Installer java jre windows

Installer java jre windows

Looking for Oracle OpenJDK builds?

  • Oracle Customers and ISVs targeting Oracle LTS releases: Oracle JDK is Oracle’s supported Java SE version for customers and for developing, testing, prototyping or demonstrating your Java applications.
  • End users and developers looking for free JDK versions:Oracle OpenJDK offers the same features and performance as Oracle JDK under the GPL license .

To Learn more about these options visit Oracle JDK Releases for Java 11 and Later

Java SE 11 (LTS)

Java SE 11.0.10 is the latest release for the Java SE 11 Platform

  • Documentation
  • Installation Instructions
  • Release Notes
  • Oracle License
    • Binary License
    • Documentation License
  • Java SE Licensing Information User Manual
    • Includes Third Party Licenses
  • Certified System Configurations
  • Readme

Oracle JDK

Java SE 8

Java SE 8u281 is the latest release for the Java SE 8 Platform.

  • Documentation
  • Installation Instructions
  • Release Notes
  • Oracle License
    • Binary License
    • Documentation License
    • BSD License
  • Java SE Licensing Information User Manual
    • Includes Third Party Licenses
  • Certified System Configurations
  • Readme Files
    • JDK ReadMe
    • JRE ReadMe

Oracle JDK

Which Java package do I need?

  • Software Developers: JDK (Java SE Development Kit): For Java Developers. Includes a complete JRE plus tools for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications.
  • Administrators running applications on a server: Server JRE (Server Java Runtime Environment): For deploying Java applications on servers. Includes tools for JVM monitoring and tools commonly required for server applications, but does not include browser integration (the Java plug-in), auto-update, nor an installer. Learn more
  • End user running Java on a desktop: JRE: (Java Runtime Environment): Covers most end-users needs. Contains everything required to run Java applications on your system.

Java SE 7

Updates for Java SE 7 released after April 2015 are only available to Oracle Customers through My Oracle Support (requires support login).

Please visit Java SE Subscription to learn more about becoming an Oracle Customer.

Early Access Releases

Early access versions of future releases of the JDK and the JRE are available for testing. These early access releases include future update and future major releases. These releases are licensed only for testing, not for use in production.

Additional Resources

JDK Mission Control (JMC)

JDK Mission Control (JMC) enables you to monitor and manage Java applications without introducing the performance overhead normally associated with profiling and monitoring tools.

17 Windows JRE Installer Options

This page describes options for installing, configuring, and creating a log file for the Windows Java Runtime Environment.

This page contains the following topics:

See «JDK 8 and JRE 8 Installation Start Here» for general information about installing JDK 8 and JRE 8.


This page describes options for installation of the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) on Windows 32-bit platform. It is intended for:

System administrators deploying the JRE with Java Plug-in and Java Web Start technologies on multiple PCs in their Intranet without user interaction.

Vendors having products requiring the JRE. The JRE can be silently (non-interactively from the command line) installed with their product.

JRE installers are built using Microsoft Window Installer (MSI) 2.0 technology. MSI contains built-in support for silent installations. This topic explains how to manually install the JRE using the .exe file that runs the MSI.

Command-Line Installation

This section describes the command-line options for the JRE Windows Offline Installer. Run the installer as follows:

jre refers to the JRE Windows Offline Installer base file name (for example, jre-8u05-windows-i586.exe ).

INSTALLCFG= configuration_file_path specifies the path of the installer configuration file. See «Installing With a Configuration File» for more information.

options are options with specified values separated by spaces. Use the same options as listed in Table 20-1, «Configuration File Options». In addition, you may use the option /s for the JRE Windows Offline Installer to perform a silent installation.

Static Installation

If you perform a static installation of the JRE (by specifying the command-line or configuration file option STATIC=1 ), then the Java Auto Update feature will leave that JRE installed during a Java update. A later version of the same JRE family will be installed in a separate directory. This mode ensures that vendors, who require a specific version of the JRE for their product, can be certain that the JRE will not be overwritten by a newer version.

