- Lsi raid driver windows
- Lsi raid driver windows
- Алгоритм поиска драйверов и прошивок для LSI/Avago
- Downloads for Intel® RAID Controllers
- IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver v4.22.80.08 for SLES 11 — IBM BladeCenter and System x
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- Version
- Release Date
- Downloadable File
- Abstract
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- Change history
Lsi raid driver windows
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS — 2 часть-01
Всем привет ранее я в первой части рассказывал Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID, но не так давно компания Avago поглотила LSI и теперь появилась возможность скачивать драйвера и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS у них давайте рассмотрим поподробнее.
Переходим на сайт Avago для скачивания . Перед вами откроется страница с формами выбора продуктов разных категорий
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS — 2 часть-01
Выберем для примера RAID Controller Cards
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS — 2 часть-02
Видим, что помимо LSI есть еще и 3ware SAS. Выбираем нужную нам модель и в правой колонке Asset type выбираем что будем скачивать, я для примера выбрал driver
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS — 2 часть-03
Откроется страница с последними драйверами и прошивками для вашего RAID контроллера.
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS — 2 часть-04
Вот такой вот полезный сайтик, где можно скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID и 3ware SAS.
Lsi raid driver windows
Добрый день! Уважаемые читатели и гости одного из крупнейших IT блогов в русскоязычном сегменте Pyatilistnik.org. В прошлый раз мы с вами разобрали, какие виды RAID построения массивом существуют, сегодня мы поговорим про мат часть. Предположим вам купили новый сервер, в нем куча винтов и raid контроллер LSi. Где взять для него драйвера прошивку, которую обычно обновляют до любого продакшена, различные утилиты, естественно на сайт производителя.
Алгоритм поиска драйверов и прошивок для LSI/Avago
Идем на сайт . Первое, что бросается в глаза это форма поиска.
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-01
Заполняем поля поиска нужными вам данными, в моем случае это raid контроллер LSI-9260-4i и жмем search
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-02
Видим, что нашлось очень много категорий.
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-03
Первое что очень полезно это драйвера
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-04
Прошивки как новые так и старые, если нажать archived
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-05
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-06
Ну и конечно полезные утилиты
такие как MSM и SMIS Provider.
Где скачать драйвера, утилиты и прошивки для LSI контроллеров MegaRAID-07
Downloads for Intel® RAID Controllers
Description | Type | OS | Version | Date |
StorCLI Standalone Utility |
Provides command line management software for select Intel® RAID products.
Provides firmware for full-featured 12Gbs Intel® RAID Controllers supporting RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60.
Provides firmware for Trimode (NVMe+SAS+SATA) Intel® RAID Controllers.
Provides firmware for entry level 12Gbs Intel® RAID Controllers supporting RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, 50
Provides firmware for Trimode Intel® Storage Controller supporting JBOD (passthrough) only.
Provides Windows* driver for Trimode Intel® Storage Controllers supporting JBOD (Passthrough) only.
Windows Server 2019*
Windows Server 2016*
Installs a web-based application to monitor and manage select Intel RAID products for Windows*.
Windows Server 2019*
Windows Server 2016*
Installs a web-based application to monitor and manage select Intel RAID products for Linux*.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0*
9 more
Provides Windows* driver (IT) for 12Gbs Intel® RAID Controllers supporting JBOD (Passthrough) only.
Windows 8.1*
Windows 8*
4 more
Provides Linux* driver for Trimode (NVMe+SAS+SATA) Intel® RAID Controllers.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Linux* driver for full featured (MR) 6Gbs Intel RAID Controllers.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Linux* driver for Intel® RAID SSD Cache Controller.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Linux* driver for full featured (MR) and entry level (iMR) 12Gbs Intel® RAID Controllers.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Linux* driver for Trimode (IT) Intel Storage Controllers supporting JBOD (Passthrough).
SUSE Linux*
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS*
Ubuntu 16.04*
Provides Linux* driver for entry level 12Gbs Intel RAID Controllers supporting RAID 0, 1, 10, 1E.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Linux* driver for 12Gbs Intel RAID Controllers supporting JBOD(Passthrough) only.
SUSE Linux*
Provides Windows driver for full featured (MR) and entry level (iMR) 12Gbs Intel RAID Controllers.
Windows 8.1*
Windows 8*
4 more
Provides Windows* driver for Trimode (NVMe+SAS+SATA) Intel RAID Controllers.
