Houses with candles in the windows

Houses with candles in the windows

Exercise 7. Translate into English, using a noun in the genitive case where possible.

1. Давид провел две недели в Ярмуте у мистера Пеготти. 2. Уезжая в Ярмут, мальчик ничего не знал о предполагаемом (intended) браке своей матери. 3. После путешествия, которое длилось несколько часов, Пеготти с Давидом прибыли в Ярмут. 4. Приближаясь к дому мистера Пеготти, Давид увидел детскую фигурку, стоявшую на пороге. 5. Дядя Хэма и Эмили усыновил их, когда они были детьми. 6. Пеготти с гордостью говорила о доброте своего брата. 7. Двухнедельное пребывание в Ярмуте доставило Давиду большое удовольствие. 8. В присутствии мужа миссис Копперфильд боялась приласкать своего сына. 9. После минутной нерешительности Давид подошел к миссис Копперфильд и поцеловал ее. 10. После смерти жены мистер Мердстон послал Давида в Лондон, где мальчик должен был работать в торговом доме (warehouse) Мердстона и Гринби.

1.David spent two weeks in Yarmouth at Pegotty`s. 2. Going to Yarmoth, the boy didn`t know anything about mothers’ intended marriage. 3. After an adventure, during a few hours, Pegotty and David arrived in Yarmouth. 4. Going to mister Pegotty`s house, David saw a child`s figure, standing on the porch. 5. Hem and Evily`s uncle had adopted them, when they were children. 6. Pegotty tells with proud about her brother`s braveness. 7. Two week`s standing in Yarmouth got David a very big pleasure. 8. At her husband`s presence Mrs. Copperfield was afraid to show tender to her son. 9. After minute`s hesitate David came to Mrs. Copperfield and kissed her. 10. After his wife`s death Mr. Merdston sent David to London, where the boy must be work in the Merdstone and Grinbis` warehouse.


Exercise 1. Change the nouns into the plural. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes.

1. A kitten likes to play. 2. A violet does not smell so sweet as a lily of the valley. 3. Have you bought an apple for your child? 4. Here is a letter to be posted. 5. He ate a spoonful of broth and a sandwich. 6. I must buy a postcard. 7. She did not bring me a magazine, she brought me a newspaper. 8. She made a step towards him. 9. In the bedroom a candle was burning. 10. Did she ever lend you a book?

1.The kittens like to play. 2. A violets don`t smell so sweet as the lilies of the valley. 3. Have you bought some apples for your child? 4. Here are the letters to be posted. 5. He ate some spoons of broth and a sandwich. 6. I must buy the postcards. 7. She did not bring me the magazines, she brought me the newspapers. 8. She made a few steps towards him. 9. In the bedroom the candles were burning. 10. Did she ever lend you the books?

Exercise 2. Insert articles where ‘necessary. (Articles with class nouns.)

