Intel centrino wireless n 1000 driver windows 10 x64

  1. Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 Network cards Drivers
  2. Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000
  3. Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000
  4. download_driver
  5. Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000
  6. download_driver
  7. Адаптер Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000
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  24. Драйверы и файлы для загрузки
  25. Вам нужна дополнительная помощь?
  26. Оставьте отзыв
  27. Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Driver Download
  28. Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Driver Details:
  29. Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Download Stats:
  30. Direct Download Success Stats:
  31. Installation Manager Success Stats:
  33. 1. Direct Download
  34. 2. Driver Installation Manager
  35. Other drivers most commonly associated with Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 problems:
  36. Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function
  37. These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*
  38. Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: IBM IBM System x3500 M4 Server -[7383AC1 — Windows 7 64 bit
  39. Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Acer Veriton M200-Q57 — Windows 7 32 bit

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 Network cards Drivers

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Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000


  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12058086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12068086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12258086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12268086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13058086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13068086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13258086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13268086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_12158086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_12168086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_13158086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_13168086

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000


  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12058086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12068086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12258086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_12268086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13058086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13068086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13258086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0083&SUBSYS_13268086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_12158086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_12168086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_13158086
  • PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0084&SUBSYS_13168086

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 Windows drivers were collected from official vendor’s websites and trusted sources. This software will let you to fix Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 or Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 errors and make your stuff work. Here you can download all latest versions of Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1000 drivers for Windows devices with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (32-bit/64-bit). You can download all drivers for free. We check all files and test them with antivirus software, so it’s 100% safe to download. Get the latest WHQL certified drivers that works well.

Адаптер Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000

Информация по поддержке устройства Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 1000

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Информация о продукции и документация

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Драйверы и файлы для загрузки

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Для работы технологий Intel может потребоваться специальное оборудование, ПО или активация услуг. // Ни один продукт или компонент не может обеспечить абсолютную защиту. // Ваши расходы и результаты могут отличаться. // Производительность зависит от вида использования, конфигурации и других факторов. // См. наши юридические уведомления и отказ от ответственности. // Корпорация Intel выступает за соблюдение прав человека и избегает причастности к их нарушению. См. Глобальные принципы по защите прав человека корпорации Intel Продукция и программное обеспечение Intel предназначены только для использования в приложениях, которые не приводят или не способствуют нарушению всемирно признанных прав человека.

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Driver Download

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Driver Details:

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 File Name:

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Driver Version: 573xkTAe0

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 ZIP Size: 116.kb

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8, Windows Vista Home Basic 32bit, Windows 10 Home 32bit, Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Windows 10 IoT 32bit, Windows 8 32bit, Windows 7 Professional 32bit, Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit, Windows 10 Pro Education 32bit,

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 Download Stats:

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 681/688 Users

Success Reported By 141/681 Users

Driver Download Score64/100

Driver Installation Score66/100

Overall preformance Score64/100

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 1487/1848 Users

Success Reported By 1173/1487 Users

Driver Download Score87/100

Driver Installation Score77/100

Overall preformance Score86/100


1. Direct Download

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Other drivers most commonly associated with Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 problems:

Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: IBM IBM System x3500 M4 Server -[7383AC1 — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:7/19

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor D2xxx/N2xxx PCI Host Bridge #6 — 0BF5 Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Mice And Touchpads
Microsoft HID mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Hewlett-Packard HP EWS M1522nf Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3520 series (REST) Up To Date and Functioning
Y-E DATA Y-E Data USB Floppy Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
ASUSTek ASUSTeK TV7134 BDA Video Capture Up To Date and Functioning
Realtek Dispositivo de High Definition Audio Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection Outdated
Microsoft HID Keyboard Outdated
Hard Disk Controller
VIA ATA Channel 0 Up To Date and Functioning
Unibrain OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 2 Outdated
Point Grey Research Texas Instruments 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Intel Canon EOS 500D Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Wacom Wacom Tablet Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Port Devices
hspa Modem Application3 port (COM6) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Outdated
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Outdated

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Acer Veriton M200-Q57 — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:7/21

