- Linux везде. Планета Open Source
- Государство
- Образование
- Коммерческие компании и некоммерчекие организации
- Научные организации
- Best Free and Open Source Software
- Decentralized innovation. Built on trust.
- Helping open technology projects build world class open source software, communities and companies
- 1.15 BILLION
- Featured Content
- Featured Webinar
- Featured Training & Certification
- The world runs on open technology hardware standards finance innovation source
- 1 Billion
- The world runs on open technology hardware standards finance innovation source
- 1 Billion
- 1 Billion
- Simplifying the lives of developers, supporting organizations, and end users, one open technology project at a time
- Browse Open Source Software
- Top Apps
- Microsoft’s TrueType core fonts
- SAP NetWeaver Server Adapter for Eclipse
- Notepad++ Plugin Manager (old repo)
- movistartv
- Apache OpenOffice
- antimicro
- KeePass
- Scrollout F1
- Ubuntuzilla: Mozilla Software Installer
- qBittorrent
- Code::Blocks
- Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server
- Sweet Home 3D
- AutoAP
- Rufus
- scrcpy
- TurboVNC
- Tux Paint
- unitedrpms
- libjpeg-turbo
Linux везде. Планета Open Source
«Linux используется повсеместно: от космических аппаратов до микроволновок — всё работает под Linux». Наверняка многие слышали такое и хотели бы знать, это просто красивые слова или действительно правда? Журнал Linux Federation доказывает, что это правда: он опубликовал большой обзор со списком тех мест, где работает Linux. Список действительно впечатляет.
Большинство государств во всём мире работает под Linux. На то есть две основные причины: экономия бюджетных средств и гибкость, какой нет больше ни у одной операционной системы.
Министерство обороны США является самым крупным в мире пользователем Red Hat Linux по количеству компьютеров. На свободной ОС работают и ядерные подлодки, и недавно построенный эскадренный миноносец нового поколения с бортовым дата-центром.
Администрация США по ядерной безопасности владеет десятым в мире по мощности суперкомпьютером IBM Roadrunner, на которым испытывают виртуальное ядерное оружие под операционной системой Fedora.
Государственные органы Германии перевели десятки тысяч рабочих компьютеров на Debian и OpenSuse.
Национальная полиция Франции (90 000 компьютеров) в 2007 году приняла решение перейти с Windows XP на Ubuntu. Процесс должен закончиться к 2015 году. Парламент Франции уже перешёл на Ubuntu, а министр сельского хозяйства страны почему-то предпочитает Mandriva.
В России действует план перевода всех федеральных органов исполнительной власти и федеральных бюджетных учреждений на использование свободного программного обеспечения до 2015 года.
Как говорил Нельсон Мандела, образование — самое мощное оружие для изменения мира. Свободное ПО должно быть основой системы образования, и в некоторых странах это уже поняли. Китайские власти закупили 150 тыс. компьютеров под Linux для провинциальных школ. Министерство образования России анонсировало установку Linux на все школьные компьютеры ещё в октябре 2007 года.
В Германии 5,6 млн студентов в 33 университетах тоже перевели на свободную платформу.
Коммерческие компании и некоммерчекие организации
Во многих компаниях Linux используется как стандартная платформа для рабочих компьютеров сотрудников. На рынке есть специальные «коммерческие» дистрибутивы Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop и Ubuntu, с которыми можно заказать платную техподдержку.
В Amazon система Linux установлена на каждом корпоративном компьютере.
В Google разработали собственную версию Goobuntu, которую держат в секрете от внешнего мира.
Wikipedia в 2008 году перешла на Ubuntu с Red Hat Enterprise и Fedora.
Корпорация IBM вносит большой вклад в разработку ядра Linux и использует свободную ОС и на рабочих компьютерах, и на серверах. Несколько лет назад IBM запустила на телевидении рекламный ролик «IBM поддерживает Linux на 100%».
Linux работает на фондовых биржах NYSE и LSE, в банках и брокерских компаниях.
Научные организации
Несколько лет назад компьютеры Международной космической станции перевели с Windows XP на Debian 6.
Многие университеты и научные организации используют специальный дистрибутив Scientific Linux, разработанный в Fermilab и CERN. Естественно, тот же CERN весь софт пишет под Linux, включая программы для управления Большим адронным коллайдером. Все 20 000 внутренних серверов CERN работают под Linux.
Ко всему вышеперечисленному следует добавить миллиарды мобильных устройств со встроенным ядром Linux: это смартфоны, планшеты, маршрутизаторы, телеприставки и умные телевизоры, промышленное оборудование. По итогам 2013 года можно сказать: Linux действительно используется повсеместно.
Best Free and Open Source Software
Open source software is any program where the developer releases the source code for free. Whenever software has an open source license, it means anyone in the world can download, modify and distribute it without paying fees to its original creator.
Open source doesn’t just bestow a “free” download. Many companies develop software without charge but don’t publish the source code preventing other developers improving the code base. By contrast, open source projects are built on the endeavours of many collaborators who give up their time and expertise to create sublime software.
This is the largest collection of recommended software. The collection includes hundreds of articles, with comprehensive sections on internet, graphics, games, programming, science, office, utilities, and more. Almost all of the software is free and open source.
Click the icons above to view each section.
The compilation is being frequently updated and new articles added on a regular basis. For each article, we commission an expert in the field. Almost all the articles include a legendary rating chart offering you a succinct way of knowing what to try next.
Here’s the latest updates to our compilation of recommended software.
