Install windows on arm

Windows 10 ARM-based PCs FAQ

Windows 10 ARM-based PCs help you keep working wherever you go. Here are some of the main benefits:

Always be connected to the internet. With a cellular data connection, you can be online wherever you get a cellular signal—just like with your mobile phone. When you’re at work, home, or by another Wi-Fi network you trust, you can connect to Wi-Fi to save cellular data and keep working.

Battery life that goes beyond all-day. You’ll use less power than you would with other PCs, so you can go through a typical work or school day without running out of battery or worrying about finding an outlet to plug into. If you want to use your PC for something more fun, you can play videos stored on your PC for many hours without charging your battery in between.

Turn on instantly. When you’re not using your PC, just press the power button like you do on your mobile phone to turn off the screen. When you take out your PC and turn it back on, it turns on instantly. Whenever you have a few minutes in between classes, meetings, or other activities, you can get things done without waiting for your PC to start.

Note: Windows 10 Update Assistant doesn’t run on ARM-based PCs. It’s only supported for PCs using x86/64 processors. Find more about Windows 10 Update Assistant.

Select any heading below to get answers to questions you might have.

There are some limitations when you run a Windows 10 ARM-based PC:

Drivers for hardware, games and apps will only work if they’re designed for a Windows 10 ARM-based PC. For more info, check with the hardware manufacturer or the organization that developed the driver. Drivers are software programs that communicate with hardware devices—they’re commonly used for antivirus and antimalware software, printing or PDF software, assistive technologies, CD and DVD utilities, and virtualization software.
If a driver doesn’t work, the app or hardware that relies on it won’t work either (at least not fully). Peripherals and devices only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows 10, or if the hardware developer has released ARM64 drivers for the device.

64-bit (x64) apps won’t work. You’ll need 64-bit (ARM64) apps, 32-bit (ARM32) apps, or 32-bit (x86) apps. You can usually find 32-bit (x86) versions of apps, but some app developers only offer 64-bit (x64) apps.

Certain games won’t work. Games and apps won’t work if they use a version of OpenGL greater than 1.1, or if they rely on «anti-cheat» drivers that haven’t been made for Windows 10 ARM-based PCs. Check with your game publisher to see if a game will work.

Apps that customize the Windows experience might have problems. This includes some input method editors (IMEs), assistive technologies, and cloud storage apps. The organization that develops the app determines whether their app will work on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC.

Some third-party antivirus software can’t be installed. You won’t be able to install some third-party antivirus software on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC. However, Windows Security will help keep you safe for the supported lifetime of your Windows 10 device.

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Windows Fax and Scan isn’t available. This feature isn’t available on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC.

You can install 32-bit (x86), 32-bit (ARM32), and 64-bit (ARM64) Windows apps that aren’t available in the Microsoft Store in Windows. 64-bit (x64) apps won’t run. Peripherals and devices only work if the drivers they depend on are built into Windows 10, or if the hardware developer has released ARM64 drivers for the device. It’s a good idea to check whether the hardware developer has published a version of the driver that runs on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC.

Windows 10 provides built-in accessibility features that help you do more on your device. You can also find assistive technology apps in the Microsoft Store in Windows, such as the KNFB Reader and the Read&Write extension for Microsoft Edge—and we’re working to offer more apps soon.

You can check the Microsoft Store or contact your assistive software vendor to see if your preferred assistive technology apps are available for a Windows 10 ARM-based PC.

You may want to check with the vendor to find out if their app is compatible on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC. Not all assistive technology apps work as expected.

If you use a screen reader, NVDA has updated their app to be compatible on a Windows 10 ARM-based PC. For more info, visit the NV Access website.

Every Windows 10 ARM-based PC can connect to a cellular data network, so you can get online wherever you have a cellular signal. Depending on your PC manufacturer, your PC might use a physical SIM card, an embedded SIM (eSIM), or either one.

To find out whether your PC uses a SIM card, eSIM, or either one:

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > Cellular .

Determine the type of SIM your PC uses. On the Cellular settings screen, look for a link near the bottom of the page that says Manage eSIM profiles.

If you see the link, your PC has an eSIM and you’ll need a data plan and an eSIM profile from your mobile operator or organization. For more info, see Use an eSIM to get a cellular data connection on your Windows 10 PC and Add your Windows 10 PC to your mobile account to get online.