The default installation directory of a static JRE is C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre n (for 32-bit versions) or C:\Program Files\Java\jre n (for 64-bit versions), where n is the full Java SE release and update number (for example, n = 1.8.0_20 for release 8 update 20).

Creating a Log File

Use a log file to verify that an installation succeeded. To create a log file describing the installation, append /L C:\ path setup.log to the install command and scroll to the end of the log file to verify.

The following is an example of creating a log file:

JRE Installation for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

System Requirements

See supported System Configurations for information about supported platforms, operating systems, desktop managers, and browsers.

Running with less memory may cause disk swapping which has a severe effect on performance. Very large programs may require more RAM for adequate performance.


  • Trying to install the Java SE Runtime Environment on a non-supported version of Microsoft Windows or on a machine that doesn’t have a sufficiently up-to-date Service Pack will cause the installer to generate this warning: «We recommend that you do not install this Java platform for the following reasons: This Java platform does not support the operating system or operating-system service pack on this machine.»
  • See Browsers Supported by Next-Generation Java Plugin for information about browser support in the new Java Plugin.

Installation Instructions

Java Update

Note: For any text on this page containing the following notation, you must substitute the appropriate update version number for the notation.

For example, if you are downloading the installer for update 1.6.0_01, the following file name:

1. If choosing «Windows Offline Installation», download and check the download file size

After clicking the JRE «Download» link for the «Windows Offline Installation» a dialog box pops up — choose the following option:

  • Save — This saves the downloaded file without installing it. Check that you have downloaded the entire file by comparing the size of the file you downloaded with the expected size shown on the download page:
  • jre-1_6_0_ -windows-i586.exe

This file contains everything needed to install the Java SE Runtime Environment, including the installer and character conversion classes and support for locales other than the US English locale.

2. Run the installer

You must have administrative permissions in order to install the Java SE Runtime Environment on Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP.

The download page provides the following two choices of installation. Continue based on your choice.

a.Windows Online Installation — After clicking the «Download» link for the JRE, a dialog box pops up — choose the following option:

  • Open — This starts a small program which then prompts you for more information about what you want to install.

This option starts the installation process by downloading and executing the file jre-1_6_0_ -windows-i586-iftw.exe , which prompts you through the steps to download and install only the features you request. (The letters » iftw » mean «install from the web».)

b. Windows Offline Installation — Run the file downloaded in step 1 by double-clicking on the installer’s icon. Then follow the instructions the installer provides. When done with the installation, you can delete the downloaded file to recover disk space.

With either choice, the installer may ask you to reboot your computer

3.If you want to run Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x, or Firefox 1.x with Java Plugin, do this:

  • Exit the Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x, or Firefox 1.x browser and all of its «objects» (Messenger, Composer . );
  • If the Quick Launch feature is enabled, disable it;
  • Then restart Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x or Firefox 1.x.
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The installation process also installs Java Web Start.

Java Web Start

  • Compatibility: The release of Java Web Start that comes with this JRE can be run on JRE 1.2.2 or later. It will not work with JRE 1.1.x or earlier.
  • Upgrading from Previous Versions: If you have a previous release of Java Web Start, do not uninstall it. Uninstalling it will cause the download cache to be cleared, and all previously installed Java Web Start application data will have to be downloaded again. This new release will overwrite previous installations and automatically update browsers to use this new release. The configuration files and program files folder used by Java Web Start have changed, but all your settings will remain intact after the upgrade, since Java Web Start will translate your settings to the new form.
  • Uninstalling: The only way to uninstall Java Web Start is to uninstall the JDK/JRE. Uninstalling the JDK/JRE will not, however, remove the cache for previous releases of Java Web Start. Previous releases have separate uninstallers for Java Web Start.