Windows 8.1*
Windows 8*
4 more
Provides Windows* driver for full featured (MR) 6Gbs Intel RAID Controllers.
Windows 8.1*
Windows 8*
4 more
Provides Windows* driver for Intel® RAID SSD Cache Controller.
IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver v4.22.80.08 for SLES 11 — IBM BladeCenter and System x
Release Date
Downloadable File
File link | File size | File description |
6,403 | CHANGE HISTORY for the IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver for SLES 11 | |
8,271 | README for the IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver for SLES 11 | |
32,524 | XML for the IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver for SLES 11 | |
26,149,458 | IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver for SLES 11 |
Download the latest IBM and LSI Basic or Integrated RAID SAS Controller Driver for SLES 11
Download Description
Supported systems:
- IBM BladeCenter HS12 (1916, 8028, 8014)
- IBM BladeCenter HS21 (1885, 7995, 8853)
- IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM (1915, 7995)
- IBM BladeCenter HS22 (7809, 1936, 1911, 7870)
- IBM BladeCenter HS22V (1949, 7871)
- IBM BladeCenter HX5 (7872, 1910, 1909, 7873)
- IBM BladeCenter LS21 (7971)
- IBM BladeCenter LS22 (7901)
- IBM BladeCenter LS41 (7972)
- IBM BladeCenter LS42 (7902)
- IBM System x3100 M3 (4253)
- IBM System x3200 M2 (4368, 4367)
- IBM System x3200 M3 (7328, 7327)
- IBM System x3250 M2 (4194, 4190, 4191)
- IBM System x3250 M3 (4252, 4261, 4251)
- IBM System x3350 (4193, 4192)
- IBM System x3400 (7976, 7974, 7975, 7973)
- IBM System x3400 M2 (7837, 7836)
- IBM System x3400 M3 (7378, 7379)
- IBM System x3500 (7977)
- IBM System x3500 M2 (7839)
- IBM System x3500 M3 (7380)
- IBM System x3550 (7978, 1913)
- IBM System x3550 M2 (7946, 4198)
- IBM System x3550 M3 (4254)
- IBM System x3620 M3 (7376)
- IBM System x3650 (1914, 7979)
- IBM System x3650 M2 (7947, 4199)
- IBM System x3650 M3 (4255, 7376, 5454, 7945)
- IBM System x3650 NAS (7979)
- IBM System x3690 X5 (7149, 7148)
- IBM System x3755 (7163)
- IBM System x3755 M3 (7164)
- IBM System x3850 M2 (7141, 7144, 7234, 7233)
- IBM System x3850 X5 (7146, 7145)
- IBM System x3950 M2 (7141, 7234, 7233)
- IBM System x3950 X5 (7145)
- IBM System x iDataPlex dx360 M3 server (6391)
Change history
Support Kernels:
- SLES 11 SP 2
- SLES 11 SP 1
- SLES 11
Version — Suggested
- Fixed an issue where the driver would report the same Hard Disk Drive to OS twice.
Version — Suggested
- Fixed issue where an internal reset can occur when a device is removed
Version — Suggested
- Add support for RHEL 5.4 kernels
- Changed device missing delay timer from 8 bit to 16 bit structure to prevent the midlayer from timing out commands while the driver is still handling the device removal delay.
- Fix issue where the IOdeviceMissingDelay and ReportDeviceMissingDelay where incorrectly converted to big endian as a 16 bit value instead of a 8 bit value
Version — Suggested
- Add SLES 10 SP3 support in fixid package
Version — Suggested
- Fixed an issue that caused kernel panics on PAE kernels with more than 4GB RAM.
- Fixed an issue where a T10 DIF enabled device would not be detected at power on or reset.
- Fixed an issue where cable pulls cause intermittent problems.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the mptctl module from loading.
- Worked around an issue caused by some SATA devices sending incorrect SAS addresses.
- Fixed an issue where, on big endian systems, expander port info was read incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the driver doesn’t return all sense data in SLES11.
- Fixed an issue where, hen a volume is deleted using MSM, the drives which were part of the volume are not getting added to the OS.
- For 64-bit systems, implemented a work around for a bug in kernel API dma_get_required_mask() where we need to set the desired DMA mask before reading the required mask.
- The default value for TUR retry mpt_cmd_retry_count is increased from 144 to 300.
- The driver now returns DID_NO_CONNECT for all pending I/O requests for a particular target, if it finds the target was removed at the firmware level.
