- Open или Opened? Close или Closed? “Открыто” и “закрыто” по-английски
- “We are open” или “We are opened”?
- “We are close” или “We are closed”?
- Заключение
- Should I have windows open or closed in hot weather?
- Should I have my windows closed in hot weather?
- Should I have my windows open at night?
- How else can I keep my house cool?
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- Passive House — 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
- . do I need to keep the windows closed at all times?
- Fresh air in your house all year round — learn how to air your rooms properly
- Why is it so important to air the rooms?
- Additional ventilation thanks to modern systems
- Fresh air in your house all year round
Open или Opened? Close или Closed? “Открыто” и “закрыто” по-английски
Со словами open и opened есть любопытный момент. Когда мы говорим, что магазин открыт, мы говорим “We are open” (“Мы открыты”). Если магазин закрыт, то “We are closed” (“Мы закрыты”). Почему в таком случае мы не говорим “We are opened” или “We are close”? Если что-то открыто, то это open или opened? Давайте разберемся в этом вопросе.
“We are open” или “We are opened”?
Если речь об открытом, работающем магазине, то правильно будет “We are open”. Вот почему:
open – это в данном случае прилагательное “открытый”, to be open значит “быть открытым”.
Приведу другие примеры с этим прилагательным:
The door is open. – Дверь открыта (букв. “является открытой”).
The smoke was coming in through the open windows. – Дым попадал внутрь через открытые окна.
Что касается слова opened, то это может быть прошедшее время или причастие прошедшего времени от to open. Примеры, где open – это глагол to open в Past Simple:
I opened the door and came in. – Я открыл дверь и вошел внутрь.
Someone opened all the windows. – Кто-то открыл все окна.
Теперь пример, где open – это причастие прошедшего времени от глагола to open. Обратите внимание, что данная форма близка по значению к прилагательному open (открытый), но только близка, а не идентична.
The chest was opened by treasure hunters long ago. – Сундук был открыт искателями сокровищ очень давно.
The window was not opened, it was broken. – Окно не было открыто (его не открыли), оно было сломано (его сломали).
Другими словами, если мы скажем “We are opened”, получится, что нас открыли, что бы это ни значило, то есть открыли, как открывают дверь, банку, сумку или предприятие. А если мы скажем “We are open” – это будет значить, что мы открыты, то есть работаем.
“We are close” или “We are closed”?
Может показаться, что по аналогии про закрытый магазин нужно говорить “We are close”, ведь мы же говорим “We are open”, не так ли? Нет, здесь другой случай.
Напомню, open – это прилагательное “открытый”. Но слово close – это не прилагательное “закрытый”, это прилагательное “близкий (о человеке)” или “находящийся близко”, например:
He is my close friend. – Он мой близкий друг.
The Christmas tree was too close to the fireplace. – Рождественская елка находилась слишком близко к камину.
Слово close не может значить “закрытый (магазин, предмет)”. А вот слово closed – может.
Closed – это:
- Прилагательное “закрытый”,
- Прошедшее время от to close,
- Причастие прошедшего времени от to close.
“We are close” значит “Мы близки (с кем-то)” или “Мы поблизости”. Табличка “Закрыто” по-английски – это “CLOSED”
Приведу примеры, где closed – это прилагательное “закрытый”:
The bank is closed. – Банк закрыт (не работает).
He was knocking on the closed door. – Он стучался в закрытую дверь.
Здесь у вас может возникнуть вопрос, но если closed – это и прилагательное, и причастие прошедшего времени, разве нельзя, скажем, предложение “The door was closed” понять двояко? То есть:
- Дверь закрыта (не открыта).
- Дверь закрыта (ее кто-то закрыл).
Да, это возможно. Но путаницы это обычно не вызывает, если только не придумывать специально какой-нибудь каламбур на эту тему.
Если вы скажете “The store is closed”, к примеру, вас поймут именно как “Магазин закрыт”, то есть “не работает”, а не в том плане, что кто-то взял и закрыл его.
Но если вы скажете “The store was closed by local officials”, то здесь слово “closed” уже поймут как причастие прошедшего времени, поэтому что это ясно из контекста: “Магазин был закрыт местными представителями власти”.
Подведу итоги. Когда говорят, что предмет, магазин и проч. открыты или закрыты в плане “являются открытыми/закрытыми”, используют прилагательные open или closed:
Sorry, we are closed. – Извините, мы закрыты (не работаем).
We are open 24 hours. – Мы работаем круглосуточно.
Если же вы хотите сказать, что над предметом произведено действие “открытие” или “закрытие” (как буквально, так в значении “старт/прекращение” чего-то), то есть если вы используете конструкцию в страдательном залоге, то используйте слова opened и closed:
Many store were opened by immigrants. – Много магазинов было открыто иммигрантами.
