- Как установить Mono в Ubuntu 20.04
- Подготовка
- Установка Mono в Ubuntu
- Начало работы с Mono
- Выводы
- Jetbrains mono linux install
- About
- JetBrains Mono
- Сравнение
- Лигатуры
- Языки
- Как установить
- IDE от JetBrains
- Любая другая IDE
- Лицензия
- Jetbrains mono linux install
- JetBrains’ New Font Makes Reading Code Easier
- JetBrains Mono Font is Open Source
Как установить Mono в Ubuntu 20.04
Mono — это платформа для разработки и запуска кросс-платформенных приложений, основанная на стандартах ECMA / ISO. Это бесплатная реализация платформы .NET от Microsoft с открытым исходным кодом.
В этом руководстве описаны шаги, необходимые для установки Mono в Ubuntu 20.04.
В инструкциях предполагается, что вы вошли в систему как пользователь root или пользователь с привилегиями sudo .
Установка Mono в Ubuntu
Mono недоступен в стандартных репозиториях Ubuntu 20.04. Мы установим пакеты Mono из официальных репозиториев Mono:
Установите зависимости, необходимые для добавления нового репозитория через HTTPS:
Импортируйте GPG-ключ репозитория:
Результат должен выглядеть примерно так:
Добавьте репозиторий Mono в список источников вашей системы:
mono-complete — это мета-пакет, который устанавливает среду выполнения Mono, инструменты разработки и все библиотеки.
Установка может занять несколько минут. После завершения проверьте его, введя следующую команду, которая распечатает версию Mono:
На момент написания этой статьи последней стабильной версией Mono была
Вот и все, Mono установлен на вашем компьютере с Ubuntu, и вы можете начать его использовать.
Начало работы с Mono
Чтобы убедиться, что все настроено правильно, мы собираемся создать программу Hello World, которая печатает классическое сообщение «hello world».
Откройте текстовый редактор и создайте файл hello.cs со следующим содержимым:
Используйте компилятор csc для сборки программы:
Приведенная выше команда создаст исполняемый файл с именем hello.exe .
Запускаем исполняемый файл:
Результат должен выглядеть примерно так:
Чтобы выполнить программу только путем ввода ее имени, установите флаг исполняемого файла :
Теперь вы можете запустить файл hello.exe , набрав:
Установка Mono на Ubuntu 20.04 — относительно простой процесс, и он займет у вас всего несколько минут.
Если вы столкнулись с проблемой или хотите оставить отзыв, оставьте комментарий ниже.
Jetbrains mono linux install
A typeface made for developers.
More about font features & design can be found on its page.
By default, JetBrains Mono includes ligatures. The version without ligatures is called JetBrains Mono NL and can be found here. This version is also stripped of all OpenType features, since they don’t have any effect when your IDE doesn’t support OpenType.
If your IDE supports OpenType we recommend installing the default version of the font. If you prefer not using ligatures you can turn them off manually in the settings.
In JetBrains IDEs
The most recent version of JetBrains Mono ships with your JetBrains IDE starting with v2019.3.
Select JetBrains Mono in the IDE settings: go to Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font , and then select JetBrains Mono from the Font dropdown.
Another IDE or an older version of a JetBrains IDE
Through brew (MacOS only)
Tap the font cask to make the Jetbrains Mono font available :
Install it using the font-jetbrains-mono cask:
Through Chocolatey (Windows only)
Install Chocolatey if you haven’t done already. See this page for instructions on how to do that.
In an elevated cmd console (Run as administrator. ) :
- Download font.
- Unzip the archive and install the font:
- Mac. Select all font files in the folder and double-click them. Click the «Install Font» button.
- Windows. Select all font files in the folder, right-click any of them, then pick «Install» from the menu.
Open a terminal and run the following:
Once JetBrains Mono is installed in your OS, you are ready to configure the editor.
JetBrains IDEs
- Restart your IDE.
- Go to Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font , and pick JetBrains Mono from the Font dropdown.
Visual Studio Code
- Go to the settings editor, from the File menu choose Preferences, Settings or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + , ( Cmd + , on Mac).
- In the «Font Family» input box type JetBrains Mono, replacing any content.
