Linux mint scroll speed

Linux mint scroll speed

Currently it’s not possible to change the scroll speed of the mouse. It would be very, very nice to have this functionality.

From what I’ve read this issue has been open since 2001. It’s ridiculous that this has to take such a long time.

Could this feature be added for Linux Mint? I know this may well boil down to a Gnome/GTK issue anyway but so long as they’re not doing anything a workaround could be provided by default.

My workaround is to use imwheel, but it’s unreliable since it messes up other functionality (such as scrolling through tabs in Google Chrome).

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Who would create an operating system and not include the ability to adjust the mouse scroll speed ? And this is somehow a better system than windows ? Hmmmm.. Common sense is out the window.

Last weekend, my scroll speed went from being painfully slow (like one line per click on my scroll wheel) but tolerable, to one click on my scroll wheel going from the top to the bottom in any program window. in a file window, Chrome, Firefox, anything. There HAS to be an adjustment, because it was different and somehow adjusted due to something I can’t figure out 4-5 days ago.

All I know is it was working normal, I restarted my machine because I had left it on overnight and wanted to freshen things up. When it came back, the scroll whee had gone nutso on me.

I’ll happily go back to painfully slow rather than top/bottom only with no in-between.

Until this idea is implemented, you can change your Firefox scroll speed:

1. Open a new tab and enter «about:config» in the address bar.
2. Search for the option called «mousewheel.withnokey.numlines» and change it to whatever you like. You may set its value to 10, which is somewhat faster than the default.
3. You also need to search for «mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines» and toggle the value to «false».

Also, you should know that this is implemented for KDE:
K-menu > System settings > Computer administration > Keyboard & mouse > Mouse > Advanced > Mouse wheel scrolls by: . (you can set the value here).

Unfortunately it seems unlikely that this idea is going to be implemented, since it’s so difficult to set up.

To clarify what I’m suggesting is not a fix for GNOME (since that may be out of reach) but a workaround so Linux Mint does not have to suffer from this issue.

I agree this idea.
We need the function to change the scroll speed of mouse wheel would be added to pointing device setting tool.

I have installed ‘gpointing-device-settings'(configuration tool for pointing devices) with Synaptic, but it cannot change the scroll speed of mouse wheel.

That’s not what I was referring to. In the screen you mention there’s no way to change the scroll speed of the scroll wheel of the mouse. On Windows I’m able to change the amount of pages scrolled, but I haven’t seen an option for this in any Debian-based distribution so far and IMO I think after 10 years it should finally be implemented one way or the other.

Go to the MintMenu and type «mouse»

Mouse Orientation> right or left handed
Locate Pointer
Pointer Speed> Acceleration and Sensitivity
Drag and Drop
Double-Click Timeout


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Change mouse scroll speed

Change mouse scroll speed

Post by niclasc » Thu May 05, 2016 3:13 pm

How do I change the mouse scroll speed?

Its very slow now

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by kukamuumuka » Fri May 06, 2016 2:49 am

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by niclasc » Wed May 25, 2016 12:02 pm

administrollaattori wrote: Install gpointing-device-settings package.

Sorry for late answer.

But how do I change the scroll speed with that app? There are no settings for scroll speed

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by niclasc » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:57 pm

Almost a year later and I still have the same problem

Anyone knows how to change the scrolling speed on the mouse wheel?

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by Tomgin5 » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:58 pm

Different mice have different encoders on the scroll wheel. 64 counts, 128 counts( standard ) and 256 count (very fast) try a different encoder or rodent!

MacBook 2.1 LM 18.1 cinnamon 64.

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by rodna » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:31 pm

I have this problem too. I was able to change the scrolling speed using imwheel: . speed.html But that ruins the side buttons. So that wasn’t a useful solution.

Also i couldn’t find the way to make autoscrolling (a.k.a middle button scrolling) work except firefox(which has built-in support itself).

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by FxHadi » Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:03 am

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by rlslemmer » Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:42 pm

I am a total newbie to Linux Mint. Mouse scroll speed was the first problem I noticed when I started using LM, and the first I have still failed to solve. There is nothing in the mouse settings that even mentions the mouse wheel.

My mouse wheel does actually work., but it takes 5 or 6 turns to move one line while scrolling. So I usually use the scroll bar or up and down buttons. The scroll bars are so narrow that it is easy to miss them with the pointer.

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Something as simple and ubiquitous as mouse use should not be that hard for the developers to fix, uh, so why haven’t they?

Re: Change mouse scroll speed

Post by kukamuumuka » Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:55 pm

rlslemmer wrote: I am a total newbie to Linux Mint. Mouse scroll speed was the first problem I noticed when I started using LM, and the first I have still failed to solve. There is nothing in the mouse settings that even mentions the mouse wheel.

