Mac os extract zip

How to Open Zip Files on Mac OS

Zip files are archives that function as a single compressed package of a either multiple files, a folder, or a single item. Zip files are frequently encountered when downloading stuff from the web or elsewhere to a Mac, and while the Zip format used to be widely limited to the Windows world, .zip archives are often created and used on Mac OS now too.

If you get a zip file you may be wondering how you can open the archive to view what it is and extract the internal components of the zip archive. Wonder no more, it turns out that opening and unzipping files on a Mac is very easy thanks to the built-in Archive Utility tool.

Remember: a zip file (with a .zip extension) is simply a container holding another file or files. You don’t so much open it as you extract it to reveal the contents of the zip archive. For example, a single zip file may contain a handful of documents of various file types, or an entire folder of JPG files, or an application, or any such similar data. The zip file is simply the compressed data presented as a single archive.

How to Open Zip Files on a Mac

Extracting a zip file on a Mac is super easy:

  1. Locate the Zip archive file in the Finder of the Mac
  2. Double-click the .zip archive file to begin extracting the zip archive *

When finished, the unzipped contents will appear in the same folder as the original .zip archive

That’s it. In the example above, a zip file named ‘’ was extracted to create a folder called ‘Archive’ which contains the contents of the origin zip file.

The built in Archive Utility tool in Mac OS will open the zip archive and extract the file(s), typically they are placed within a folder of the same name of the zip archive, minus the .zip file extension.

You can also extract zip files by right-clicking (or Control+clicking) on a .zip archive and choosing to “Open”, or if you have third party unzip utilities installed (more on that in a moment), you can choose “Open With” and select another archive tool.

The Mac also includes an ultra simple ability to make a zip file or even to make a password protected zip file.

* If the zip archive is password protected, the proper password must be entered before the zip file will be extracted.

How to Open Zip Archives in Mac OS with The Unarchiver

Another option is to use the popular third party archive extraction tool called The Unarchiver to open .zip archives on the Mac. To do this, you will need to download and install The Unarchiver first.

  1. Get The Unarchiver from the Mac App Store
  2. Launch The Unarchiver and associate it with archive files
  3. Double-click any zip archive to open it with and decompress with The Unarchiver

Once The Unarchiver is installed and launched, it will want to associate with all known archive types on the Mac. This enables the third party tool to open zip archives and other items in Mac OS that the default Archive Utility may not support, which is another benefit. The Unarchiver can open zip archives as well as open RAR files on a Mac, zip CPGZ files, bz2 bzip, .7z files, .sit, gzip gz, tar, and many other file archive formats that you may encounter when downloading data from the internet or in emails. That vast support for extracting a wide variety of file types is one of the many reasons why The Unarchiver is a great third party app to add to a Mac.

Whether you use the default Archive Utility tool that comes with Mac OS to open zip files or go for the third party solution like The Unarchiver is entirely up to you, both will open a zip file with a simple double-click option.

Extract Zip Files with Terminal

The ‘unzip’ command is available in the Terminal to unzip archived zip files as well. The syntax is simple, just point the command at a zip archive to extract it to the present working directory.

You can also make a zip file via command line if desired, using the ‘zip’ command and pointing at a file or path to a folder as discussed here.

Can you view the contents of a zip file without extracting the archive?

You may be wondering if it’s possible to view the contents of a compressed zip archive, without bothering to extract the actual archive. In fact, you can easily do this using multiple methods, some of which are built directly into Mac OS via the command line. You can read how to view the contents of zip archives without extracting them here if this interests you.

How do you make a zip file on the Mac anyway?

You can read a detailed tutorial on how to make zip files in Mac OS here if interested. The short version is that you can select a file or group of files, right-click, and choose “Compress” to make a quick zip archive of those selected items. It’s very easy.

Have any other questions about zip files? Let us know in the comments!


Как открывать Zip-файлы в Mac OS

Zip-файлы – это архивы, которые являются сжатой папкой с несколькими файлами, другой папкой или же одним файлом. Они часто встречаются, когда вы скачиваете что-то в сети. Раньше формат Zip ограничивался только миром Windows, но теперь такие архивы часто создают и используют в Mac OS.

