Image viewers windows 10

Image viewers windows 10

Image Viewer – официальная бесплатная программа от разработчика FastStone Soft, предназначенная для просмотра, редактирования и конвертирования графических файлов

Сегодня для каждого владельца цифрового фото и видео гаджета актуален вопрос о том, как скачать, отсортировать, обработать, отредактировать фотографии с цифровой камеры. Устройств для съемки фотографий множество, но вопрос в том, как быстро и без особого труда разместить медиа контент с них в своей домашней библиотеке, в которой его и так уже немало.

При большом выборе программ для систематизации, просмотра изображений, пользователю сложно сделать свой окончательный выбор в пользу определенного программного продукта, функционал которого мог бы полностью удовлетворить все потребности обладателя. Часто возможности таких программы не сбалансированы и их не хватает для опытного пользователя.

Самая распространенная и популярная программа для просмотра, систематизации, обработки фотографий и изображений – просмотрщик и редактор FastStone Image Viewer.

Основные преимущества

Системные требования

Системные требования минимальны, что обеспечит быстрый запуск, просмотр фото, обработку и процесс редактирования изображений

Удобство работы

Графический интерфейс понятен для пользователя, даже без глубоких знаний в области компьютерных технологий, разобраться сможет даже новичок

Русская версия

Версия программы Image Viewer на русском языке позволяет без затруднений пользоваться всеми возможностями программы благодаря понятному интерфейсу

Описание программы

Полезные возможности и инструменты, которые предоставляет официальная версия FastStone Viewer позволяют с легкостью управлять графическим содержимым различного типа и расширения. В результате использования программы вы получите удобный просмотр и редактор изображений, просмотр фотографий в режиме слайдов, возможность сделать снимок экрана, массово отредактировать изображения, например — убрать эффект красных глаз со всех фотографий разом.

Весь описанный функционал вы сможете получить в одной программе, для этого нужно лишь скачать бесплатно image viewer.


Просмотр изображений

Простой в использовании, функциональный и бесплатный viewer для windows станет отличном помощником, как для выполнения рутинных задач, так и для особых случаев. Функционала будет достаточно!


Возможность позволит насладитья поочередным просмотром каждой фотографии из вашей коллекции. Переход от одного изображения к другому сопровождается визуальными эффектами, количество которых более 150

Захват экрана

Вы можете сделать быстрый снимок или скриншот указанной области экрана. При этом вы можете указать как активную область, так и нужное окно. Программа предлагает сохранить результат — полученный снимок в буфер обмена или в файл

Пакетное редактирование

Функционал позволит выполнить одновременную обработку нескольких фотографий с указанными параметрами. В дополнение, можно выполнить и пакетное переименование


При помощи данного инструмента можно вывести в одном окне до 4 фотографий или изображений, например для визуальной оценки качества, поиска отличий. Предусмотрен функционал масштабирования, наложения эффектов и просмотра гистограммы, и все это можно сделать в едином окне


Помимо того, что Image Viewer в первую очередь — программа для просмотра фотографий и изображений, при необходимости вы можете без труда отредактировать графический файл, например наложить на фотографию водяной знак — watermark, текст, выделить область маркером, дорисовать нужный элемент, к примеру, стрелку

Скриншоты программы

Версия Описание
v6 Последняя версия для Windows
v6-portable Последняя portable-версия для Windows. Не требует установки, можно записать на флешку

© 2019 FastStone Image Viewer. Копирование материалов сайта разрешается только с указанием ссылки на источник

Image viewers windows 10

All products work on XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10


An image browser, converter and editor that supports all major graphic formats including BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO, TGA and camera raw files. It has a nice array of features such as image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, emailing, resizing, cropping, color adjustments, musical slideshow and much more.

FastStone Image Viewer 7.5 Freeware (Last Update: 2020-03-10)
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A powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool that allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions and even scrolling windows/web pages. It also allows you to record screen activities and sound into video files.

FastStone Capture 9.4 Shareware (Last Update: 2020-08-21)
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A fast, compact and innovative image viewer that supports all major graphic formats. Its intuitive layout lets you view images in a variety of ways. It even lets you view images in password-protected ZIP , RAR and 7-Zip archive files directly and instantly, which is a perfect solution for viewing private images. It is a handy tool for quickly viewing, rotating, resizing, cropping, annotating and printing images.

FastStone MaxView 3.3 Shareware (Last Update: 2019-04-05)
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An image converter and renaming tool that intends to enable users to convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks to images in a quick and easy batch mode .