If you don’t see the link, your PC uses a physical SIM card. You’ll need a data plan and a SIM card from your mobile operator. To learn how to get connected after that, see Cellular settings in Windows 10.

If you see the link and you see Use this SIM for cellular data near the top, your PC has both a physical SIM card and an eSIM. You can use either one to get connected to a cellular data network.

To see if your device will work, check the hardware manufacturer’s website or your mobile operator’s website.

Windows 10 на архитектуре ARM Windows 10 on ARM

Изначально Windows 10 (в отличие от Windows 10 Mobile) могла выполняться только на ПК с процессорами x86 или x64. Originally Windows 10 (as distinguished from Windows 10 Mobile) could run only on PCs that were powered by x86 and x64 processors. Теперь Windows 10 Desktop может работать на компьютерах, работающих под управлением процессоров ARM64 с обновлениями или более поздними версиями. Now, Windows 10 desktop can run on machines that are powered by ARM64 processors with the Fall Creators Update or newer. Архитектура ЦП ARM обладает энергосберегающими свойствами, что позволяет этим компьютерам работать от аккумулятора весь день и поддерживать мобильные сети передачи данных. The power-saving nature of the ARM CPU architecture allows these PCs to have all-day battery life and support for mobile data networks. Эти ПК обеспечивают высокую совместимость приложений и позволяют выполнять существующие приложения win32 x86 без изменений. These PCs will provide great application compatibility and allow you to run your existing x86 win32 applications unmodified. Дополнительные сведения или демонстрация см. на видеоролике Channel 9 для постоянного подключенного ПК. For more information or a demo, look at the Channel 9 video for the Always Connected PC.

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Мы используем здесь термин ARM в качестве сокращения для ПК с настольной версией Windows 10 на процессорах ARM64 (которую также называют AArch64). We use the term ARM here as a shorthand for PCs that run the desktop version of Windows 10 on ARM64 (also commonly called AArch64) processors. Мы используем здесь термин ARM32 в качестве сокращения для 32-разрядной архитектуры ARM (которую в другой документации обычно называют ARM). We use the term ARM32 here as a shorthand for the 32-bit ARM architecture (commonly called ARM in other documentation).

Приложения и взаимодействия в ARM Apps and experiences on ARM

Встроенные возможности, приложения и драйверы Windows 10 Built-in Windows 10 experiences, apps and drivers

Встроенные возможности Windows 10, такие как «ребро», «Кортана», «главное меню» и «Проводник», являются собственными и выполняются как ARM64. The built-in Windows 10 experiences such as Edge, Cortana, Start menu, and Explorer are all native and run as ARM64. Сюда также входят все драйверы устройств, такие как графика, сеть или жесткий диск. This also includes all the device drivers such as graphics, networking, or the hard disk. Это гарантирует лучшее взаимодействие с пользователем и сроком службы аккумулятора устройства, работающего на полной скорости процессора Qualcomm Снапдрагон. This ensures that you get the best user experience and battery life out of your device running at the full native speed of the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.

Приложения универсальной платформы Windows (UWP) Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps

Windows 10 на ARM запускает все приложения UWP для x86, ARM32 и ARM64 из Microsoft Store. Windows 10 on ARM runs all x86, ARM32, and ARM64 UWP apps from the Microsoft Store. Приложения ARM32 и ARM64 работают изначально без эмуляции, тогда как приложения x86 работают в режиме эмуляции. ARM32 and ARM64 apps run natively without any emulation, while x86 apps run under emulation. Разработчикам UWP необходимо отправить пакет ARM для своего приложения, поскольку это обеспечит максимальное удобство использования приложения на устройстве. If you are a UWP developer, please ensure that you submit an ARM package for your app as this will provide the best user experience for the device. Дополнительные сведения см. в статье Архитектуры пакета приложения. For more information see App package architectures.

Чтобы создать приложение UWP для платформы ARM64, необходимо иметь Visual Studio 2017 версии 15,9 или более поздней или Visual Studio 2019. To build your UWP application to natively target the ARM64 platform, you must have Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or later, or Visual Studio 2019. Дополнительные сведения см. в этой записи блога. For more information, see this blog post.