1. Not __ word was spoken in __ parlour. (Caldwelt) 2. __ room itself was filling up, so was __ staircase. (Snow) 3. I think that __ man’s life is worth saving, whoever it belongs to. (Shaw) 4. Though __ earth was cold and wet, __ sky was clear and __ sun rose bright and beautiful. (Dickens) 5. He made them provide not one car, but half __ dozen. (Snow) 6.. __ compass was invented in ancient China. 7. Not __ word was spoken, not __ sound was made. (Dickens) 8. __ sky outside __ window was already dark, __ secretaries had gone home, all was quiet. (Snow) 9. Edward remained __ week at __ cottage. (Austen) 10. I tell you, he’s as brave as __ man can reasonably be. (Snow) 11. After that they would meet, perhaps, two or three times __ year. (Galsworthy) 12. Dinny looked up at __ house; and suddenly saw __ face in __ window of __ dining-room. (Galsxnorthy) 13. You know I never cared for __ drama. 14. «It is not __ large house,» I said. «We don’t want __ large house.» (Jerome K. Jercme) 15. He looks older than he is, as __ dark men often do. (Dickens) 16. Roger looked at him and, without __. word, took out his wallet and gave him __ ten-shilling note. (Snow) 17. As __ man sows, so shall he reap. 18. This morning __ tobacconist was at his door. (Bennett) 19. It was Sunday afternoon, and __ sun, which had teen shining now for several hours, was beginning to warm __ earth. (Murdoch) 20. I have __ long story to tell you. Come and sit down on __ sofa and let us have __ comfortable chat. (Marryat) 21. __ arm in __ arm, they walked toward home. (/. Shaw) 22. It was __ cottage built like __ mansion, having __ central hall with __ wooden gallery running round it, and __ rooms no bigger than __ closets. (Hardy) 23. And what __ beautiful moth there is over there on——wall. (Murdoch) 24. She had __ key of her own. (Conan Doyle) 25. He was __ short, plump man with __ very white face and __ very white hands. It was rumoured in London that he powdered them like __ woman. (Greene) 26. __ old couldn’t help __ young. (Galsworthy) 27. To him she would always be __ loveliest woman in __ world. (Maugham) 28. __ strongest have their hours of depression. (Dreiser) 29. Her aunt, in __ straw hat so broad that it covered her to __ very edges of her shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her. (Galsworthy) 30. 1 am afraid I addressed __ wrong person. (Collins) 31. They must have had very fair notions of __ artistic and __ beautiful. (Jerome K. Jerome) 32. __ rich think they can buy anything. (Snow) 33. __ room has three doors; one on __ same side as __ fireplace, near — corner, leading to __ best bedroom. (Shaw) 34. My thousand __ year is not merely. __. matter of dirty banknotes and jaundicedguineas. but, it may be, health to __ drooping, strength to __ weak, consolation to __ sad. (Ch. Bronte) 35. Thank you, Stephen: I knew you would give me __ right advice. (Shaw) 36. Sometimes. visitors rang __ wrong bell. (Bennett) 37. My family came from hereabouts some generations back. I just wanted to have — look at __ place, and ask you __ question or two. (Galsworthy) 38. __ woman will only be «the equal of __ man when she earns her living in __ same way that he does. (Maugham) 39. He arrived half __ hour before dinner time, and went up to __ schoolroom at __ top of __ house, to see __ children. (Galsworthy) 40. You will see him __ steady character yet. I am sure of it. There is something in. __ very expression of his face that tells me so. (Marryat) 41. Far away in __ little street there is __ poor house. One of __ windows is open and through it I can see __ woman seated at __ table. She is __ seamstress. (Wilde) 42. _ man who entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing __ grey flannel trousers with __ red woollen shirt, open at __ neck, whose collar he carried outside __ lapels of his dark tweed jacket. (Clark) 43. Believe me, when __ woman really makes up her mind to marry __ man nothing

