /dlc
Контрольные суммы MD5: 547920548006b7b3f8a5cb122a22e0bc


Hearts of Iron IV [x86] [Multi] [Native]

10-Ноя-2018 15:52

Сидов: (посл. обн.) — только что.

Hearts of Iron IV [x86] [Multi] [Native] .torrent
Торрент: Зарегистрирован [ 8-04-2019, 19:36 ]
Статус: проверено
Скачан: раз
Размер: 1.48 GB · Hash: 5575AB0A7BBD0A53811A5B2353C09BE922BFE751 Hash
Кто поблагодарил: 21 пользователь (смотреть список)

Текущее время: Сегодня 17:45

Часовой пояс: GMT + 4

Сайт не предоставляет электронные версии произведений, а занимается лишь коллекционированием и каталогизацией ссылок, присылаемых и публикуемых на форуме нашими читателями. Если вы являетесь правообладателем какого-либо представленного материала и не желаете, чтобы ссылка на него находилась в нашем каталоге, свяжитесь с нами, и мы незамедлительно удалим её. Файлы для обмена на трекере предоставлены пользователями сайта, и администрация не несёт ответственности за их содержание. Просьба не заливать файлы, защищенные авторскими правами, а также файлы нелегального содержания!


Hoi 4 для linux

Manually delete the personal HOI4 directory (see step 3a below).

If that doesn’t fix the problem try a clean reinstall, i.e. all of the following and in that order:
0) unsubscribe from all mods
1) delete the game’s local content in Steam (i.e. deinstall the game)
2) exit Steam
3a) manually delete your personal HOI4 directory — its path depends on the OS:
(Note: You might want to make a backup of the local savegames in there before doing that!)
— [Windows] \Users\ \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [macOS] /Users/ /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
3b) manually delete your HOI4 Steam directory (if it still exists. ) — its path depends on the OS:
— [Windows 64bit] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [Windows 32bit] C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
(Note that your OS isn’t officially supported!)
— [macOS] /Users/ /Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Hearts of Iron IV/ (hidden on macOS 10.7+; this [www.macworld.com] might be helpful)
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
4) restart Steam
5) reinstall the game
6) verify the game

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edit: OldLogan is correct when he says that you need to disable mods that change the checksum. So assuming you weren’t aware of that yet try that first. If it doesn’t help do what I wrote in this post.

Manually delete the personal HOI4 directory (see step 3a below).

If that doesn’t fix the problem try a clean reinstall, i.e. all of the following and in that order:
0) unsubscribe from all mods
1) delete the game’s local content in Steam (i.e. deinstall the game)
2) exit Steam
3a) manually delete your personal HOI4 directory — its path depends on the OS:
(Note: You might want to make a backup of the local savegames in there before doing that!)
— [Windows] \Users\ \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [macOS] /Users/ /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
3b) manually delete your HOI4 Steam directory (if it still exists. ) — its path depends on the OS:
— [Windows 64bit] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [Windows 32bit] C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
(Note that your OS isn’t officially supported!)
— [macOS] /Users/ /Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Hearts of Iron IV/ (hidden on macOS 10.7+; this [www.macworld.com] might be helpful)
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
4) restart Steam
5) reinstall the game
6) verify the game

edit: OldLogan is correct when he says that you need to disable mods that change the checksum. So assuming you weren’t aware of that yet try that first. If it doesn’t help do what I wrote in this post.

Manually delete the personal HOI4 directory (see step 3a below).

If that doesn’t fix the problem try a clean reinstall, i.e. all of the following and in that order:
0) unsubscribe from all mods
1) delete the game’s local content in Steam (i.e. deinstall the game)
2) exit Steam
3a) manually delete your personal HOI4 directory — its path depends on the OS:
(Note: You might want to make a backup of the local savegames in there before doing that!)
— [Windows] \Users\ \Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [macOS] /Users/ /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
3b) manually delete your HOI4 Steam directory (if it still exists. ) — its path depends on the OS:
— [Windows 64bit] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
— [Windows 32bit] C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Hearts of Iron IV\
(Note that your OS isn’t officially supported!)
— [macOS] /Users/ /Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Hearts of Iron IV/ (hidden on macOS 10.7+; this [www.macworld.com] might be helpful)
— [GNU/Linux] /home/ /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Hearts\ of\ Iron\ IV/
4) restart Steam
5) reinstall the game
6) verify the game

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edit: OldLogan is correct when he says that you need to disable mods that change the checksum. So assuming you weren’t aware of that yet try that first. If it doesn’t help do what I wrote in this post.

tried it out did not work
the wierd part is that it worked before

A checksum trouble MUST be solved by doing EXACTLY this in the EXACT order:

1.- Unsuscribe ALL mods (if any subscribed and absolutely ALL).

2.- Uninstall HoI4.

tried it out did not work
the wierd part is that it worked before

A checksum trouble MUST be solved by doing EXACTLY this in the EXACT order:

1.- Unsuscribe ALL mods (if any subscribed and absolutely ALL).

2.- Uninstall HoI4.

I did it, 2 times doesn’t work

And you tested the game afterwards without mods? What checksum do you have now? (It’s displayed on the bottom of the game menu that you see after you start the game.)

Do you use the debug mode? If so, you have to deactivate that.

I did it, 2 times doesn’t work

And you tested the game afterwards without mods? What checksum do you have now? (It’s displayed on the bottom of the game menu that you see after you start the game.)

Do you use the debug mode? If so, you have to deactivate that.

So you did exactly those steps (every single one without omiting anything) and in the exact order? Confirmed?

What checksum do you have now? (It’s displayed on the bottom of the game menu that you see after you start the game.)

Also trying a slight variant:

1.- Unsuscribe ALL MODs in HoI 4 WORKSHOP (if any subscribed and absolutely ALL).

2.- Uninstall HoI4.

4.- Delete MANUALLY both folders:

4a.- . \Steam\steamapps\common\Hearts of Iron IV

(commonly C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Hearts of Iron IV) 32-Bits
(commonly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hearts of Iron IV) 64-Bits

4b.- C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV

5.- Restart the computer.

6.- Verify than NO MODs are subscribed in HoI4 Workshop.

6.- Reinstall the game.

I’m sorry but if this fail, YOU must be doing something wrong. No other choices (Except some software interfering, this may imply you are working in a kind of sandbox where changes are only temporary, and this is uncommon).


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