FastStone Photo Resizer 4.3 Freeware (Last Update: 2019-06-14)
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Copyright © 2021 FastStone Corporation — All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy

12 Best Photo Viewer for Windows 10 (2020 Edition)

The new Windows Photo viewer has its own woes. You double click an image and it takes its own sweet time to load. Plus, it can only handle JPEGs and RAW images, but it has no clue what’s a PSD. Having said that, it does have few editing tools which work great but it’s seldom preferred anyway. All in all, there are much better alternatives out there that just trump Microsoft Photos. So, here goes my list for the best photo viewer for Windows 10.

How to set a default photo viewer

Just a heads up, installing a third-party photo viewer app isn’t going to be enough. You also have to make it your default Photo viewer app. To do that on Windows 10, head over to the search bar and type Default. Next, go to Default Apps Settings > Photos. Now you can select any Photo viewer as your default image viewer.

Best Photo Viewer for Windows 10

1. Windows Photo Viewer

Windows Photo Viewer has been a part of the Windows family since Windows XP. Formerly, it was known as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer and later renamed to Windows Photo Viewer. Coming to Windows 10, Microsoft universally replaced it with its updated version Photos. But, the developers still haven’t removed it from the system and it’s still accessible within the files.

However, in order to make it work, you would have to tweak the registry keys. I wouldn’t recommend manually editing them and hence you should download the .reg files app.

File formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc.


  • Simple UI with minimal features


  • Native editing reduces the size
  • Doesn’t support GIFs

How to get Windows Photo Viewer back in Windows 10

If you have upgraded from a previous version to Windows 10, you would see the Windows Photo Viewer directly in the Default Apps menu under Settings. If you have installed Windows 10 from scratch, you need to follow these steps to activate it:

  • Download these registry files for the Windows photo viewer
  • Extract and double click on the “Activate Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10” file
  • Next, restart your computer and your beloved Windows photo Viewer should be back. And if you wish to deactivate it, just run the ‘Deactivate Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10’ file and restart your system

2. HoneyView

HoneyView is the most basic third-party image viewer for Windows 10. It’s almost similar to Windows Photos Viewer in functionality and features, however, it supports a couple of extra image formats like PNG, GIF, etc.


It allows you to rotate images and perform basic resizing with it. Editing can be done by attaching a link to either Photoshop or Paint. You can bookmark images for future references.

Format: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and PSD.


  • Ease of usability and resemblance to the windows photo viewer


  • No inbuilt editing tools

Download Honeyview: Windows 10

3. ImageGlass

ImageGlass is another minimal photo viewer for Windows 10. But what really stands out is the modern UI of the tool compared to other photo view apps.


ImageGlass lets you view a slideshow of all the images saved in a folder. Something so simple and useful but still lacking in Windows Photo. You can link different image editors to different file formats. For instance, I can link PSDs to Photoshop. So every time I choose to edit a PSD, it will open in Photoshop only. It supports pretty much every file type under the sun.

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Format: JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, WEBP, and 72+ image formats.



  • Lacks inbuilt editing tools

Download ImageGlass: Windows 10

4. IrfanView

IrfanView is one of the most popular third-party image viewing apps and it is even our pick for the best photo viewer for Windows 10. It is named after the creator Irfan Sklijan and is free to use. The software is pretty light, intuitive and supports a large graphics file format base.


IrfanView is optimized to perform better and has a footprint of only 2MB. Apart from the image viewing, it also has a few extra tools. For instance, it supports OCR to “read” text on an image and export it to an editable format. Apart from that, you can also color correct pictures, add watermarks and a few different filters.

Format: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JP2 & JPM, PNG, TIFF, RAW, ECW, EMF, FSH, ICO, PCX, PBM, PDF, PGM, PPM, TGA, Flash, Ogg and text files.


  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Versatile file format base and can easily handle huge RAW images
  • Supports more than 50 plugins


  • Not the best UI
  • Although it can be fixed in the settings, scrolling through folders is painful as Irfan View constantly tries to open a non-image.

Download IrfanView: Windows 10

5. FastStone Image Viewer

The FastStone image viewer is yet another lightweight image viewer for Windows 10 with multiple language support. It has a slideshow option with many attractive transition effects.


Foremost, it supports audio and video playback. It supports multi-monitor configuration which would come in handy if you work with a large number of images. It also supports viewing, renaming, and converting files in batch. Moreover, you can also use the portable variant that can be run without installing.

Format: BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO, and TGA), RAW, MP4, MP3.


  • Dark theme support to complement Windows theme
  • Supports renaming and converting in batch
  • Support for video and audio playback
  • Email sharing option


  • Slow thumbnail generation
  • Overall scrolling is slow.

Download Faststone: Windows 10

6. XnView

With initial support for only Unix systems, Xnview is now available as a photo viewer for Windows 10 as well. It is not just an image viewer but a photo organizer and editor too. XnView is a robust software and supports multiple languages.


