How to change home directory linux

How to change directory in Linux terminal

M y Dell Laptop came preinstalled with Ubuntu Linux, and I am a new Linux desktop user. How do I change directories in the Linux terminal?

Introduction – On Linux the cd command allows you to change directories when using the terminal application. This page shows how to change directory in Linux terminal using the cd command.

Tutorial details
Difficulty level Easy
Root privileges No
Requirements Linux terminal
Est. reading time 3 minutes

How to change directory in Linux terminal

  1. To return to the home directory immediately, use cd

OR cd

  • To change into the root directory of Linux file system, use cd / .
  • To go into the root user directory, run cd /root/ as root user.
  • To navigate up one directory level up, use cd ..
  • To go back to the previous directory, use cd —
  • Let us see all examples and usage for terminal in details.

    How to use the Linux command line to change directory or folder

    The directory in which the user is currently working is called the current working directory (CDW).

    How to print the current working directory in Linux

    To display the name of the current/working directory, type the following pwd command:

    cd command in Linux termianl

    The syntax is:
    cd ..
    cd /path/to/dir
    When cd command used without stipulating any directory name, cd command returns to the home directory. Let us change the directory to /usr/sbin/, run:
    cd /usr/sbin/
    Verify it:
    Want to list the files in the /usb/sbin/ directory? Try the ls command:
    ls -l
    Let us go back to user’s home directory, run:
    Again verify it:

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    Absolute vs Relative pathname

    The cd command changes the current directory when a directory name provided by the user. The name can be written as an absolute pathname (e.g. cd /etc/httpd/ ) or as local pathname relative to the root directory (e.g. cd conf.d/ ). For example:
    cd /etc/httpd/
    cd conf.d/

    The absolute vs. relative pathname for cd command in Linux

    Understanding . and .. directories

    On Linux the current directory is represented by a single dot ( . ) and two consecutive dots represent its parent directory ( .. ). Thus, to change to the parent of the current directory, run cd . .. For example:
    cd ..

    How can I return directly to my home directory when using the Linux terminal?

    How do I change directories in the Linux terminal and return to the previous directory?

    Simply pass the — option to the cd:
    cd —
    Verify it:

    The -P option instructs cd to use the physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links:
    cd -P LinkDir
    The -L option forces cd to follow symbolic links:
    cd -L LinkDir

    Linux cd command cheat sheet

    Table 1: cd command under Linux
    Command Description
    cd Returns you to your login directory

    Also returns you to your login directory cd — Returns you to your previous working directory cd / Takes you to the entire system’s root directory. cd /root Takes you to the home directory of the root user. You must be the root user to access this directory. cd /home Takes you to the home directory, where user login directories are usually stored cd .. Takes you to the directory one level up. cd

    tom Takes you to tom’s home directory, if tom user has granted you permission cd /path/to/dir/ Take you to the /path/to/dir/ directory cd dir* Use a wildcard to change the directory name


    The cd command is used to change the current directory in both Linux and other Unix-like systems. See Cd command wiki page.

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    How to rename Linux users and their home directory


    In this tutorial, you will learn how to a rename a user in CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu and most other Linux distributions. More than that, you will also learn how to rename thier home directory, primary group, and change their UID.

    Renaming Users in Linux

    Linux provides a tool named usermod specifically for making modifications to user accounts. In this case we are using it to rename a user account, which is done using the -l flag.

    For example, to rename a user named student1 to johndoe, you would run the usermod command as follows.

    The -l flag will only change the user’s name. All other things attached to the user will remain unaffected, such as home directory. and UID.

    Changing a User’s Home Directory in Linux

    After renaming a user it may make sense to change their home directory, too. Otherwise, it would cause a lot of confusion trying to explain why johndoe ‘s home directory is /home/student .

    To change the user’s home directory we once again use the usermod command. However, this time we need to perform to actions: change the home directory to a new path, and move the contents from the old path into the new path.

    We set the new home directory path using the -d or —home flag with the path to the new directory. We must also use the -m flag to copy the contents of the old home directory into the new one.

    Renaming a User’s Group

    Every user on a Linux system is created with a group of the same name. When we change the name of a user their group name is left untouched. It’s a good idea to also change the user’s primary group name as well.

    To change a user’s primary group name we use the groupmod command with the -n flag. We must supply the old name and a new name.

    For example, to rename the newly renamed user johndoe ‘s primary group to johndoe from student1 , we would run the following command.

    Changing a User’s UID

    A little more rare than renaming a user or changing their home directory is changing their UID. A User’s UID is their unique ID on a Linux system. When we assign permissions to file and directories, we use their UID. Processes started by a user are also executed using a user’s UID.

    To change a user’s ID we use the usermod command with the -u flag, followed by a new, unique integer.

    For example, to set johndoes UID to 5001, we would run the following usermod command.


    Change Home Directory in Linux

    Change the home directory of a Linux user with a simple usermod command. While creating a user if you didn’t specify any –home parameter Linux assumes the home directory of the user to be /home/username even if you did specify you can later change it to something else according to your needs. Apart from changing the home directory using the usermod command you’ll have to assign proper ownership and permissions to the new folder. You can also change the home directory by editing the /etc/passwd file. I’ll outline both the steps here.