August 2021 Updates | Category |
Terminal Emulators Built With Web Technologies | Productivity |
Python Static Site Generators | Web Apps |
Drop-in replacements for Core Utilities | Utilities |
Ruby Static Site Generators | Web Apps |
Replacements for ls | Utilities |
Replacements for du | Utilities |
Terminal Emulators | Productivity |
Mastodon Clients | Internet |
Podcast Tools | Audio |
Internet Radio | Audio |
Music Players | Audio |
The original objective in starting the compilation was to dispel the FUD that Linux does not have the necessary software to compete with Windows. Over time, the aim of the compilation was to enable Linux users, whatever their level of computing experience, to identify software of all types that is worth exploring. With the huge range of open source software available, there is simply not enough time for users to evaluate every application even within a single category of software.
Open source software is often confused with freeware, but the two are very different. Freeware refers to software that users can download and use entirely for free, at no cost. However, they don’t have the right to change the source code.
The opposite of open source software is proprietary software, where only the individual creator/s, or the business who created it, has the right to control or modify the source code.
Decentralized innovation.
Built on trust.
Read Blog Post By Nithya Ruff, Linux Foundation Board Chair & Jennifer Cloer, Story Changes Culture showcasing three women who have been Linux kernel mentees in our mentorship program
Helping open technology projects build world class open source software, communities and companies
lines of code supporting the most business critical and groundbreaking innovations
developers from the most innovative companies building the future of open technology
contributing companies across industries bringing open technology into the enterprise
total shared value created from the collective contributions of the Linux Foundation community
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Linux Kernel mentees break open source glass ceiling
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The world runs on open technology hardware standards finance innovation source
The Linux Foundation enables companies to drive global innovation by growing open technology ecosystems that transform industries.
of supercomputers use Linux
of public cloud providers use Kubernetes
of global mobile subscribers use devices run on networks built using ONAP
of global auto shipments supported by OEMs using Automotive Grade Linux
of the Fortune Top 50 enterprise blockchain deployments use Hyperledger
1 Billion
security certificates issued by the largest certificate authority in the world: Let’s Encrypt
The world runs on open technology hardware standards finance innovation source
The Linux Foundation enables companies to drive global innovation by growing open technology ecosystems that transform industries.
of supercomputers use Linux
of public cloud providers use Kubernetes
of global mobile subscribers use devices run on network operators using ONAP
of global auto shipments supported by OEMs using Automotive Grade Linux
1 Billion
downloads of Node.js packages daily
of the Fortune Top 50 enterprise blockchain deployments use Hyperledger
Lorem ipsum FINOS consectetur adipiscing elit
1 Billion
security certificates issued by the largest certificate authority in the world: Let’s Encrypt
Simplifying the lives of developers, supporting organizations, and end users, one open technology project at a time
No agendas. No politics. Just stuff developers need to build and maintain projects.
The key to a successful open technology project is to ensure a neutral playing field for all developers, technologists, and companies to collectively contribute to project evolution and growth. The Linux Foundation was built on the idea of the democratization of code and scaling adoption, for all projects equally. Expert legal and governance support programs ensure everyone is on the same playing field.
Helping developers gather the necessary elements to create critical project mass.
The promise of open source runs the gamut from the smallest academic research projects to enterprise innovations that can transform industries and create new markets. At the Linux Foundation, we have a proven track-record of helping aspiring projects to create new technology categories by identifying trends early, and igniting the adoption of innovative, upcoming technologies by building and scaling developer ecosystems.
Transforming code into commerce with OSS-centric marketing tools and support programs.
The biggest hurdle for any project is preparing for enterprise-wide adoption. The Linux Foundation provides dedicated programs to scale your developer and user communities. We provide project operations support, IT infrastructure management, event management, training and certification, marketing, and membership development to attract the biggest companies in the world to accelerate scale and adoption. Let us help you run your project so you can focus on the code.
Grok what’s really happening in your community. Manage your code.
Without the proper tools to understand how a project is performing and how to take action on those insights, it’s challenging to efficiently drive a project forward without burning resources. The Linux Foundation is the only organization with a comprehensive platform that provides the tooling and analytics capabilities to streamline project operations and community engagement, automate technology infrastructure, simplify project management, and facilitate the scale of community awareness and enterprise-wide adoption.
Browse Open Source Software
Top Apps
The Incorta Direct Data Platform™ gives any business user the ability to analyze complex, full-fidelity business data in real-time.
SpamTitan blocks spam, viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing attempts and other email threats.
Microsoft’s TrueType core fonts
A smart package of Microsoft’s core fonts
SAP NetWeaver Server Adapter for Eclipse
Integrates Eclipse with the SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Notepad++ Plugin Manager (old repo)
Notepad++ Plugin Manager [deprecated — now on github]
Movistar+ Deco Virtual — Software decodificador
A fast, portable, simple, and free C/C++ IDE
Apache OpenOffice
The free and Open Source productivity suite
Graphical program to map keyboard and mouse controls to a gamepad
A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager
Scrollout F1
An easy-to-use anti-spam email gateway
Ubuntuzilla: Mozilla Software Installer
APT repository for Mozilla software releases
With Maestro, our clients use social employee recognition to strengthen the bond between managers and their teams
A free and reliable P2P BitTorrent client
A free C, C++ and Fortran IDE
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Sweet Home 3D
An interior design application to draw house plans & arrange furniture
A script to find open Wi-Fi connections and the strongest signal
Utility to create bootable USB flash drives
Display and control your Android device
60fps) and quality (1920×1080 or above). It’s got low latency (35
70ms) and a very low startup time (less than a second). It offers plenty of great features and is non-intrusive, with nothing left installed inside the device. scrcpy works with Android devices with at least API 21 (Android 5.0) and adb debugging must be enabled on the device.
High-speed, 3D-friendly, TightVNC-compatible remote desktop software
Tux Paint
An award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12
Fast and open solution where everyone can help
SIMD-accelerated libjpeg-compatible JPEG codec library