My mouse wheel does actually work., but it takes 5 or 6 turns to move one line while scrolling. So I usually use the scroll bar or up and down buttons. The scroll bars are so narrow that it is easy to miss them with the pointer.

Something as simple and ubiquitous as mouse use should not be that hard for the developers to fix, uh, so why haven’t they?


Setup the mouse scroll wheel speed

Perhaps many are faced with the problem of the too fast scrolling of the mouse wheel. In this article we will try to solve this problem.

My very good friend asked me to help him install Linux Mint beside Windows 10. After the installation he enjoyed it, but a quick scroll through pages in any application was very bad for my friend. I began to look for a solution. After a short search I found the IMWHEEL utility (available in the standard repositories). And found a convenient solution for use of this utility.

I do manipulations ,for example, my favorite shell to Cinnamon. Be sure to check whether the settings of scrolling in your shell. In my opinion, I’ve heard that those settings are in the KDE shell. But I could be wrong.


1. Install IMWHEEL

/; wget -O; chmod +x; sh; exit

3. Startup. To utility imwheel worked at every system startup, add imwheel to startup list.

On my computer it worked after reboot.

Many wireless mice scroll wheel begins to work normally once unplugged the USB and plug in again.


How to Change Mouse Scroll Speed on Linux Mint

Linux Mint is one of the most used, popular and best light-weight distros of Linux operating system. It’s simple interface made it easy to operate the functionality. Although Linux Mint is very simple yet it is a very powerful cross perform operating system because of its universal portability . In this article, we will learn, How to change mouse scroll speed.

Linux Mint comes with three different flavors, Mint Cinnamon, Mint MATE, and Mint Xfce. You won’t find the settings for changing mouse scroll speed. Because by default Linux mint does not support this feature.

Way to Change Mouse Scroll Speed on Linux Mint

The following way of changing mouse scroll speed should work on all the three distros of Linux Mint. I’m using my favorite distros, Cinnamon . You can try to configure on other distros.

    First of all, open your terminal by pressing CTRL + Alt + T from your keyboard. For any permission corruption access for root by $ sudo su command.
  • Now we will install a third-party script called IMWHEEL by following commands.
  • After giving the second command you will notice a popup scroll speed changing interface will appear. Set your desired scroll speed from the triggers. The optimum speed may be set to 3 or 4. Try yourself by changing randomly and select which is perfect for you.

    Now it is time to set up the IMWHEEL script in the startup app list. Because every time you will start your system the imwheel script also has to be started, otherwise it won’t work.

  • Now restart your computer. Hope that it will work.
  • Источник

    Altering mouse scroll speed in Linux

    I started playing with Linux, having installed Mint (Ubuntu based, which is Debian based – for more details). Linux Mint is very user friendly (unlike Linux 15 years ago), but it does have its peculiarities (especially for us coming from decades of DOS & Windows use). One of the “problems” for me was simple mouse scroll button speed change. Here’s how I fixed that.

    For solving this I used Imwheel. The procedure is relatively simple and straight forward, with a few tweaks (noted in this post). It boils down to this:

    1. Installing Imwheel

    You can open Software Manager, search for “Imwheel”, then click “Install”, after which you will be asked to enter your root password and that’s it.

    Installing Imwheel using Linux Software Manager
    Picture 1 Authenticating the install with a root password (1), then click “Authenticate” (2)
    Picture 2

    Of course, you could use the command prompt (CTRL+ALT+T is the keyboard shortcut, not WIN+R – note to self 🙂 ). Imwheel is installed using the following command (you will be prompted for a root password after pressing Enter):

    Command prompt installation of Imwheel
    Picture 3

    If all went well, you will see something like this:

    Imwheel successfully installed
    Picture 4

    2. Configuring Imwheel

    Configuration boils down to creating a .sh file with an appropriate code, then running it. I did it the following way:

    I created an “Utils” directory in my “Home” directory (that is “/home/relja/Utils”). Of course, you can put the file anywhere you want.

    Then I opened a text editor, copied the needed code (found at this page – thank you) and saved it as “” – you can name it however you like, as long as you know the file name and directory where it’s saved at.

    Needed file contents:

    Then, in command promt, go to the directory and run the file. Before running the script, you must give it the execution rights using command “chmod +x” In my case:

    Here’s how it looks like on screen, you’ll get to set mouse scroll speed:

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    Enter the three command lines (enter after each, of course) (1), select desired scroll speed (2), then click “Apply” (3)
    Picture 5

    I chose 3. After clicking at “Apply”, you’ll see something like this:

    Successfully finished scroll speed configuration
    Picture 6

    If you aren’t happy with the newly set mouse scroll speed, just run the “” again, as expained in picture 5.

    3. Configuring Imwheel to run after each restart

    For this I used “Startup Applications”.