    Change the home directory using usermod

    This method is for command line warriors. Before you use the usermod command the new home directory should be created, ownership should be assigned to the new user and the folder should be chmoded correctly so that no one else can access it. Run the following commands to do it.
    mkdir /home/new_home_directory
    chown username:username /home/new_home_directory
    chmod 700 /home/new_home_directory
    usermod —home /home/new_home_directory username

    Change the home directory by editing /etc/passwd

    Alternatively you can also edit the /etc/passwd to change the home directory. But you should be careful not to edit anything else. Before editing this file it is always better to create the new home directory and assign proper permissions and ownership to it. Execute the following commands.
    mkdir /home/new_home_directory
    chown username:username /home/new_home_directory
    chmod 700 /home/new_home_directory

    Open the /etc/passwd file using a text editor and locate the line containing the required username it should look something like this

    change it to

    Save the file.

    Finally copy all the old content to the new home directory
    cp -f /home/username/* /home/new_home_dir/


    Linux Change Default User Home Directory While Adding A New User

    B y default base directory for the system user is set to /home directory. I’d like to add user to /iscsi/home/$ directory instead of the default /home. How do I force useradd command to add user to /iscsi/home under CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux server?

    Default values for account creation defined in /etc/default/useradd file under CentOS / RHEL / Fedora / Debian / Ubuntu and other Linux distros. Simply open this file using a text editor, type:
    # vi /etc/default/useradd
    The default home directory defined by HOME variable, find line that read as follows:
    Replace with:
    Save and close the file. Now you can add user using regular useradd command:
    # useradd vivek
    # passwd vivek

    Verify user information:
    # finger vivek

    How Do I Change Existing User’s Home Directory?

    You need to use the usermod command to set the user’s new login directory. The syntax is as follows:

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    1. -d dirnanme : Path to new login (home) directory.
    2. -m : The contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which is created if it does not already exist.

    In this example set the user’s new login directory to /users/v/vivek from /home/vivek, enter:
    # usermod -m -d /users/v/vivek vivek

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    Comments on this entry are closed.

    or specify the home with -d in useradd command

    Nice…info…but it doesnt work ;_( it still gives same error as before changeing in /etc/default/usradd

    ]# useradd -d /root/lvm/ mas
    useradd: warning: the home directory already exists.
    Not copying any file from skel directory into it.

    Hi All,
    Anyone who can teach me the solution for this problem:

    I add a user jayabellon using this command:
    useradd -u 888 -g oinstall -G dba -d /home/jayabellon -r jayabellon

    i forgot to create home directory when I log-In so it prompts me cannot go to that directory.

    I deleted the user and retry to create again.

    But still, when I log-In, this is what it looks like:

    I am expecting it to be

    this is my entry in /etc/passwd:

    actually, i am only working in a test server. Nothing much critical on this one.
    It’s just that its my first time to create user using command line, because i usually do it in GUI based.

    Even I have the same problem. If you get any solution please mail me. One solution I can give that re-install the operating system,even I did the same.

    -bash-3.00$ finger jayabellon
    Login: jayabellon Name: jayabellon
    Directory: /home/jayabellon Shell: /bin/bash
    Never logged in.
    No mail.
    No Plan.

    Pass -m option to useradd command to create users home dir.

    it’s in man page also.

    found that it’s faster to create user in command line rather than using GUI Administration tool.

    Any chance you can provide a similar command for Oracle SQL?

    Thanks. I’ve been wondering how to change the default home directory for a while now. Glad I found this to explain how.
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    This is just nonsense of a blog, when the same thing can be achieved with usermod command with -d option to change the home directory.

    It’s really not “nonsense of a blog.” The whole point is so that it is a default, so you DON’T have to do the -d option every time. Why make things harder on yourself? Set all the defaults in the config files, and then just useradd and be done with it.

    home directory already exits.
    not copying any file from skel directory into it
    when i login to oracle user it show me

    Thanks a lot you saved me.. since the syntax was so complicated..

    what i did wrong was while trying to change existing username to new one..

    I was logged as root since it’s not good to change username while being logged under it.. everything went smooth i even appended the groups to my new user but since i didn’t specify the path to the new home directory after -dm all of the old folder was moved by default to the root folder instead of home since i was logged as root.. so be careful guys to specify path or just log into any other user you have that has folder in home$ or i guess excute the command in the target folder .. here what i used to change username:

    usermod -dm -Ga ,sudo -l

    to understand this go to the man page..

    sorry but trying to add syntax with but gets deleted.

    add this to first comment

    forgot to mention that combining options letters won’t work which i guess is weird since it;s used in tar -vzf … but i guess some commands don’t agree.. thanks again i’ve just moved my whole folders to the destination.. u r the best not even the man instructions since those are stupid for not giving no examples.. thanks again guys..

    Thanks for the article.
    When changing the default home dir in /etc/default/useradd, I suggest to change it in /etc/adduser.conf as well (variable DHOME) – otherwise users added by the command ‘adduser’ will have the wrong/old home still.

    on rhel 5 I had to change the command slightly

    usermod -d /users/v/vivek -m vivek

    this applies to centos 5 as well

    it’s working both combination of -m -d options

    it’s working both combination of -m -d options
    usermod -m -d

    I tried too many times but it’s telling me that my user is used by a process 3284

    I created a user using adduser :
    useradd sacadmin
    and added it to a group alcatel.
    Now when I do su sacadmin it logs in, but there is no directory /sacadmin in /users.

    I need a directory in users for this user and a bin in it like /users/sscadmin/bin

    can we Modify Oracle_Base directory to other new directory after installation. Plz help me

    change home directory in user1
    #usermod -m -d /backup user1

    usermod: user user1 is currently logged in
    what is solve

    Logout users1. Or kill user1 session:
    pkill -KILL -u user1


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