1. Not a word was spoken in the parlour. (Caldwelt) 2. The room itself was filling up, so was a staircase. (Snow) 3. I think that man’s life is worth saving, whoever it belongs to. (Shaw) 4. Though the earth was cold and wet, the sky was clear and the sun rose bright and beautiful. (Dickens) 5. He made them provide not one car, but half a dozen. (Snow) 6.. The compass was invented in ancient China. 7. Not a word was spoken, not a sound was made. (Dickens) 8. The sky outside of the window was already dark, the secretaries had gone home, all was quiet. (Snow) 9. Edward remained a week at the cottage. (Austen) 10. I tell you, he’s as brave as the man can reasonably be. (Snow) 11. After that they would meet, perhaps, two or three times a year. (Galsworthy) 12. Dinny looked up at the house; and suddenly saw a face in the window of the dining-room. (Galsxnorthy) 13. You know I never cared for drama. 14. «It is not a large house,» I said. «We don’t want the large house.» (Jerome K. Jercme) 15. He looks older than he is, as a dark man often does. (Dickens) 16. Roger looked at him and, without a word, took out his wallet and gave him the ten-shilling note. (Snow) 17. As a man sows, so shall he reap. 18. This morning of the tobacconist was at his door. (Bennett) 19. It was Sunday afternoon, and the sun, which had teen shining now for several hours, was beginning to warm the earth. (Murdoch) 20. I have a long story to tell you. Come and sit down on the sofa and let us have a comfortable chat. (Marryat) 21.An arm in the arm, they walked toward home. (/. Shaw) 22. It was a cottage built like the mansion, having central hall with wooden gallery running round it, and the rooms no bigger than the closets. (Hardy) 23. And what a beautiful moth there is over there on the wall. (Murdoch) 24. She had the key of her own. (Conan Doyle) 25. He was a short, plump man with a very white face and a very white hands. It was rumoured in London that he powdered them like a woman. (Greene) 26. A old couldn’t help a young. (Galsworthy) 27. To him she would always be the loveliest woman in the world. (Maugham) 28. The strongest have their hours of depression. (Dreiser) 29. Her aunt, in a straw hat so broad that it covered her to very edges of her shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her. (Galsworthy) 30. 1 am afraid I addressed a wrong person. (Collins) 31. They must have had very fair notions of an artistic and beautiful. (Jerome K. Jerome) 32. The rich think they can buy anything. (Snow) 33. The room has three doors; one on the same side as a fireplace, near the corner, leading to the best bedroom. (Shaw) 34. My thousand a year is not merely a matter of dirty banknotes and jaundiced guineas. but, it may be, health to drooping, strength to a weak, consolation to sad. (Ch. Bronte) 35. Thank you, Stephen: I knew you would give me right advice. (Shaw) 36. Sometimes. visitors rang a wrong bell. (Bennett) 37. My family came from hereabouts some generations back. I just wanted to have a look at the place, and ask you a question or two. (Galsworthy) 38. A woman will only be «the equal of the man when she earns her living in the same way that he does. (Maugham) 39. He arrived half an hour before dinner time, and went up to schoolroom at the top of the house, to see the children. (Galsworthy) 40. You will see him a steady character yet. I am sure of it. There is something in. The very expression of his face that tells me so. (Marryat) 41. Far away in the little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open and through it I can see a woman seated at the table. She is a seamstress. (Wilde) 42. The man who entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing the grey flannel trousers with a red woollen shirt, open at the neck, whose collar he carried outside of the lapels of his dark tweed jacket. (Clark)

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Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Приходил почтальон? 2. Это был высокий белый дом; он был окружен большим садом. 3. Дом построен два года назад. 4. Мое любимое дерево — дуб. 5. Возле дома рос старый дуб. 6. Мы опоздали на поезд, и нам пришлось долго ждать на вокзале. 7. Попугай может подражать человеческой речи. 8. Мы вошли в маленькую комнату, в которой стоял стол, несколько стульев и кресло. 9. Я надеюсь, что завтра вы дадите мне ответ. 10. Телескоп нужен астрономам, а микроскоп — биологам. 11. Серебряная луна светила на небе. 12. Скрипка — струнный инструмент, флейта — духовой. 13. Шекспир и Сервантес умерли в одном и том же году. 14. Мы получили телеграмму в самый день нашего отъезда. 15. Вы мне дали не тот адрес. 16. Некоторые из гостей ушли рано. 17. Они живут на одной улице. 18. Он постучался не в ту дверь.

1.Did a postman come? 2. It was a high white house: it was rounded a big garden. 3. The house was built two years ago. 4. Oak is my lovely tree. 5. An old oak grows near the house. 6. We missed the train and we had to wait at the railroad station. 7. A parrot can imitate a human`s speech. 8. We entered in a small room were a table, a few chairs and an armchair. 9. I hope you will give me an answer tomorrow. 10. A telescope needs for the astronomers and a microscope for the biologists. 11. A silver moon was shining in the sky. 12. A violin is an instrument of the string, but a flute – of the wind. 13. Shakespeare and Servantes died at the same year. 14. We received a telegram at the very day of our departure. 15. You gave me a wrong address. 16. Some of the guests went early. 17. The live in the same street. 18. He knocked a wrong door.

