Kilohearts toolbox ultimate mac os


Kilohearts — Toolbox Ultimate Slate Digital bundle 1.8.14 VST, VST3, AU [macOS] [K-ed]

    Год | Дата релиза : 01.2021 Версия : 1.8.14 Разработчик : kiloHearts Платформа : iNTEL (macOS) Формат | Тип : VST2 Разрядность : 64bit Язык интерфейса : Английский Таблетка : вылечено | VR Системные требования :
    • Mac OS X (10.10 or newer)
    • A DAW supporting 64-bit plugins and at least one of the following plugin standards: VST 2, Audio Unit. Размер : 1.78 GB Альтернативный источник : ОБЛАКО (V.1.8.8) —>

Испытайте гибкость бесконечных комбинаций между эффектами и плагинами хоста!
Выходя за пределы экосистемы snapin, все остальные плагины Kilohearts по-прежнему так или иначе поддерживают модульный рабочий процесс (кроме kHs ONE). Вот почему мы создали ULTIMATE Kilohearts Toolbox, который дает вам все, что мы когда-либо выпускали, чтобы вы могли проявить себя как угодно.
сотни профессиональных заводских пресетов в этих плагинах от различных профессиональных мастеров и мастеров со всего мира (но в основном из Германии, по счастливой случайности). Только у Phase Plant есть более 400 тщательно отобранных пресетов, которые помогут вам начать работу, прежде чем приступить к модификации и созданию своих собственных.
Посетите отдельные страницы продукта для получения советов и рекомендаций по использованию, а также на YouTube для просмотра видео пользователя по различным плагинам, поскольку есть чему поучиться.

Phase Plant
• Made the sample save dialog remember the selected file format for next time (WAV or FLAC).
• Added support for loading WAV files with extended format chunks.

Slice EQ & Carve EQ
• Now remembering the zoom and pan settings of the view for the next time you open the project.
• When changing the spectrum settings the new settings will now be stored and used as a default for new instances.

• Fixed window sizing issues on high DPI screens.

• Fixed installer randomly popping up when instantiating a plugin.
• Fixed AU plugins not passing validation on M1 macs.
• Fixed buggy knob drag behavior in Logic.

• Better handling of when the windows message queue is full. Hopefully avoids several potential bugs, for instance Phase Plant getting stuck in a state where samples can’t be loaded.
• Fixed drag and drop target areas being offset from their proper location in some cases.


kiloHearts — Toolbox Ultimate OSX + Slate Digital bundle WIN VST, VST3, VSTi, AAX, AU x64 [03.2021] — набор плагинов

kiloHearts — Toolbox Ultimate OSX + Slate Digital bundle WIN VST, VST3, VSTi, AAX, AU x64 [03.2021]

Дата Выпуска: 03.2021
Разработчик: kiloHearts
Сайт разработчика:
Формат: VST, VSTi, VST3, AAX, AU
Разрядность: 64bit
Таблэтка: вылечено | VR (WIN), файлы замены (macOS)
Системные требования: Windows 7+, cpu: 2 GHz or faster, mem: 1 GB or more
Mac OS X (10.10 or newer), A DAW supporting 64-bit plugins and at least one of the following plugin standards: VST 2, Audio Unit.
Размер: 2.65 GB

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Последний шаг длинного пути. Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE включает в себя все для дополнительных возможностей хоста, чтобы в полной мере использовать преимущества, которыми вы теперь владеете. Испытайте гибкость бесконечных комбинаций между эффектами и плагинами хоста!

Плагины Kilohearts по-прежнему поддерживают модульный рабочий процесс (кроме kHs ONE). Вот почему мы создали ULTIMATE Kilohearts Toolbox, который дает вам все, что мы когда-либо выпускали, чтобы вы могли проявить себя по-разному.

Изучите сотни профессиональных заводских пресетов в этих плагинах от различных профессиональных мастеров со всего мира, прежде чем приступить к модификации и созданию своих собственных.

