Best Icon Packs for Linux
Papirus is a colorful icon theme based on the popular “Paper” icon theme for Linux. The design is inspired from flat and material design philosophies. Papirus is one of the few icon themes that has an excellent support for theming of system tray icons in KDE.
To install Papirus in Ubuntu, run the command below:
Papirus can be installed in other Linux distributions by following installation instructions available here.
Ubuntu Budgie Icon Packs
Ubuntu Budgie comes with a handful of icon themes installed by default. These icon packs are beautifully designed and look good with themes paired with them. You can also install these icon themes in any Linux distribution even if you are not using Ubuntu budgie. These icon themes are: Moka, Faba, Pocillo and Tela.
To install Moka, Faba, Pocillo in Ubuntu, run the command below:
You can install Tela theme from snap store by running the command below:
To install these themes in other Linux distributions, visit their GitHub pages linked above.
Elementary Xfce Icon Theme
Elementary Xfce icon pack is one of the official icon packs available for the Xfce desktop environment and Linux distributions like Xubuntu. It is based on the “Elementary” icon theme, which took a different design direction after a few years of development. The developers of elementary icon theme moved on to new projects, so Xfce developers forked the original theme and adapted it for the Xfce desktop environment. The icon theme has many unique icons with primary focus on light grey and blue color schemes.
To install Elementary Xfce icon theme in Ubuntu, run the command below:
You can install this icon theme in other Linux distributions from its GitHub page.
Qogir Icon Theme
Qogir is a free and open source icon theme inspired by flat design philosophy. It features distinct and colorful icons, many of them are in geometrical, circular, and rectangular shapes.
To install Qogir in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, download archive from its GitHub page, extract it, and then run the following command:
Vimix is another material design inspired icon theme based on the Paper icon theme for Linux. It comes with a variety of colorful folder and mime type coins but follows a different design philosophy than Papirus icon theme.
To install Vimix in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, download archive from its GitHub page, extract it, and then run the following command:
Obsidian icon theme is based on the popular Faenza icon theme. The development of Faenza icon theme stopped a while back, but Obsidian is still being updated. Obsidian features a colorful icon theme where almost all icons have square and rectangular shapes.
To install the Obsidian icon theme in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, download the archive from its GitHub page and extract the contents to “/usr/share/icons” or “$HOME/.icons” folder.
Numix Circle
Numix circle, as the name suggests, is a circular icon theme for Linux. While most of the other icon themes for Linux feature angular and squarish geometrical shapes, all icons in the Numix theme are either circular or masked in circular shapes.
To install Numix circle icon theme in Ubuntu, run the command below:
You can install the icon theme in other Linux distributions by following instructions available on its GitHub page.
Newaita is yet another material design inspired icon theme for Linux. Icons in Newaita theme are not uniformly designed into geometrical shapes, making it easier to distinguish them at a glance.
To install the Newaita icon theme in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, download the archive from its GitHub page and extract the contents to “/usr/share/icons” or “$HOME/.icons” folder.
The icon themes mentioned above are quite comprehensive and include icons for numerous apps. However, there can still be some apps for which third party icons may not be present. You can change icon themes in your Linux distribution by going to system settings or using other utilities like GNOME Tweaks.
About the author
Nitesh Kumar
I am a freelancer software developer and content writer who loves Linux, open source software and the free software community.
Linux icon pack download
Papirus is a free and open source SVG icon theme for Linux, based on Paper Icon Set with a lot of new icons and a few extras, like Hardcode-Tray support, KDE colorscheme support, Folder Color support, and others.
Papirus icon theme is available in five variants:
- Papirus
- Papirus Dark
- Papirus Light
- ePapirus (for elementary OS and Pantheon Desktop only)
- ePapirus Dark (for elementary OS and Pantheon Desktop only)
Ubuntu and derivatives
You can install Papirus from our official PPA:
or download .deb packages from here.
NOTE: Now the daily builds of the papirus-icon-themes package are placed in ppa:papirus/papirus-dev .
Debian and derivatives
Debian users also can install Papirus from our PPA, but the commands will differ:
Use the scripts to install the latest version directly from this repo (independently of your distro):
NOTE: Use the same script to update icon themes.
ROOT directory (recommended)
HOME directory for GTK
HOME directory for KDE
Packages listed in this section are third-party packages. If you have a problem or a question, please contact the package maintainer.
Please note that some packages in the list may be outdated, open Repology to find out package versions.