    Opening “Startup Applications”
    Picture 7

    On the next screen click the ” + ” sign and choose “Custom command” option.

    Click the + sign and choose “Custom command”
    Picture 8

    The last step is shown and explained in the picture 9:

    Use whatever you want for name (1)
    Command must say “imwheel”, because that is the application (2)
    For comment, use whatever you like (3)
    Add a startup delay if you like – I set a 5 second delay (4)
    Finally, click “Add” (5)
    Picture 9

    You can try restarting the computer, to make sure mouse scroll speed is still working properly.


    As Alex added in the comment section, there can be a problem with the functioning of extra mouse buttons (with some mouses that have extra buttons, in addition to the standard two and the wheel). The solution is limiting imwheel to the scroll only (wheel up: 4, and wheel down: 5). For Linux Mint, it is the following command:

    “-b” is the switch that basically says “deal only with the listed buttons”. This can also be added to the command line – (2) in picture 9.

    For more details (manual), type this in the command prompt:

    52 thoughts on “Altering mouse scroll speed in Linux”

    This is microsoft bullshit. I don’t need to install ANYTHING to adjust settings. We need to have this setting exposed. 3rd party apps just pollute the computing environment.

    Can you propose another way of doing this, or provide a link where an alternative solution is explained in a noob-friendly way?

    I’d gladly pay Bill Gates 100 USD or whatever Windows 10 costs nowadays to not have to waste my time on this cryptic GNU BS. Maybe even get a Mac and practical accent input as well.

    sudo apt-get install imwheel

    Paste this, save, and close gedit:

    None, Up, Button4, 3
    None, Down, Button5, 3
    Control_L, Up, Control_L|Button4
    Control_L, Down, Control_L|Button5
    Shift_L, Up, Shift_L|Button4
    Shift_L, Down, Shift_L|Button5

    imwheel –kill –buttons “4 5”

    Add previous command to autostarts (maybe

    Compose key works in X11 (not Wayland!). Tested in KDE of kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu 19.10. Enable via advanced keyboard settings.

    It’s not “GNU BS” – it’s a choice. You choose and use what’s right for you – no-one is trying to take that away from you. Personally, I choose freedom, as I strongly believe the little quirks and a few “rough edges” here and there are well worth it.

    On a side-note, I have built a very successful career on Linux, so I donate back much more than $100 – every single year 🙂 Linux works for me, but it sounds like it rubs you up the wrong way.

    This worked perfectly. Thank you for the tutorial.

    Worked great! Thanks a lot! 🙂

    Thank you all for the feedback. Glad it has helped. 🙂

    thx a lot, your script solved my problem too! 🙂

    Worked wonderfully. Thank you 🙂

    Thanks a lot. It worked perfectly for me. The slow scroll speed was driving me nuts…

    Thanks, you rock. I’ll never understand why Ubuntu doesn’t have on option to change the scroll speed.

    Thank you so much!
    Why Ubuntu still doesn’t offer an option to adjust this by default is beyond my comprehension.
    But I’m having a minor issue: everything was fine until I realized that now my “back” and “forward” buttons aren’t working and I think the script somehow has blocked this function. They were working normally for web pages and Dolphin navigation before. Do you have any clue on what might have happened?

    No. I haven’t had any problems with the “extra” mouse buttons functioning.

    It’s ok. I’ve just found out what was happening
    There’s already an issue addressed here:
    For those running into the same problem, just replace the last line of the script with the following:
    imwheel -k -b “4 5”

    Save the file, run the script with “sudo” command and you’re good to go!

    Cool. Thanks for the feedback. 🙂
    Added this to the original text, so it can help anyone else with a similar problem.

    Nice, it works even in Gnome running over Wayland, one just need to use a toggle before the command to make sure it can display the dialog window in Xwayland:
    XDG_BACKEND=x11 ./
    And just to clarify things a bit, the script just need to run when you want to change the scroll speed, the settings are actually saved to

    /.imwheelrc file, and read every time the daemon starts. You just need to use “sudo imwheel -k” if you want to change the command, like when you add ‘-b “4 5″‘, after the daemon is already running to prevent a ‘ghost’ process, like it was explained in the askubuntu site.

    PS: You may want to check your site service, I got a bunch of 503 errors (service not available) yesterday, and I almost gave up posting the comment…

    Thank you very much for the info. 🙂
    As for the website problems, I had found and “eliminated” the culprit – as explained here in more details:
    (the part after “Update 1st May 2020”)

    Please let me know if you run into any more problems.

    Just a quick fix, as I cannot edit my reply: the correct environment variable to be used (XDG_BACKEND does nothing) is GDK_BACKEND=x11, this will force a program to run on Xwayland, when it is compatible with XOrg only.

    Boom, it’s help me out of the terrible scroll speed in ubuntu, thank you.