Note: You may see a misleading message if you do the following:

  1. Download and cache a Java Web Start (JNLP) application with JDK/JRE 5.x
  2. Remove JDK/JRE 5.x using «Add or Remove Programs» from the Windows Control Panel
  3. Remove the Java Web Start application using «Add or Remove Programs.»

When you remove the application, you see an «Uninstaller Error» dialog saying «An error occurred while trying to remove Java-Application: App. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove Java-Application: App from the Add or Remove program list?» If you say yes to this, then you will see another «Uninstaller Error» dialog saying «You do not have sufficient access to remove Java-Application: App from the Add or Remove Program list. Please contact your system administrator.» This is the misleading message. It implies that the problem is due to privileges. It is not. The problem is that you have already removed the Java Web Start application when you removed JDK/JRE 5.x, but this is not reflected in the «Add or Remove Programs» dialog until it is refreshed by pressing F5 or it is closed and reopened.

To avoid seeing this misleading message, either press F5 or close and reopen the dialog. Any Java Web Start application that was downloaded and cached with JDK/JRE 5.x will no longer appear in the list of currently installed programs.

  • Using Java Web Start with Netscape 6.x/7.x: For Netscape 6.x/7.x users, setup the Java Web Start MIME type (JNLP) in the Edit->Preferences->Navigator->Helper Applications section. The file extension is jnlp ; MIME Type is application/x-java-jnlp-file . It should be handled by the javaws executable file in your Java Web Start directory. Also note that, due to a problem with the JavaScript in Netscape 6.x/7.x, you must use the non-JavaScript version of the demos page

Silent Install — To install the Java SE Runtime Environment non-interactively, which is useful for installing on multiple machines, use Silent Installation Instructions.

JRE Deployment for System Administrators — The JRE can be distributed to intranet users by hosting the .msi file on an internal website and asking users to launch the installer through msiexec. The other option is to install the JRE through Active Directory. The instructions for these are available in the «Intranet Deployment» section of JRE Intranet Deployment.

9 Installation of the JDK and the JRE on Microsoft Windows Platforms

This topic includes the following sections:

System Requirements for Installing the JDK and the JRE on 64-Bit Windows Platform

The JDK and the JRE have minimum processor, disk space, and memory requirements for 64-bit Windows platform.

Before installing the JDK or the JRE on your 64-bit Windows platform, you must verify that it meets the following minimum processor, disk space, and memory requirements.

Both the JDK and JRE require at minimum a Pentium 2 266 MHz processor.

Disk Space Requirements

For JDK 9, you are given the option of installing the following features:

Public Java Runtime Environment

When you install 64-bit JDK, then 64-bit public JRE also gets installed. The following table provides the disk requirements for the installed features:

JDK Installed Image
Development Tools: 64-bit platform 500 MB
Source Code 54.2 MB
JRE Installed Image
Public Java Runtime Environment 200 MB
Java Update 2 MB

On Windows 64-bit operating systems, the Java runtime requires a minimum of 128 MB of memory.

The minimum physical RAM is required to run graphically based applications. More RAM is recommended for applets running within a browser using the Java Plug-in. Running with less memory may cause disk swapping, which has a severe effect on performance. Very large programs may require more RAM for adequate performance.

JDK and JRE Installation Instruction Notation for Windows

For any text in this document that contains the following notation, you must substitute the appropriate update version number:

If you are downloading the JDK installer for 64-bit systems for update 9 Minor 1, Security 1, and Patch 1, then the file name jdk-9. _windows-x64_bin.exe becomes jdk- .

If you are downloading the JRE installer for 64-bit systems for update 9 Minor 1, Security 1, and Patch 1, then the file name jre-9. _windows-x64_bin.exe becomes jre- .

JDK Installation Instructions for Windows

You run a self-installing executable file to unpack and install the JDK on Windows computers.

Install JDK on Windows computers by performing the actions described in the following topics:

Downloading the JDK Installer

In a browser, go to the Java SE Development Kit 9 Downloads page and click Accept License Agreement . Under the Download menu, click the Download link that corresponds to the .exe for your version of Windows.

