- Apache Subversion Binary Packages
- Centos Linux ¶
- Debian Linux ¶
- TortoiseSVN 1.12.2 + 1.8.12 (для XP)
- Основная информация о программе
- Download Source Code
- Mirror ¶
- Source Releases ¶
- Recommended Release ¶
- Older still supported Releases ¶
- Release archives ¶
- Verifying the Integrity of Downloaded Files ¶
- Building and Installing Subversion ¶
- Subversion Server for Windows
- The proper way to setup an Apache Subversion server
- Easy to install, configure and maintain
- Free for commercial use!
- TortoiseSVN
- Support
- Open Source
- About TortoiseSVN
- TortoiseSVN 1.14.1 released
- How to integrate TortoiseSVN into Visual Studio
- CryptSync
- TortoiseSVN and the recycle bin
- Save the revision graph as an SVG file
- Auto Aero Colors
- TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginner’s Guide
Apache Subversion Binary Packages
Find packages for your operating system:
The Apache Subversion project does not officially endorse or maintain any binary packages of the Subversion software. However, volunteers have created binary packages for different distributions and platforms, and as a convenience, we maintain a list of links to them here. If there are any problems with or questions about the different binary packages please send email to the Subversion users mailing list.
Note that binary packages usually come out about a week after the corresponding source release. Please don’t post to the mailing lists asking when a binary package for a given platform will be ready. The packagers already know when new source releases come out, and work as fast as they can to make binaries available.
Binaries are typically built from the latest stable release.
Note also that this list does not include distributions of larger collections of software of which Subversion is but one piece. Several vendors offer such things, but we concern ourselves primarily with Subversion itself. As such, the listing here is limited to those packages which may be reasonably considered binary distributions of Apache Subversion alone. If you are looking for more widely scoped, Subversion-related value-add offerings, we trust that $
Centos Linux ¶
CollabNet (supported and certified by CollabNet; requires registration)
WANdisco (supported and certified by WANdisco; requires registration)
Debian Linux ¶
Debian Project (maintained by Debian Project; client and server; svnserve is part of the subversion package, mod_dav_svn is in the separate libapache2-mod-svn package (formerly libapache2-svn))
WANdisco (supported and certified by WANdisco; requires registration)
TortoiseSVN 1.12.2 + 1.8.12 (для XP)
Автор | The TortoiseSVN team (Сайт) |
Языки |
Основная информация о программе
TortoiseSVN это бесплатно распространяемый клиент с открытым исходным кодом для известной системы управления версиями Subversion. Subversion это разрабатываемая и поддерживаемая в настоящее время организацией Apache Software Foundation централизованная система контроля над историей изменений файлов и версий проектов для совместной работы множества разработчиков над ними. По словам одного из локализаторов Subversion это система для управления потенциальным хаосом.
Программа TortoiseSVN позволяет управлять файлами в центральном хранилище на файловом сервере, проверять историю изменений файла и при необходимости вносить изменения, восстанавливать предыдущие версии файлов, и получать информация о тех, кто имел доступ к файлам. Клиент интегрируется в систему и добавляет своё подменю в контекстное меню проводника Windows со всеми основными командами Subversion. Также на значках файлов помещенных в хранилище будут отображены небольшие метки с состоянием статуса Subversion.
Ниже перечислены основные инструменты, входящие в комплект поставки клиента:
- SubWCRev – это инструмент для записи ревизии файлов, чтения статуса рабочей копии и добавления ключевых слов в файлы-шаблоны;
- TortoiseMerge – инструмент для решения конфликтов одновременного доступа к файлам, а так же применения небольших исправлений-патчей к проекту;
- TortoiseBlame – утилита для удобной навигации по изменениям, внесенными различными авторами;
- TortoiseIDiff – утилита для работы и сравнения версий графических файлов;
- TortoisePlink – консольная утилита для соединения с Subversion, использующая PuTTY Plink;
- TortoiseProc – монитор проектов;
- TSVNCache – утилита для кэширования информации отдельных процессов;
- также в программе есть несколько консольных утилит для управления Subversion.