- To enable ligatures turn on the checkbox in «Font ligatures».
Manually editing settings.json
Visual Studio Code allows you to also edit the underlying settings.json config file. First open the settings editor as described above, then click the » <> » icon, at the top right, to open the «settings.json» file.
Then paste the following lines and save the file.
ChromeOS Terminal
In the terminal:
- Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + P to open up settings.
- Scroll down to «Custom CSS (Inline Text)».
- Copy & paste the following:
Building fom source files
The source files can be found in the «Source» folder. To open them you will need Glyphs app.
To build the .ttf , .otf , woff2 & variable .ttf you will need:
- install gftools pip install gftools (requires python 3.9.5 or higher on BigSur)
- Navigate to …JetBrainsMono/sources/ in Terminal app.
- Type gftools builder config.yaml in Termianl and run it.
- After the script is complet the files can be found in Fonts folder.
JetBrains Mono typeface is available under the OFL-1.1 License and can be used free of charge, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. You do not need to give credit to JetBrains, although we will appreciate it very much if you do.
The source code is available under Apache 2.0 License
Type designer
Philipp Nurullin
Team lead
Konstantin Bulenkov
Thanks to
Nikita Prokopov
Eugene Auduchinok
Tatiana Tulupenko
Dmitrij Batrak
IntelliJ Platform UX Team
Web Team
JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
JetBrains Mono
JetBrains Mono — новый моноширный шрифт с поддержкой лигатур и русского языка для разработчиков от компании JetBrains, от которого не вытекают глаза.
Шрифт JetBrains Mono поддерживает 134 лигатуры и отлично выглядит как с ними, так и без них.
Шрифт JetBrains Mono на данный момент поддерживает 143 языка и это ещё не предел.
Как установить
IDE от JetBrains
Все последние версии IDE от JetBrains, начиная с версии 2019.3, уже поставляются с поддержкйо шрифта JetBrains Mono «из коробки».
Чтобы выбрать шрифт JetBrains Mono, перейдите в настройках вашей IDE по пути: Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font и в выпадающем меню выберите JetBrains Mono. Перезапуститве вашу IDE.
Любая другая IDE
После скачивания распакуйте его в любую папку на вашем компьютере.
На Mac — выделите все файлы в папке, давжды кликните на них и нажмите кнопку «Install Font».
На Windows — выделите все файлы в папке, кликните на них правой клавишей мыши и выберете в контекстном меню пункт «Install».
На Linux — скопируйте все распакованные шрифты в папку $
Перейдите в настройках по пути: Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font и в выпадающем меню выберите JetBrains Mono.
Рекомендуемые настройки шрифта: размер — 13px, высота строки 1.2.
Шрифт JetBrains Mono досутпен под лицензией Apache 2.0 и может быть бесплатно использован как в коммерческих, так и в некомерческих продуктах. Указывать JetBrains в качестве правообладателя не обязательно, хотя не возбраняется ;-).
Jetbrains mono linux install
A typeface made for developers.
More about font features & design can be found on its page.
By default, JetBrains Mono includes ligatures. The version without ligatures is called JetBrains Mono NL and can be found here. This version is also stripped of all OpenType features, since they don’t have any effect when your IDE doesn’t support OpenType.
If your IDE supports OpenType we recommend installing the default version of the font. If you prefer not using ligatures you can turn them off manually in the settings.
In JetBrains IDEs
The most recent version of JetBrains Mono ships with your JetBrains IDE starting with v2019.3.
Select JetBrains Mono in the IDE settings: go to Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font , and then select JetBrains Mono from the Font dropdown.
Another IDE or an older version of a JetBrains IDE
Through brew (MacOS only)
Tap the font cask to make the Jetbrains Mono font available :
Install it using the font-jetbrains-mono cask:
Through Chocolatey (Windows only)
Install Chocolatey if you haven’t done already. See this page for instructions on how to do that.
In an elevated cmd console (Run as administrator. ) :
- Download font.
- Unzip the archive and install the font:
- Mac. Select all font files in the folder and double-click them. Click the «Install Font» button.