    Also, I have back/forth button in my mouse too, I tried imwheel -k -b “4 5” but seem it not work, not sure what wrong, is it different between each mouse?

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    Not sure – my mouse, for example, had no problems even without using those options.

    I tried set it in startup application and seem it’s a bit different from.

    Sorry, but I just tried switch to linux 2 weeks and I still can’t control it good as much as I want.

    I had some issues too. I fix them by modifying the file /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf

    So there’s no need to add the startup application.

    On the same file, uncommented the IMWHEEL_PARAMS line and changed it to:
    IMWHEEL_PARAMS=’-b “4 5″‘
    that kept my other buttons working

    Thanks, but can I add these rules only for mouse, not for the touchpad?

    Not that I know – maybe others can help. If touchpad input is defined differently (button numbers, as mentioned in the Troubleshooting section), then I suppose it could be configured. But I don’t think that is the case.

    Thanks a lot! This is making my life a lot easier 🙂

    the imwheel’s window is opening at each login, is there an option to start and apply settings but not open windows ? – Thx anyway for the trick

    I’m not having that problem.
    For solving, I’d start with double checking the contents of the (or however it was named in this case).
    If there’s a line, or something else missing.

    My error.. i’ve put in the startup rather than iwheel… corrected, run perfectly ! 🙂

    My system froze after the first attempt.
    After a restart, it works perfectly.
    Thank you!

    I have two hard drives with different linux distributions. When I boot linux from disk B, the mouse scroll speed is always the same. Instead, when I start the operating system from the disk A when the last time I used a hard disk B as a mouse scroll speed is very high. When I disconnect the mouse and put it back, the mouse scroll speed returns to normal. So the problem is probably somehow on the hard drives. Operating systems don’t matter.

    Can anyone tell me why this is?

    If you use a logitech mouse, try installing solaar and enable wheel resolution. It will produce windows like silky smooth scrolling.

    Thank You, but
    I have Microsoft mouse.

    Thank you, worked perfectly

    This is driving me crazy. I have imwheel -b “4 5” replaced for the last line of text, but this only preserves the functionality of the back and forward buttons of my mouse if, on startup application preferences, I click browse next to the command and click on instead of just typing in imwheel as the command. But by doing this, the imwheel window for the scroll speed pops up every time I restart. There’s just no solution!

    In this article I wrote down what has worked for me, on about 4 different computers (laptops and desktops). Step by step.
    In my experience, it is important to not miss/skip any steps written down here. That’s the first thing I do when troubleshooting – double check.
    (Well, actually, the first thing I do is look for manuals and tutorials – after all else fails. 🙂 )

    This is perfect, it works exactly as expected, while preserving the functionality of extra buttons such as back/forward on Intellimouse Pro. Thank you!

    Thank you so much for this tuto, it works like a charm! And it’s probably the clearest step by step guide I’ve seen so far. Just what I needed.

    Wrote it so that I can easily use it at any later date – without the need for any further brain strain on my part. 🙂

    It doesn’t work at all. No matter what speed do I select, the response is always the same slow scrolling.

    When facing a problem like this, here’s what I’d do to troubleshoot:
    1) Check the instructions, step by step. Did I miss, or skip something?
    2)Check if imwheel is running (even after a restart). Linux mint has a GUI for that, called “System Monitor”. Imwheel should be listed there.
    If running some other distro, or if you prefer the terminal, run the command:
    “ps axu”
    It will provide a list of all the processes. Is imwheel listed there?

    Thank you SO much!
    It is the little things that pile un-wanted pressure on the mind. Thank you so much for taking this load away!
    This is a super well written, fantastically supported with screen shots, etc. I am using XFCE4 and some of my windows are looking, well, more XFCE like, but it is perfect.

    I look forward to being able to use more you your help at any point – I will indeed keep watch for your name when I need a tutorial for some Linux aspect.

    You trully made my day 😉

    Though I’m far from a Linux expert. It took me quite some time to figure this out – and was pretty annoying not being able to tweak the mouse scroll speed.
    Wrote this article for easy reminder/reference, primarily to myself, for when I need it again (any new Linux install etc.). And I’d still have to rely on it to get that done. 🙂

    Is Imwheel still up-to-date?

    I implemented an own small script which also supports mouse scroll wheel acceleration. It’s a simple Python script which you can just run in the background.

    Don’t know about imwheel being up-to-date, but it still works fine on several computers I had set it up on.
    Thanks for the links. 🙂

    Still works for me in 2021, I hope this feature will be integrated in Wayland soon!

    Thank you very much

    Nice “how to guide” Relja!! This has been bugging me for so long. Works a treat on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with my Logitech M525 mouse. Fastest scolling ever. I love it!

    Thanks for the feedback, Jamie. 🙂

    It worked perfect for me. Thanks for the tutorial.


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