Download fhe file jdk-9. _windows-x64_bin.exe .

Verify the successful completion of file download by comparing the file size on the download page and your local drive.

Running the JDK Installer

  1. Start the JDK 9 installer by double-clicking the installer’s icon or file name in the download location.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the Installation wizard.

Installing the JDK Silently

Instead of double-clicking or opening the JDK installer, you can perform a silent, noninteractive, JDK installation by using command-line arguments.

The following table lists example installation scenarios and the commands required to perform them. The notation jdk stands for the downloaded installer file base name, such as jdk-9_windows-x64_bin.exe .

Installation Scenario Command
Install JDK and public JRE in silent mode.
Install development tools and source code in silent mode but not the public JRE.
Install development tools, source code, and the public JRE in silent mode.
Install the public JRE in the specified directory C:\test in silent mode.

Setting the PATH Environment Variable

It is useful to set the PATH variable permanently for JDK 9 so that it is persistent after rebooting.

The PATH variable is set automatically for the JRE. This topic only applies to the JDK.

If you do not set the PATH variable, then you must specify the full path to the executable file every time that you run it. For example:

  1. Select Control Panel and then System .
  2. Click Advanced and then Environment Variables .
  3. Add the location of the bin folder of the JDK installation to the PATH variable in System Variables .

The PATH environment variable is a series of directories separated by semicolons (;) and is not case-sensitive. Microsoft Windows looks for programs in the PATH directories in order, from left to right.

You should only have one bin directory for a JDK in the path at a time. Those following the first instance are ignored.

If you are not sure where to add the JDK path, append it.

The new path takes effect in each new command window that you open after setting the PATH variable.

The following is a typical value for the PATH variable:

JRE Installation Instructions for Windows

When installing JRE on Windows computers, you must select the JRE installer that is appropriate for your Windows system.

The 64-bit Windows operating systems come with a 64-bit Internet Explorer (IE) browser as the standard (default) for viewing web pages.

Install JRE on Windows computers by performing the actions described in the following topics:

JRE Proxy Settings and Authentication

To use the Windows Online Installer, you must be connected to the internet.

If you are running behind a proxy server, then you must have your proxy settings correctly configured. If they are not configured, or are incorrectly configured, then the installer will terminate with the following message:

If you see this message, check your proxy settings:

In the Control Panel , double-click Internet Options , select the Connections tab, and click the LAN Settings .

If you do not know what the correct settings should be, check with your internet provider or system administrator.

Downloading the JRE Installer

The JRE Installer is located on the Java SE Runtime Environment 9 Downloads page.

    In a browser, go to the Java SE Runtime Environment 9 Downloads page.

The following JRE installers are available for you to download:

Windows Offline: jre-9. _windows-x64_bin.exe

Windows: jre-9. _windows-x64_bin.tar.gz

The Windows Offline installer and Windows installer contains everything that is required to install the JRE.

The Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) Enterprise JRE Installer is also available, which enables you to install the JRE across your enterprise. It requires a commercial license for use in production.

Running the JRE Installer

  1. Start the JRE 9 Installer by double-clicking the installer’s icon or file name in the download location.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the Installation wizard.

The private JRE installed with the JDK is not registered. To register the JRE, you must set the PATH environment variable to point to JAVA_HOME \bin , where JAVA_HOME is the location where you installed the private JRE . See Setting the PATH Environment Variable.

By default, the Java Access Bridge is disabled. To enable it, see Enabling and Testing Java Access Bridge in the Java Platform, Standard Edition Java Accessibility Guide .

To access essential Java information and functions in Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines, after installation, click the Start menu and then select Java . The Java directory provides access to Help, Check for Updates, and Configure Java.

The Microsoft Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 do not have a Start menu. However, the Java information is available in the following Start directory: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs .

Windows Registry Settings

The installation program for the Microsoft Windows version of the Java SE Runtime Environment uses the registry to store path and version information.