• Made drop downs in snapins drop down and out of the snapin frame, instead of being confined to the bounds of the snapin UI.
• Made UI scale carry over to popup windows, like the wavetable browser.
• Made it possible to drop banks on Snap Heap and Multipass to install.
• Made the remembered file type in save dialog actually work.
• Improved naming of parameter names visible to the DAW to avoid ambiguities.
• Made most places showing the plugin name include the «kHs» prefix to make names less generic.
• Added support for decimal comma in value parsing.
• Reworked snapin loading, removing additional load times when starting up.
• Fixed problems with warnings & errors on load on some macOS versions.

• Now reports the correct latency value to the DAW.


The complete sound design bundle

All the software effects you need for professional music production and sound design.

Kilohearts are creating a new generation of audio plugins that focus on workflow.
We believe modern music making requires modern tools that are not constrained to replicating hardware.

We all major DAWs
and most smaller ones as well.

Explore the snapin Ecosystem

Snapins are regular effect plugins that also work as modules in our snapin hosts. They are light-weight, but powerful, plugins that present you with the important settings in a no-nonsense way. Every setting and component is clearly documented so you know exactly what goes on when you turn that knob.

Snapins are purchased individually or in bundles, so get a big bundle discount, or cherry pick your favorites. The number of available snapins is ever growing, and Kilohearts aims to make the Kilohearts Toolbox the most complete sound design bundle out there.

Get started with the Kilohearts Toolbox FREE which has 6 snapins and the snapin host Snap Heap. It offers extensive modulation options to create awesome presets, and custom channel strips very quickly.



kiloHearts — Toolbox Ultimate OSX + Slate Digital bundle WIN VST, VST3, VSTi, AAX, AU x64

    Год | Дата релиза : 03.2021 Версия : Разработчик : kiloHearts Формат | Тип : VST, VSTi, VST3, AAX, AU Разрядность : 64bit Язык интерфейса : Английский Таблетка : вылечено | VR (WIN), файлы замены (macOS) Системные требования :
    • Windows 7+
    • cpu: 2 GHz or faster
    • mem: 1 GB or more
    • Mac OS X (10.10 or newer)
    • A DAW supporting 64-bit plugins and at least one of the following plugin standards: VST 2, Audio Unit Размер : 2.65 GB Альтернативный источник : ОБЛАКО Пароль от архивов » 1 » —>

Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE включает в себя все для дополнительных возможностей хоста, чтобы в полной мере использовать преимущества, которыми вы теперь владеете. Испытайте гибкость бесконечных комбинаций между эффектами и плагинами хоста!

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Плагины Kilohearts по-прежнему поддерживают модульный рабочий процесс (кроме kHs ONE). Вот почему мы создали ULTIMATE Kilohearts Toolbox, который дает вам все, что мы когда-либо выпускали, чтобы вы могли проявить себя по-разному.

Изучите сотни профессиональных заводских пресетов в этих плагинах от различных профессиональных мастеров со всего мира, прежде чем приступить к модификации и созданию своих собственных.

• Carve EQ.dll
• Disperser.dll
• Faturator.dll
• kHs 3-Band EQ.dll
• kHs Bitcrush.dll
• kHs Chorus.dll
• kHs Comb Filter.dll
• kHs Compressor.dll
• kHs Delay.dll
• kHs Distortion.dll
• kHs Dynamics
• kHs Ensemble.dll
• kHs Filter.dll
• kHs Flanger.dll
• kHs Formant Filter.dll
• kHs Frequency Shifter.dll
• kHs Gain.dll
• kHs Gate.dll
• kHs Haas.dll
• kHs Ladder Filter.dll
• kHs Limiter.dll
• kHs ONE.dll
• kHs Phase Distortion.dll
• kHs Phaser.dll
• kHs Pitch Shifter.dll
• kHs Resonator.dll
• kHs Reverb.dll
• kHs Reverser.dll
• kHs Ring Mod.dll
• kHs Stereo.dll
• kHs Tape Stop.dll
• kHs Trance Gate.dll
• kHs Transient Shaper.dll
• Multipass.dll
• Phase Plant.dll
• Slice EQ.dll
• Snap Heap.dll
• Unison

• Made drop downs in snapins drop down and out of the snapin frame, instead of being confined to the bounds of the snapin UI.
• Made UI scale carry over to popup windows, like the wavetable browser.
• Made it possible to drop banks on Snap Heap and Multipass to install.
• Made the remembered file type in save dialog actually work.
• Improved naming of parameter names visible to the DAW to avoid ambiguities.
• Made most places showing the plugin name include the «kHs» prefix to make names less generic.
• Added support for decimal comma in value parsing.
• Reworked snapin loading, removing additional load times when starting up.
• Fixed problems with warnings & errors on load on some macOS versions.

