Курсор для мыши windows 10 undertale

Cursor Set — Undertale

Undertale Cursors

  • Published on November 24th 2015 by Veraxiel.
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by)license.

A set of Undertale cursors I made because I couldn’t find any to download. People liked them, so I thought I’d share.

UPDATE: Wow, I didn’t think these would be so popular. Over 9k! That makes this the most popular Undertale cursor pack. Thank you to everyone who have downloaded these!

Now, something I should address: I know that some people want the cursors to be bigger. But that’s probably not happening. My reasoning:
1. The regular cursor is small because a heart oriented right-side-up doesn’t make for a good pointer. A small heart is more precise and works for the left or right hand. It’s sort of a pinpoint/cross-hair type cursor.
2. If I made the main red and blue select hearts bigger, then they’d break theme. I’d have to make them all bigger, and I’m too lazy for that. Besides, any bigger and I can’t quite fit the animations in the way I want to.
3. It’s a bright red heart. It isn’t that difficult to locate. Wiggle the mouse a little, you’ll see it. If it’s still too small for you, there are other Undertale-themed main cursors out there that you can substitute in place of mine.

Long story short, these cursors were designed to be as simple and minimalistic as possible. I wanted them to feel very. well, Undertale. And UNOBSTRUCTIVE. You get it, right?

I do not own or have anything to do with the game Undertale, yadda yadda, all rights to it belong to Toby Fox.
Or something like that.

Undertale and Deltarune Cursor Collection

The Undertale and Deltarune popularity is hard to explain. A strange and complex little game, with a ton of references to the classic JRPGs, unpretentious graphics and a fabulous storyline, was well welcomed by both critics and players. No one expected new revelations from Toby Fox, the author of Undertale. But he released Deltarune a full-fledged first chapter with 2-3 hours of gameplay with a finished plot, working mechanics, and even a secret boss. What is even more strange is the fact that with the help of the first episode, Toby Fox, questions the audience, tries to understand what they want to see next.

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The Delta Rune’s storyline is about Kris, who lives in the monster town with Toriel, one of the central characters of the original game. Both Undertale and Deltarune are so mixed together and in the same moment, they are worlds apart. Same simplified graphics, some key elements but a truly different storyline and game. The original Undertale monsters and characters were simply replaced with light and darkness. Moreover, the main types of heroes migrated to Deltarune: there is also its own Papyrus, and Mettaton, and, with some refinements, its own Undyne.

In our Undertale and Deltarune collection of fanart cursors, we have combined those two wonderful games and their worlds. Favorite characters now available as cursors, such as Undertale Sans cursor, Deltarune Lancer cursor, Frisk and Chara cursors from Undertale, and much more fanart and our own cursors.

Cursor Collections

Use our free cursor collections! To add them to Custom Cursor extension — just click on the «Add» button under the one you need. After that, they will be available for choosing in extension pop-up window.

For a detailed view of all cursors in the collection — just click on image of the desired collection or click «View» button.


You can fly even higher. Especially with our Haikyuu!! anime cursor collection!


Bright cursor collection where cursors are made from different amazing materials.

Plants vs. Zombies

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Don’t stop! Run! You gotta protect Nezuko with the help of our Demon Slayer cursor collection.


I won’t bore you with the details. it’s a Miraculous cursor collection!

Hunter x Hunter

There are two things that collectors always want. And Hunter x Hunter cursor collection is one of them.

Animal Crossing

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Bendy and the Ink Machine

Above all, fear the machine and enjoy our Bendy cursor collection.

How to use Custom Cursor for Windows 10

Q: How to install Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app?

Go to Windows download page of Custom Cursor website

Follow the Windows download link on the banner in the lower part of the page or open this link and click the «DOWNLOAD» button.

Installation of Custom Cursor for Windows 10

Once you have successfully downloaded the installer — unpack and run it. Click on it in browsers downloads and double click the Custom Cursor.msi in opened window, it will run the installer.


Follow the steps in the Custom Cursor setup wizard to install Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app. Make sure to agree when UAC window will appear.

Installed Custom Cursor for Windows 10

Once you have successfully completed the installation a Custom Cursor link will appear on your Windows desktop, same as a link in Windows Run menu. To launch the Custom Cursor app simply double click one of those links.

Q: How to use Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app?

Custom Cursor home menu

On the home screen of the app you can find many useful buttons that will help you using Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, as you can see on a screenshot.