It creates the following registry keys:

This key contains the string CurrentVersion , with a value that is the highest installed version on the system.

JavaHome : the full path name of the directory in which the JRE is installed

RuntimeLib : the full path name of the Java runtime DLL

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\

This key is created for Java Web Start.

If there are two versions of JDK or JRE installed on a system, one with the new version-string format introduced in JDK 9, and the other with the older version format, then there will be two different CurrentVersion registry key values. For example, if JDK 1.8.0 and JDK 9 are installed, then the following registry keys are created:

«HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit» for JDK 1.8.0 and «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK» for JDK 9.

The registry layout for this example is:

The @CurrentVersion is a registry string in the «JDK» or «Java Development Kit» key.

For the same example, if the JRE is installed, then the registry layout is:

The @CurrentVersion is a registry string in the «JRE» or «Java Runtime Environment» key.

Beginning to Use the JDK

Use the Java item in the Windows Start menu to access essential Java information and functions, including Help, API documentation, the Java Control Panel, checking for updates, and Java Mission Control.

Java Start Menu Installed by JDK

During JDK install, Java menu items are added to the Windows Start menu to provide easy access to Java resources and a Java Development Kit folder is created in the Windows Start menu, which contains the following items:

Reference Documentation : Opens the Online API documentation web page.

Java Mission Control : Opens the Java Mission Control profiling and diagnostics tools suite.

Java Mission Control is a commercial feature available to users with a Java SE Advanced license.

During JDK installation and uninstallation processes, the appropriate start menu items are updated so that they are associated with the latest JDK version on the system

The Windows 7 and Windows 10 have a Start menu, however the menu is not available in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. The JDK and Java information in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is available in the following Start directory: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs .

Java Start Menu Installed by JRE

During JRE installation, Java menu items are added to the Windows Start menu to provide easy access to Java resources and a Java folder is created in the Windows Start menu, which contains the following items:

About Java : Opens the Java Control Panel with focus on the General tab. The tab displays the latest JRE version installed on the system.

Check for Updates : Opens the Java Control Panel with focus on the Update tab

Configure Java : Opens the Java Control Panel with focus on the General tab

Get Help : Opens the Java Help Center

Visit : Opens the Java Download page

During JRE installation and uninstallation processes, the appropriate start menu items are updated so that they are associated with the latest JRE version on the system.

The Windows 7 and Windows 10 have Start menu, however the menu is not available in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. The JRE and Java information in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is available in the following Start directory: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs .

Java Web Start

Java Web Start is an application-deployment technology that gives you the power to run full-featured applications with a single click from your web browser.

With Java Web Start, you can download and run applications, such as a complete spreadsheet program or an internet chat client, without going through complicated installation procedures. With Java Web Start, you run applications simply by clicking a web page link. If the application is not present on your computer, Java Web Start automatically downloads all necessary files. It then caches the files on your computer so that the application is always ready to be run anytime that you want — either from an icon on your desktop or from the browser link. No matter which method you use to run the application, the most current, available version of the application is always presented to you.

Upgrading from Previous Versions

If you have a previous version of Java Web Start, do not uninstall it. Uninstalling it will cause the download cache to be cleared, and all previously installed Java Web Start application data will have to be downloaded again. The new version will write over previous installations and automatically update browsers to use the new version. The configuration files and the program files folder used by Java Web Start have changed, but all your settings will remain intact after the upgrade because Java Web Start will translate your settings to the new form.

The only way to uninstall Java Web Start is to uninstall the JDK or JRE. Uninstalling the JDK or JRE will not, however, remove the cache for previous versions of Java Web Start. Previous releases have separate uninstallation instructions for Java Web Start.

You may see a misleading message if you do the following:

Download and cache a Java Web Start application with the JDK or JRE.

Remove the JDK or JRE using Add or Remove Programs from the Windows Control Panel .

Remove the Java Web Start application using Add or Remove Programs .