Houses with candles in the windows

(А) 1. Having received a telegram, my sister went to Moscow immediately. 2. Having entered into the classroom, the teacher asked, who were absent. 3. Mother was smiling, looking at children, playing in the garden. 4. Having taken pen and paper, the boy started to write a letter to his father, who had went to Far East. 5. Having heard a voice of my friend, I went out of the room to meet him. 6. Having seen a strange man, I apologized and went my room back. 7. Be careful crossing the street. 8. Having come to Moscow, we at first have left our stuff in the left luggage room. 9. Having lived many years in England, he speaks English very well. 10. While read this book, I came across a few interesting phrases. 11. Having read the book, a boy returned it in the library. 12. Having spent summer in the village, sick man was fully recovered. 13. The students, reading English books in original, have ability to study language very easy. 14. Having seen his friends, had arrived to wish him good luck, he came at them.

(В) Основано на эпизоде из «Хижины дяди Тома». Бичер-Стоу.

1. The laws that existed in America, allowed to buy and sell blacks. 2. Having known, that the master had sold he lonely child, Elisa decided to run to Canada. 3. Having come out of the house, Elisa came to the cite, situated on the beach of the river Ohio. 4. Having arrived to the river, she knocked at the door of little public house. 5. Women, opened the door, was a mistress of public house. 6. Elisa`s child cried, because he was tired. 7. Elise calmed the baby, crying of tired. 8. Having laid the child on the bed, she came at the window to overlook the river. 9. Elisa was standing at the window and was looking on the river Ohio, lying between her and her freedom. 10. Suddenly, she saw a slaver, who sold her child. 11. There was a door in the room, opening to the river. 12. Having grabbed a child, Elisa rushed to the river. 13. With wild cry, she jumped on the slab of ice, which swimming not far from the shore. 14. Leaping from on slab of ice to another, Elisa went to the contrary shore of the river. 15. She glanced at the mean, who was standing on the shore as if asking him for help.

Exercise 4. State the function oi Participle II, Translate into Russian.

1. Stirred by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. (Cronin) 2. All the country near him was broken and wooded. (Aldington) 3. For a moment the trio stood as if turned to stone. (Murdoch) 4. Through the dark hall, guarded by a large black stove. I followed her into the saloon. (Mansfield) 5. If left to myself, I should infallibly have let this chance slip. (Ch. Bronte) 6. He spoke when spoken to, politely and without much relevance. (Hansford Johnson) 7. He cast upon her one more look, and was gone. (Hichens) 8. Miss Brodrick, though not personally well known in the county, had been spoken well of by all men. (Trollope) 9. Prepared, then for any consequences, I formed a project. (Ch. Bronte) 10. Thus absorbed, he would sit for hours defyng interruption. (Stone) U. As directed, I took the lead, almost happily. (Salinger) 12. He looked at her for a moment as though amazed at her friendliness. (Greene) 13. Fancy a married woman doomed to live on from day to day without one single quarrel with her husband. (Jerome K. Jerome) 14. He bowed low when presented to Dinny. (Galsworthy) 15. Displeased and uncertain Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener. (Cronin)

1. Stirred by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. (Обстоятельство причины) (Cronin) 2. All the country near him was broken and wooded. (Именная часть составного сказуемого) (Aldington) 3. For a moment the trio stood as if turned to stone. (Сложное дополнение) (Murdoch) 4. Through the dark hall, guarded by a large black stove. (причастный оборот) I followed her into the saloon. (Mansfield) 5. If left to myself, I should infallibly have let this chance slip. (обстоятельство причины) (Ch. Bronte) 6. He spoke when spoken to, politely and without much relevance. (Обстоятельство причины) (Hansford Johnson) 7. He cast upon her one more look, and was gone. (Составное сказуемое) (Hichens) 8. Miss Brodrick, though not personally well known in the county, had been spoken well of by all men. (обстоятельство причины) (Trollope) 9. Prepared, then for any consequences, I formed a project. (обстоятельство причины) (Ch. Bronte) 10. Thus absorbed, he would sit for hours defyng interruption. (обстоятельство причины) (Stone) 11. As directed, I took the lead, almost happily. (обстоятельство причины) (Salinger) 12. He looked at her for a moment as though amazed at her friendliness. (сложное дополнение) (Greene) 13. Fancy a married woman doomed to live on from day to day without one single quarrel with her husband (причина). (Jerome K. Jerome) 14. He bowed low when presented to Dinny. (обстоятельство времени) (Galsworthy) 15. Displeased and uncertain Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener. (Сказуемое) (Cronin)