• Now reports the correct latency value to the DAW.

Nonlinear Filter
• New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)


Kilohearts toolbox ultimate mac os

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Kilohearts Toolboxes

Find the Right Toolbox for You

The Kilohearts Ecosystem is big. and growing! Our Toolbox options are the best way to get hold of a stack of our plugins in one bundle with a significant discount.

If you already own a few of our plugins you can also upgrade to a bundle at an even lower price, so make sure you are logged into your account to see your personalized offers below.

Kilohearts Toolbox FREE

If you are completely new to the Kilohearts Ecosystem then Kilohearts Toolbox FREE is the perfect way to get acquainted without spending a dime, penny or eurocent. Inside you will find six effects plugins and our free modular effects host, Snap Heap, for you to start combining them as Snapins to create your own serial and parallel effects racks.

Note that all Snap Heap presets will be fully functional regardless of which Snapins you own, so you’re also getting over 100 factory effects in there too. Not bad for a freebie!

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Included products

Included products

Kilohearts Toolbox STARTER

Kilohearts Toolbox STARTER includes six of our most versatile effects plus everything in Kilohearts Toolbox FREE. Adding Compressor, Distortion, Dynamics, Filter, Phaser and Reverb to your Snapin arsenal really opens up the sound design possibilities within any of our Snapin Hosts.

Kilohearts Toolbox PROFESSIONAL

Prepare to be inspired to reach new levels of sound design with an additional eighteen creative and functional effects, including our acclaimed Tape Stop, Transient Shaper and Nonlinear Filter.

Our simple and consistent user interface design will speed up your production process. The ability to save your patches in Snap Heap to reuse them in any project in any DAW makes these tools indispensable for any professional that has to work across platforms while collaborating with artists and production teams around the globe.

Included products

Included products

Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE

The Whole Kilohearts Ecosystem.

Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE contains Phase Plant, Multipass, Snap Heap and our entire range of regular and premium effects plugins at the time of purchase.

This really is the ULTIMATE collection of sound design tools. Dive in and you will soon find these become an indispensable part of your production process. Just ask any of the thousands of musicians and sound designers who are already using our products in all of their projects.

Explore the hundreds of professional factory presets throughout these plugins by various professional preset makers and artists from around the world. Phase Plant alone has over 400 carefully curated presets to start you off before getting into modifying and creating your own.

When new plugins are released you can add them to your collection at a reduced price by logging in and upgrading.

Check out the individual product pages for tips and tricks on usage, and check YouTube for user videos on the various plugins as there is plenty to learn.

Content Banks are not included in Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE.

Kilohearts Subscription

The Kilohearts Subscription gives you instant access to every single Kilohearts plugin, and all official Content Banks, for just a month. This includes our groundbreaking modular synthesizer Phase Plant, as well as our other highly customizable modular effects hosts, all of our effects plugins, and several exclusive Content Banks by professional artists and sound designers!

«Kilohearts Toolbox is absolutely insane. I love it. It’s a dream to have all those effects, in such small modules, to be able to stack up so quickly and effortlessly.

Toolbox and Snap Heap give me an infinite number of incredibly diverse vocal FX chains. The snapin modules are light on CPU, and they’re quick to stack up on the fly. I’ve opened the door to a whole new world of FX.»

«Kilohearts plugins have greatly affected my workflow when designing sound effects for the Destiny 2 video game. I can focus on what’s most important – being creative – with an easy and intuitive UI and lean CPU performance! Their sound quality is impressive and add so much sonic magic to all of my original field recordings during the designing process.

Thanks for putting so much thoughts into making this the most accessible collection of audio plugs I own.»

Carsten Rojahn
Sound Designer at Bungie.


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