Если вы когда-нибудь скачивали архивы, то уже наверняка интересовались тем, как же их открывать и просматривать, что находится внутри. Оказывается, открывать архивы на Mac очень легко благодаря встроенному архиватору.

Запомните, zip-файл (с расширением .zip) – это просто папка, содержащая другие папки или файлы. Их надо не столько открывать, сколько извлекать из них содержимое. Например, в одном архиве может быть много документов разных типов, целая папка с картинками, программа и т.п. Файл zip – это просто сжатые данные в виде одного архива.

Как открывать Zip-файлы на Mac

Извлечь данные из архива на Mac очень легко:

  1. Найдите Zip-файл через Finder.
  2. Дважды нажмите на архив .zip, чтобы начать извлечение.
  3. Когда процесс завершится, извлечённые файлы появятся в той же папке, в которой находится и сам архив.

Это всё. На примере выше мы извлекли данные из архива «», и рядом появился файл «Vikings.S04E19.HDTV.FLEET.en».

Обычно встроенный архиватор Mac OS извлекает данные zip-файлов в папки с таким же названием, но уже без расширения .zip.

Также можно извлечь данные из архива, нажав на него правой кнопкой мыши (или нажатие + Control) и выбрав «Открыть». Если у вас установлен сторонний разархиватор, вы можете нажать «Открыть с помощью» и выбрать его.

На Mac можно и создавать архивы, а также защищать их паролем.

Примечание: Если zip-файл защищён паролем, его нужно будет ввести перед извлечением данных.

Как открывать архивы с помощью The Unarchiver

Ещё один вариант – воспользоваться популярной программой The Unarchiver.

  1. СкачайтеThe UnarchiverизMac App Store.
  2. Запустите The Unarchiver и отметьте галочками все форматы архивов.
  3. Дважды нажмите на любой zip-файл, чтобы извлечь из него данные с помощью The Unarchiver.

Когда программа The Unarchiver будет установлена и запущена, вам нужно выбрать, какие форматы файлов будут открываться с её помощью. В списке есть форматы, которые не открывает встроенный разархиватор, и это большой плюс. The Unarchiver может открывать архивы формата zip, а также RAR, zip CPGZ, bz2 bzip, .7z, sit, gzip gz, tar и т.д. Большой список поддерживаемых форматов делает The Unarchiver отличной программой для Mac.

Пользоваться встроенной программой или The Unarchiver – решать только вам. Главное, что они обе смогут открыть zip-файл простым двойным нажатием.

Как открывать Zip-файлы через Terminal

В Terminal есть команда «unzip», которая тоже может открывать архивы. Ниже приведён пример команды:

Архив можно и создать с помощью командной строки, использовав команду «zip» и указав расположение файла или папки.


Open .7z files on a Mac

So you’ve come across a .7z file and you’re on a Mac, what is it and how do you use it? First off, a .7z file is an archive format that stands for 7-zip, you can think of it like any other archive file. By default, Mac OS X does not know how to handle these files, but that’s not a big deal because there’s a freely available app that will open the .7z file for you, offering simple access to extract the 7zip archive and get to the contents.

We’ll walk you through how to open .7z archive files on any version of Mac OS, it’s quick and easy.

How to Open a .7z File in Mac OS X

Follow these steps to open and decompress .7z files on a Mac:

  1. First you need to download Unarchiver (it’s free, you can also get it from the Mac App Store)
  2. Launch Unarchiver and you’ll see a file association list, tell Unarchiver to associate with .7z files (you can select others if you wish)
  3. Once Unarchiver is associated with the .7z you can then double-click any .7z file on your Mac and it will open and uncompress like any other archive format, or you can launch Unarchiver and drag and drop 7z files into the utility

  • Let the decompression of the 7z complete before attempting to open or interact with the extracted files contents
  • That’s all there is to it, now you’ll always be able to open the .7z archive files on your Mac.