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1. Взбудораженный красотой сумерек, он буквально выкатился из отеля. (Кронин). 2. Вся страна вокруг него была сломлена и заброшена. (Олдингтон). 3. На мгновение все трио замерло, словно обратившись в камень. (Мёрдок). 4. Через темный холл, охраняемый лишь огромной чернотой…. Я последовал за ней в салон. (Мэнсфилд). 5. Если я буду предоставлена самой себе, то мне непременно следует воспользоваться этим шансом. (Ш. Бронте). 6. Он говорил, когда с ним заговаривали, вежливо и без особой заинтересованности. (Хэнсфорд Джонсон). 7. Он бросил на нее еще один взгляд и был таков. (Хитченс). 8. Мисс Бродик, хоть и не была особо известна в округе, все же вызывала о себе массу разговоров у всех местных мужчин. (Троллоп). 9. Подготовившись к любым последствиям, я составила план. (Ш. Бронте). 10. Поглощенный этим, он мог бы просидеть так часами без перерыва. (Стоун). 11. Направляемый этим, я взял на себя инициативу в этом деле, будучи почти счастлив. (Сэлинджер). 12. На мгновение он взглянул на нее так, словно был поражен ее дружелюбностью. (Грин). 13. Просто вздор, если замужняя женщина вынуждена жить день ото дня без единой ссоры со своим мужем. (Джером К. Джером). 14. Он низко поклонился, будучи представленным Динни. (Голсуорси). 15. Неуверенно и с отвращением Брэнд перевел взгляд со своего сына на садовника испанца. (Кронин).

Exercise 5. Translate into English, using Participle II where possible.

1. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом. 2. Если меня спросят, я скажу правду (to tell the truth). 3. В вазе было несколько увядших роз. 4. Я не люблю смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных (to cage). 5. Книга будет здесь, пока ее не спросят (to ask for). 6. Муж ее был отставным полковником. 7. Хотя он был очень удивлен, он не сказал ни слова. 8. Вот новые учебники, присланные для нашей школы. 9. Оставленный один в темноте, ребенок заплакал. 10. Студенты писали сочинение о системе образования в Англии, как она описана Диккенсом. 11. Солнце село, и деревья казались темными, как будто высеченными (to cut) из черного мрамора.

1. There was a few lines on the piece of paper, written with a pencil. 2. If I`ll be asked, I tell the truth. 3. There was a few faded roses into vase. 4. I don`t like to watch on caged animals. 5. The book will be here, until it`ll be asked for. 6. Her husband was a colonel in retired. 7. Although he was very amazed, he didn`t say a word. 8. There is new books, which were sent for our school. 9. When he was left alone in the dark, the child cried. 10. The students were writing a work about system of education, as it was written by Dickens. 11. The sun set and the trees were as if cut of black marble.

Exercise 6. Insert Participle I or II.

1. It was a windy day, and the air __ on Little Dorrit’s face soon brightened it. (to stir) (Dickens) 2. He took a __ strip of paper from his vest and gave it to the reporter, (to fold) (Faulkner) 3. There was one bright star __ in the sky. (to shine) (Dickens) 4. He reminded you of a __ sheep __ aimlessly hither and thither, (to frighten, to run) (Maugham) 5. At one end was a group of beautiful women exquisitely __, __ diamonds on their heads and bosoms. (to gown, to wear) (Stone) 6. Maxim stooped, and picked up a __ petal and gave it to me. (to fall) (Du Maurier) 7. They came to the quiet little station __ by a single bulb, almost __ in a mass of oleander and vines and palmettos, (to light, to hide) (Faulkner) 8. She remained silent but her silence was like a question __ in the dark between them. (to hang) (Lessing) 9. With __ eyes he leaned back on the bench, (to close) (Байт) 10. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly __ stairs, (to carpet) (Hemingway) 11. There were __ candles on the table, (to light) (Hemingway) 12. There was a long line of __ trucks and carts on the road __ up the bridge, (to abandon, to lead) (Hemingway) 13. A tall, thin man with a sharp pointed face sat at a table __ for dinner, (to lay) (Greene) 14. The voice had something __ in it. (to appeal) (Dreiser) 15. There was a balcony along the second floor __ by the columns, (to hold up) (Hemingway) 16. On the next afternoon Horace went out to his sister’s, again in a — car. (to hire) (Faulkner)