Distro | Maintainer | Package |
ALT Linux | Andrey Cherepanov | apt-get install papirus-icon-theme |
Arch Linux | Felix Yan | sudo pacman -S papirus-icon-theme community |
Arch Linux | Mohammadreza Abdollahzadeh | papirus-icon-theme-git AUR |
Debian 9+ | Yangfl | sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme |
Debian | Hunter Wittenborn | papirus-icon-theme MPR |
Fedora 27+ | Robert-André Mauchin | sudo dnf install papirus-icon-theme |
Fedora | Dirk Davidis | papirus-icon-theme copr |
FreeBSD | Hiroki Tagato | papirus-icon-theme freshports |
Gentoo | Marco Scardovi | sudo emerge -a papirus-icon-theme |
NetBSD | Nia Alarie | papirus-icon-theme pkgsrc |
NixOS | Nixpkgs Contributors | nix-env -iA nixos.papirus-icon-theme |
openSUSE | Matthias Eliasson | papirus-icon-theme official |
ROSA Linux | Vladimir Penchikov | sudo urpmi papirus-icon-theme |
Solus | Joshua Strobl | sudo eopkg it papirus-icon-theme |
Ubuntu 18.04+ | Yangfl | sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme |
Void Linux | Giuseppe Fierro | sudo xbps-install -S papirus-icon-theme |
NOTE: If you are a maintainer and want to be in the list, please create an issue or make a pull request.
Some software uses an absolute path instead of the icon name in a .desktop file or in the source code which makes them unthemable.
Hardcoded application icons
To deal with hardcoded application icons we recommend using hardcode-fixer. Papirus supports most of the applications in the list. If hardcode-fixer doesn’t support your favorite app yet, please open an issue here or edit your .desktop file manually.
Hardcoded tray icons
To fix hardcoded tray icons Papirus supports Hardcode-Tray script. A list of supported applications is available here.
NOTE: To get Papirus to work right with Hardcode-Tray, use the hardcode-tray option —conversion-tool RSVGConvert :
Size recommendations:
- Unity 22px
- KDE 22px
- GNOME 22px (see for more info)
- XFCE 22px (see for more info)
- Pantheon 24px
- Cinnamon 16px
- LXQt 16px
NOTE: Some Electron-based applications have blurred tray icon on KDE (see bug report). To solve this issue pass the following environment variable to the app: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity wire-desktop
Steam runtime icons
To fix icons of running Steam games, you can use Steam Icons Fixer script, that will connect all icons available from our icon theme with your installed games.
Support for monochrome icons for KDE colorscheme is now available:
- Papirus — for dark plasma theme & light color scheme
- Papirus Dark — for dark plasma theme & color scheme
- Papirus Light — for light plasma theme & color scheme
NOTE: Non-KDE apps don’t support KDE colorscheme on the system tray, but you can replace color manually.
Papirus has Folder Color v0.0.80+ support that allows you to change a color of a folder.
For KDE, colors of individual folders can be changed using dolphin-folder-color.
Also, you can use our papirus-folders script to apply the color of folders system-wide.
- Recommended use Papirus icons alongside one of the following GTK themes:
- Arc theme
- Materia theme
- For KDE, our recommendation is:
- Arc KDE
- Materia KDE
For Cinnamon users who want to use Papirus icon theme with Arc theme we recommend fix color icons on panel:
To deal with blurred panel icons, increase the panel size up to 30px in Systems Settings → Panel (see screenshot).
For GNOME Shell users
For GNOME users we recommend install the following extensions:
¹ On Ubuntu 18.04+ it is pre-installed.
Here are a few recommendations for Xfce users.
Thunar File Manager
Go to Edit → Preferences. . Click on Side Pane tab. Under Side Pane , look for Icon Size and set to Very Small .
Go to Settings Manager → Panel → Items tab. Select Notification Area item and click on Edit currently selected item button. Under Appearance set the following options:
- Set Maximum icon size (px) to 24
- Uncheck Show frame
For elementary/Pantheon users
With light wallpaper, we recommend disable use-transparency option on wingpanel:
For better representation we recommend use only light eGTK Theme:
Here are a few recommendations for LXQt users.
PCManFM-Qt File Manager
Go to Edit → Preferences . Click on Display section. On Icons category change size to 16×16 for Size of side pane icons .
Monochrome Panel Plugins
Configure Panel and set 16px for Icon size .
- Application name
- Icon name (see desktop-file option Icon on /usr/share/applications )
- Original icon image
- Use tray? Tray icon name. Hardcoded?
- Small description and/or a link to the official webpage
NOTE: We do NOT support Windows/Wine/Proton/Crossover or other NOT native Linux-apps & games. This also applies to discontinued projects!!
We welcome user contributions. If you don’t know where to start, we’ve compiled a list of things we would like to see in your pull request:
- new icons for missing applications
- symbolic links to an existing icon
- resolving open issues
- spelling, grammar, phrasing
- improvements to our scripts
Inside tools/work you will find a step-by-step guide, an environment, and tools that will help you:
We are waiting for your pull requests and would love to see this icon theme become as complete as possible.
You can support this open source project by making a voluntary payment:
Papirus icon theme is free and open source project distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. See the LICENSE file for details.
Every logo in this icon theme is owned by the respective trademark holder. We have not received approval to create these logos from any of the trademark owners, and the existence of an icon in this repository is in no way supported by the trademark owner.
Where possible, we stayed true to the branding and official guidelines.
If you are a trademark holder or application owner for one of these applications and disapprove of the icons we’ve created for your application, please submit an issue to this repository.