    Now that The UnArchiver has been installed and associated with .7z 7-zip files, you can then just launch a .7z archive by double-clicking on it, and it will open within the UnArchiver utility, decompressing in the same location of the original 7z file and then automatically exiting the application when finished. You can also open The Unarchiver directly, and then open the file through Unarchiver directly, where it will extract as well.

    Because 7zip archives are strongly compressed, it can take a little while to extract a large 7z file, and don’t be surprised if the 7-zip expands into something much larger than it’s original file size as an archive. This is normal, just make sure you have sufficient disk space to accommodate the uncompressed data.

    Unarchiver is a very popular solution to open all sorts of archive formats on a Mac, it has been discussed here before as an alternate when you need to open and unrar RAR files in Mac OS X as well, and it can basically open any imaginable archive format you may come across whether it’s 7z, zip, sit, tgz, tar, gz, rar, bzip, hqx, and much more, and whether or not it’s arriving from a mystery source, or from another computer running Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux. Because of it’s broad flexibility and free cost, it’s a good addition to any Mac software toolkit. You can think of it like a swiss army knife for archives.

    The Unarchiver also supports just about every release of Mac OS system software that is still in use, whether you’re on a modern release of MacOS High Sierra, Sierra, Mac OS X El Capitan, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Yosemite, Snow Leopard, etc, it will work and get the job done to open and decompress 7zip and many other archive formats.


    How to Zip and Unzip Files and Folders on a Mac

    File compression is included in macOS

    What to Know

    • Zip a single file or folder: Control-click or right-click it and select Compress.
    • Zip multiple files or folders: Shift-click to select them. Control-click or right-click selected files and choose Compress.
    • Unzip an archive: Double-click the archive.

    This article explains how to zip and unzip files and folders on a Mac using the Archive Utility built into macOS Big Sur (11.0) through Mac OS X 10.8.

    Apple hides the Archive Utility because it’s a core service of the operating system. While this utility is tucked away, Apple makes zipping and unzipping files and folders extremely easy by selecting them in the Finder.

    How to Make a Zip File on Mac: Zip a Single File or Folder

    Compress and decompress a single file or folder using Finder to access the Archive Utility built into Macs.

    Open Finder and navigate to the file or folder you want to compress.

    Control-click or right-click the item and select Compress item name.

    Look for the compressed version of the file. It has the same name as the original file with a .zip extension.

    The Archive Utility zips the selected file and leaves the original file or folder intact. The compressed version is in the same folder as the original file.

    Zip Multiple Files and Folders

    Compressing multiple files and folders works about the same as compressing a single item. The main difference is the name of the zip file.

    Usually, you’ll use the Archive Utility without launching it. However, if you have a large number of files to compress or decompress, you can launch the utility and drag and drop files and folders on it. The Archive Utility is located at System > Library > CoreServices > Applications.

    Open the folder that contains the files or folders you want to compress.

    Select the items you want to include in the zip file. Shift-click to select a range of files or command-click to select nonadjacent items.

    Right-click or control-click any one of the items and select Compress. This time, the word Compress comes with the number of items you selected, such as Compress 5 Items.

    Find compressed items in a file called, which is in the same folder as the originals.

    If you already have an, a number comes after the new archive’s name. For example, Archive, Archive, and so on.

    How to Unzip Files

    To unzip a file or folder, double-click the zip file. The file or folder decompresses in the same folder as the compressed file.

    If the zip file contains one file, the new decompressed item has the same name as the original. If a file with the same name exists, the decompressed file has a number appended to its name.

    This same naming process applies when a zip file contains multiple items. If the folder contains an Archive, the new folder is called Archive 2.

    Third-Party Apps for Zipping and Unzipping Mac Files

    The built-in compression system that can zip and unzip files in macOS and OS X is relatively basic, which is why many third-party apps are also available. A quick look at the Mac App Store reveals more than 50 apps for zipping and unzipping files.

    If you want more file compression features than Apple offers in its Archive Utility, these third-party apps might help.


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