Как установить idle python linux

How To Install Python idle IDE On Linux Operating System

P ython is preinstalled on my Ubuntu / Debian Linux desktop. I’m unable to find IDLE integrated development environment for Python. How do I install IDLE IDE?

Tutorial details
Difficulty level Easy
Root privileges Yes
Requirements Linux
Est. reading time 1m

IDLE is an integrated development environment for Python. You need to install the following package on Linux:

  1. python-tools ( python3-idle ) : This RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux package for IDLE includes several tools to help with the development of Python programs, including IDLE (an IDE with editing and debugging facilities), a color editor (pynche), and a python gettext program (pygettext.py).
  2. idle – This Debian or Ubuntu Linux meta package for IDLE. You may need to install idle-python2.5 package for Python v2.5, idle-python2.6 package for Python v2.6, idle-python3.1 package for Python v3.1.

How to search for package names on Linux

Run commands as per your operating systems:
# Debian/Ubuntu/Linux mint and co #
sudo apt search idle
sudo apt-cache search idle | grep IDE
# RHEL/CentOS/Fedora #
sudo yum search idle
sudo dnf search idle
# OpenSUSE or SUSE Enterprise Linux #
sudo zypper search idle | grep python
# Alpine Linux #
apk search python*idle
# Arch Linux search package #
pacman -Ss idel
Please note down package names as per your Linux distro.

IDLE Linux Installation Command

If you are using Debian / Ubuntu Linxu, type the following apt command/apt-get command to install idle IDE:
$ sudo apt-get install idle
## OR ##
$ sudo apt install idle
If you are using RHEL / CentOS / Scientifc / Fedora Linxu, type the following yum command to install idle IDE:
# yum install python-tools
Fedora and latest version of RHEL 8/CentOS 8 users can run the following dnf command to install the same:
$ sudo dnf install python3-idle
SUSE or OpenSUSE Linux user type the following zypper command:
sudo zypper in python3-idle
Alpine Linux Python users run apk command to install the same:
sudo apk add python3-idle

How do I start IDLE under Linux?

Type the following command:
$ idle
OR Visit menu option

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Fig.01 Python IDLE IDE in action

Summing up

You learned how to install idle IDE on Linux using various commands. IDLE is Python’s Integrated Development, and Learning Environment created for new Python users. Once you become comfortable with Python programming, you may wish to switch to well-established code editors such as Vim, Emacs, PyCharm, and more. See

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There is really no need to use idle, the python shell — ipython under linux is way better than idle, it has both terminal and graphical(QT) versions.

I saw a little spelling mistake on the line: idle – This Debian or Ubunut


How to Install IDLE Python IDE on Ubuntu 20.04

What is IDLE?

IDLE stands for Integrated DeveLopment Environment. It is an IDE for Python, written in Python language itself and based on Tkinter with bindings to the Tk widget set. IDLE is most suitable for beginners as it is easy to use and not feature overloaded. Hence, it is very popular in educational environments.

IDLE is a cross-platform IDE solution that comes with a basic feature set that includes:

  • Multi-window text editor with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, smart indent, and other features to make coding easy.
  • Python shell with syntax highlighting.
  • Integrated debugger with stepping, persistent breakpoints, and call stack visibility.

For more information on IDLE, visit the following official documentation:

In this article, we will be installing IDLE through the Ubuntu command line. The article also explains how to launch IDLE and use it to write and run a simple Python script.

We have run the commands and procedures mentioned in this article on a Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 system.

How to Install IDLE?

Python is installed by default on all the latest Ubuntu releases and it also usually comes with the IDLE application. However, if you have a minimal installation of Ubuntu that lacks any IDLE UI application, you can install it by following this method:

Open the Ubuntu command line, The Terminal, either through the system Dash or the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut.

Then, you need to update your system’s repository index through the following command as sudo:

This way your system’s repository gets in-line with the Internet repositories and that helps you in installing the latest version of any available software.

You need to run this command as sudo because only an authorized user can add/remove, update, and configure software on Ubuntu. The system will ask you the password for sudo and then execute the rest of the command when you have provided a correct password.

The next step is to run the following command in order to install IDLE3. This is the best-suited version when you have either Python 2 or Python 3 installed on your system.

The system might ask you for a Y/n input in order to make sure that you indeed want to install the software. Please enter Y and then hit Enter, after which IDLE3 will be installed on your system.

Launch IDLE

You can launch IDLE both through the command line or the Ubuntu UI.

Run the following command in the Terminal in order to launch IDLE.

Or else, enter keywords relevant to IDLE in your Ubuntu Dash search as follows:

This will list all the IDLE applications installed on your system. Click on any one of them to Launch the Python integrated development environment.

Your first Python program in IDLE

Open the IDLE application, which by default looks like this:

Your first line of code starts from where you see the three “greater than” or “>” symbols.

Place the cursor at this point and write or copy & paste the following line of code:

This is a simple print statement that can be used to print anything inside the parentheses “( )”, on the screen.

When you hit Enter, the output is displayed as follows:

You can even choose to save the program (through the Save/Save As option from the File menu) and access it later (through the Open option from the File menu or directly by clicking it from where you have saved it).

After reading this article, you can integrate the IDLE Python development environment into your Ubuntu system and make the best use of its UI-based simple and easy to use feature set.

Karim Buzdar

About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites. You can reach Karim on LinkedIn


How to Install Python IDLE in Linux

IDLE is an Integrated and learning environment created with Python using the GUI Tkinter toolkit. This is mainly used by beginners to get familiar with Python. IDLE is a cross-platform application that works with Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. In windows, IDLE comes by default with the installation. For Mac OS and Linux, we have to install the IDLE separately.

IDLE Features

  • Interactive Interpreter.
  • A multi-window text editor.
  • Smart intends.
  • Code coloring.
  • Call tips.
  • Auto indentation.
  • Debugger with persistent breakpoints.
  • Stepping and Viewing of local and global Namespace.

If you are a beginner to Python programming or new to programming, IDLE is the best place to start with. But if you are an experienced programmer switching from another language to Python then you may try more advanced editors like Pycharm, VScode, Sublime Text, VIM, etc.

Install Python IDLE IDE in Linux

In most of today’s modern Linux distributions, Python is installed by default and it comes with the IDLE application. However, If isn’t installed, you can install it using your default package manager as shown.

Once the installation is completed type «idle» from the terminal or go to start menu type «idle» Launch application.

When you open the IDLE, the interactive terminal will be displayed first. The interactive terminal provides auto-completion too, you can press (ALT + SPACE) for auto-completion.

IDLE Interactive Terminal

Writing First Python Program Using IDLE

Go to File → New File → To open the text editor. Once the editor is opened you can write the program. To run the program from the text editor, save the file and press F5 or Run → Run Module.

Write First Python Program

To access the debugger go to Debug → Debugger. Debug mode will be on, you can debug and step through the code.

Python IDLE Debug

Go to Options → Configure IDLE. This will open settings windows.

Python IDLE Settings

That’s all for today. We have seen what IDLE is and how to install it in Linux. How to write the first python program through interpreter and Text editor. How to access the builtin debugger and how to change the settings of IDLE.

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