When you remove the application, you see an Uninstaller Error dialog box saying:

An error occurred while trying to remove Java-Application: name App. It may have already been uninstalled. Would you like to remove Java-Application: name App from the Add or Remove program list?

If you say Yes to this, then you will see another Uninstaller Error dialog box saying:

You do not have sufficient access to remove Java-Application: name App from the Add or Remove Program list. Please contact your system administrator.

The message is displayed when you have removed the Java Web Start application while uninstallating the JDK or JRE, but this is not reflected in the Add or Remove Programs . Refresh the Add or Remove Programs by pressing F5 or reopen the panel.

To avoid seeing the misleading message, either press F5 or reopen the dialog box. Any Java Web Start application that was downloaded and cached with the JDK or JRE will no longer appear in the list of currently installed programs.

Java Plug-in

Java Plug-in technology, included as part of the JRE, establishes a connection between popular browsers and the Java platform. This connection enables applets on websites to be run within a browser on the desktop.

The Java Plug-in is automatically enabled for supported web browsers during installation of the JRE. No user intervention is necessary.

In Java SE 9, the version of the Java Plug-in that is available in versions of the JRE prior to Java SE 6 Update 10 has been deprecated. However, this earlier version of the Java Plug-in is still shipped with Java SE 9 for compatibility purposes but is no longer fully supported. It will be removed in a future release.

Option to Disable the JRE out-of-date Warning

When the installed JRE falls below the security baseline or passes its built-in expiration date, an additional warning is shown to users to update their installed JRE to the latest version. For businesses that manage the update process centrally, users attempting to update their JRE individually, may cause problems.

A deployment property, deployment.expiration.check.enabled is available that can be used to disable the JRE out of date warning. To suppress this specific warning message, add the following entry in the deployment properties file:

To disable automatic updates, on the Update tab of the Java Control Panel, deselect the Check for Updates Automatically check box.

Uninstalling the JDK on Windows

Uninstalling the JRE on Windows

Use either of the following ways to uninstall JRE:

Go to Add/Remove Programs utility in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel and uninstall the older versions of JRE.

Remove JRE using the online Java Uninstall Tool.

The Java Removal Tool is integrated with the JRE installer. After jre-9 is installed, the Java Removal Tool provides the list of outdated Java versions in the system and helps you to remove them.

The Java Uninstall tool will not run if your system administrator specified a deployment rule set in your organization.

A deployment rule set enables enterprises to manage their Java desktop environment directly and continue using legacy business applications in an environment of ever-tightening Java applet and Java Web Start application security policies. A deployment rule set enables administrators to specify rules for applets and Java Web Start applications; these rules may specify that a specific JRE version must be used. Consequently, the Java Uninstall tool will not run if it detects a deployment rule set to ensure that no required JREs are uninstalled.

See Deployment Rule Set in the Java Platform, Standard Edition Deployment Guide .

JDK Installation Troubleshooting

The following sections provide tips for working around problems that are sometimes seen during or while following installation instructions.

System Error During Decompression

If you see the error message system error during decompression , then you might not have enough space on the disk that contains your TEMP directory.

Program Cannot Be Run in DOS Mode

If you see the error message This program cannot be run in DOS mode , then do the following:

Open the MS-DOS shell or command prompt window.

Right-click the title bar.

Select the Program tab.

Ensure that the item Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows is not selected.

Select OK again.

Exit the MS-DOS shell.

Restart your computer.

Source Files in Notepad

In Microsoft Windows, when you create a new file in Microsoft Notepad and then save it for the first time, Notepad usually adds the .txt extension to the file name. Therefore, a file that you name is actually saved as . Note that you cannot see the .txt extension unless you turn on the viewing of file extensions (in Microsoft Windows Explorer, deselect Hide file extensions for known file types under Folder Options ). To prevent the .txt extension, enclose the file name in quotation marks, such as «» when entering information in the Save As dialog box.