XnView not only supports 500+ image formats but also a few audio and video formats. It also supports scripting to rename a batch of files in a single stretch. On top of that, you can use basic editing tools to crop, resize, rotate, and add a bunch of effects. You can edit Raster images too which is a rare feature.

Format: JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Raster and 500+ file formats.


  • Supports large file format base
  • Scripting for basic tasks supported


  • It is free only for private use

Download XnView: Windows 10

7. FocusOn Image Viewer

The only stand out feature about FocusOn Image Viewer is the inbuilt editor. In case you have used Adobe Lightroom 2015, the editor resembles the same format. It has a histogram at the top with multiple sliders to adjust Brightness, Contrast, RGB, values, Sharpness, etc.


FocusOn supports 100+ image file formats. You can also view and delete the EXIF data, batch rename files using a standard file naming format. It also has an inbuilt image editor.

Format: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, JP2, J2K, PSD, AI, EPS, CR2, NEF, ARW, DNG, RAW, and 100+ image formats


  • Inbuilt photo editor without damaging the original
  • Inbuilt sharing support to your Blog, Twitter, Facebook
  • Viewing and deleting EXIF data
  • Batch renaming of files
  • Email sharing option


  • Cannot view photos inside an archived folder

Download FocusOn Image Viewer: Windows 10

8. JPEGView

JPEGView can be considered as a free and open-source alternative for ACDSee. The main emphasis of the tool is quick editing. Hence, the preview bar comes loaded with brightness, color, and contrast adjustment sliders at the bottom.

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It has an inbuilt image file browser. The editing tools are quite extensive and easily accessible on the Preview page. You can also set up a slideshow of multiple images within a folder.


  • An extensive set of editing tools
  • Supports renaming and converting in batch


  • Lacks extensive EXIF data and a print button

Download JPEGView: Windows 10

9. QuickLook

QuickLook is a photo viewer for Windows 10 that was developed to replicate the quick preview action on macOS. Its smooth loading interface and quick response time bring it on par with Apple’s QuickLook feature. Hence the name. If you haven’t used QuickLook on Mac, it works with a simple spacebar tap to preview the image and again a click to close it.


QuickLook quietly runs in the background and listens for the hotkey’s trigger. A few different hotkeys are available to control the environment of the file are available. It not only supports image preview but also lets you view PDF, PSDs, text files, etc.

Format: images, videos, PSD, PDF and text files.


  • Open source and free
  • Quick and responsive


  • It doesn’t actually have an option to manipulate the files on its own

Download Quicklook: Windows 10

10. Nomacs

Nomacs is an open-source, free to use image viewer for Windows 10 which has a lot of tricks up its sleeve.


Nomacs offers mosaic generation by overlaying a database of images based on similar histograms. My favorite feature is the synchronization of multiple instances. This enables me to easily compare images by zooming in or panning at the exact same position or even by overlaying them with different opacity.

Nomacs not only reads images in the zip archives but even previews MS office documents. You can also add notes to images to keep track of their origin. Nomacs includes image manipulation methods for adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, gamma, and exposure.

You can activate cache in the settings and reduce image switch times

Format: It supports all the popular image formats including camera raw formats.


  • Quickly compare multiple images


  • Recent updates have made it slow

Download Nomacs: Windows 10

11. 123 Photo Viewer

123 Photo Viewer is a light and fast photo viewer for Windows 10 with support for OneDrive.


The UI is easy to navigate and it comes with plenty of filters and effects for basic editing. There is a slideshow viewer included for reliving those memories. There is support for batch rename and format change.

Formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, WEBP, etc.


  • Supports OneDrive
  • Slideshow mode
  • Batch rename and format change


  • Can’t autodetect and auto-scan folders with images

Download 123 Photo Viewer: Windows 10

12. Movavi Photo Manager

If you are looking for an advanced photo viewer, Movavi is really cool. Movavi comes with face recognition built-in (just like Google Photos) allowing it to group photos of the same person in the same folder. However, for that to work, you will have to add images to Movavi manually. It makes life so much easier and fun.

The UI is pretty and you can sort images by geolocation, date, and other metadata. Useful for pictures taken on smartphones and DSLR. You can also use the search function to sort by metadata.


  • Face recognition and album creation
  • Search and group images by metadata
  • Find and remove duplicate images
  • Can handle tens and thousands of images


  • Images have to be uploaded to the app
  • Search lacks contextual queries

Download Movavi Photo Manager: Windows 10 ($8)

Final Thoughts: Best Photo Viewer for Windows 10

Every software has its own selling point and we have listed quite a few. Most of them are free and some are open source. Irfanview takes the spot because of its lightning-fast interface. If you want app portability, FastStone is something that you can carry on a flash drive. Xnview and Nomacs are best for handling images in batch for either renaming them or converting them to a more compatible image format.

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