1. It was a windy day, and the air stirring on Little Dorrit’s face soon brightened it. (Dickens) 2. He took a folded strip of paper from his vest and gave it to the reporter, (to fold) (Faulkner) 3. There was one bright star shining in the sky. (Dickens) 4. He reminded you of a frightened sheep running aimlessly hither and thither, (Maugham) 5. At one end was a group of beautiful women exquisitely gowned, wearing diamonds on their heads and bosoms. (Stone) 6. Maxim stooped, and picked up a fallen petal and gave it to me. (Du Maurier) 7. They came to the quiet little station lightened by a single bulb, almost hidden in a mass of oleander and vines and palmettos, (Faulkner) 8. She remained silent but her silence was like a question hanging in the dark between them. (Lessing) 9. With closed eyes he leaned back on the bench, (Байт) 10. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly carpeted stairs, (Hemingway) 11. There were lightened candles on the table, (Hemingway) 12. There was a long line of abandoned trucks and carts on the road leading up the bridge, (Hemingway) 13. A tall, thin man with a sharp pointed face sat at a table laid for dinner, (Greene) 14. The voice had something appealing in it. (Dreiser) 15. There was a balcony along the second floor holding up by the columns, (Hemingway) 16. On the next afternoon Horace went out to his sister’s, again in a hired car. (Faulkner)

Exercise 7. Translate into English, using Participle I or II as an attribute where possible.

(A) 1. Количество школ, построенных в Советском Союзе за последние годы (of late years), очень велико. 2. Школа, строящаяся на нашей улице, откроется к 1 сентября. 3. Рабочие, строящие эту школу, обещали закончить ее к началу учебного года. 4. Девушка поставила в вазу цветы, присланные ей в день рождения. 5. Человек, приславший ей цветы, был ее старым школьным товарищем. 6. В Публичной библиотеке есть рукописи, написанные много столетий тому назад. 7. Имя человека, написавшего эту рукопись, неизвестно. 8. Он вошел в комнату и увидел письмо, лежащее на столе. 9. Письма, опущенные в ящик до 12 часов, доставляются (to post, to deliver) в тот же день. 10. Люди, проводящие много времени на открытом воздухе, обычно сильные и здоровые. 11. Молодые музыканты говорили о днях, проведенных в Москве во время конкурса имени Чайковского (the Tchaykovsky music contest).