Characters That Are Not Part of the System Code Page

It is possible to name directories using characters that are not part of the system locale’s code page. If such a directory is part of the installation path, then generic error 1722 occurs, and installation is not completed. Error 1722 is a Windows installer error code. It indicates that the installation process has failed. The exact reason for this error is not known at this time.

To prevent this problem, ensure that the user and system locales are identical, and that the installation path contains only characters that are part of the system locale’s code page. User and system locales can be set in the Regional Options or Regional Settings control panel.

The associated bug number is 4895647.

Windows Online Installation and Java Update FAQ

These are frequently asked questions about JDK 9 and JRE 9 online installation and Java updates on Windows computers.

1. I downloaded the installer and it is less than 1 megabyte. Why is it so small?

The Windows Online Installer for the JRE will download more installer files. Using this installer helps users to avoid downloading unnecessary files.

2. I had the Java Control Panel open for Java Update and the About tab showed the version of the JRE installed in my computer. Then I ran Java Update, and the version of the JRE that the Java Control Panel is showing has not changed. Why is this?

You need to close and restart the Java Control Panel to get the updated Control Panel.

3. Netscape/Mozilla is not working correctly with Java Plug-in. Why?

First, close all the browsers sessions. If this does not work, reboot the system and try again.

4. I try to install on the D:\ drive and Java Update is still installing files onto the C:\ drive. Why?

Regardless of whether an alternate target directory was selected, Java Update needs to install some update files on the Windows system drive.

5. How can I uninstall the Java Update version that I just installed?

If you want to uninstall the JRE, then use the Add/Remove Programs utility in the Microsoft Windows . Select the Control Panel and then Add/Remove Programs .

6. After the JRE bootstrap installer is downloaded and executed, why does the message «This installer cannot proceed with the current Internet Connection settings of your system. In your Windows Control Panel, please check Internet Options -> Connections to make sure the settings and proxy information are correct.» appear?

The JRE bootstrap installer uses the system Internet Connection settings to connect to the web for downloading extra files. If you are behind a firewall and require proxy settings, then ensure that the proxy settings in Internet Options/Internet Properties are set up properly (select Start , then Control Panel , then Internet Options/Internet Properties , then Connections , and then LAN Settings ). If you can browse the external web (for example, outside the firewall) with Internet Explorer, then your proxy settings are properly set up. The installer does not understand the proxy settings specified in Netscape/Mozilla.

7. I found the jusched.exe process running in the background of my system after installing JRE. Is there a way to shut it down?

The jusched.exe is the scheduler process of Java Update. This process runs automatically. To shut in the Java Control Panel on the Update tab, deselect the Check for Updates Automatically check box.

8. When I click the Update Now button from the Java Control Panel, it complains about the system being «offline.» What does that mean?

Java Update can be run only if the system is connected to the network. A system that is not connected to the network is referred to as being offline. When the Update Now is clicked, it will check the online/offline status of your system. If your computer does not have internet access, then the error message is displayed. Check that your system is currently connected to the internet and try again.

9. I followed the instructions to install a specific version of the JRE. After the installation, a message is displayed from system tray saying an update is available for download. What should I do?

The message is part of the Java Auto Update mechanism, which detects at user login time if a newer version of the JRE is available for download. In the system tray, click the Java Update icon to download and install the update.

10. I encountered the error «This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.» when running the Java SE installer.

There are several possible reasons for this error to be displayed; a few are listed:

Network connection fails.

Download manager software interrupts the download process.

Another application, such as an antivirus application, may interrupt the installation process.

To address these problems, ensure that the third-party downloader applications are turned off and the network connection is configured properly. Also, if a proxy is in use, then ensure that the proxy authentication is turned off.

11. I encountered the error «Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.»

See Error 1722: Problem with Windows Installer Package. If you encounter any other errors or issues, then you can access Java Help Center, which contains solutions for issues that you might encounter when downloading and installing Java on your system. In particular, you can search for solutions by error number. Searching for «Error 1722» returns a solution to this issue.

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