The door was closed, locked and sealed. – Дверь была закрыта (ее закрыли), заперта и опечатана.
Should I have windows open or closed in hot weather?
THE NHS has a whole range of ways and tips to beat the heat as temperatures soar in the UK to up to 39C.
One of the most popular, cheapest, and simplest techniques is opening a window, but is it actually an effective way of beating the heat?
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Should I have my windows closed in hot weather?
It really comes down to if the temperature outside is hotter or colder than inside.
The advice states: “Keep windows closed when it’s hotter outside than inside, but open them if the room gets too hot.”
Pale or thin curtains or blinds should be closed but should be kept open if they are dark-coloured or thick or you have metal blinds as they can make a room hotter.
Putting something reflective on the outside of the glass can bounce the heat away, keeping the room cool – similar to the screens that go on the windshield of your car.
Should I have my windows open at night?
The general advice is to keep windows open at night as it is cooler outside.
But for security reasons downstairs windows should be locked when you go out or go to bed.
It will also stop wild animals or neighbour’s pets creeping in who are looking for a cosy bed for the night.
How else can I keep my house cool?
Keep windows that are exposed to the sun closed during the day, and open windows at night when the temperature has dropped
Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this is not possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
If possible, move into a cooler room, especially for sleeping.
If you have concerns about an uncomfortably hot house that’s affecting your health or someone else’s, get medical advice.
The NHS also recommends taking cool baths or showers and regularly splashing yourself with cool water.
Latest weather news
The full NHS advice can be found here.
You can also get help from the environmental health office at your local authority.
They can inspect a home for hazards to health, including excess heat.
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Passive House — 6 reasons why you still need opening windows
. do I need to keep the windows closed at all times?
Wrong – Absolutely not! There are multiple reasons why there needs to be at least one opening window in each room typically used for living (bedrooms, living room, kitchen). The best option is a turn and tilt fitting. At least this is true for all places on the planet, there external conditions are at least sometimes near to a comfortable range (well, and as long as you are not building on Mars, there are only a few exceptions). Saving costs on windows is a bad idea and might cause several problems later on:
1. During warm periods, opening your windows is the easiest, cheapest, most effective and environmentally friendly way of cooling your building, with cross ventilation offering the most effective solution; at least in climates, in which the external temperatures cool down during the night. The standard air exchange provided by Passive House ventilation systems generally is far lower, and with the fan giving off additional heat, the cooling effect is reduced even more. The air change rates of ventilation systems are typically laid out for really cold (or hot) periods and may not be too high to keep the air from getting too dry (or too humid). A completely different type of ventilation system would be needed to allow for significantly higher air change rates. Such systems would be more expensive and less efficient; of course, in some circumstances such systems can provide another solution. Providing large volumes of air by opening your windows, on the other hand, is fairly inexpensive.
2. Users typically expect to have openable windows anyway as they offer maximum flexibility. Most users would not want to miss windows as a “connection to the outside world”, and want to be able to choose whether to keep the windows open or closed. Eliminating this option might cause discontent amongst users whose wishes should be respected – unless it would be unreasonable to do so (for example in a submarine or a spaceship).
3. Cleaning fixed glazing is usually much more difficult than cleaning windows that can be opened and cleaned from the inside. Openable windows thus make a building much easier to maintain and can help reduce running costs.
4. Monitoring results suggest that there is little risk of Passive Houses not getting warm or requiring significantly more energy for heating due to users keeping the windows open. There is no need to fear that « human errors » might cause problems, even when bedroom windows are tilted all night long during winter. In this case, the only negative effect is a slight increase in heating energy (see article on user behaviour).
5. Even during cold periods, sometimes it may be nice to be able to open the windows to let in some fresh air, for example during a party or an assembly.
6. Last but not least, an openable window could save one’s life as it offers an easy way out in the unfortunate event of an emergency.
There are few Passive House buildings partially or entirely fitted with fixed glazing. Most reports or enquiries regarding these building concern complaints about excessive temperatures in summer or users feeling closed in – something that can be prevented with a turn and tilt fitting.
Fresh air in your house all year round — learn how to air your rooms properly
It may seem that it is not difficult to air rooms — it’s enough to open the window. In practice, however, the way we do it and how long we leave the window open should depend on the conditions which prevail outside. Leaving the windows open for too long in winter will cause the room temperature do drop significantly and, as a result, increase the heating bills. On the other hand, if we air the rooms improperly in summer, the temperature may become uncomfortably high. So how should we ventilate the rooms in different seasons? You can find handy tips on how to do it in our article.
Why is it so important to air the rooms?