Начиная с версии 1.9 TortoiseSVN прекратили поддержку Windows XP, пользователям этой операционной системы следует использовать версию клиента 1.8
Download Source Code
Learn about our new 6-month regular and 2-year LTS release schedule: see How We Plan Releases.
The latest and recommended LTS (long-term support) release of Apache Subversion is: 1.14
The older still supported release of Apache Subversion is: 1.10
Use the links below to download Apache Subversion from one of our mirrors. You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded from our main directory.
The following are the currently supported versions of Subversion. Older releases are available from the archive download site.
The Apache Subversion project only distributes source code, but a number of third parties provide binary packages for a number of platforms. To find a package for your platform, please visit the binary packages page.
Mirror ¶
The currently selected mirror is https://apache-mirror.rbc.ru/pub/apache/. If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available.
Source Releases ¶
We provide source code distributions in a variety of archive types. Generally, speaking, Windows users should download .zip files. Users of all other operating systems should download .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 files.
Recommended Release ¶
Apache Subversion 1.14.1 LTS
File | Checksum (SHA512) | Signatures | PGP Public Keys |
subversion-1.14.1.tar.bz2 | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
subversion-1.14.1.tar.gz | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
subversion-1.14.1.zip | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
Older still supported Releases ¶
Apache Subversion 1.10.7 LTS
File | Checksum (SHA512) | Signatures | PGP Public Keys |
subversion-1.10.7.tar.bz2 | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
subversion-1.10.7.tar.gz | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
subversion-1.10.7.zip | [SHA-512] | [PGP signatures] | [PGP keyring] |
Release archives ¶
Looking for previous releases of Subversion? All Subversion releases are available for download from the Apache distribution archive. Except for our currently supported releases, distributions of Subversion found in the archives are not supported by the community. If you require support for an older version of Subversion, and are not able to upgrade to a newer version, consider contacting a commercial Subversion support vendor.
Verifying the Integrity of Downloaded Files ¶
It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP signatures and/or file checksums. Please read Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases for more information on why you should verify our releases. (The same rationale applies to Subversion as to HTTP Server.)
The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the keyring ( *.KEYS ) and detached signatures ( *.asc ) files for the particular distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures as follows:
% pgpk -a subversion.asc
% pgpv subversion-1.14.tar.gz.asc
% pgp -ka subversion.asc
% pgp subversion-1.14.tar.gz.asc
% gpg —import subversion.asc
% gpg —verify subversion-1.14.tar.gz.asc subversion-1.14.tar.gz
If you’re unable to verify the PGP signatures, you can instead verify the checksums on the files. However, PGP signatures are superior to checksums, and we recommend to verify using PGP whenever possible.
A unix program called sha512sum is included in many unix distributions. Run sha512sum subversion-1.14.tar.gz to display the hash of the downloaded file.
On Windows you can use the following command in a command line window, for instance: certutil -hashfile SHA512 .
Building and Installing Subversion ¶
For information about building and installing your freshly downloaded source code release, see the Source Code page.
Subversion Server for Windows
VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade features, VisualSVN Server is useful both for small business and corporate users.
The key features of VisualSVN Server are:
The proper way to setup an Apache Subversion server
VisualSVN Server has reached more than 3,000,000 downloads and it’s the most favored way to setup and maintain an Apache Subversion server on the Windows platform. It is certified for Windows Server and trusted both by thousands of SMBs and Fortune 500 companies such as General Electric, Siemens, ThyssenKrupp and Sony. Learn more.
Easy to install, configure and maintain
VisualSVN Server is distributed as a single installation package with the latest versions of all the required components. The installation process is extremely simple and allows you to setup a full-featured and ready to use Subversion server in just a few clicks. Upgrades to newer versions are simple too. Learn more.
Free for commercial use!
VisualSVN Server is freely available for commercial use under the Community license. The free Community license does not require any registration, allows an unlimited number of repositories and up to 15 users. Learn about other available license types.
