How to make link in linux

In your Linux file system, a link is a connection between a file name and the actual data on the disk. There are two main types of links that can be created: «hard» links, and «soft» or symbolic links. Hard links are low-level links which the system uses to create elements of the file system itself, such as files and directories.

Most users do not want to create or modify hard links themselves, but symbolic links are a useful tool for any Linux user. A symbolic link is a special file that points to another file or directory, which is called the target. Once created, a symbolic link can be used in place of the target file name. It can have a unique name, and be located in any directory. Multiple symbolic links can even be created to the same target file, allowing the target to be accessed by multiple names.

The symbolic link is a file in its own right, but it does not contain a copy of the target file’s data. It is similar to a shortcut in Microsoft Windows: if you delete a symbolic link, the target is unaffected. Also, if the target of a symbolic link is deleted, moved, or renamed, the symbolic link is not updated. When this happens, the symbolic link is called «broken» or «orphaned,» and will no longer function as a link.

One way to create a symbolic link in the X Windows GUI is with your file manager. Some Linux distributions use different file managers, but the process is similar. Locate a target file in your file manager GUI, highlight it by clicking it once, and select the «create a link» option. This option is usually found under the Edit menu, or in the context menu that appears when you right-click the highlighted file.

In the example shown above, using the Thunar file manager, we have highlighted the file myfile.txt, then selected Make Link in the Edit menu. After completed, a new symbolic link called link to myfile.txt is created. This link can be renamed or moved to another location. It always points to the target, unless the target is later moved or deleted, resulting in the link becoming orphaned.

The command line is a powerful tool in Linux because it gives you greater control over your commands. (For more information about the command line, and how to access it from Linux, see our Linux and Unix shell tutorial).

You can create symbolic links using the ln command’s -s option. The general syntax for creating a symbolic link is:

For instance, if we have a file in our working directory called myfile.txt, and we want to create a symbolic link in the same directory called mylink, we could use the command:

In this command, we have opened a terminal session that places us at our shell’s command prompt. We are logged in a system named myhost as a user named user, and our working directory is a folder in our home directory called myfolder:

First, let’s use ls with the -l option to produce a long list of all the files in our directory:

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We see our file, myfile.txt, which is the only file in the directory. («total 4» refers to how many blocks on the disk are used by the files listed, not the total number of files).

Let’s use the cat command to view the contents of myfile.txt:

Now, let’s create a symbolic link to mylink.txt called mylink using the ln -s command:

It seems like nothing happened, but this means it worked as expected. If there was an error, or if an unexpected condition was encountered, we would receive a notification.

Now, if we do another ls -l, we see two files — our target and our link:

One of the benefits of doing a long listing with «-l» is that we see extra information in addition to the file name. Notice the «l» at the beginning of the line containing our link name, indicating that the file is a symbolic link. Also, after mylink (in blue text) is the «->» symbol, followed by the name of the target.

Most shells, by default, are configured to display certain file types in different colors, but your terminal might show different colors or none at all.

Now, let’s use our symbolic link. If we run cat on it, it displays the contents of myfile.txt:

We can rename our link with mv, and it still points to the same target:

But what happens if we move our link somewhere else? In this case, our link breaks. We can see this by making a new directory using mkdir, and moving the link into the new directory using mv:

You can see that when we view the contents of directory newfolder with ls -l, our link is highlighted in red, indicating that it is a broken link. If we try to cat the contents of the link, the shell informs us that the file does not exist. It points to «myfile.txt» with no other path information. Therefore, the operating system looks for myfile.txt in the same directory as the link.

Let’s start over by removing newfolder and its contents using the command rm -r:

This time, let’s create the symbolic link using the absolute path to myfile.txt. Let’s double check the name of our working directory using pwd:

Our working directory is /home/user/myfolder, so let’s include this in the target name when we create the link:

As you can see from the output of ls -l, our link now points to the file /home/user/myfolder/myfile.txt. With this path information, we can move the link to another location, and it still points to our target:

Your bash shell keeps an environment variable called $PWD that always stores the value of your working directory. You can use this variable to insert the full path before your target name, as long as the target is in your working directory. We can view the value of $PWD using the echo command:

This text is inserted if we use $PWD as part of a command. It is a good idea to enclose it in quotes as «$PWD» in case the directory name has any spaces. The quotes make sure the shell knows they are part of the pathname and not command separators.

Here is our command, and a directory listing to show that it worked:


Symbolic links can be made to directories as well as to files on different filesystems or different partitions.

  • symbolic links (also known as “soft links” or “symlinks”): Refer to a symbolic path indicating the abstract location of another file.
  • hard links : Refer to the specific location of physical data.

Soft links are created with the ln command. For example, the following would create a soft link named link1 to a file named file1, both in the current directory
$ ln -s file1 link1
To verify new soft link run:
$ ls -l file1 link1
Sample outputs:

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From the above outputs it is clear that a symbolic link named ‘link1’ contains the name of the file named ‘file1’ to which it is linked.