The amount of clean air in our house affects both our health and the condition of the residential building. Airtight rooms, without access to fresh air create specific micro-climate. High humidity contributes to creating conditions which are conducive to rapid microbial growth.
Our daily activities, in particular those shown in the graphic, also increase the humidity.
The warmer the air, the more water it absorbs. When it cools down, its saturation limit decreases and humidity results in water vapour. However, water vapour condenses in the places where the temperature is the lowest. In practice, these are walls, door lintels and the space behind furniture, which leads to ugly stains on the walls. This is only one of many consequences of not letting fresh air inside.
The most common effects of lack of ventilation include:
- increased risk of mould on the walls
- allergy-related conditions, allergies
- respiratory diseases and hypertension
- discomfort and worse physical condition
- lower immunity
- poor concentration
To prevent these effects and feel comfortable in your own home, you need to ventilate the rooms every day. How to do it best and most effectively in summer and winter? You will learn about it later in the article.
On hot summer days, we often instinctively leave the windows wide open to get fresh air. Unfortunately, this is not a good idea during the heat peak hours. Opening the windows when the it is scorching hot we can get the opposite effect — instead of lowering the temperature we will increase it because the cool air from our rooms will be replaced by the hot air from the outside.
However, if we stick to a few simple rules, we can ensure proper temperature in our house.
- Keep the windows closed during the day. In particular, this applies to those located on the southern side, which is exposed to the sun the most.
Cover the windows with blinds or thick, light-coloured curtains. Our southern neighbours cover their windows with shutters to protect their flats against hot air. We can use blinds or at least light-coloured, coarsely woven curtains that will reflect the sun rays well.
Air the rooms in the morning, evening and at night. When the temperature outside is lower, pleasantly cool air may enter your house. It is worth leaving the windows open a fraction at night — thanks to that we will have more comfortable conditions to rest.
Open the windows on opposite sides of the house. This way you can ventilate the rooms much faster. Be careful, though. When there is a strong wind, it is better to give up this practice.
Open the doors in all rooms. A house in which all doors and windows are closed, resembles an oven. On hot days, a much better solution is to open the doors in all rooms including the bathroom.
Different rules apply when we want to air our rooms in winter, especially when the temperature falls below zero. Doing it improperly leads to heat loss and, consequently, increased heating costs. How to ventilate the rooms in winter? Here are some simple tips.
- Open the windows wide. Ventilate briefly but intensively. By opening the windows wide, we help the air exchange occur faster and prevent excessive cooling. In the winter months, about 5 minutes is enough to provide our rooms with the right amount of fresh air.
Avoid draughts. While in summer this practice brings positive results, in winter it can lead to excessive cooling of the walls and floor.
Before opening the window, lower the heating temperature. Thermoelectric actuators, which are more and more often installed on radiators, allow you to maintain a comfortable room temperature at all times. By opening the window we make the heating system work with maximum power. Although the radiator will become hot, the heated air will immediately escape through the window. It will therefore be a good practice to lower the pre-set temperature during ventilation. Thanks to such devices as WiFi 8S or ST-8S, we can also manage the temperature of thermoelectric actuators wirelessly.
During ventilation, close the doors between rooms with different heating temperature settings. This will prevent condensation of warm, humid air in cooler rooms.
Additional ventilation thanks to modern systems
The windows which are produced currently are characterized by high tightness. On the one hand, they contribute to significant savings, but at the same time they prevent proper air circulation. That is why we need to ventilate the rooms more often.
Opening windows wide is not the only way to let some fresh in through the window. Micro-ventilation is also effective. It can be achieved thanks to special window hardware, which is very often mounted on the sash or window frame. In this way, a small gap will be created between the frame and sash, allowing fresh air flow in. The sash will remain in this position thanks to the window catch. Micro-ventilation is a good option, especially during storms and heavy rainfall when opening the window may lead to damage to the wall or floor. In the case of wooden floorboards, even a small amount of water may cause damage to the floor structure, which in turn generates considerable costs associated with repairing the damage.
Another way to let more fresh air in is to install window vents. These are small devices designed to be installed on windows or walls of buildings. Their greatest advantage is efficiency — the amount of air that can flow through them into the building. The air flow can be adjusted, but it is impossible to close such vents. For this reason, they seem a good solution especially for people who are often away from home. With window vents your home will never feel like an oven.
Fresh air in your house all year round
Reasonable heating and regular airing of rooms is a good practice if we strive for a pleasant and healthy indoor climate ensuring comfort and savings. In winter, it makes sense to open the windows wide, but not for a long time. Airing rooms does not mean cooling them excessively. How long we leave the windows open should depend on the season of the year and the atmospheric conditions prevailing outside. The estimated time needed to ventilate a room in particular months of the year is presented in the graphic below.