- Issue tracker plugins Plugins to connect with issue trackers
- SVNProtocolHandler A plugin for IE to browse svn:// repositories
- Misc posts Posts that don’t fit into any other category
Open Source
About TortoiseSVN
TortoiseSVN is an Apache ™ Subversion (SVN) ® client, implemented as a Windows shell extension. It’s intuitive and easy to use, since it doesn’t require the Subversion command line client to run. And it is free to use, even in a commercial environment. Simply the coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control!
TortoiseSVN 1.14.1 released
Posted on February 10, 2021
We’re proud to announce that TortoiseSVN 1.14.1 has been released. It is linked against Subversion 1.14.1.
This is a bugfix only release.
Subversion 1.14.1 contains a security fix CVE-2020-17525
Before upgrading from pre 1.14 versions please read the release notes.
Please read those thoroughly before you upgrade to TortoiseSVN 1.14 to avoid any surprises.
How to integrate TortoiseSVN into Visual Studio
Posted on December 10, 2012
If you’re using Visual Studio, you can integrate TortoiseSVN commands to various context menus. Of course, there are Subversion plugins for Visual Studio, but if you’re using one of the free versions of Visual Studio, you can not use those plugins. And sometimes it’s still nice to have some of the TortoiseSVN commands available from Visual Studio directly, even if you have such a plugin installed.
Posted on November 2, 2012
So I made another tool: CryptSync.
CryptSync is a small utility that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents in one folder. That means one of the two folders has all files unencrypted (the files you work with) and the other folder has all the files encrypted.
The synchronization works both ways: a change in one folder gets synchronized to the other folder. If a file is added or modified in the unencrypted folder, it gets encrypted. If a file is added or modified in the encrypted folder, it get decrypted to the other folder.
More information here about CryptSync.
TortoiseSVN and the recycle bin
Posted on September 22, 2012
Subversion’s design is made up so that you will never ever lose any data. But there’s one command that will do exactly that: Revert.
Reverting means discarding all modifications you’ve made to one or more files which you haven’t committed yet.
But what if you selected the wrong file(s) to revert? Sure, TortoiseSVN always asks you first before it reverts the files. But as we all know, such «Are you sure?» dialogs are too easily dismissed by clicking «Yes».
So what if you reverted files and you then discover that you shouldn’t have done that?
Save the revision graph as an SVG file
Posted on May 9, 2012
The revision graph is a nice way to get a quick overview of your project. However you can not share the graph with other people unless you save it as an image and pass the image on.
If the revision graph is small, then saving the graph as a PNG image will do just fine. But as with all images, a PNG does not scale very well. And if the revision graph is already big the resulting image file can get quite big as well. It can even get too big to show.
Auto Aero Colors
Posted on April 9, 2011 • Full article
Windows 8 has a new feature where the Aero colors can be automatically adjusted according to the selected wallpaper.
This seems to be a nice feature, and there’s even a tool available that offers that feature for Windows 7: Aura.
But there are some things about Aura that bother me, so I hacked together my own tool which offers that feature.
Unlike Aura, AAClr is written in plain C++ and doesn’t use the .NET Framework. For tools that are supposed to be started automatically on logon, this ensures that the whole startup time doesn’t increase by several seconds.
AAClr also detects changes in wallpapers by catching events from the system and doesn’t use timers that access the wallpaper file several times a second (like Aura does). That means that AAClr is idle most of the time and only wakes up when necessary.
And about resource usage: AAClr uses less than 2MB of private bytes — I think that’s not too much.
The link to the download can be found on the project page.
TortoiseSVN 1.7 Beginner’s Guide
Posted on January 15, 2011 • Full article
There’s now a book available about TortoiseSVN. Of course, there are books about Subversion which mention TortoiseSVN. But this is (I think) the first book about TortoiseSVN.
Full disclosure: I was asked to review the book, which I did. And I’m mentioned as a reviewer in the book! So I had to write something about it here since I was never mentioned in a book before :).
read my full post about this book.
♥ 2004-2021 – The TortoiseSVN team . Please share.