How to use the ln command

So the syntax is as follows to create a symbolic link in Unix or Linux, at the shell prompt:
$ ln -s < source-filename >< symbolic-filename >

For example create a softlink for /webroot/home/httpd/ as /home/vivek/index.php, enter the following command:
$ ln -s /webroot/home/httpd/ /home/vivek/index.php
$ ls -l
Sample outputs:

You can now edit the soft link named /home/vivek/index.php and /webroot/home/httpd/ will get updated:
$ vi /home/vivek/index.php
Your actual file /webroot/home/httpd/ remains on disk even if you deleted the soft link /home/vivek/index.php using the rm command:
$ rm /home/vivek/index.php ## ##
## But original/actual file remains as it is ##
$ ls -l /webroot/home/httpd/

The syntax remains same:
$ ln -s
For example, create a symbolic link from the /home/lighttpd/http/users/vivek/php/app/ directory to the /app/ directory you would run:
$ ln -s /home/lighttpd/http/users/vivek/php/app/ /app/
Now I can edit files using /app/
$ cd /app/
$ ls -l
$ vi config.php

Pass the -f to the ln command to overwrite links:
ln -f -s /path/to/my-cool-file.txt link.txt

Use the rm command to delete a file including symlinks:
rm my-link-name
unlink /app/
rm /home/vivek/index.php

Getting help about the ln command

Type the following ln command:
$ man ln
$ ln —help

ln command option Description
—backup make a backup of each existing destination file
-b like —backup but does not accept an argument
-d allow the superuser to attempt to hard link directories (note: will probably fail due to system restrictions, even for the superuser)
-f remove existing destination files
-i prompt whether to remove destinations
-L dereference TARGETs that are symbolic links
-n treat LINK_NAME as a normal file if it is a symbolic link to a directory
-P make hard links directly to symbolic links
-r create symbolic links relative to link location
-s make symbolic links instead of hard links
-S override the usual backup suffix
-t specify the DIRECTORY in which to create the links
-T treat LINK_NAME as a normal file always
-v print name of each linked file
—help display this help and exit
—version output version information and exit


You learned how to create a symbolic link in Linux using the ln command by passing the -s option. See ln command man page here for more information.

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Learning Linux symbolic commands is a great way of improving your potential in the Linux terminal. In this tutorial, we’ll cover a few commands to learn symbolic links in a quick and easy way. Before we begin, let’s overview what are symbolic links.

Symbolic Links are not only helpful in creating shortcuts and file management in operating systems like Linux. They also serve as a way to create various locations for primary user folders, for instance, Documents, Pictures, Downloads, and much more!

Symbolic Links act like a string creating pathways for different files, folders, and directories in the computer system. They are capable of creating and storing multiple files in different places refer to one single file. Thus, increasing efficiency by locating all the specific documents in one command.

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These links are stored in the mainframe, so even if the original file is deleted, you’ll have a backup for most of the important files. Symbolic links help create invalid link pathways to store pieces of information as per the requirement of the user.

Due to the user-friendly features in Linux, even Microsoft is following it to create Symbolic Links. Symbolic links, also known as Soft links or Symlinks, are not unique to Linux but they are just like a Search option in Windows where one can search a specific file or directory in a disk by executing various commands.

Let’s look at how you can create file and folder links in Linux:

Generally, to create links use we use the ln command and the -s option to specify Symbolic links. This is the easiest way to ensure a flexible approach that allows experimenting with the language as much as possible. There is nothing hard in creating Symbolic links in Linux – you just need to follow one simple step.

The ln command in Linux creates links between source files and directories.

  • -s – the command for Symbolic Links.
  • [target file] – name of the existing file for which you are creating the link
  • [Symbolic filename] – name of the symbolic link.

Created links can be verified by directory listing using detailed list command:

However, if you do not specify the [Symbolic filename], the command will automatically create a new link in the existing directory.

Creating symbolic links for folders is not difficult either. The command used to create the folder symbolic link is:

For example, to link the /user/local/downloads/logo directory to /devisers folder, use the following command:

Once a Symbolic link is created and attached to the folder /devisers, it will lead to /user/local/downloads/logo. When the user changes directory – cd – to /devisers, the system will automatically change to the specific file and write it in the command directory.

Symbolic link options are called command line switches. Here are the most common ones and their descriptions:

Command Switch Description
–backup[=CONTROL] backup each existing destination file
-d, -F, –directory superuser is allowed to attempt hard link
-f, –force existing destination file is removed
-I, –interactive prompt before removing destination files
-L, –logical deference targets that are symbolic links
-n, –non-dereference symbolic links to directory are treated as files
-P, –physical make hard links directly to symbolic links
-r, –relative create symbolic links relative to link location
-s, –symbol make symbolic links instead of hard links
-S, –suffix=SUFFIX override usual backup suffix
-v, –verbose print name of each linked file

You can remove existing links attached to files or directories by the unlink or rm command. This is how you can do it with the unlink command:

Removing symbolic link using the rm command is similar to the unlink command which is as under:

Wrapping up

Remember, if the source is no longer in the current location, then you should delete the symbolic files to avoid creating duplicates, which might slow down your work.

Linux is a wonderful platform for creating an interactive and dynamic application, where you can experiment and innovate. A strong foundation is critical. Learn the basic of the language thoroughly to use it to its full potential. We hope this tutorial helped you improve your skills with another useful tool!

Edward is an expert communicator with years of experience in IT as a writer, marketer, and Linux enthusiast. IT is a core pillar of his life, personal and professional. Edward’s goal is to encourage millions to achieve an impactful online presence. He also really loves dogs, guitars, and everything related to space.


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