(A) 1. There are many school in the Soviet Union built of late years. 2. The school, building in our street, will open at the 1st September. 3. The workers, building this school, had promised to finish it at the beginning of study year. 4. A girl put the flowers, sent for her birthday, into vase. 5. The man, sent the flowers for her, was an old school friend of her. 6. There are manuscripts in the Public library, written many centuries ago. 7. It is unknown the name of man, written it manuscript. 8. He entered into the room and saw the letter, lying on the table. 9. The letters, put into the mailbox before 12 pm, will be delivered at the same day. 10. People, spending a lot of time in the open air, as usual strong and health. 11. Young musicians were speaking of days, spent in the Moskow during the Tchaykovsky music contest.
(B) 1. Pugachev was running, pursuing by Michelson. (Pushkin). 2. People accustomed to the ball, falling in their yards. 3. The officer, going past, asked him (Rostov). (L. Tolstoy). 4. He was pleasantly impressed by clearness of room assigned him. (Turgenev). 5. It was evening, when the sun was hide for the little aspen grow, laying in the half of mile from the garden. (Turgenev). 6. A dark soft night looked into the room with its almost black sky, an easy noising trees and a fresh smell open clear air. (Turgenev). 7. She (Katya) was holding a basket in the hands, filled with the flowers. (Turgenev). 8. Dressed at a light with dress, she (Fenechka), was like whiter and easier… (Turgenev). 9. He (Stepan Arkadievich) read the letters. There was one very unpleasant from the merchant, buying a wood in the his wife`s domain. (L. Tolstoy). 10. It was a very wide, high room, furnished with good taste. (Turgenev). 11. But a doctor, a very well-known Petersburg`s doctor, who was in good relationships with Alexey Alexandrovich, spent a lot of time. (L. Tolstoy). 12. After doctor, taken a lot of time, came a famous traveler. (L. Tolstoy). 13. He (Karening) entered into the room for undersign some documents, delivered by chief secretary. (L. Tolstoy). 14. Vronsky saw very often a bewildered glance of child, looked at him… (L. Tolstoy). 15. At this time one of the officers, sitting in the corner of the room, stood and glanced all around with calming and triumphant peer. (Lermontov)

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Exercise 8. Translate into English, using the Participle where possible. (Based on an episode from Oliver Twist by Ch. Dickens).

1. Держа Оливера за руку, Сайке подошел к полуразрушенному, заброшенному дому. 2. Войдя в дом, Сайке поздоровался с Тоби, который уже ждал его. 3. Человек, лежавший на старом диване, поднял голову и, увидев Оливера, спросил Сайкса, зачем он привел мальчика. 4. Напуганный словами и жестами грабителей, Оливер сидел в углу, едва -сознавая (to know), где он находится и что происходит вокруг него. 5. Выпив немного виски, грабители легли отдохнуть. 6. Проспав час или два, они вышли из дома, приказав мальчику следовать за ними. 7. Грабители молчали, когда шли по главной улице городка. 8. Пройдя около четверти мили, они подошли к большому красивому дому, обнесенному (to surround), стеной. 9. Один из грабителей вскарабкался на стену, окружавшую дом. 10. Когда Оливер понял, что его спутники (companions) собираются ограбить дом, он упал на колени, умоляя их отпустить его. 11. Проклиная Фегина, пославшего Оливера на такое дело (errand), Сайке приказал мальчику залезть в дом через окно и открыть дверь. 12. Решив, что он поднимет в доме тревогу (to raise an alarm), мальчик повиновался. 13. Услышав шум, слуги, спавшие наверху, начали стрелять и ранили Оливера.
Exercise 9. Point out the Objective and the Subjective Participial Construction.

1. Holding Oliver for his hand, Sake came to almost destructioned and abandoned house. 3. Entered into the house, Sake greeted Tobby, who was waiting for him. 3. A man, laying on an old sofa, rose his had and seen Oliver asked for Siks, why he brought the boy. 4. Feared with words and gestures, Oliver was sitting in the corner without any idea what`s going on and where he is. 5. Having drank some whiskey, the robbers went to slip. 6. Having slept for hours or two, they came out of the house, having ordered the boy to come to them. 7. The robbers were silent when they were coming through the main street of the town. 8. Having gone for a quarter of mile, they came to a big handsome house, surrounded by the wall. 9. One of the robbers climbed in the wall surrounded the house. 10. When Oliver had understood, that his companions are going to robe the house, he fall on hiss knees, praying them to let him go. 11. Curesing Fegin, spent Oliver to such errand, Sikes ordered the boy come into the window and open the door. 12. Having decided, that he will rise an alarm, the boy obeyed. 13. Having heard noise, the servants, had slept, began fire and wounded Oliver.

Exercise 9. Point out the Objective and the Subjective Participial Construction. Translate into Russian.

1. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. (Young) 2. The taxi could be seen waiting outside. (Murdoch) 3. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken. (Greene) 4. She had the drawing-room redecorated. (Maugham) 5. All the while she felt her heart beating with a vague fear. (Eliot) 6. The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. The darkness found Mr. and Mrs. Plornish knocking at his door. (Dickens) 7. Somewhere a long way off a telephone bell rang and a voice could be heard speaking. (Greene) 8. For their New Year’s Eve party she had all the furniture moved out of the parlor and sitting-room. (Stone) 9. Get your things packed. (Cronin) 10. Temple heard the woman fumbling at the wall. (Faulkner) 11. The two- men were heard descending. (Dickens) 12. Two days later she heard sleigh bells coming up the drive. (Stone) 13. They wanted the Committee convened over the week-end. (Snow) 14. She had her bed moved to the corner of the porch. (Buck) 15. Mary could feel Elizabeth reviewing their hopes and dreams, their relationship as sisters. (Stone) 16. She averted her eyes each time she found herself being stared at. (Caldwell) 17. The din in the entrance hall continued, and more vehicles could be heard arriving at the door. (Murdoch) 18. She heard the musicians tuning up in the back parlour. (Stone)

1. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Young) 2. The taxi could be seen waiting outside. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Murdoch) 3. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken. (Objective Participial Construction) (Greene) 4. She had the drawing-room redecorated. (Objective) (Maugham) 5. All the while she felt her heart beating with a vague fear. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Eliot) 6. The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. The darkness found Mr. and Mrs. Plornish knocking at his door. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Dickens) 7. Somewhere a long way off a telephone bell rang and a voice could be heard speaking. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Greene) 8. For their New Year’s Eve party she had all the furniture moved out of the parlor and sitting-room. (Objective)(Stone) 9. Get your things packed. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Cronin) 10. Temple heard the woman fumbling at the wall. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Faulkner) 11. The two- men were heard descending. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Dickens) 12. Two days later she heard sleigh bells coming up the drive. (Objective) (Stone) 13. They wanted the Committee convened over the week-end. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Snow) 14. She had her bed moved to the corner of the porch. (Objective) (Buck) 15. Mary could feel Elizabeth reviewing their hopes and dreams, their relationship as sisters. (Objective) (Stone) 16. She averted her eyes each time she found herself being stared at. (Objective) (Caldwell) 17. The din in the entrance hall continued, and more vehicles could be heard arriving at the door. (Subjective Participial Construction) (Murdoch) 18. She heard the musicians tuning up in the back parlour. (Objective) (Stone)

1. В полуденной тиши кустов она услышала пение маленькой птички. (Янг). 2. Снаружи было видно ожидающее такси. (Мёрдок). 3. Его лицо потемнело, когда он услышал свое имя. (Грин). 4. Ее гостиная была редекорирована. (Моэм). 5. Пока что все услышанное заставило только сильнее биться от смутного страха ее сердце. (Элиот). 6. Тьма застигла, его погруженного в свои мысли. Тьма настигла мистера и миссис Плорниш стучавшимися в его дверь. (Диккенс). 7. Где-то в отдалении зазвонил телефон и можно было услышать отвечающий голос. (Грин). 8. Для их новогодней вечеринки вынести всю мебель из гостиной и зала. (Стоун). 9. Твои вещи должны быть запакованы. (Кронин). 10. В храме услышали, как женщина бьется о стену. (Фолкнер). 11. Было слышно, как двое мужчин удаляются. (Диккенс). 12. Двумя днями позже она услышала гудки клаксона приближающейся машины. (Стоун). 13. Они хотели, чтобы съезд был проведен за выходные. (Сноу). 14.Ее постель была сдвинута вы угол мансарды (Бак). 15. Мери могла бы ощутить, как Элизабет пересматривает свои надежды, мечты, да и сами их сестринские отношения. (Стоун). 16. Она отводила глаза всякий раз, как ощущала на себе чьи-то взгляды. (Колдуэлл). 17. Шум в холле продолжился и все больше машин можно было услышать прибывающими к дверям. (Мёрдок). 18. Она услышала музыкантов, настраивающих свои инструменты в задней комнате. (Стоун).

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