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Microsoft SiS964 PCI to LPC Bridge Up To Date and Functioning
Mice And Touchpads
Wacom Wacom Router Mouse Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Elo TouchSystems Elo Serial Touchmonitor Interface Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Microsoft USB Basic Optical Mouse (IntelliPoint) Up To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Microsoft Controller host Universal VIA USB Rev 5 o superiore Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Realtek Audioapparaat op de bus voor High Definition Audio Outdated
ASUSTek ASUSTeK TV7134 BDA Video Capture Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
hspa Modem AlcatelOT Wireless Ethernet Adapter Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Hard Disk Controller
Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller — 1C09 Up To Date and Functioning
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Nokia Nokia USB OBEX Up To Date and Functioning
Mad Catz Programmable Support for Keyboard Outdated
Hewlett-Packard psc 1200 (DOT4) Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Brother Brother DCP-115C USB Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
GENERIC USB Human Interface Device Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
PROLiNK PROLiNK Diagnostics Device (COM8) Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Outdated
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Corrupted By Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 43039 For Windows 7 32 bit 10/8/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-43039.exe 190kb Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13, IBM 8114W19, HP Pavilion G70-457CA, NEC PC-VY16GWZR4, Panasonic CF-SX3TETBR, HP PAVILION DV6187, Powerspec B651, MSW GmbH & Co. KG Intel DP55WB, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 1.1241.17 For Windows 7 64 bit 12/5/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-1.1241.17.exe 32kb HP FJ440AA-UUW, IBM 8115KUT, Packard Bell IMEDIA MC 5303, HP BT597AA-ABA s5604f, Panasonic CF-H2ASAHEDE, Fujitsu FPC03051DN, IBM 2374WF2, Lenovo ThinkCentre M91p, IBM IBM eServer m Mem-[7976KJG, Sony PCV-HS72B, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 2.12222.1 For Windows 7 2/14/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-2.12222.1.exe 88kb Dimotion PCDO5U1, Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3s, LG E300-A.CB20A, IBM ThinkPad T40, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 F1.1221.12.1 For Windows 10 11/3/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-f1.1221.12.1.exe 31kb Compaq GB376AA-ABE SR2237ES, NCR 7457-3500-8801, Sony VGN-FW55LF_B, LG R510-K.A275K, NEC KV2, NEC PC-VY25AAZR7, IBM 2724JU1, ELITEGROUP 330, NEC NEC_VERSA_P570, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 1.12.163 For Windows 10 64 bit 2/23/2015 12/28/2016 zerqn-1.12.163.exe 115kb HP KJ417AA-AB4 s3480d, HP NC787AA-AKL s3789d, NEC PC-VT5500D, NEC Express5800/56Xd [N8000-576, Sony VGN-AW220J, HP KJ269AA-ABA s3407c, LG R405-A.CPF1E1, Gateway MD7321U, Toshiba Satellite C660-M21U, IBM 2384ATU, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 2.13902 For Windows 7 32 bit 10/10/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-2.13902.exe 124kb Apple Macmini1,1, NEC PC-MY24RAZ75, HP DF194A-ABZ 484, HP HP Compaq 6710b, HP RY889AA-UUW, HP FR472AA-UUW a6622sc, HP EZ082AA-ABF M7438.FR, WIPRO WIV52K55-0126, Compaq PS430AA-ABG SR1380AN AN510, HP HP Pavilion 11 x2 Notebook PC, NEC PC-GV18YCZR6, Acer NC-V5-531-10076G50MASS, Toshiba Satellite A200-12X, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 4074 For Windows 7 64 bit 11/13/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-4074.exe 217kb Sony VGN-AW420F, Sony VPCW211AD, HP KX781AV-ABJ p6120jp, Panasonic CF-N9LWRJDS, Sony 80YP67105235, Gigabyte EP43C-DS3, Panasonic CF-R8EWBAAP, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 33486 For Windows 7 9/3/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-33486.exe 169kb NCR 7457-3500-8801, HP FR472AA-UUW a6622sc, Sony VGN-CS62JB_R, HP GZ729AAR-ABA a6317c, Samsung R510/P510, Compaq GT701AA-ACJ SR5250IL, Sony SVF15N1B4E, IBM 26721LG, HP HP Compaq nx6310, Viglen GENIE D850EMV2, Lenovo 8927W1L, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 L41.1371.1 For Windows 10 1/4/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-l41.1371.1.exe 87kb HP P6772l, Sony VGN-CS16G_R, Dell Vostro 1450, Lenovo 10BE0002GE, Fujitsu FMVNFD75R, SAMSUN SQ45/Q70C/P200, Compal HGL30C, Acer ASPIRE1420P_MSFT, Panasonic CF-18KHHEBLL, Stone NOTCHA-101, MSI AS-B05011, IBM 262842U, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 O1.10326 For Windows 10 64 bit 12/1/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-o1.10326.exe 104kb Sony VGC-RM75UD, Toshiba Satellite L850-B750, HP KQ260AA-AC4 a6540b, LG LG PC, Sony VPCEA23EN, NEC PC-VJ25AAN6HJR9, NEC Express5800/120Eh [N8100-1287, Sony VGN-TZ73B, WIPRO WNBOBM4930-EK-0015, Sony VGN-TT250N, HP 168B, Lenovo ThinkPad X100e, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 43331.1 For Windows 8 9/11/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-43331.1.exe 132kb Toshiba SATELLITE L850-A892, WIPRO WSG37425V-0054, Sony VGN-BX760P, HP HP 520 Notebook PC, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 22960 For Windows 7 32 bit 2/3/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-22960.exe 198kb MEGAWARE Mage All-In-One, HP P6210y-ABA NY545AA, NEC PC-VJ22MAUEHTXV, HP 23-b030ef, Sony SVT131190S, and more.
Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 1.1849 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/18/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-1.1849.exe 186kb Lenovo 7358W12, HP HPE-310t, HP NC133AA-AKB m9561cs, ICP / IEi KINO-690AM2, LG R500-U.CPCIT, Lenovo 10AH0016US, HP HP EliteBook 8540p, HP FJ422AA-UUW, CS&S Zenet, Lenovo ThinkCentre M82, HP CQ1140JP, and more.

Please Note: There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000:

  • Windows 10 Education
  • Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Microsoft Windows NT)
  • Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows RT
  • Windows 7 Home Basic

If you encounter problems with the direct download for these operating systems, please consult the driver download manager for the specific Intel Centrino Wireless-n 1000 model.

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