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Here you can find:

  1. Custom Cursor logo — this button leads to our website in case you want to check for updates or browse our cursor.
  2. Home — this button lets you return to home/cursor selection page at any time.
  3. More Cursors — is a link to Custom Cursor website to download new cursors to play with.
  4. Upload Cursors — is a link to page where you can upload your cur files you use with the Custom Cursor for Windows app.
  5. How to Use — link to Custom Cursor website, this how to use. or Settings button — Opens Custom Cursor app Settings page where you can change language, cursor size and make other customisations to the app. or Default Cursor — this button lets you return to Windows Default cursor settings. or Exit — Just exits the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 application.

Setting the cursor

On the home screen of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, scroll down and choose a cursor pack that you like and press the “Apply” button to make it the active cursor.

Changing the size

To change the size of your cursor you need to open Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app window. In the upper menu press the Settings button. On the settings page use size slider to choose the cursor size you like and press “Apply”.

Default Cursor

To return to default cursor at any moment open Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app window and press “Default cursor” button. Alternatively, you can open your Windows Mouse setting and select any other system cursor that you like. Custom Cursor will not be active until you hit the Apply on another cursor again.

Q: How to download cursors from site?

Accessing Custom Cursor website

Use the «More Cursors» button in main window of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app or follow this link to access the website cursor collections.

Adding cursors to Custom Cursor for Windows 10

On the pack list page you can find all cursor packs of the chosen collection.
Once you found cursor pack you like, you can click “Add to Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app» button under it.
It will be added to Custom Cursor for Windows app.

Setting a cursor from out website

On the home screen of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, scroll down and choose a cursor pack that you like and press the “Apply” button to make it the active cursor.

Q: How to add your own cursors to Custom Cursor for Windows app?

Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app has the ability to work with third-party .cur files. You can add, manage, and set your favorite cursor files as your Windows cursor, even if those were downloaded from the internet or gifted to you by a friend.

Opening add own cursors interface

To create your own cursor pack in the Custom Cursor for Windows app you need to open the Custom Cursor app main window and click the “Upload Cursors” button on the top menu. This will open the upload cursors page.

Add own cursors interface

Once on the Upload Cursors page you will see a cursor pack name input field called “Name”, a cursor elements upload cells with an image of the element you are setting and a “+” button to add that element. Buttons: “New” to clear the fields and start creating a new own cursor pack; “Save” to save your current progress, and “Clear” to clean the page forms.
Remember to save your progress before switching to home page and activating you new own cursor pack.

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Uploading new cursors and other pointers

To create your own cursor pack, once you are on the Upload Cursors page, you must complete the following actions:

  1. Set a Name for a pack you are creating.
  2. Add cursor elements you have in the .cur file format, to be used in your cursor pack.
  3. Press Save when you are done adding elements.

The cursor pack you created will appear on the Home page, in the My Custom Cursor section, with a Name you have set for the pack and can be activated there by hitting the “Apply” button.

Activating own cursor packs

To Apply the uploaded cursor pack navigate to the Home screen of the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app, find “My Custom Cursor” section, choose a cursor pack that you created and press the “Apply” button to make it the active cursor.

Q: How to manage your Custom Cursor for Windows app?

When you’ve downloaded all cursor packs in your Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app and want to clean up a little bit 🙂

Deleting downloaded cursor packs

To create your own cursor pack in the Custom Cursor for Windows app you need to open the Custom Cursor app main window and click the “Upload Cursors” button on the top menu. This will open the upload cursors page.

Editing own cursor packs

If you added your own cursor pack from .cur files to the Custom Cursor for Windows 10 app — you can edit them to fit your current needs. To do so, you need to navigate to Custom Cursor for Windows home page, find the cursor pack tile you like to edit. In the top right corner of the own cursor tile, you can find a pencil icon, click on it to open own cursor pack edit mode.
n the edit mode you can change own cursor pack name and add or remove its elements like cursors or pointers. Please note that if you delete some of the elements your Windows defaults will be used.

  1. To add an element you need to press “Blue plus icon” on the tile you wish to assign a custom cursor element.
  2. To remove an element you just need to press the “Red trash can icon” for it to be removed.

*Please note that you need to save your progress before exiting the “Edit own cursor” section by clicking the “Save” button.

You still do not have a Custom Cursor for Chrome extension?

Install it from official Chrome Web Store

You still do not have a Custom Cursor for Edge addon?

Install it from official Microsoft Edge Addons site

You still do not have a Custom Cursor for Opera addon?

Install it from official Opera addons site

You still do not have a Custom Cursor for Yandex addon?

Install it from official Opera addons for Yandex site

You still do not have a Custom Cursor for Firefox addon?

Install it from official Firefox Browser Add-ons site

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