- Windows. Select all font files in the folder, right-click any of them, then pick «Install» from the menu.
Open a terminal and run the following:
Once JetBrains Mono is installed in your OS, you are ready to configure the editor.
JetBrains IDEs
- Restart your IDE.
- Go to Preferences/Settings → Editor → Font , and pick JetBrains Mono from the Font dropdown.
Visual Studio Code
- Go to the settings editor, from the File menu choose Preferences, Settings or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + , ( Cmd + , on Mac).
- In the «Font Family» input box type JetBrains Mono, replacing any content.
- To enable ligatures turn on the checkbox in «Font ligatures».
Manually editing settings.json
Visual Studio Code allows you to also edit the underlying settings.json config file. First open the settings editor as described above, then click the » <> » icon, at the top right, to open the «settings.json» file.
Then paste the following lines and save the file.
ChromeOS Terminal
In the terminal:
- Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + P to open up settings.
- Scroll down to «Custom CSS (Inline Text)».
- Copy & paste the following:
Building fom source files
The source files can be found in the «Source» folder. To open them you will need Glyphs app.
To build the .ttf , .otf , woff2 & variable .ttf you will need:
- install gftools pip install gftools (requires python 3.9.5 or higher on BigSur)
- Navigate to …JetBrainsMono/sources/ in Terminal app.
- Type gftools builder config.yaml in Termianl and run it.
- After the script is complet the files can be found in Fonts folder.
JetBrains Mono typeface is available under the OFL-1.1 License and can be used free of charge, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. You do not need to give credit to JetBrains, although we will appreciate it very much if you do.
The source code is available under Apache 2.0 License
Type designer
Philipp Nurullin
Team lead
Konstantin Bulenkov
Thanks to
Nikita Prokopov
Eugene Auduchinok
Tatiana Tulupenko
Dmitrij Batrak
IntelliJ Platform UX Team
Web Team
JetBrains’ New Font Makes Reading Code Easier
A new open source monospace font has been created by software development powerhouse JetBrains.
Their terminal-tailored typographic creation is called (surprise) JetBrains Mono. And they claim their new font makes reading code kinder on the eyes.
Admittedly it feels a little bit like everyone has their own monospace font these days: 2017 gave us IBM Plex, 2019 Microsoft’s Cascadia, and even Ubuntu has its own code font created specifically for the command line.
But with JetBrains being — hey, you knew this pun was coming — the brains behind some of the world’s best-loved development and code creation tools it kinda makes sense for them, out of anyone, to have their own monospace font.
And lo: the creation of JetBrains Mono.
JetBrains Mono Font is Open Source
Because we read code in a different way to standard text in a box (i.e. with code our eyes move vertically as well as horizontally, and irregularly) JetBrains Mono was crafted with reading speed, comprehension, legibility and, yes, eye fatigue in mind.
“We have considered things like the size and shape of letters; the amount of space between them, a balance naturally engineered in monospace fonts; unnecessary details and unclear distinctions between symbols, such as I’s and l’s for example; and programming ligatures when developing our font,” they say.
Their font certainly looks taller than Consolas at 13px — and dare I say less fuzzy too (compression excepted in the image above).
13px is the recommended font size, while line spacing is suggested at 1.2.
This technical finesse is thread throughout the entire construction of the JetBrains Mono, with attention being given to the needs, issues, and impressions of people writing and reading code daily above ‘ooh, that looks good’.
The font comes in a variety of weights (including italic, medium, bold and extra bold) and supports (as of writing) code ligatures, diacritics, and cyrillic across 143 languages.
You can download JetBrains Mono from its dedicated website or by gapingly lovingly at the following button:
JetBrains Mono is supplied as a .ttf file. This font format works pretty everywhere and anywhere (including Ubuntu, so tenuous link unlocked).
The .zip also includes JetBrain mono is a variety of font weights, including extra-light, semi-bold, and extra-bold; a variable version is included; and you can choose whether to install JetBrain Mono with/without ligatures.
Do note that if you’re running the most recent version of the JetBrains IDE (many available via the Snapcraft store) then you may already have the new font — so check first.
Home » Download » JetBrains’ New Font Makes Reading Code Easier