- Added support for fetching information for the sysfs attributes provided by transport layer in the sas_expander class.
- Added support for SLES 11 and RHEL 5.3 and 5.4.
Version — Suggested
- Fixed an issue where targets were not found when the driver is initially loaded.
- Fixed an issue where, after removing and readding a volume during heavy I/O, the volume is not detected.
- Fixed a timing issue which prevented the detection of hot-inserted devices.
- Fixed an issue which could occasionally cause a kernel panic when a cable was pulled.
- Resolved a conflict with a function definition in the RHEL 5.2 kernel.
- Fixed an issue which caused mkinitrd failures in SLES 10.
- Fixed an issue where bad drive information was not cleared on removal, which caused a system reboot when a new good drive was inserted.
- Fixed an issue which caused a driver crash during kdump.
- Fixed an issue where, after deleting an array, the drivers from that array are no longer be seen by the OS.
- Adjusted a timing value to ensure that devices added during error recovery are seen.
Version — Suggested
- Fixed an issue where the OS becomes unresponsive during startup and shutdown after repeated power cycles.
Version — Suggested
- Fixed an issue where, due to an incorrect delay timing, LUNs may not return after a 7157 reset.
- Fixed an issue where the driver was not adding a device when a new device was detected by the firmware.
- Added a new function to handle the removal, addition, or swapping of devices during a reset.
- Corrected an issue where, if a system with a multipath environment was shutdown ungracefully, the OS might no longer boot.
- Fixed an issue where the BIOS version of the controller was reported in hexadecimal, rather than decimal.
- Fixed an issue where, if an external storage enclosure is configured with multiple LUNs, with no LUN 0, none of the LUNs would be detected.
- Fixed an issue which caused a kernel panic when a cable was pulled on a device with the device missing delay enabled.
- Moved firmware event handling to a separate, single CPU threaded, work queue, and prevented events from being handled during a firmware reset.
Version — Suggested
- Moved the “ioc not found” debug message MPT_DEBUG_IOCTL debug level.
- Fixed issue where hidden RAID components were not being reported to /dev/sg when they were brought online after being taken offline by an application.
- Fixed an issue that is seen when an HBA reports that it supports less than the hard coded queue depth value of 128.
- Made some adjustments to handle config page request time outs resulting from low resources.
- added “id», «channel», and «phys_num” to logging info for IR2 events.
- Enabled MSI interrupt routing for all SAS parts.
- Added functionality to Power Management to enable/disable resources from power management entry points, and to block IO.
- Made improvements to the processing of events in SAS Transport topology reporting.
- For kernels newer than 2.6.20, implemented a new method for requesting resources at driver load time which avoids using IORESOURCES_IO unless the part requires firmware download. This solves a possible resource shortage when handling multiple HBAs.
- Fixed an oops in mptctl_getiocinfo when traversing the sdevice list while trying to obtain the number of devices.
- Fixed a function definition conflict which is seen with the SLES 10 update 2 kernel.
Version — Suggested
- Broadcast AEN support for multi-initiator devices
- Fixed compile errors for kernels above 2.6.20
- Fixed an issue where extra device nodes were mapped to the same device when the HBA had target_mode enabled.
- Added dual port support for RAID volumes with two paths to a single device.
- Fixed an issue where a driver panic would occur when the mptspi driver was loaded for a controller with IR firmware.
- Fixed an issue which caused the driver to hang when loading CSMI agents in RHEL 5.
- Fixed an issue where CSMI agents were not returning any data for SMP_PASSTHRU.
- Fixed an issue where the controller failed to resume when coming out of hibernation.
Version — Suggested
- Added RHEL5 support
- Fixed issue where GET_LOCATION ioctl in csmitool didn’t work
- Fixed issue where a panic was seen when csmitool ioctl GET_PHY_INFO was called in RHEL5 32-bit.
- Fixed issue where pulling a drive from a RAID1 volume would result in the volume being remounted as “read-only”.
Version — Suggested
- Fixed issue where GET_RAID_CONFIG in csmitool didn’t show fault tolerant volume with rebuilding status when it’s rebuilding.
- Fixed issue where GET_RAID_CONFIG in csmitool didn’t show FAILED logical volumes.
Version 3.03.15-1 — Suggested
- Fixed issue where ioctl get_raid_config doesn’t display a sas address when drive is pulled.
- Fixed issue with the displays of a hotspare in IS volumes.