Windows 10 на ARM поддерживает приложения UWP x86, ARM32 и ARM64 из Store на устройствах ARM64. Windows 10 on ARM supports x86, ARM32, and ARM64 UWP apps from Store on ARM64 devices. Когда пользователь скачивает приложение UWP на устройстве ARM64, ОС автоматически устанавливает оптимальную версию доступного приложения. When a user downloads your UWP app on an ARM64 device, the OS will automatically install the optimal version of your app that is available. Если вы отправляете в магазин версии x86, ARM32 и ARM64, ОС автоматически установит версию ARM64 приложения. If you submit x86, ARM32, and ARM64 versions of your app to the Store, the OS will automatically install the ARM64 version of your app. Если вы отправляете только версии x86 и ARM32 для приложения, ОС установит версию ARM32. If you only submit x86 and ARM32 versions of your app, the OS will install the ARM32 version. Если вы отправляете только версию x86 приложения, ОС установит эту версию и запустит ее в процессе эмуляции. If you only submit the x86 version of your app, the OS will install that version and run it under emulation. Дополнительные сведения об архитектурах см. в статье Архитектуры пакета приложения. For more information about architectures, see App package architectures.

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приложения Win32; Win32 apps

Помимо приложений UWP, Windows 10 на ARM также может работать с неизмененными приложениями Win32 x86 без изменений, что обеспечивает хорошую производительность и удобство работы пользователей, как и любой компьютер. In addition to UWP apps, Windows 10 on ARM can also run your x86 Win32 apps unmodified, with good performance and a seamless user experience, just like any PC. Эти приложения Win32 x86 не должны перекомпилироваться для ARM и даже не осознают, что они работают на процессоре ARM. These x86 Win32 apps don’t have to recompiled for ARM and don’t even realize they are running on an ARM processor.

приложения для x86-64 x86-64 apps

Начальная поддержка приложений x86-64 была добавлена в сборку 21277, и сейчас она разрабатывается. Initial support for x86-64 applications was added in build 21277, and is currently being developed further. Если 64-разрядная версия приложения Win32 не работает, в подавляющем большинстве приложений также доступны версии x86. If an app’s x64 Win32 version doesn’t work, the vast majority of apps do also have x86 versions available. При выборе архитектуры приложения просто выберите 32-разрядную версию x86 для запуска 32-разрядной версии приложения на компьютере с Windows 10 на ARM. When given the choice of app architecture, just choose the 32-bit x86 version to run the app’s 32-bit version on a Windows 10 on ARM PC.

Файлы для загрузки Downloads

Visual Studio 2019 предоставляет несколько загружаемых средств для Windows 10 на ARM. Visual Studio 2019 provides several tools downloads for Windows 10 on ARM. Пользователи, по-прежнему использующие Visual Studio 2017, могут использовать установщик для поиска и установки сопоставимых средств и пакетов. Users still using Visual Studio 2017 can use the installer to find and install comparable tools and packages. Обратите внимание, что для выполнения этих действий необходимо использовать Visual Studio 2019. Note that to follow these steps, you must be using Visual Studio 2019.

Распространяемый компонент Visual C++ Visual C++ Redistributable

Распространяемый пакет Visual C++ доступен для приложений ARM. The Visual C++ Redist package is available for ARM apps. Перейдите на страницу загрузки Visual Studio , прокрутите вниз до раздела все загрузки, откройте другие средства и платформы, а затем перейдите к записи Microsoft Visual C++ распространяемый пакет для Visual Studio 2019 . Visit the Visual Studio downloads page scroll down to All downloads, open Other tools and Frameworks, then navigate to the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 entry. Выберите переключатель ARM64 , а затем Скачайте. Select the ARM64 radio button, then Download.

Удаленные средства Remote Tools

Инструменты удаленной отладки для Visual Studio доступны для приложений ARM. Remote Tools for Visual Studio are available for ARM apps. Перейдите на страницу загрузки Visual Studio , прокрутите вниз до пункта загрузки, откройте инструменты для Visual Studio 2019, а затем перейдите к записи инструменты удаленной отладки для Visual Studio 2019 . Visit the Visual Studio downloads page scroll down to All downloads, open Tools for Visual Studio 2019, then navigate to the Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2019 entry. Выберите переключатель *ARM64 , а затем Скачайте. Select the *ARM64 radio button, then Download.

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